• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 15: Belligerent Bombarding Butterflies

In the cozy café near Canterlot's main train station, the mood at its largest round table was definitely mixed. Magic was missing; of that there could be no doubt. The other Elements of Harmony, however, were represented. Loyalty and Laughter were apprehensive at the vague reason behind Magic's absence, while Kindness and Generosity buoyed the relief that Honesty felt at the discharge of her husband.

Unbeknownst to the casual observer, transfigured humans sat among the national heroes. The newly-recovered Severus Snape drew envious stares from thestral mares hidden in the vicinity, while the wolf and moon cutie mark that Remus Lupin sported drew the attention of conspiracy theorists. The last two garnered attention because of the rarity of their coloration. The pure gold of Lady Greengrass' coat marked her as a potential fashion model, while everypony who passed could not help but stare as no light escaped when it struck Sirius Black.

“Y'all need ta eat more.” Applejack nosed her plate, pushing it closer toward the thestral sitting next to her.

“I assure you, I ordered more than enough,” Severus Snape said soothingly. The love in his voice would have shocked his students, possibly even hospitalizing a few with weaker constitutions.

“Y'all need ta keep your strength up,” Applejack insisted, giving her plate another nudge.

“Applejack, darling,” Rarity broke in. “You are treating poor Severus like an earth pony. Remember, he cannot . . . errr . . . pack away nearly as much food as you can.”

“Besides,” Lady Greengrass said, gesturing with her golden hoof, “the good doctor did say he has made a full recovery. He is now free of that awful mark. You needn’t worry.”

“He was laid up fer over a week.” Applejack’s ears drooped. “Ah couldn’t do nothing about it.”

“I apologize for putting you through that,” Severus said.

“It weren’t yer fault, sugar cube,” Applejack replied.

“All’s well that ends well,” Rainbow Dash insisted around a mouthful. “Twilight still feels awful that you got hurt.”

“I shall need to remind her that she has set me free,” Severus said. “Quite possibly, she has saved my life. The pain is insignificant compared to that.”

“In short, she saved you from being a daft moron,” Sirius snorted. “You should be thanking her.”

“Sirius,” Remus said warningly, still having problems lifting his teacup with just his hooves.

“On this matter, the mutt is correct, Lupin,” Severus replied, “as unprecedented as that may be.”

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten what the mark represents,” Sirius said with more than a little hostility.

“I have not forgotten, either,” Severus snarled. “I have neither forgotten nor forgiven. It costs me more than you could possibly understand.”

“Colts,” Applejack said with a warning tone.

“Perhaps, if you don’t mind, it is time for everypony to forget,” Fluttershy suggested. “That is, if you think it’s a good idea.” Her voice had dropped below the level of a whisper by the end.

“There is too much to forget,” Lady Greengrass said. “Forgiving would not be amiss, though.” The last was directed at Sirius. “Do you not agree, Lord Black?”

Instead of giving a coherent response, Sirius mumbled into his food.

Pinkie looked at her stallion and let her mane deflate noticeably. “It can’t be that bad,” she said, joy fleeing from her voice.

“Give them time,” Remus replied. “They have been enemies for as long as either can remember. They won’t become friends overnight.”

“If ever,” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “I don’t see our herds merging any time soon.”

The two stallions in question gave the multicolored mare horrified looks.


“Lady Black!”

“We can dream,” Pinkie said with a hint of hope.


“Lady Black!”

“Ah, know.” Applejack huffed. “Ah still can’t believe the girls managed to pull off what they did.”

“Cowgirl pony!”


“Conversation successfully diverted,” Remus commented as he dropped his teacup, splashing himself and those nearest to him. “This is harder than it looks,” he said dejectedly.

“You’re putting too much thought into it, darling,” Rarity said soothingly while using her magic to levitate a napkin to begin cleaning up. “If you try to force it, it will not work.”

“Easier said than done.” Remus sighed. “I’ve seen Pinkie do impossible things with her hooves and mane. Makes me feel like a newborn in comparison.”

“That’s not a good example,” Applejack said. “Pinkie is . . .”

“Pinkie,” Remus finished for her. “Yes, I know.”

