• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 30: Parents Portent and Pabulum

The room looked like a complete mess. There wasn't so much as a square centimeter of open space. Everything seemed to be strewn about haphazardly. Colorful bolts of cloth were scattered among drab patterns. Sketches were weighted down at random points by needles, notions, and knickknacks.

Above floor level, the reality of the situation was revealed in a pale blue aura. An orchestra of cloth and creativity, needle and thread, teased out a symphony of fashion at the direction of the white unicorn pony on the rostrum as she measured out the tempo with her horn. With each passing moment, an elegant dress was born and hung from a peg on the wall.

Three short fairytale escapees with large ears and large eyes added to the elegance as they replicated the dresses in different sizes, while a witch added to their efforts as she waved her wand. Despite using two sewing machines each, they could barely keep up with the unicorn's pace.

No words needed to be exchanged; where the maestro led, the others followed.

An owl appeared, apparently from nowhere, into the maelstrom. Production ground to a halt as everyone focused on the intruder. The bird juked out of the path of a bolt of forest green silk while twisting in a barrel roll around a pair of shears that threatened to impale it. It screeched in terror when it found itself in front of a fusillade of straight pins. Millimeters away from its body, a pale blue glow collected both the projectiles and the evidence of the owl's panic.

“Are you all right, darling?” Rarity inquired as she set the owl on a table near her. “That was a close one.”

“Who,” agreed the owl shakily.

“Is it that time already?” Lady Greengrass asked, placing her wand’s tip on the pouch the owl was wearing. “With everything we’ve manage to accomplish, this day has simply slipped by. Ex dimittere.”

Amidst the cacophony, the two Greengrass ladies were surprised when the bag regurgitated three balls of fluff instead of the expected one.

“Astoria, dear,” Lady Greengrass said with a smile. “I see you’ve brought company.”

“Yes Mother,” Astoria said, quickly regaining her hooves as her two friends lay splayed on their backs, still suffering from the stunning mode of travel. “These are my friends Sudden Flake and Constant Flow. Their parents said they could spend the afternoon here if that meets with your approval.”

Lady Greengrass reached down and picked up the white unicorn filly, flipping her over and placing her on her unsteady hooves. “I see you failed to warn them about the particulars of this mode of travel.”

“Fanks,” Sudden Flake said as she swayed slightly.

“That was actually fun!” Constant Flow exclaimed, flipping herself over, even as Lady Greengrass was reaching for her. “You do this every day?”

“It is a somewhat unique method of commuting,” Rarity said, taking her eyes off her work for the moment. “However, it is not something to which one cannot become accustomed.”

“Your mom has a ring foo?” Sudden Flake looked up at the towering human with a shy smile. “Faf’s cool!”

“Astoria?” Lady Greengrass asked. “Did you inform their parents exactly where their daughters would be spending the afternoon?”

“Yes.” Astoria nodded her head. “Our home.”

“Did you happen to mention the fact that our home is in a different dimension?” Rarity asked with a hint of suspicion.

“No.” Astoria frowned. “Should I have?”

“We’re in a different dimension?” Constant Flow asked excitedly. “Cool! I can’t wait to go exploring!”

“I’ll take you down to the muggle village,” Astoria said. “That is, if they have your permission to stay, Mother.” The filly turned a devastatingly effective pair of puppy eyes onto the elder Greengrass.

Lady Greengrass sighed. “I’m afraid I don’t have the time to escort you. We are opening a new branch of Rarity’s business in Canterlot. One of the Crusaders' properties has become vacant, and it would be inadvisable to pass on such an opportunity. Perhaps you should restrict yourselves to the manor.”

“Actually,” Rarity said, “Straight Line hasn’t been to the village yet. She could accompany the foals and get some fresh air in the bargain. She’s been cooped up in the house, and a nudge toward exploring would do her a world of good.”

“Who’s Faight Line?” Sudden Flake asked.

