• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 2,426 Views, 54 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria 2 - Lady Umbra

After fufilling her dream of being a Kung-Fu Master, Twilight must now defend everything she worked for when a villain from her unknown past resurfaces to claim what is rightfully his with the aid of a weapon that can stop Kung-Fu itself

  • ...

Sombra Returns

The Jade Dragon Library had gotten much more popular lately. As Twilight neared her old home, she saw the place swarming with dragons and ponies alike, all badgering the purple and orange dragons herding them out.

"Is it true that the Celestial Warrior used to work in this place?" several kept asking. "Did she like quesadillas? What was her favorite activity? What was her favorite book?"

"For the six hundredth time," Spike grumped. "If you're not buying anything, we really can't keep you here."

"Come on, now, folks," Smolder added. "You can gawk all you want outside."

Yet, as they got the last of the ponies out, heads turned as Twilight approached.

"The Celestial Warrior!" they breathed in awe, bowing before her. Twilight chuckled nervously, waving as she slid up to the entrance. Spike, however, forewent formalities entirely, lunging up and pulling her into a hug.

"Twilight!" he greeted. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Smolder gave Spike a knowing grin, and continued to shoo the ponies away with a broom. "Alright, go on and get," she continued to yell, as Spike and Twilight raced inside and shut the door.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight breathed in relief, hugging him tight. "I'm so glad to see you."

"Me too," he said, looking her over and wincing at the sight of some bruises from the changelings. "You okay? They're not making you do anything too dangerous?"

"Oh, no," Twilight insisted, covering the bruises. "Nothing major, but..."

Spike tilted his head and drew up a chair. "But?" he asked.

Twilight sighed. "I need to ask you something."

Spike nodded, shifting on his seat. "I'm listening," he assured her. "You can tell me anything."

Smiling at his assurance, Twilight pulled up her own seat, clutching her hands together.

"So eariler today," she explained. "Me and the girls were fightning these changelings."

"Changelings?" Spike asked nervously.

"Oh, nothing too dangerous," Twilight assured him. "But then... the strangest thing happened."

Spike tilted his head.

"I saw..." Twilight's grip on her hands tightened. "I think I saw... my mom."

Spike blinked. "Like... the changelings shifted into...?"

"No, I mean I had... a vision of her," Twilight insisted. "And me as... a baby."

Spike went wide eyed. He leaned back in his chair, looking away.

"Spike?" Twilight asked, practically curling into a fetal position. "Where... um... are you okay?"

Spike slowly rose up, motioning for her to wait as he walked into the library.

"Spike?" she asked, following after him. "Spike?!"

The dragon didn't speak, walking upstairs to where he and Twilight slept. Twilight activated her magic and teleported in front of him, stopping his dazed walk.

"Spike," Twiilght insisted. "Where did I come from?"

Spike cleared his throat, turning away.

"Well..." he admitted. "Dragons come from eggs..." he started.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "No, I mean..."

"I know-I know," Spike said quickly, smiling half-heartedly. "I'm just not sure how to say it. I probably should've told you a long time ago, but..."

"What? That I'm adopted?"

Spike blinked. "Who told you?" he demanded.

"No one!" Twilight replied. "But, I mean it's kind of obvious!"

"Well, why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you?"

The two paused, considering their viewpoints before Twilight sighed.

"I just want to know... how did you find me, Spike? Where did I come from?"

Spike lowered his head. Twilight waited expectantly. Did he know her mother? Had she given Twilight to him as part of some deep conspiracy?

Her questions were answered when he moved to his closet and pulled out a small crate.

"As far as I knew," Spike said, indicating the crate. "You came from this."

Twilight stared at the crate, uncomprehending, as Spike smiled softly.

"Even after 19 years," he admitted. "I still remember it as if it was yesterday..."

19 years ago...

It was just another day for a ten-year-old Spike: wake up, clean up and get dressed before eating and straightening up his library which was left to him when his father and mother passed.