“Ah can’t use my tail the same way she does,” Applejack said.

“That hardly matters,” Fluttershy replied. “We’ve seen how you handle a lasso, not that I’m disagreeing with you.”

“I can teach you,” Pinkie told Remus. “You can help me at Sugarcube Corner, I’m sure the Cakes wouldn’t mind.”

“Thank you, no,” Remus said. “If I bring back a mare wanting to join our ‘herd’, Narcissa will kill me.”

“I could always ask for you,” Rainbow offered. “Off hoof, I think you two would get along really well with Brass Button.”

“Rainbow,” Remus said warningly.

“Or Cream Soda,” Applejack added.

“I’m very happy with just Nissy,” Remus firmly said. “In fact, she’s more than I ever dreamed of. I wasn’t exactly in a good position for a relationship before.”

“At least let me introduce you to Brass Button,” Rainbow suggested.

“No,” said Remus.

“Cream Soda?” Rainbow pressed.

“No,” Remus said more firmly.

“Soft Hymn?” Rainbow added.

“Why is this so important to you?” Remus demanded.

“We want to see you and Nissy as happy as possible,” Rainbow said.

“Trust me,” Remus said. “We are very happy.”

“You could be happier,” Pinkie suggested. "A herd of two is no herd at all."

“I’d be happier if you dropped the subject,” Remus stated.

Severus sat up straighter in his seat and focused his ears somewhere off in the distance. “Incoming heartsong,” he warned.

Those of human birth stiffened and sent their gazes in the direction his ears indicated.

“How bad is it?” Lady Greengrass demanded.

“Be at ease,” Severus said. “It would appear to be a solo. In fact, it is Twilight if I am not mistaken.”

“Is it about books?” Applejack asked warily, pointing her own ears, straining to match her stallion’s better hearing.

“No.” Severus frowned. “She sounds as if the test did not go according to her expectations. She was unprepared, if I am not mistaken.”

Sirius was out of his seat in less than a second and out of sight soon after.

“He can move when he wants to,” Lady Greengrass noted. “I still cannot gallop like that without becoming uncomfortably intimate with the ground.”

“It is similar to picking things up with your hooves,” Rarity said. “The less thought put into it, the better.”

“I hope Twilight is going to be okay,” Remus said. “She was genuinely worried about this test.”

“We should go comfort her,” Lady Greengrass suggested.

“There is no need.” Severus dissented. “The solo has become a duet. I dare say it is now bordering on sappy. Any changelings in the vicinity are going to become morbidly obese.”

“Ah wish y'all wouldn’t speak of that all public like,” Applejack scolded, sotto voce. “The princesses want to honor the bugs’ wishes to stay under tha rug.”

Severus winced. “My apologies. You did tell me that in confidence; it was thoughtless of me to speak of it so freely. I have no excuse for my dunderheadedness.”

“You do know that Sirius is going to be willing to pay a fortune for a memory of you saying that?” Remus asked.

Severus narrowed his eyes at the Marauder. “That was private between my wife and myself. It would behoove you to respect such boundaries.”

“My apologies. Duly noted,” Remus said, motioning for the waiter to bring another cup of tea. Twilight and Sirius trotted up to the table at the same time his new order arrived.

“Girls,” Twilight greeted with a wan smile as Sirius pressed reassuringly against her side.

“Twilight, sugar cube,” Applejack said. “Ah’m afraid ta ask; did you pass?”

Pinkie pulled a cannon out of her mane, its fuse already lit, somehow. “Are we going to celebrate your awesomeness with Princess Celestia?” The cannon went off, filling the air above the group with confetti as the pink pony hopped up with hopes of a party.

“Not quite,” Twilight said as she watched her words remind gravity that her friend existed. “We’re going to the Crystal Empire.”

Princess Celestia was alone in her study, sipping a cup of tea, which she set down when the maid came into the room to collect the empty plate that had once borne a tasty slice of lemon cake. “Ah.” She smiled. “I know I shouldn’t, but would you bring another slice? I feel like being naughty today.”

The maid’s horn lit, closing the door behind her. Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she noted the mare’s magic did not match the color of her eyes. “I am not here for that,” the maid said dismissively. “It is time for us to speak as equals.”

