• Published 18th Aug 2020
  • 1,675 Views, 61 Comments

If Wishes Were Portals - ColtKit Productions

Unofficial Sequel to "If Wishes Were Ponies". Adult Harry creates a next Gen portal, to visit any world in the multiverse. The Asgardians recognize this achievement & bring Equus into interdimensional Politics, but is that a good thing?

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Chapter 6: Blue Blood's Thoughts on Humans

Blue Blood calmly sipped his tea, as he sat, in his pony form, with the former prime minister.

Blue Blood never particularly liked taking human form. And found it more comfortable, to walk around as a pony. Well, now that humans were used to other races, and no longer trying to randomly pet him. There was no longer a reason to be humanoid.

He hated being touched, and humans assumed, because he had fur, that it was their place to cuddle him. They didn't even ask! Thankfully, things had calmed down, and now he just had to be wary around young children.

Although, that was unrelated to his tea, with the former Prime Minister. The human had managed to stay in office, much longer then expected, if only for ushering in this golden age... however, time eventually got to him. He had gotten old, and chose to retire.

Humans really did have far too short of lifespans. Even with the Magic Blesser, that unlocked their full potential... humans were still only projected to have a maximum life expectancy, of 157 years old. Near a hundred years, fewer then a wizards lifespan. And over 300 year shorter then a pony's.

Which, if Blue Blood was honest with himself, was perhaps the source of their greatest strength. They were inventors, and scholars. Their limited time on this plane, is what caused them to create such amazing things.

"It's unlike you to pay me a social visit." Major smiled, as his assistant poured them some tea.

Blue Blood gave the woman a significant look. Who took the hint. She hurried up in completing her duties, before exiting the lounge. She was a credit to her trade. Not letting the noble intimidate her, while still respecting Blue Blood's wishes... good help really was too hard to find, but it seems Major found a competent staff.

Once the woman was gone, Major continued his line of questioning. "If I recall, despite being the pony Ambassador, there are few humans you choose to directly socialize with."

Blue Blood sighed. "Which is a failing on my part. I apologize. I would hope you aren't under the impression that I only consider you a working colleague. I do count you within my circle of friends."

Major smiled, "I'm relieved to hear that. Though your timing, to make such a confession, is, perhaps, a bit late." the old man looked down at his literal death bed.

The magic blesser, only extended the lifespans, of the children of those who had taken the potion. Major was approaching 90... and not much longer for this world. Even with pony medicines.

He sighed, seeing the pony's ears pin back. Major had more intended that as a joke....perhaps a little morbid, but he found it comforting, in some strange way. Even if ponies did have scientific proof of the soul... but he still didn't want to die.

"Did you know," Blue Blood began, breaking the awkward silence. "I was raised along side Princess Twilight? Back before I knew of my Aunt's plans for her. Mind you, I was about a decade older, but my familial bond with Princess Cadence, resulted in me getting to know the filly she foal-sat.

"I used to wonder why Auntie assigned a princess to look after a commoner. I understood, that her parents may be commoners, but they were important to the crown, for their service. They were archaeologist. A field of study, in Equestria, far different then your own."

Major smiled, sure this was going somewhere, and so humoring the stallion. "As I understand it, they are basically Indiana Jones. Gathering, and studying, ancient, and powerful, artifacts."

Blue Blood sipped at his tea, "Indiana Jones is a good comparison. Particularly as the relics they uncover can often be world ending. The Special Technology," still not out of the habit of calling magic that. Even though it had been exposed over 20 years ago. "Used during the Alicorn dynasty, tended to be rather destructive... The Alicorns were often warring with each other, and required weapons powerful enough to kill their fellow entities. But that is neither here nor there.

"You see, due to Cadence interaction with the Sparkle family. I got to know them quite well. In a way, I think of both Twilight, Shining, and Spike... as my own family... a Family that now includes Harry Potter...

"I got to know Harry, long before we rediscovered his portal... and I can tell you, Auntie wasn't the only one horrified by what we learned from him.

