• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,767 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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My Kind Of Town

Both soldiers seated themselves at a picnic table, with the higher ranking of the two gesturing to the spot across from him. “Please, rest a moment while we discuss things,” he offered.

“I’ll stand,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight grunted and plopped down next to the table, causing the ground to shake for a moment.

“Alright then as you may know Primm isn't exactly in a good place right now,” began the beret wearing soldier. “Before we get into that, this is Sergeant MCGee, and my name is Lieutenant Hayes. I am in charge of containing these fugitives but with logistics being what it is I cannot fulfill this duty.”

“Obviously,” muttered Janey as she continued to pace.

“Don't waste your time lieutenant. They obviously won't help,” exclaimed the goateed soldier who crossed his arms over his chest.

Twilight grunted and raised a hand, encouraging Hayes to continue.

“Er thank you,” he muttered before clearing his throat. “Without additional manpower I can't do anything for the people of Primm who are currently under threat by a splinter gang of convicts.’

“Splinter gang?” Janey questioned. “How can you know for sure?”

“We saw them fighting with a bunch of powder gangers shortly after they took over the Bison Steve hotel,” the sergeant offered. “Left one dead and another limping away with a half dozen stab wounds. That kinda scuffle doesn't exactly happen between friends.”

Twilight grunted.

“So this pack of convicts isn't supported by the larger powder ganger organization then?” Janey pressed.

“We don't believe so, no,” Hayes replied.

“Then why haven't you started picking them off?” Janey exclaimed, throwing open her arms. “You have the training, the better equipment. You don't have to take them all at once, just drive a little fear in their heart and they’ll turn tail.”

“Its not that simple,” growled the other soldier. “We don't have proper long guns, nor do we have jurisdiction over Primm in the first place.”

“Beyond that our orders are to stay here and remain in position until such time that our logistical issues have been resolved,” added the lieutenant in a calmer tone.

“Typical NCR,” Janey muttered. “Do you at least have any actionable intel on these convicts?”

“As a matter of fact we do,” grumbled the sergeant. “I was observing the Bison Steve hotel when I noticed that the convicts had taken the town’s deputy hostage. If you freed him it would make retaking the town that much easier.”

“Woah woah woah. We haven't agreed to anything. Especially not taking on a small army of gangsters with just the two of us,” Janey cautioned.

Twilight grunted, and tapped out her response. “What assistance, if any could you give us?”

“We don't have much though I’d be in your debt,” Hayes exclaimed.

Janey slammed her hands against the table. “Not good enough.”

“I knew this was a bad idea,” Mc Gee remarked, standing quickly. “We should kick these freaks out of the camp and wait for backup.”

“Now hold on sergeant, I-” Hayes tried to exclaim only to be interrupted.

“Don't worry we were just leaving. Come on princess,” Janey exclaimed, reaching for Twilight’s shoulder.

The deathclaw pounded a fist against the ground, causing the ground to shake and the table to rattle. Immediately everyone went on edge, and even Janey pulled back, a hand going to her weapon. Twilight didn't care though, as at least everyone had stopped talking over one another, leaving her enough time to respond.

“Janey. Do you know for certain who shot you, and who wants the platinum chip?” Twilight tapped out.

“I…” Janey frowned. “I’m not one hundred percent on either of those things. Taking one to the brain pan tends to muddle the memories.”

“And Lieutenant, would you repay us if given time?” Twilight continued.

The soldier nodded slowly. “I would. Even if it had to come out of my own pay.”

“Lieutenant, I-” McGee began only to be interrupted by a glare.

“Remain silent Sergeant,”

The goateed soldier grumbled, but did as he was told, crossing his arms over his chest and staying off to the side.

“Then we have reached an accord,” Twilight stated, gesturing from Janey to the lieutenant.

The courier sighed, and extended a hand. “I suppose we have.”

“Before we go I have two questions,” Twilight continued, holding up a claw. “Have you heard anything about ponies, strange creatures with intelligence not normally seen in their species or someone claiming to be from another world?”

The pair of soldiers exchanged a confused look before Hayes turned back to Twilight.

“Your looking for your friends right? That's what the radio said,” Hayes offered.

Twilight nodded.

“I haven't. Honestly the only rumours we hear are from the radio,” Hayes admitted.

“I heard one of the convicts mention something about the thorn’s business picking up due to a new attraction but other than that I haven't left camp for weeks,” Sergeant McGee exclaimed.

Twilight sighed. “What is this thorn place?”

“It's an arena where the foulest bloodsport plays out for the jeering masses of westside,” Hayes explained in a clearly disgusted tone.