With his chores complete, Spike went out back to collect the recent additions to the Jade Dragons collection of books and scrolls. Yet as he walked out, he noticed one of the crates shifting and bumping. Just before the crate could spill over, Spike rushed over and caught it, finding a squirming lavender filly inside. Covered in dirt and muck and hugging a scroll like a teddy bear.

For a moment, the filly and dragon blinked up at each other.

"What're you doing in there, little one?" Spike asked.

The filly merely cooed, hugging her scroll tighter as she burrowed into the books. Gently, Spike checked the scroll she was holding - though it was just some science essay. Rummaging through the rest of the crate revealed no note or evidence of why the filly was in his crate.

Spike nearly backed up, but the filly reached out to him with a confused whimper. Briefly, Spike hesitated, but ultimately, he picked the little filly up from the crate.

"Uh... don't worry," he tried to assure her. "I'm sure your parents will come looking for you soon." He glanced at the mud across her body, and brought her back into the library. "Let's get you cleaned up. Help you look nice for when your parents show up."

The filly burbled, but the smile on her face seemed to imply she knew Spike's intentions were pure.

After scrubbing her down, washing the dirt out of her fur and mane, and getting her something to eat, Spike rummaged in his closet, looking for something she could wear. All he found was a dragon onesie he had kept from when he was a hatchling. He had outgrown it years ago, but it fit the little foal like a glove. And with the young pony by his side, Spike got the crates in and went about his business, opening the Jade Dragon Library.

"Okay," Spike said, setting Twilight right next to him at the main desk and handing her a small book for beginners. "Just stay right here, okay? Your parents should show up soon."

The little one cooed, absorbed more in the book than Spike's words. But she seemed sated enough. Spike sat himself down next to her, and fiddled with a small Rubik's cube, waiting for her parents or any customers.

Several ponies came in, and though many of them commented on the little filly and how cute she was, none of them were her parents.

And of course, an orange dragoness showed up as well, followed by her older brother.

"I still don't understand why you want some nampy pamby pony book," the young Garble grumbled.

"I have my reasons," the younger Smolder replied, sharing a small grin with Spike before turning her attention to the scrolls.

Before long, though, the two dragons noticed the cooing filly as she lifted the completed book up to Spike. Without missing a beat, he exchanged her completed book for another book, and she happily went back to reading as the two dragons approached.

"Who's the foal?" Smolder asked, holding a scroll of her own.

"Not sure," Spike replied. "Someone put her in my delivered scrolls. I'm still waiting for her parents to show up."

"Some ponies hefted a foal on you?" Garble asked, tsking. "Too bad for you, man. I've heard of dragons taking princesses before, but babies?" He shuddered. "That's one 'treasure' I don't really see the value in."

Smolder rolled her eyes. "Some dragons never change," she muttered to Spike, before checking out a scroll and walking out, Garble eagerly racing out with her.

Spike shook his head and continued fiddling with the cube. But aside from Smolder and Garble and a few other ponies, no one that appeared related to the filly showed up.

Reluctantly, Spike closed up the library that evening. "What am I supposed to do?" he muttered, before hearing the flare of magic. Turning back around, he saw the little filly pluck his Rubik's Cube off his desk, peering at it curiously.

Before Spike could hope to intervene, the filly let out a cheerful coo before her magic spun the Rubik's cube like a twister. She cheered happily as the colors on the cube blurred.

Spike chuckled, drawing her gaze. "You're a smart one, aren't ya?" he noted, heading to the kitchen and preparing some food for himself and his guest.

Making a sandwich for himself and some mashed vegetables for the filly, he found something pulling at his heart as he fed the little one. The way she stared at him, with pure trust and almost awe... he had almost forgotten what it was liked to be loved like that. He had lived alone for a few years at that point, and though it was natural for dragon parents to not stick around, Spike still felt his chest tighten at the thought of this little one leaving him too.

"Looks like Mommy and Daddy didn't come," Spike noted, trying to keep his voice light.

The filly hummed, tilting her head in confusion.

"But don't worry," he assured her. "You can stay with me. As long as you need." He smiled. "I'm Spike."

"Spii!" she cheered.