“I see.” Celestia raised her cup for another sip. “We were wondering where you had gone after the incident at the ball. Your manor was devoid of all occupants when it was checked.” She set her cup down again. “Would you care for some tea? I had it imported from the human world.”

“No, I’d like to keep this as short as possible,” said the maid. “This is a conversation that should never have needed to happen.”

Celestia tilted her head toward the maid in recognition. “Your actions at the Hearths Warming Ball were unwarranted,” she said, lacking the anticipated note of anger. “They shall not be repeated.”

“There was a scout from a rival hive posing as a princess,” the maid stated, “or so it was thought. An attack from that angle had been highly anticipated and bad judgement was employed.”

“So, you claim your behavior was justified.” Celestia let some steel into her voice. “A pony died that day.”

“As did a changeling,” the maid replied, “and the behavior was not my own. I am here to assure you that a reoccurrence shall not happen. The fact that you have not released the particulars of the incident has been noted. The goodwill is appreciated.”

“You are a messenger then,” Celestia said with a small frown. “I had hoped your queen would chat with me herself.”

“I am the new queen,” the maid declared haughtily. “My mother has been retired due to her blatant disregard for the safety and security of the hive. Things could have gotten complicated if you had a mind for it.”

Celestia’s left eyebrow rose in surprise, “I see. In that case, let us start our relationship on a more amiable hoof. I will offer assurances that my ponies shall not seek out the changeling population. Though there is no need for you to remain hidden; you are most welcome to live among us in peace.”

“We will remain hidden,” the maid stated.

“A pity,” said Celestia, “I expect that your mother counsels you towards that decision. Would you relay that I would welcome a conversation with her? Despite her diminished position, I would still have words with her.”

The maid smirked at the alicorn. “You misunderstand. She did not retire; we retired her.”

The subterranean Slytherin common room was abuzz with excitement as steady footsteps announced the return of the head of house. A creative seventh year had cast a monitoring charm in the hallway to alert them by allowing them to hear anyone approaching. Just before the door opened, the students arranged themselves by year and stood at attention. Many eyes widened as the two Snapes entered, arm in arm. Despite the dignified demeanor they projected, it was clear they were very much in love. The distaff instructor stepped away, but did not stray too far from the returning head of house.

Severus spoke. "I am sure rumors about me have been spreading like the plague. Let me set the record straight. First and foremost, I am now married. Something that should not come as a surprise, since you have been receiving instruction from my wife, an expert in a foreign field of potions."

The silence that responded was deafening.

"Next, word of my untimely demise is quite obviously exaggerated. There was an unfortunate accident, but, as you can clearly surmise, I have recovered. Tomorrow morning, I shall be resuming my duties.”

The students were digesting that news when a loud knocking shook the room. Something that should not have been possible since there would be a stone façade barring the entrance to any ignorant of the password. Not to mention the monitoring charm should have gave forewarning. With barely a twitch to show his annoyance, Severus answered the door. The Slytherins gasped as he was yanked out by an unsee aggressor and the door slammed shut behind him. Once the shock subsided, the students stumbled over each other as they attempted to go to his aid. Much to their astonishment, a small zebra leapt over them and threw the door open.

The Slytherins gasped at the sight that greeted them; Professor Snape was at the bottom of a pony pile.

Zecora said, "Even a blind mare can see you care; pray tell, what has caused this affair?"

Apple Bloom separated herself from the Crusaders. "Evenin', Zecora. Applejack was frettin' so much over her stallion that Ah had to make sure he was all right."

With forced dignity, Severus replied, "Miss Bloom, I assure you that the healers have given me a clean bill of health. I would have gone to help your sister, but she insisted that I was to take things easy for a while."

"Help?" asked Apple Bloom. "What's she doin'?"

"She and her friends are going someplace very cold."

A bit of magic was the only thing that kept the rails from being buried by the swirling snow. The end of the line was marked by a yellow and black barricade, and a small black shelter provided scant respite from the elements.