“She’s my tutor,” Astoria said. “You’re going to like her.”

“I suppose we are disrupting her lesson plans as it is.” Lady Greengrass pursed her lips. “Very well, you may ask her to escort you; I can see you wish to impress your friends. However, if she declines, you are to stay on the grounds.”

“Thanks, Mother.” Astoria turned to trot from the room. “We won’t take any more of your time. Come on, girls; let’s go.”

“Bye, Aforia’s mother.” Sudden Flake waved a hoof before following.

“Yes, bye.” Constant Flow waved her own hoof. “Thanks for allowing us to stay.”

Once the foals had left the room Rarity said, “She never introduced us.”

“It was bad manners.” Lady Greengrass nodded. “However, she was excited, having friends over for the first time. It is no excuse, and I shall be speaking to her about it later, but I saw no need to embarrass her in front of the other two.”

Rarity returned her attention back to the fashion flotilla. “I suppose foals will be foals,” she commented. “You don’t think Straight Line will actually take them to the village, do you?”

“Thank you for that suggestion, by the way,” Lady Greengrass said. “It’ll soften the blow. There is no doubt that Straight Line will decline. She has been more skittish than a mouse making its way across a room full of kneasels.”

“Being thrust into a world full of large gangly, err, people will do that to a mare.” Rarity agreed. “I believe she has yet to venture past the front door.”

“Regardless,” Lady Greengrass said, “I shall be taking a small break to write their parents. I need to make them aware of what they permitted their daughters to do as well as extend an offer to keep their children for supper.”

Professor McGonagall looked at the gathered first-years in her office and suppressed a frown. It was turning out to be a trying year, and frankly, she was happy to nip their newest venture in the bud before something spectacular came of it. “And what exactly do you think you are building on the grounds?” She sent a harsh glare to make her displeasure known.

“A ballista,” Miss Lovegood replied without hesitation while her friends did their best not to look guilty.

“Why . . .” Professor McGonagall pinched the bridge of her nose. “. . . exactly are you building a ballista?”

“Because we realized it would have come in handy for the hydra,” Mr. Weasley stated.

“You are supposed to leave that poor hydra alone,” Professor McGonagall said sternly.

“We know,” said Neville. “We weren’t planning on using it on him. But it doesn't hurt to have a fallback in case the wards fail.”

“We’re going to have an upper-year add shrinking runes for us,” Miss Bates added.

“That way we can keep it in our pocket.” Miss Brown smiled.

In a tight voice, Professor McGonagall said, “One of your members can already toss around highly destructive balls of fire on a whim. I’d appreciate it if you did not add flying lethal lengths of lumber to my worries.”

“So,” Mr. Potter sulked. “No ballista then?”

“I shall be alerting Hagrid to this new source of firewood,” Professor McGonagall said with finality.

For the centaurs, life was literally a journey. To survive, they needed to travel to find plants and prey. Staying for too long would leave the land barren. For Licenta, however, the painstaking search for edible plants and game trails had been replaced with leisurely trots on tarmacadam. Now that she was living among humans, what had been a daily struggle for simple sustenance had been replaced by a weekly jaunt to a paradise of plenty. Instead of having to wake in a different place each day in order to find food, she now had to stay in the same place every night so that others could find her. She had almost forgotten what it meant to move when her new family had announced that they were relocating too someplace better.

The new dwelling was considerably larger than the one they had been inhabiting, and Licenta's human family was excited over the new location, a sentiment she couldn’t help but share, as the atmosphere of elation was contagious. Mr. Thomas was particularly overjoyed at winning the contest that had yielded the larger home. Mrs. Thomas was elated at winning the sweepstakes that would pay for the resulting bump in their council tax and utilities.

