• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,764 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

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Come Fly With Me Part 5

Twilight went the long way, meeting Janey back at the rocket statue that sat in front of the entrance to the facility. Somehow more annoyed than before, Janey wore a scowl so deep Twilight dare not offer an opinion on their situation. Rather she simply fell in behind the human as she made her way back down the road towards Novac.

No feral ghouls harassed them, nor did any of the local wildlife make an appearance, allowing the duo to walk in peace. Without anything else to occupy herself, Twilight looked around, observing her surroundings without focusing on locating any potential danger. Flipping this mental switch between passive observation and threat assessment felt strange to the ex-pony but she didn't dwell on it too much.

The wasteland had its small, hidden beauties, namely how the sun was slowly peaking its way above the horizon. The distant flaming orb was at the moment only a quarter way over the lip of the world, its usually harsh rays muted somewhat. With the slight illumination came the banishment of the stars, and the revelation of how overcast the day had become.

Though cloudy, it didn't seem likely to rain, which made sense as such an event was probably quite unlikely. This was still a desert after all, or at least desert adjacent technically speaking. Either way it looked beautiful, and seemed to relax the former pony somewhat due to how familiar it felt.

Though it was not the same world as the one she called home, its sunrises were still beautiful and its night sky was still enchanting. The connection was small, but pleasant, with the deathclaw unable to stop herself from smiling. With a smile came a wave of exhaustion, her body finally relaxing fully after her stressful encounter with another flamer.

The rest of the walk was a blur, with Twilight becoming increasingly tired until her limbs felt heavy and unresponsive. Thankfully by then, they had reached their suite, having passed by a few stunned, Novac citizens along the way. Though startled, none drew their weapons on either Twilight or the courier she walked alongside.

Once inside the motel proper, Twilight collapsed into a heap, lying sprawled out next to the bed while Janey unpacked her bags. The human then shucked off the majority of her clothes and placed her weapons aside. She was about to head for the bathroom when she stopped, facing Twilight.

“Want me to turn on the radio? I was gonna have a quick bath before hitting the hay,” Janey offered.

Twilight nodded.

The human unbuckled her pipboy, flipped over to the right channel, turned up the volume, and then departed.

The dulcet tones of a strange human immediately began lulling Twilight to sleep, though true rest would not come for some time. Though relaxed, her mind was still churning, going through the events of the night in detail. While Twilight wondered about Jason Bright’s true mission, and Janey bathed, the music came to an end.

“Well it's just about time to get you some news,” announced Mr. New Vegas. “It seems as though a mysterious broadcast was heard for only a few short minutes early this morning. Originating from somewhere south of Hopeville, the transmission was badly degraded, with only a few short words audible through the static. Normally I wouldn't bother telling you all about something like this, but we’ve all heard the rumors about those who ventured out past Hopeville’s borders. As for the broadcast’s purpose… Well I’ll play what little we could salvage, and you can be the judge of that.”

There was a short pause before Mr. New Vegas was replaced by what sounded like static, with a distant female voice barely coming through. Though Twilight could tell that someone was speaking, it was impossible to pick out any words. That was until the static unexpectedly vanished and a clearly synthesized, robotic voice came through.

“You must go south from-” declared the feminine tone before being swallowed by sound once more. This continued for several more seconds before it cleared for a second time. “-be safe darling.”

“And that's all there is to it folks,” Mr. New Vegas interrupted. “I’d say it's likely some kinda prewar broadcast that's only coming through now. Those kinds of voice modules are really only found on the Robco brand robobrains and we don't have many of them down here in New Vegas.”

“Just another wild wasteland moment folks, and now I’d like to play one of my very favorite songs for you,” Mr. New Vegas concluded, his voice melting away only to be replaced by the soft strum of a guitar.

“Darling? Does that mean Rarity may be here?” Twilight muttered to herself.

A few minutes later Janey repeated, the human immediately collapsing into the bed.

“Anything good on the radio?” asked the human.

“Do you know anything about Hopeville and what lies south of it?” Twilight asked.

The courier stiffened, her hands jamming themselves beneath the covers. “Not much,” Janey replied. “Did a few deliveries there back in the day, but no one ever went south from there.”

“Why is that?” Twilight pressed.