Smiling, Spike glanced out the window, watching the sun's rays cross the horizon, and make way for the night.

"Almost twilight," Spike noted.

The filly clapped excitedly. He glanced at her with a grin.

"You like that?" he asked.

Her horn let off several sparkles of joy as she giggled.

"Alright," he agreed. "Twilight Sparkle. Seems appropriate."

"And so," Spike concluded with a small smile. "I chose to raise you. Not really as my daughter but... as my little sister. And since then, my library and my life have been all that brighter."

For a moment, Twilight blinked at Spike, tilting her head. Multiple thoughts ran through her head; appreciation at Spike's generosity first and foremost.

Yet the first question that made it out of her mouth was, "That's it?"

She covered her mouth, already seeing the hurt trying to blossom on Spike's face.

"I mean... not that I don't appreciate what you did for me!" Twilight stammered. "I do, really! I just..." She sighed, looking back down at the crate. "Who was my mother?"

Spike shrugged. "I can't really tell you that," he admitted, sliding the crate back into the closet before taking her hands. "But Twilight... even though your story didn't start off that great, look out well it turned out."

Twilight gazed up at her old room as Spike spoke.

"You got an awesome older brother," he noted. "You got the Jade Dragon. And then you got Kung-Fu."

Twilight smiled and nodded, relief flooding her as Spike smiled back. And yet, the same questions couldn't stop buzzing in her mind.

Where did I come from? She thought forlornly. Who was my mother? Why did she leave me? And the worst one of all, buzzing around her head like a gnat as she left:

Who am I?

Clink... clink... clink...

The Masters were training today. As the dark unicorn approached the courtyard of the Crystal Castle, the sounds of combat drowned out his clinking steps. But noise could not drown out sight, as the head guard of the Crystal Castle glowered at the approaching unicorn.

"Halt!" the guard demanded.

Clink.... clink... clink...

"I said 'halt!'" The guard ordered, stepping forward... only to be thrown against the wall. He slumped to the ground, utterly knocked out.

Clink... clink... clink...

Inside the courtyard, he saw them: three of the finest Masters.

Big Mac, the red earth pony stallion, watching with a proud grin as the hulking pegasus Bulk Biceps sparred with the orange pegasus Flash Sentry. Further away, a familiar zebra sat watching the match with a cup of tea.

Green eyes narrowed in anger. A red horn swept up in an arc.


The fighters halted their match. Big Mac's grin faded to a confused frown. He rose as the black unicorn strode into the courtyard like a dragon returning to his horde.

"Sombra?" whispered through the courtyard, ranging from shocked, to confused, to resigned.

Sombra smiled, and gave a polite bow. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," he greeted, his feet clinking with every step. "Now that we've gotten the pleasantries out of the way... please leave my home." He gestured to the door he had just cut open.

Big Mac's frown turned irritated. "Yer home?" he growled, as Bulk Biceps flared his - admittedly small - wings.

Sombra glanced back at the inscription on the doors.

"Didn't the Crystal Pony on the front door give it away?" Sombra asked. He turned to the zebra, who merely watched him out of the corner of her eye. Disappointment was more prevalent on her face than anything else. Sombra huffed.

"Hello again, Zecora," he greeted, his voice gaining a particular tint of venom to it as he approached her. "It seems your fortune telling skills are 'not' as good as you thought."

"Believe me, we shall see," Zecora replied, shutting her eyes and turning from him. Sombra's frown deepened, and he resisted the urge to blast her in the back.

"We shall see, you old horse," he seethed, before Big Mac's voice pulled his attention away.

"What d'ya want, Sombra?" Big Mac growled, dwarfing the unicorn even from several feet away. Sombra huffed.

"Just what's rightfully mine," he replied with a grin, though the grin quickly faded as he made his demand: "The Crystal Empire!"

"It don't belong to ya," Big Mac replied.

"Yeah!" Bulk agreed.

"It belongs to the Master's Council," Flash Sentry added, flaring his wings as he took a combat stance. "And we'll protect it 'even' from you."

Sombra chuckled darkly. The masters readied for battle, yet their attention was drawn to a large sealed box, being dragged into the courtyard by around a dozen changelings.