Breaking camp and relocating hadn’t been even remotely difficult. One of Mrs. Thomas’ friends had learned about the move and had volunteered the services of a grumpy little elf who did all of the work. Although volunteered, his services came at an unexpected cost, as he spent the entire time insulting every member of the family. Licenta herself, was called several disturbing things, not the least of which was "horse butt". She couldn’t help it if she had an equine rear; she had been born that way, after all.

Not even borrowing Rosie’s ring could remove the butt of that jab. Whenever she used that magical artifact, Licenta ended up as a little pony. It would have been nice if she had wings like Rosie and Eva, but she wasn’t that lucky. Instead, she kept bumping her horn into inopportune objects, resulting in more than a few instances of distasteful sensations coming from that new appendage. The little elf's commentary had been even less pleasant after he had backed into her smaller form. At least her coat stayed the same brown coloring, no matter what form she took.

Well, that was the case, unless Rosie got a hold of Dean’s spare wand again. Licenta couldn’t help but object to being purple with pale yellow polka dots. The mere memory brought shudders. At least she had gotten off better than Eva. Licenta still wasn’t sure what those colors and patterns could be called, besides "yuck".

So, here she was, in her own private room, something of which she could never have dreamed of when she had been living with the herd. It had taken a lot of explanation and a few sleepovers with Rosie and Eva before she was convinced that it was not a punishment. There were more than enough rooms in the house to go around, especially since Rosie’s grandparents had opted to continue residing in the trunk Dean had bought for them. It was somewhat surprising that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas had chosen to continue to share one of the larger rooms, instead of each taking one for themselves. Was that a punishment?

Oh well, humans could still be strange at times.

The view from the train’s window could only be described as barren with only sparse patches of snow breaking up the grey scenery. If he were being honest, this wasn’t a place that Sirius would admit he wanted to live. While it had nothing on Azkaban, there wasn’t much joy in the landscape. Yet, this was where his most exuberant wife had taken him to meet her parents, something that could only be seen as inevitable, after being introduced to both Rainbow’s and Twilight’s families.

And what an experience those introductions had been. Twilight’s father just blended into the background as her mother managed to put the fear of in-laws into Sirius’ heart. Though, to be fair, she did it in a friendly, if buoyant manner. Then, there was Twilight’s brother; he was the very definition of big brother… Emphasis on big… Major emphasis… Extremely major emphasis. Even though they had all seemed receptive to his and Twilight’s union, they still left the head of House Black feeling on edge.

On the other hand, he felt strangely comfortable around Rainbow’s parents. He supposed that had something to do with the fact that those two had spent the first day and night he had met them secluded in one of the spare guest rooms. The goofy grins they sported afterwards didn’t hurt either, not that Sirius hadn’t been wearing a grin of his own. Whatever Pinkie had done to those pastries had been extreme. In truth, the only times Sirius had seen the pair on that first day were at breakfast and when Bow had interrupted Sirius’ alone time with his wives long enough to ask to borrow a pair of rings.

It still made Sirius uncomfortable remembering how the pony had been let into the room while he and Rainbow were intwined. The passionate exclamations of how amazing his daughter was at taking care of her stallion were distressing to say the least. There was something very wrong about getting that level of encouragement from the father of the woman he happened to be with at that moment. However, as a result, Sirius felt accepted, if not a little awkward around the older male.

At least he wasn’t heading into this introduction solo. Remus needed no reminder of how subtly effective Pinkie’s breakfast contribution had been. That by itself was more than slightly suspicious, considering she had access to both an apothecary and the Black library, leaving him to wonder if love honey had been the only special ingredient. Regardless, Sirius now wasn’t the only one in the house being laughed at for being blindsided by herd acquisition. Nissy was still occasionally shooting Bella nasty glares over that. Thus, the other Marauder was coming along to meet the same set of parents. Maud had insisted that they take Grace, Bella and Nissy so that the new herd could be properly introduced.

Stepping off the train did nothing to improve Sirius’ impression of the environment; he was finding it hard to believe such a locale could be the homeland of the jubilant pony known as Pinkie Pie. Yet, amazingly enough, that seemed to be the case. The ponies awaiting them on the platform bore as much resemblance to her as shale to opal.