“It's nearly completely impassable. Deep pockets of radiation, mountains, and more cazadores than you can shake a stick at,” Janey answered. “It's hellish country, and if the rumors are to be believed something worse than cazadores make their home south of that place.”

“Like what?” Twilight pressed.

“I don't know,” Janey muttered, rolling onto her side. “Now quit bothering me, I need my sleep.”

Twilight snorted irritably, the deathclaw turning away from her friend and staring off into space. She wanted to believe it was Rarity, that the fashionista was out there, but the voice was all wrong, and worse still if Mr. New Vegas was correct it was created by a robot. That sealed it in Twilight's mind, whoever was on the radio wasn't Rarity, merely saying the word ‘darling’ was not enough to go on.

Despite declaring that to herself, Twilight couldn't help but wonder if it could be the fashionable pony, even as she drifted off to sleep.

“Come on wake up, it's nearly one in the afternoon,” demanded a familiar voice.

Twilight groaned and rose slowly, blearily rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Sorry to wake you sleeping beauty but we got places to be today,” Janey pressed.

“Slave driver,” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Save your irritated grumbles for when those religious nut jobs inevitably come up with some other bullshit errand to give us before they promise to leave,” Janey retorted.

Twilight pushed herself into a stand. Before her stood Janey, the human having donned her clothes, armor, weapons, and backpack.

“Come on. I gotta sell some stuff, and talk to the traders,” Janey declared. “And you’re going to be the leverage I need to get any information out of them.”

Twilight groaned, but reluctantly followed Janey outside, onto the second-story walkway of the motel. The floor groaned beneath her scaled feet, but held, as did the stairs leading down into the courtyard. There Twilight noticed that Novac had come alive, with traders, and citizens moving around in larger groups than they had earlier that day.

Once more Twilight's appearance drew eyes, as well as a bit of concern, but the humans had seemingly gotten used to her. However, this was likely due to the super mutant who was already present in the town’s square. Jimmy was standing slack-jawed looking up at the dinosaur statue, his expression one of awe bordering on reverence.

“You alright there Jimmy?” Asked Janey.

The super mutant nodded mutely.

“Well alright you stay out of trouble now and listen to what the nice people ask you to do,” Janey added.

Again the super mutant nodded.

Twilight wanted to talk to him a bit as well, but Janey was already moving on, and Twilight doubted it would do much good anyway.

So she continued to follow after the courier, though the deathclaw’s attention didn't remain fixed on her companion for long. The traders were out in force though there were spaces and stalls that were still empty. Clearly, the inability to prospect at the Repcon test site was hurting the local economy though it had yet to collapse completely.

Standing mutely behind the courier, Twilight idly noted that although Janey was indeed seeking out the information they needed she was mostly selling the junk they had found. Janey also made vague references to Twilight in an effort to get a better deal but never strayed too close to outright intimidation. Twilight wanted to chew her out for even getting close to this line but decided to simply look as bored and unintimidating as possible.

That was until they crossed paths with a vendor selling food and drink, his table covered with freshly grilled meat.

Twilight pointed eagerly to the grilled mantis legs while shaking Janey’s shoulder like an excited child.

“And all the grilled mantis legs you have,” Janey added. “Would you quit shaking me? I ordered your food already.”

Twilight waited patiently for the transaction to complete, upon which she was handed a veritable armload of the cooked insect parts. The pile of food was stuffed rather unceremoniously into her maw, the deathclaw chewing noisily while Janey ignored her. Twilight didn't mind, and continued to munch while they moved to the last stall currently open.

She was about to keep following when she noticed Harland stumble out from an alley, the ghoul quickly schooling himself before going over to the stall Twilight had just left behind. There the former cult guard purchased a bottle of whiskey before walking off, taking a swig directly from the bottle. Though not a pleasant sight Twilight was happy to see that the ghoul had at least not suffered any visible injuries and still had money to spend.

“Come on, I got a lead,” Janey called.

Twilight perked up.

“Old Lady Gibson may have what we are looking for,” Janey remarked. “Apparently she had some big glowing jar she was using as a night light.”

Twilight looked puzzled.

“Yeah I know that doesn't sound smart but it's supposedly completely safe provided the containment isn't breached, remember?” Janey replied.

Twilight shrugged.