The tracks had been laid by military engineers. This place was by no means meant for commercial traffic. Only the foolhardy or the desperate would willingly venture into this frozen wasteland. The train that approached had been commandeered from the Los Pegasus run, and although its heaters had been turned up to maximum, the breath from each passenger was marked by a wispy cloud.

The recently-regurgitated porter shivered more from the experience of being eaten by an apparently unattended trunk than from the cold that seeped past his woolen clothing. Once he had been released, the living quarters within the trunk had proven to be an oasis, maintaining a comfortable temperature in defiance of the chill outside. Still, he could not stop trembling even after finishing the chamomile tea.

“I wanna go back in the hot tub,” Rainbow said as the door slid open to allow them to egress.

“Ha!” Rarity said, posing with her pink accessory. “And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves.”

“No, we didn’t,” Rainbow said. “We made fun of you for packing your whole house.”

“You are exaggerating, darling,” Rarity huffed.

“Not by much.” Applejack was the last to step off the train. “If’n George didn’t already have a kitchen sink y'all would’ve brought that too.”

“One must maintain a certain image,” Rarity sniffed as she stored a shrunken George away.

Before anypony could respond to that, a stallion’s voice called out over the howling wind. “Twilight!”

“Shining Armor?” Twilight responded hopefully as a figure seemingly materialized from the blowing snow.

“Twiley!” Shining Armor said, using a hoof to lower the grey scarf that had been covering his muzzle. “You made it.”

With a happy smile, Twilight trotted over to give her brother a hug.

“Hello, Shining.” Sirius waved. “Good to see you.”

“No time for greetings,” Shining said. “We need to get moving; there are things out here we really don’t want to run into after dark.”

Fluttershy gulped. “What kind of things?”

“Let’s just say that the empire isn’t the only thing that has returned,” Shining said with a foreboding look over his withers.

Sirius shared a meaningful glance with Remus. The two of them had insisted on tagging along, outdoing Severus, who, despite his arguments, had been sent back to Hogwarts. Applejack wasn’t going to let him accompany her right after he had gotten out of the hospital, clean bill of health or no. “I could stand to get out of the cold,” he quipped. “Lead the way.”

Without another word. Shining turned to do just that.

There were times that Inspector Jack Winsom hated his job. Through the years, he had never lost his disgust at witnessing death from unnatural causes. Still, he could not deny the satisfaction of a job well done. Nothing else in his life compared to bringing a perpetrator to justice.

Every day he went to work knowing that his cause was lost. Like a knife in the back of his eyeball, that realization ground on his consciousness every waking moment. He despaired over the knowledge that he was merely treating the symptom of an uncurable disease; only the end of humanity could truly stop it.

His current case was particularly messy. The victim had been discovered when another patron of the self-storage business had noticed blood seeping through a crack in the doorway. The deceased was slumped over an opened drawer of a heavily damaged dresser. There were no signs of struggle, and by the looks of things, every drop of his blood was now outside the young man's body. There were no visible wounds on the back, so the attack must have come from the front.

What was particularly vexing was that the only apparent clue that the perpetrator had left was a trail of bloody shoeprints. The size and stride indicated someone the size of a toddler. Mere weeks earlier, he would have narrowed his suspect pool to a handful of little people. Now, however, he knew of species other than human. Goblins were a distinct possibility, given their size and their affinity for sharp objects, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

With a sigh, Inspector Winsom turned from the crime scene. He was going to have to consult with the wizarding bobbies, they may have some important insight that he’d be needing.

Narcissa Black, formerly Narcissa Malfoy, was a jumble of conflicting feelings. She had just signed her youngest sister out of St. Mungo's, and she was quite relieved to have Bellatrix free again. On the other hand, she could not shake the nagging feeling that she'd just made the biggest mistake of her life. Bella's stability had been in question before her incarceration in Azkaban, and her time there could not have done anything to improve her condition.

Still, Bella was family. She was Narcissa's little sister; nothing in the world could change that. Narcissa would protect her as best she could.

“Finally!” Bella stalked a few steps ahead. “I’m free of that hellhole. Now, I need a wand.”

“Bella.” Nissy reminded her. “Your wand rights haven’t been returned yet. They want you to attend a few more sessions with the mind healers first.”

