• Published 18th Aug 2020
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If Wishes Were Portals - ColtKit Productions

Unofficial Sequel to "If Wishes Were Ponies". Adult Harry creates a next Gen portal, to visit any world in the multiverse. The Asgardians recognize this achievement & bring Equus into interdimensional Politics, but is that a good thing?

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Interlude 1: gods plan

● Asgard

Elder gods, were not simply old... though they often were, at that. You had to be around for trillions of years, for the sheer level of power required to shape the cosmos. Elder gods recieved such a title, if they successfully crafted a dimension to call their own, and bound themselves to their realm. All the people, that inhabited it, fueling their power. While their prayers sustained them, as food (which was a good reason to answer such prayers). Then the number of lifeforms, living inside their dimension, greatly increased the Divines power, and increased the size of that universe.

This is why such gods made their own universes. It was a grab for more power. Others were simply hungry. Some even just wanted the "Bragging Rights" of creating such a place... very few wanted genuine companionship.

Odin... had forgotten his initial motivation at crafting his realm. It was far too long ago. Though he had crafted a race of Celestial entities, within his borders... Celestials were much like angels, they could build themselves new bodies if they ever died. However, they were hardly the only category in the animal kingdom that could do that:

Daedra, Elementals, Dragons, Elves, even Demons, could all survive as wisp if they died... though they required a physical form to interact with the world. That required skill, and learning. Most first time Wisp settled for inhabiting corpses, as they couldn't build a new physical form.

Outside Odin's own realm, but within territories that he conquered, were the Valkyries. Another race of Celestials. Though these ones were all Asexual Women. They were mighty warriors, greater even then Asgardians. But thankfully they were few in number, and easy to force into line. After the defeat of the Elder God of that realm, Odin took it for his own.

It was not always a necessity, to kill Elder Gods, but some refused to acknowledge Odin's guidance. So the Realms were forced to see reason.

All Odin wanted to do was keep the power of the Bifrost out of villainous hands.

The realm of Asgard still remained the most powerful of all the 9 realms. Even ruling over many of the 9. Though some would want to plunge the cosmos back into chaos. They resented the level of order and civilization Asgard attempted to give them.

So here Odin sat, listening to the reports of the day. Though truthfully, he was already aware of most of it... but the finer details of the on goings of his realm were lost from his sight.

Heimdall stepped before the throne of the All-Father. Quickly getting down on one knee, and bowing his head before the elder god.

Odin eyed his most powerful seer, and guardian of the inter dimensional Gateway... the Bifrost. There were only 9 realms, in all of the cosmos, which had developed such a masterful blending of magic and science. Oh there were plenty of dimensions with portals... but few with the needed understanding of interdimensional physics necessary to create a Bifrost... but it seems another such realm would be joining them soon.

"My King," Heimdall looked grave, "I regret to say, the Realm of Equus, has announced a delay in the creation of their Bifrost."

Odin frowned at that. He could only see beyond his realm, if he actively focused on it. Which is why he made seers. They could look beyond his dimension, and observe most possible threats... even looking into the future, if properly trained. Though Loki had learned forbidden magics to hide himself from them.

Gesturing with his hand, Odin permitted the Seer to explain. "Hela's Avatar has been given a forced leave of absence, due to neglecting his health during the project."

Odin sighed. Hela... she had been born a threat. Gifted with cosmic powers over death. A living dimension, in her own right.

Such Shinigami, gods of death, could easily, and quickly, expand beyond even the power of an Elder God. Without need of anchoring their body to a physical dimension. Simply by existing, and pulling the souls of the dead inside themselves.

When Odin learned Hela was cursed as such, he feared she would attempt to subvert him. In fact, that is exactly what the Seers warned him would happen.

So he cast her into the void between universes... only for her to grow powerful enough to reach beyond it. She created her own Bifrost, and organized the other Shinigami.

Now, she is perhaps the largest threat in the multiverse. Sitting on a council of the most powerful gods of death, and directing the others to harvest souls all over the multiverse.

Odin should have killed her at birth, but mercy was always one of his largest failings.

Maybe Odin was expecting too much from this emerging realm. Twas only a minor Pocket Universe, though favored by many fledgling gods, and even a few elder gods. Regardless, it had been so many millions of years, since any new realm had even speculated on the theories of the Bifrost. Most failed to create such a thing, some at the cost of their dimension... if these... Ponies, succeeded... they would be the equivalent of another "National Super Power" arising, only on a Cosmic Level.

The Bifrost was more then a common Gateway. The same theories could be applied to create a weapon powerful enough to destroy an entire universe.