“Pinkamena, thou hast returned,” the grey pony in the black hat declared in a dry voice as the party exited the railcar. Well technically, he was a shade of brown, but he excluded an air of being grey. “Thou hast brought with thyself thy newfound stallion as well as thy herdsisters. Far hast thou strayed from home; this outcome be not unexpected.”

There was much blinking at this greeting before Bella leaned closer to Grace and said, “It’s official; Pinkie’s the one who’s adopted.” To that, Grace couldn’t help but nod her head.

“Yup!” Pinkie pranced between the two groups. She couldn’t hop because Remus had made a collar that prevented bouncing, which he promised to remove once she wasn’t pregnant anymore. “Everypony, meet everypony!”

“I’m not jealous. I’m Not jealous. I'm not Jealous. I'm Not Jealous,” one of the younger mares standing in the group chanted.

“Good news!” Pinkie continued. “While visiting, Maud snagged herself a stallion. She has a herd of her own now!”

“I Am So Freaking Jealous,” corrected the pony Pinkie had interrupted.

Rainbow was suddenly by that pony’s side, totally pulling a Pinkie as she slung a forehoof over the pony’s neck to pull her closer. “Don’t worry,” she said. “Twilight has this match making thing down to a science. If you ask her nicely, she’ll introduce you to somehuman.”

“Really?” the pony in question, questioned. “Which one’s Twilight?”

“That would be me.” Twilight raised a hoof. “And you are?”

“Limestone,” the mare returned. “You and I are going to have a talk.”

“Pinkie, I think we are going to need more than ‘everypony meet everypony’,” Nissy scolded.

“Okay,” Pinkie said cheerfully, pointing to ponies in turn. “Mom, Dad, this is Nissy, next to Grace, who is next to Bella, who is next to Remus, their stallion, who is next to Twilight, who is next to Maud, who is next to Sirus.”

Maud deadpanned, "That was a joke."

Pinkie then turned her hoof on the other group. “You’ve met Limestone, who is next to Rainbow.”

“Please to meet you,” said several voices at once.

“These are Mom and Dad,” Pinkie said before zipping over to the other young mare, holding her close. “This is Marble Pie, my baby sister who’s only a few minutes younger than me but she’ll always be a baby to me; isn’t that right? She’s so excited to meet everypony.”

“Wait?” Sirius perked up at those words. “You’re twins?”

“Yupperroonie!” Pinkie smiled.

“This I have got to see.” Sirius trotted forward and held out a small ring to the young gray mare. “Here, hold this.”

Marble gave Pinkie a doubtful look only to receive an encouraging nod. Then she reached out and took the ring in her mouth.

“Now just concentrate on changing.” Sirius instructed with a grin.

The resulting transformation was made all that more spectacular by the fact that the seams of her painfully pink blouse couldn’t contend with the strain.

“Jackpot!” Sirius declared, his grin reaching new heights.

“Brrrrr,” Marble complained as she examined her new body.

“Definitely twins,” Remus commented. “The sisters are, too.”

“Yes!” Sirius practically hissed. “Twins.”

“You need to share,” Remus insisted.

“But,” Sirius said. “Twins.”

“You already have a wife with those assets,” Remus countered.

“And you have four in your herd.” Sirius reminded him. “Besides, you already have a set of sisters.”

“And you have a date lined up with a fourth,” Remus said.

“I may not be proficient with my horn yet,” Nissy said, “but I can still hex the both of you.”

“But,” Sirius repeated. “Twins.”

“I want twins, too.” Bella spoke up.

“Are the stallions fighting over a mare?” Rainbow asked with an evil smirk.

“It would seem that Marble will be coming back with us,” Twilight said. “One way or the other.”

“It’s cold out.” Marble said shyly as her new anatomy pointed out the obvious.