"We ponies had never heard, even through Legends, of foals being treated so. Not even from the predator races, of our world. We had no concept of child abuse. Shamefully, Stallion abuse has occurred, but never harm to a child, by any species. That is purely a human failing."

Major suddenly found his tea less appealing. The idea that humans were the only creatures, in the entire multiverse, capable of harming their children...

"I will admit," Blue Blood sighed. "The fact your race is capable of such cruelty... I did not see the value in opening diplomatic relations with you. I did so reluctantly. Though regardless, I performed my duty to the best of my ability. I try to be a good colt, after all.

"But I think I understand you better. Yes, humans are undoubtedly the most cruel lifeforms ever known to ponykind... but you are also one of the most versatile. Just because you have a hoof-ful of irredeemable monsters, doesn't mean your race is made up of that.

"All races, even among ponykind, are capable of evil. Maybe not to your extent, with serial killers and the like. However, we have had our share of Villains. That doesn't mean every Centaur is a monster... nor is every human. That is a very small minority... I have come to understand that.

"The universe greatly depends on cosmic balances. Just as humans are capable of the greatest evils... there are those of you who are capable of such good, it could only be refered to as Divine. Things not even ponies would dare do. Little sacrifices, in the smallest ways, from the most insignificant of people, and over things ponies would find trivial...

"You're creatures... are a truly remarkable species. I'm sorry it took me so long to recognize that."

Major reached out, and scratched Blue Blood behind his ear. Who, out of respect, chose to keep his offense from the action to himself.

Comments ( 7 )

I temporarily revoked the Submission, as I was going a minor rewrite.

However, it should be back up now that I have reposted it.

I would suggest you go back and reread the whole thing. There might be few changes, but they greatly change the story.

hoping Blue Blood offers the Major a retirement home in Eqestria as a pony.

They are going to mostly melt eventually, yes, but they absolutely should not be melting at their current, absolutely outrageous rate, nor should global temperatures rise as dramatically as they are.

Oh, absolutely they could! But in canon they don't. Sad, but true. I've seen some authors try to say things like the Weasley farm is hidden in a tree, but the ignores the sunlight landing on one tree would be pretty dark when the inside of that tree is expanded to many acres. Anything outside the gets sunlight has to be 1:1 in size with the muggles.

The entire 9-floor Ministry, though, could fit inside a single basement of a small house, and in canon there is no way to dispute that! Diagon Alley, though, is outside, so it has to have a 1:1 street. The fronts of the buildings could only be a couple of feet (for the signs and obvious signs of roofs) and the insides be expanded to make them as deep as needed. Again, there is nothing in Canon to dispute that, except where other Alley's intersect and a shop has two sides exposed. That would be very difficult to expand without distorting things terribly.

That makes sense. Also, the squib families could have hundreds of descendants, making it even more difficult to keep them separated from muggles. Some families might only have a few surviving members, but others would have huge numbers. For example, my family can trace their roots to a single Prussian soldier in the Revolutionary army under Washington. We now number about a hundred individuals. On the other hand, there don't appear to be many descendants left from Abraham Lincoln, with the entire male line extinct.

Anyway, my advice from a several professional authors is concentrate more on your characters in your story and only bring out your world-building where it directly and immediately effects the characters. Consider, in the Original Star Wars, the whole clone-wars was a single line. The Emperor's shenanigans in overturning the Republic aren't even mentioned, despite how much George Lucas had already mapped out. Note, that the original movie was considered NUMBER 4 in the series, and he relegated all that background to a less than a dozen random sentences in the entire movie.

Yeah, I know I have a bad habit of writing too much lore, and giving too many info dumps.

But world building is what I have the most fun doing, and want to share the world with everyone as quickly as possible.

A very bad habit I know... one that's hard to breakz given world building is my favorite part of fan fiction.

Yeah. You spend weeks building the details that support the story, yet the readers only see a tiny percentage of that. Like building a tall bridge -- the people using it only see the top and railing, not the fancy structural details and footing buried in the ground that make the bridge stand tall and endure for decades.

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