“I don’t care,” Bella vented. “They snapped my wand. I want a new one. I’ve been without for a decade. I will not wait one minute longer.”

“Ollivander will not sell you one,” Nissy said, increasing her pace to walk alongside her sister.

“His shop is hardly the only place to acquire a wand,” Bella barked.

“And they will be watching to see if you frequent any of those other places,” Nissy warned.

“Our ancestors' wands are in the Black vaults,” Bella said with finality.

“And Sirius has forbidden you access,” Nissy said, “for just that reason.”

“The Lestrange vaults then,” Bella said.

“You have no claim to them.” Nissy continued to reason. “Your marriage has been dissolved, and your dowry returned.”

“I still have possessions in them,” Bella said. “The goblins will allow me to retrieve them since there is no one to naysay my petition to return my property. I can swipe a wand while I’m at it. I know just the one to procure.” She stopped to take in her surroundings. “Why are we walking among muggles? Why have you not apparated us yet?”

“There is a nice restaurant just down the street,” Nissy said, not breaking stride and forcing her sister to walk once more or be left behind. “I thought you would like a decent meal after subsisting on hospital food.”

“You propose we dine with the filthy muggles?” Bella nearly growled.

“Things have changed since you have been away, Bella,” Nissy said. “Did you not know the statute has fallen?”


“That would be a no, then.” Nissy tsked. “I am surprised they did not tell you during your stay. Did you not read the Daily Prophet at all?”

“That rag?” Bella snorted dismissively. “No one thought to bring me a copy.”

“Weren’t you bored?”

“No, I was making plans. Surely you jest; the statute could not have fallen.” Bella fixed Nissy with a withering stare. “You have adopted our cousin’s sense of humor in my absence.”

“Oh? Jesting, am I?” Nissy produced her wand, “Colovaria.” With a swish, Bella’s black robes turned cherry red. The younger witch stood, gobsmacked, as her sister performed magic right in front of a street full of muggles. A few of them went so far as to give polite claps at the impromptu show.

“I liked the black better,” commented a passing man. “She had the whole goth thing going.”

“Close your mouth, Bella,” Nissy said. “It is unbecoming.”

Bella ignored her.

“Is she all right?” asked a worried passerby

“You hear that?” Nissy replied smugly. “That’s the sound of her worldview shattering.”

“Bit behind the times ain’t she?”

“She has an excuse,” Nissy told the good Samarian before reaching out to take Bella’s arm. “Come along now; I am feeling peckish.”

“This is outrageous,” Bella muttered as they continued to the restaurant. She was uncomfortably aware that all of the muggles they passed were cognizant of their status as witches. She only left her daze when she realized that Narcissa was talking to a young hostess. They had arrived at the restaurant.

“We’d like a table for four, please,” Nissy said pleasantly. “In the back please.”

The hostess perked up, plainly recognizing Narcissa. “Yes ma’am. Would the rest of your party happen to be ponies? There hasn’t been a pony spotting in weeks. Aside from the ambassador, that is.”

“No,” Nissy said patiently; Bella had expected her haughty persona. “We are expecting our sister and her husband to be along shortly."

“Pity,” said the disappointed hostess. “I saw you on the telly, dining with them. We would be right thrilled if they were to show up here.”

“Not today I fear,” Nissy said.

“Pity,” The hostess repeated. “I’d love to meet the pink pegasus, she seems good for a laugh.”

“Pink peg . . . Oh, no, Pinkie is an earth pony,” Nissy said.

“Truly? Her name is Pinkie?” The hostess had disbelief in her voice.

“Pinkie Pie to be exact.” Nissy nodded. “And she is most assuredly good for a laugh or two.”

“I would love to meet her,” the hostess said hopefully. “I would at that. Or the prissy rainbow haired one.”

Nissy laughed. “I will need to inform her you said that. It is clear that they need to put in another public appearance.”

It wasn’t long before the two sisters were situated at a table in the back. Not hiding her disgust, Bella took in her surroundings. “You brought me here to test me,” she snarled accusingly.

“Would I do that?” Nissy said, picking up her menu. “Oh,” She stopped the hostess as she started to walk away. “Could you see that we start with an appetizer platter? Thank you.”