“I am so freaking jealous,” remarked Limestone dejectedly, lowering her head towards the ground.

Straight Line had no idea what had gone through her head. As a tutor, she wasn’t inexperienced with pouty looks directed at her by foals. She had no idea why she had given in this time. Despite the triple effect, she should have been somewhat immune. Yet, here she was, escorting her young charges into a town full of humans -- a creature type to which she had been recently introduced upon taking her current job.

The most notable human was Lord Greengrass, who was not unlike many of the nobles she had worked for in the past. His alpha, Lady Greengrass, was more approachable. Lady Rarity was pleasant enough as well. Straight Line hadn’t confirmed the original species of either mare, but she knew that Lady Rarity was Knight Elemental Generosity, thus likely pony-born. Furthermore, Lady Greengrass had Astoria as a foal, meaning the young filly had to have gotten her hooves from somepony. This left the tutor wondering if the human stallion was looking to add yet another pony mare to his herd.

As work went, it was an exciting, if stressful, assignment. This trip into the human environs only threw more fuel onto the fire. The reactions of the humans when they were first noticed served to emphasize that. It was obvious that they were attempting to avoid being rude by staring at her and the foals. It was also obvious that they wanted to get closer and examine the ponies.

“I don’t actually come into the village that often,” Astoria was telling her friends as they looked around with wide eyes. “It being a muggle village and all, but there are some magical families and a few witches our age. Actually, I normally floo to their houses; so, walking like this is new.”

“Fey’re all faring.” Sudden Flake was a little unnerved.

“My first time here in pony form.” Astoria admitted. “This is probably the first time any of them have seen ponies, if I’m correct.”

“That would have been nice to have known before we left the manor,” Straight Line said, waving a friendly hoof at a man looking out his shop window at them.

Astoria sighed. “Father doesn’t want Daphne or me being friendly with people beneath our status, but mother will allow it from time to time.”

“So, exactly where are we headed?” Constant Flow asked as she continued her rubbernecking.

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Astoria said. “I just thought we’d wander into town and go from there.”

“So, you are less of a guide and more of a fellow explorer?” Straight Line asked suspiciously.

“I do know the town,” Astoria protested. “I just don’t get to come here that often. At least I know how to watch out for cars.”

“Fey sure have a lot of cameras,” Sudden Flake noted.

What had Straight Line been thinking when she agreed to escort the foals?

“Look, there’s May and Ingrid. They’re a couple of the witches I was talking about.” Astoria pointed at a group of six human fillies before starting to head over to them. “Ingrid!” she called out. “May!”

The girls' stares only became wider as the ponies approached.

“Do I know you?” one of the girls asked while another gasped.

“Astoria,” said the gasping girl. “You’re a pony!”

“Tada!” Astoria stood on her hind legs and threw her forelegs wide. “Got it in one, Ingrid.”

“Astoria?” asked the first girl. “That’s Astoria?”

“Don’t you recognize her voice?” Ingrid asked kneeling down and outstretching her hand as if to entice a lost puppy. “We haven’t seen you in a while; kinda figured your father finally put his foot down.”

“Wait a minute,” one of the other human fillies said. “You know ponies? Does this mean you and May are witches?”

“May is.” Ingrid said, her voice underlaid with sadness. “I’m probably a squib. I’ve never managed to do accidental magic.”

“Are you going to introduce us to your friends?” Straight Line suggested, still looking around as the other humans watched the encounter with interest.

“This is Ingrid.” Astoria pointed toward the squatting girl. “And that’s May.” She pointed to the first girl to talk. “I’m sorry I don’t know the others.”

“Stella, Jasmine, Gloria and Tracey.” May pointed out each girl in turn. “Why didn’t you tell us you were a pony?”

“You’re so cute.” Jasmine declared, rushing over to scoop up Sudden Flake.