As the first of 9 realms, it was Asgard's duty to guide such civilizations. To maintain order. The other realms might not react well to a new super power on the Cosmic field. Odin would have to react quickly to get them to acknowledge his authority. It was the only way to protect them from the others of the 9 realms... A new player could disrupt the delicate balance of power... but Odin would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to it.

The 9 realms had stagnated, they NEEDED something to shake up the status quo. The appearance of a 10th realm would spark innovation. Possibly even a new golden age... if the initial distress the other realms would feel was dealt with quickly. Here's hoping their introduction to the Cosmos playing field, doesn't go as poorly as with the Frost Giants.


● Jotunheim, Realm of the Frost Giants

Loki sat in his ridiculously high throne. Not that the back was tall, rather the seat itself... that way he could look into the faces of the creatures that normally stood 30 feet tall... he felt like he was in a high chair.

Loki was the son of the fallen Elder God, King Laufey. A glorious man, assassinated by Odin. Who then stole Loki as a babe... raised him as his own. Solely for the purpose of turning him into a puppet king. So that Asgard could finally rule over Jotunheim.

Once Loki discovered his origins, and Odin's plans, he fled to the realm of his birth... and had been waging war with Asgard ever since. For over 3 centuries.

Though not all his people were particularly thrilled with the knowledge that their new king was a "Demi Giant" boy, of a measly 13 centuries... that was barely old enough to be the equivalent of a Midgardian Teenager... and he had actually been prepubescent when he took the throne. It was his birthright, and Frost Giants were even more devoted to their traditions then the Asgardians.

Demi giants suffered a rare affliction, which burned in their very Magic. Such giants never grew any bigger then 8 foot tall... and Loki was small for his age, even by those standards.

Regardless to how much value Frost Giants, or really any type of giant, put into their height... Loki eventually won the masses over, by bringing Jotunheim into a golden age it had not known since Laufey was alive. Loki may never have met his birth father, but his court saw much of their great King in the boy.

Loki frowned, hearing the report from his own seer.

"Now, now, now," Loki shook his head. "That won't do at all... perhaps it be in our best interest to... oversee the construction of this Bifrost."

The Seer stiffened, "Sire, The 9 realms long since agreed to not interfere with the development of Bifrost magics, on other realms."

"A rule forced on us by Odin," Loki sneered. "Why would I wish to honor any agreement between ourselves and Asgard."

"It's not just Asgard," A new voice spoke, as a shade faded into existence.

"Sister," Loki raised an eyebrow as Odin's oldest Daughter arrived. she was the only one of Odin's family tree that he actually liked... unless you count his adoptive mother.

Regardless, Loki wasn't particularly shocked to see her materialize before him, as a death god, she held greater power then most. Not even Heimdall could see everything she saw throughout the cosmos.

All the same, Loki sneered, "Don't tell me you came all the way up here, just to speak on behalf of Asgard supremacy?"

The darkly dressed woman showed no emotion on her face, "You know I have no love for Asgard, dear brother." no... she wouldn't.

Odin had banished her to the space between dimensions. For the crime of being born different. Though she was able to conquer that hellish realm, and build a Bifrost of her own. Getting acknowledged as one of the first of the 9 realms... even though what she ruled over was really more of a purgatory, then a proper universe.

It was unlikely she would speak on behalf of Asgard.

"This particular law," Hela explained, "Is one all the 9 agree with. They fear other universes gaining such knowledge, and will not react kindly to others teaching such skills. You may desire to gain an advantage, in your war with Asgard, but in this instance, other realms will join them. This may very well cause the majority of the 9 realms to unite... against you."

Loki smiled, looking at his sister's impassive face, "Is that concern I detect in your voice. What have I warned you about sentiment? Concern yourself with the duties of your own realm. Do not trouble yourself with my own."

Hela's face remained blank, "I merely worry for the work load I would have to deal with. The genocide of the Frost Giants would take up quite a lot of my resources." Informed the goddess of death.

The Seer, still here, paled at that.

Loki sighed, "You've made your point, daughter of Odin." Acknowledging her lineage to annoy her. As Acknowledging his own impotence against all the Cosmo's super powers annoyed him. "I will play the waiting game to make contact with the ponies."

Hela, finally, gave an expression. Though it was not one of annoyance... it was... a smile? "I never said you couldn't contact them, just that you can't give them knowledge on the Bifrost. Though it may be beneficial to introduce yourself before Odin, and explain, from the Frost Giants point of view, the nature of Asgard."

Loki smiled, "I knew there was a reason I liked you, sister dearest."