Bella watched the muggle retreat. “I hate you,” she informed her sister. “How could you have fallen? When did you become a blood traitor?”

Showing no signs of distress, Nissy started to peruse her menu. “I know,” she said, “this is a shock for you. I won’t hold your words against you. However, there are a few things you need to get through your head, and you need to do so quickly.”

“Do tell.” Bella had venom in her voice now. “How could you abandon our master?”

This time, Nissy paused to frown before responding. “He was never my master. He was Lucius’, not mine.”

“You need to commit,” Bella snarled.

“You need to stop being stupid,” Nissy countered. “Mother taught us better than this.”

“I plan on being on the winning side,” Bella said imperiously.

“You have only just been released from Azkaban,” Nissy noted dispassionately. “It is apparent that we were lax with our visits. You have no idea which way the wind is blowing. If you don’t keep your head down, you will end up back in your old cell. You got lucky; don’t waste the opportunity. I would hate to lose you again.”

“You know nothing.” Bella’s voice started to rise. “My lord shall . . .”

“Be squished like a bug.” Nissy finished for her, halting the outburst. “Even if he does manage to return, there are new players on the board who reduce his status to that of a pawn. The pureblood faction is gone; if any remain among the Wizengamot, they are keeping their own heads down. Many, if not the majority of your former comrades, have been introduced to the veil. The Ministry has been purged and is headed by a surprisingly competent Minister.” Nissy was ticking points off on her fingers now. “The muggles are aware of us, and, despite your opinion of their capacities, they are more than capable and are willing to seek out and destroy malcontents. Now that they know what to look for, their response to muggle baiting has been swift and effective. Raising the stakes there would result in dead wizards.”

Bella was gaping at her sister once again.

“The Dark Lord would be deprived of followers and funds. Bribery is an almost impossible undertaking with the new vows in place. The aurors have been funded to ridiculous levels, with the muggle government eager to increase their numbers. Couple that with their new policy of meeting lethal force with lethal force, and you’d have a war of attrition you could not win. Information control has been wrenched from those in power as more and more witches have access to tellies; there is even one set up in the Leaky. Face it, Bella, the world you knew is no more. You will need to change as well, or you will be chewed up and spat out.”

Bella was still mutinous, but she did attenuate her volume to a more acceptable level. "I still need to get into the Lestrange vaults. Take me there now.”

Nissy sighed and reached for her menu once more. “The cup has been disposed of,” she said soberly, “and you are not getting a wand until you learn to acclimate to the new waters.”

Rage and fear warred on the younger Black’s face. “How?” she sputtered. “The mongrels would not have allowed anyone into the vault with Rodolphus and Rabastan in prison.”

“Estranged family members claimed the house,” Nissy said dismissively. “You will have to go through them to recover any possessions you may have left at the manor or in the vaults. Don’t get your hopes up though, they contracted Moody to go over both with a fine-toothed comb, and he had a field day.”

Bella’s face fell even further. “You lie,” she stated.

“You know that isn’t true,” Nissy said, reading her menu. “Look Bella, I do not care what you did in the past. You are my sister. No matter how much you may have deserved your punishment, you are being given the chance to start anew. If you persist on displaying distasteful views, Sirius will disown you again, in which case, you would have no income.”

Bella gave her older sister a look that would not have been out of place on a petulant child.

Nissy continued, unperturbed. “If you seek your former master, it would not be long before you were dead. Please do not make me suffer that.”

Bella jumped to her feet, face red with rage. “You!!!!” That was as far as she got; Nissy had been waiting with her wand ready. The younger woman soon found herself stuck to her chair and silenced.

“Bella,” Nissy said, “I love you. You are my sister. I will not let anything ever again come between myself and you or Andromeda. So shut up, and think and act like a Slytherin. I’m not asking you to change your views. I am asking you to survive.”

Bella glared back in defiance.

“Oh look, here’s Andi now.” Nissy said, waving over her other sister. Turning back to a clearly-enraged Bella, she said seriously, "Heaven help you if you put even a toe over the line; nothing else will be able to."

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