"I'm glad you feel that way," Sombra replied, glancing back at the box. "Otherwise, I dragged that here for nothing."

"What's in the box?" Bulk demanded.

"Don't you see?" Sombra asked mockingly. "It's a gift." He paused. "Or more like your... parting gift. In that it will part you."

Flash flinched, and Sombra turned to him with a malicious grin, pointing to various parts of the courtyard.

"Part of you here," Sombra noted. "Part of you there. And part of you..." He pointed to the castle behind Big Mac. "Way over there." His teeth flashed. "Staining the wall!"

Bulk's face turned red with fury. Roaring, he rushed at the unicorn... only for Sombra to leap over him and smash him into the ground. Flash tried to defend his partner, but Sombra redirected the orange pegasus away, sending several spells after him.

Flash dodged and ducked away from the blasts before turning and rushing
Sombra again. At the same time, Bulk pulled himself up from the ground, and together, the pegasi enveloped Sombra in a series of rushes.

Sombra tried desperately to dodge their speed - even Bulk managed to become a white blur in his eyes. But it left him unable to focus on Big Mac, who strode down and delivered a hard kick to Sombra's gut.

The dark unicorn was flung back into the box, cracking the wood with a BANG! The changelings scattered while Sombra slid to the ground with a seething hiss, clutching at his dented armor. Yet, his green eyes still shined with malice as he struggled to pull himself up.

"Show off," he snarled.

"That was just ah warning," Big Mac replied.

"Yeah," Bulk agreed.

"You're no match for our kung-fu!" Flash said with a grin.

Sombra pulled himself up, using the box as support.

"Maybe," he admitted, before glancing at his box. "But this is!"

Lunging onto the top of the box, Sombra let the wood fall, revealing a large metal cannon with the face of a demon. Big Mac huffed and began to stride forward, ready to buck the cannon into scrap metal.

But before he could get close enough, Sombra lit the fuse.

A flash of light blinded the masters. Big Mac grunted as a ball of flaming iron smashed into his gut. And in an instant, the earth stallion was gone.

Bulk and Flash blinked, almost wondering if the light had blinded them too much. But then they heard Big Mac... whimper.

They spun, their jaws dropping in horror. Even Zecora stood with a gasp, covering her mouth.

At the end of the courtyard Big Mac lay against the wall. His arms were gone. As were his legs. Scattered ironically to the very places that Sombra had pointed out. As Big Mac choked on his own blood, the red fur and liquid staining the very wall Sombra had pointed to, Big Mac's eyes lifted to the sky, tears joining the blood on his face.

"AJ... Applebloom..." Big Mac choked out. "I'm... sorry..."

Then his head slumped against the wall, and the light left his eyes forever.

Tai Lung walked past the borders of Ponyville and breathed deeply. Once, he had made the denizens quiver in fear. But in his new garb - a green and gold trimmed robe covering his left arm and half his chest - the ponies seemed far less wary of him. It was nice to know that it was finally getting to them that he was a different leopard. That he was changing for the better.

"Enjoying the redemption?" a blue furred earth pony quipped next to him.

He chuckled. "You know you don't have to change how you look, Urtica" he replied. "I prefer the real you, after all."

She shrugged, glancing at the denizens of Ponyville. "But do they?" she replied.

Tai Lung pondered that. On the one hand, he didn't really care what some citizens thought of his friend. But on the other, did his apathy mean that he could be slipping back to darkness? He shuddered at that thought.

Before he could decide on a reply...


Tai Lung chuckled, turning to the source. "Hay is for..." he started to say, only for his smile to fade.

Derpy was flapping desperately towards them. And for once, her usual smile was gone. A scroll bound with a crystal pendant was clutched to her chest.

"Tai Lung," Derpy stammered, skidding to a stop. "The Crystal Empire... I... I just don't know what went wrong..."

Gently, Urtica pat the pegasus' back, calming her down, while Tai Lung took the scroll from the pegasus. Checking that Derpy was calming, Tai Lung opened the scroll and began to read.