“Either way it's not far from town,” Janey encouraged.

Twilight nodded and gestured toward the road.

Janey obliged the motion and departed, the pair heading northward out of Novac. Along the way, they passed by a couple of houses, a rather run-down shack, and a few curious Novac citizens. Beyond that was a beaten road leading down into some hills, and continuing on all the way into the horizon.

Only the top of the Lucky Thirty-eight was even visible, though the outskirts of New Vegas could also be seen. Though intriguing, Twilight's gaze didn't linger on it for long, as she could see what was probably their destination up ahead. A junkyard sat just off the highway, its location marked by a pair of junked cars leaning against one another like a pair of cards.

The yard itself was surprisingly expansive and was marked by a single squat garage that likely served as the home of the person they were seeking out. Twilight had to piece all this information together herself, as Janey didn't stop long enough to tell her anything. Worse yet, Twilight had forgotten to find a hunk of metal to replace the one she used to talk with.

As they neared the place, Twilight detected the aroma of a coyote, only not quite the same. She saw the origin of this odd scent fairly soon, as several large guard dogs could be spotted near the garage. An older woman wearing the garb of a trader sat in their midst, a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

Upon spotting Twilight, the human seemingly froze.

“Just wait here a sec,” Janey offered.

Twilight nodded, remaining behind while Janey walked the rest of the way up to the garage. While the courier explained Twilight's situation, the deathclaw waited patiently. The slow but steady approach of a dog caught her by surprise, and Twilight watched the curious creature walk right up to her.

Its hackles were raised, and its tail was sticking straight up but despite that, it didn't growl. Though its teeth were bared, the hound seemed more curious than anything.

“Aww aren't you adorable,” Twilight muttered.

Extending a hand, Twilight encouraged the dog to come closer, something the hound seemed reluctant to do.

“What did Applejack say to do that one time? Make yourself smaller, sit down, or if all else fails roll over onto your back?” Twilight murmured.

Noticing that the rest of the small pack was also approaching her, Twilight decided to put this advice to the test. First, she kneeled down, then with a thump she fell to her butt, legs splayed and tail extended. Though the dogs seemed confused at first, something clicked and they all ran up to her, barking excitedly.

With a grin on her face, Twilight petted them as gently as she could muster, making sure to use only her palms. It was a little unruly, but the dogs seemed to enjoy it, as they crowded around her, eager for more. One even plopped down between her legs, laying a head on her thigh and closing its eyes.

Twilight chuckled and continued petting them until two out of the three got bored and left. Those that departed went back to their spot on either side of Old Lady Gibson, their hackles raised once more, only not due to Twilight's presence but rather Janey’s. The sight was rather amusing, with Janey making no effort to assuage the worries of the dogs, and merely telling them to shut up every time they barked at her.

Though their conversation was no doubt important, Twilight paid them no mind and continued to slowly stroke the back of the remaining dog. Who in turn relaxed completely, turning over onto its side with a languid thump.

“You are adorable,” Twilight muttered.

It wasn't long before Janey returned, though she did so with only a large boxy piece of metal and not also a glowing container of radioactive chemicals.

“Well we got one out of two, and have a bead on the other so it wasn't too bad,” Janey began. “Apparently the isotope was purchased by some nut job who seemed intent on proving that his new radiation suit was invulnerable or something.”

Twilight frowned.

“Old Lady Gibson convinced him to at least take some Rad-X though he refused any rad away,” Janey shrugged. “Either way this Mr. Radical fella probably didn't make it very far as he was headed towards Clark Field. A toxic waste dump, and home of an infamously aggressive pack of golden geckos.”

Twilight gently picked up the dog and set it down on its own four legs. At first, it seemed confused about its resting spot disappearing, but then it wandered off back the way it came.

“I don't know how you are so good with animals,” Janey muttered. “Seriously, you’re a bloody apex predator! They should be terrified of you.”

Twilight chuckled to herself.

“Whatever. Let's just get a move on before this dumbass either breaks the container, or winds up wandering off into the mountains in a radiation poisoning-induced haze,” Janey declared.

Twilight nodded and motioned for Janey to take the lead.

“Right, just follow me,” Janey stated.

Author's Note:

Done as part of a gift for all your amazing support during this time of need. Thank you all.

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