“Haven’t you been watching the news?” Stella frowned at her friend. “You’re not supposed to hug ponies without asking first. It’s rude, and they don’t like it.”

“Don’t care,” Jasmine said. “He’s cute.”

“I’m a filly.” Sudden Flake huffed.

“She’s cute.” Jasmine corrected herself.

“They all are.” Gloria spoke up for the first time. “Yet you don’t see the rest of us snatching them up.”

“I don’t think we could lift the big one.” May said eyeing Straight Line.

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t try.” Straight Line said.

“Anyways,” Gloria said. “We were headed over to my house. Would you like to join us?”

“Yes, please.” Astoria spoke for her friends. “I’ve never been in a muggle home before. Today seems like it’s a day for new experiences.”

“I think we can all agree on that.” Constant Flow said as she let Ingrid stroke her coat. “This is not what I was expecting when you invited us to spend the afternoon with you.”

“Are you complaining?” Sudden Flake asked.


When Twilight had commissioned her own trunk, she had elected to make it different than Rarity’s own George. First of all, she had declined several security features. Her trunk wasn’t going to gain a reputation for being a pony eater. Secondly, why would she have an ice rink when the space would be better used for a good laboratory and work area? She had forgone other space wasters to increase the size of the library. One thing she did keep the same was the hot tub, a hot tub, that two stallions were currently relaxing in after taking a break from all mare-based attentions.

“Well, the phrase ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ has just proven to be total bunk,” Sirius said.

“It is the exceptions that prove the rule,” Remus replied. “After all, you, yourself are one such exception.”

“I suppose so.” Sirius shuddered. “But wow, Remus. Just wow.”

“All things considered; Pinkie does make more sense now,” Remus said.

“That statement is an open paradox.” Sirius said.

“Too true.” Remus paused for a second. “With her having a twin, we know she wasn’t adopted.”

“Talk about opposite personalities.”

“We may have scared Marble a little,” Remus said.

“You think?” Sirius snorted. “I’ve heard about hiding under a rock before, but I never expected to witness it taken so literally.”

“That was more of a boulder and less of a rock,” Remus corrected.

“Pinkie did say she wasn’t used to the attention.” Sirius sighed.

“At least we have confirmed that Nissy can indeed shoot hexes from her horn,” Remus said.

“Don’t remind me.”

“I was honestly surprised when Cloudy Quartz laid into her for doing that,” Remus said. “From my first impression, I wouldn’t have guessed that woman had it in her.”

“She did seem laid back,” Sirius agreed. “But we should have known Pinkie got it from somewhere.”

“Like you said earlier, 'wow… just wow'.”

“The mares are still in a deep discussion on the proper treatment of us blokes.”

“I still don’t know why you dragged me away from that,” Remus complained. “It was enlightening.”

“You were trying to figure out how women think.” Sirius snorted. “Even I know that way lies madness.”

“It was still enlightening.”

“Twilight pulled out her blackboards; that’s never a good sign,” Sirius countered.

“It was getting interesting.”

“No…” Sirius said. “Just no.”

Remus sighed.

“This trip is turning out to be nothing like I was expecting,” Sirius noted.

“That’s an understatement,” Remus said. “Rock soup is a no go.”

“I don’t even understand the mechanics behind that one,” Sirius admitted.

“I wonder if the reason Pinkie can eat so much is because she’s used to getting her minerals in a concentrated form,” Remus mused.

“Okay, stop right there,” Sirius said. “I don’t want to comprehend; it’ll only make my head hurt.”

“I suppose that is a rabbit hole.”

There was a pause before Sirius spoke again. “Then there’s Limestone.”

“Wow… just wow,” Remus said.

“She’s… she’s…” Sirius was at a loss for words.











“And generally unpleasant to be around.”

“Yup.” Sirius continued nodding along. “So, are we introducing her to Snivellus?”

“I’d consider it to be our Marauder-bound duty.”

“Too true. One way or another, sparks are gonna fly.”

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