He realized exactly why Derpy was panicking within the first few paragraphs.

He shut the scroll, taking a deep breath.

"Tai?" Urtica asked, sensing his emotions.

With no time to explain, Tai Lung turned tail and bolted to the Palace. With his speed, he cleared Ponyville and raced into the Palace. As he broke the door down, he feared for a moment that his mother would assume he was back to his old ways.

"MOTHER!" he bellowed. "WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"

Thankfully, though Rainbow Dash zoomed at him ready for another fight, she was quickly stopped by Luna. The Celestial Warrior and the rest of the Furious Five hurried after her as she turned back to her son.

"What is it, Tai?" she asked.

He handed the scroll to his mother, backing up with an apologetic look to the others.

However, his apology was soon unneeded. For as Luna read from the scroll, her eyes widened as well, before setting into grim determination.

"Master Luna?" Twilight asked.

Luna shut her eyes with a grimace. "Are any of you familiar with the Master of the Crystal Empire?" Luna asked.

"Master Big Macintosh?" Twilight asked.


"Son of Legendary Master Bright Macintosh?" Applejack replied proudly.

"Yes," Luna whispered, handing Twilight the scroll.

"And slayer of the ten-thousand serpents of the Valley of Woe?" Applejack added, puffing her chest out in pride.

"He's dead."

Luna lowered her head as Applejack paused, looking like Luna had just slapped her. As for the others, all their heads turned to the scroll, reading the news.

"Whoa," Pinkie whimpered, before Applejack tore the scroll from their grip, her eyes darting back and forth across the page as they read the news. Horror and despair crept up on her face.

"That..." she stammered, dropping the scroll. "That can't be the truth! Mah brother can buck through any technique!" Tears formed in her eyes. "He's too strong ta die!"

"It was no technique that killed your brother, Applejack," Luna assured her, patting Tai Lung's shoulder as she walked out to the palace stairs. "Lord Sombra has created a dark version of Pinkie Pie's party technique. One that breathes fire and spits metal instead of confetti and cake."

Pinkie Pie gasped in horror. "But those are way too dangerous to use! Even more dangerous than chocolate chips!"

She turned gravely to her students. "Unless he is stopped... this could be the end of Kung Fu."

"No!" Twilight stammered. "I just got Kung Fu!"

"And now, you must save it," Luna replied. She pointed her staff to the Crystal Empire. "We must destroy this weapon, and bring Lord Sombra to justice!"

Rainbow Dash pumped her wings, while Tai Lung cracked his knuckles. Applejack trembled as she clenched her fists, while Pinkie Pie yanked out her cannon. Fluttershy breathed to steady her nerves, while Rarity's horn lit up in preparation. Twilight, however...

"Master Luna," she said uncertainly. "How can Kung Fu stop something specifically made to stop Kung Fu? That's like a dragon trying to fight something that kills dragons!"

"And yet, it is still possible for the dragon to triumph," Luna replied. "All you need... is inner peace." She turned to Applejack. "Which is why you will be staying here."

"With all due respect," Applejack growled, moving to go past Luna. "Ain't no way ah'm sitting this one out."

She tried to step past, only for Luna to trip her off her feet. Twilight winced as she remembered the move.

"You are not in the right mind to face this weapon," Luna insisted. "You won't fight for justice. You will fight for revenge."

Applejack glared up at her, her eyes bloodshot and her face red. Luna sighed, helping her up, but keeping a firm grip on her wrist.

"Applejack, listen to me," she insisted. "Vengeance has a way of rebounding upon oneself. When you seek revenge you must dig two graves. You know this."

"But he... he..." Applejack choked out, tears flooding her eyes as she fell to her knees, clutching Luna's arm. "Big Mac..." she whimpered.

Luna lowered herself to Applejack's level, resting her head against hers in comfort. The others glanced at each other, unsure how to comfort their friend, before Rainbow Dash strode over to her friend and rested her hand on her shoulder.

"We're gonna get this guy," she promised Applejack. "He's gonna regret ever looking at Big Mac, I promise you that."