“It's not exactly the most reputable of places,” Janey offered. “Though Red Lucy tends to keep the worst of the riff raff at bay.”

Twilight mulled it over for a few seconds before reluctantly sighing and asking her next question. “Were you intending on taking the convicts alive?”

The lieutenant chuckled. “Ideally yes but I doubt that will happen. They’ve had time to dig in and fortify their position. They won't walk out of that place willingly.”

“Then you have restraints then?” Twilight pressed.

“We have handcuffs yes… why?” McGee inquired.

“May we have them?” Twilight asked.

“You can't be serious,” Janey deadpanned.

Twilight stared into the courier’s eyes for several seconds.

“Oh my god you are,” Janey muttered.

“Am I missing something here?” McGee muttered while scratching his head.

“I do believe princess here wants to bring them in alive,” Hayes exclaimed in a slightly shocked tone.

Twilight nodded. “But we’ll need your handcuffs for that.”

Hayes nodded, and pointed to a soldier lingering nearby. “You, get the cuffs from my tent.”

The man nodded before moving to fulfill his superior’s order.

“Great, just great,” Janey muttered, arms crossed over her chest. “Got any other bright ideas to make this harder than it needs to be? Perhaps I should leave all my guns behind and go in with just my fists?”

Twilight snorted. “This is the right thing to do and you know it.”

“Whatever, lets just get moving,” Janey remarked before walking away.

Hayes chuckled after Janey was gone. “This was not how I saw my day going.”

“What? Was it the talking deathclaw or the fact that said deathclaw is the compassionate one of the two?” McGee remarked.

“Both,” Hayes replied.

Twilight sighed. “She means well but is blinded by her desire for revenge.”

Hayes nodded. “I’ve seen men and women like her before. None of them met a pleasant end.”

Twilight stood up slowly and extended a clawed hand, only to remember how sharp they were and merely saluted the two soldiers instead.

Lieutenant Hayes returned the gesture with a smile while Sergeant McGee merely stood there with a sour look on his face.

“I don't think you’ll need luck but I’ll wish you the best regardless,” Hayes exclaimed.

“Give em hell princess,” McGee added.

Twilight nodded and began to walk away, the deathclaw noting the way the two men relaxed once she had left the central camp area. The scent of fear that had remained distant during the entire encounter returned when a rather nervous young soldier approached her. His arms were laden with more than a dozen pairs of handcuffs, and he shook so hard Twilight was certain he was about to drop them.

“H-here,” he muttered, extending his arms.

Twilight grunted, and opened a large hand, claws pointed away from the human.

He immediately dropped his load into her hand before quickly turning and all but sprinting away. Which was perfectly fine in Twilight’s book as the stink of fear had left her irritable and slightly queasy. Loading the restrainment devices into her pockets took a little doing because of her sharp claws but in the end they were all safely tucked away.

Leaving her little to do but follow Janey’s scent over to the half destroyed bridge leading into Primm proper. There the courier stood a few feet away from another soldier, both of whom were enjoying a cigarette and staring out at the town. Neither uttered a word until Twilight stood behind them, the deathclaw silently observing along with them.

“It's been quiet,” the soldier exclaimed.

“Probably headed in once the sun started to set,” Janey added.

Twilight turned and glanced towards the setting sun and the long rays of light it cast on the mojave. It almost made the blasted, irradiated hellscape pretty, though that sentiment was marred by the distant pop of gunfire. Thankfully it died down just as quickly as it began, with only a half dozen shots being let off before the town fell silent once more.

The soldier grunted. “Would you two do something for me?”

“That depends. You gonna pay us or just guilt trip us?” Janey exclaimed.

“I got a few stim packs I’ve saved up which I can give you. All you gotta do is make sure to rough up a psycho who shot me in the leg a couple days ago,” the soldier replied, handing over a handful of the meds. “Wears a welding mask and is a total psycho.”

Janey nodded, and accepted the drugs before stuffing them into a pocket. “Anything else we should know?”

The soldier shrugged. “He's got damn good aim despite the whole welding mask thing.”

Twilight growled.

“Come on we aren't going to kill him unless he fires first,” Janey retorted.

Twilight sighed, silently conceding the point when she realized she wasn't about to win this one.

“If it makes you feel any better I don't want him dead or anything just rough him up a little,” the soldier added, stomping out his smoke. “Oh and watch out for the landmines on the bridge. If you stay to the right you should be fine.”

“Thanks,” Janey replied, the courier putting out her own cigarette in a similar manner. “Come on. Let's work our way around the left side of town.”

Twilight nodded and watched as her companion walked out onto the bridge, where she pointed out the partially hidden traps waiting for them. She then did as the soldier recommended and walked along the edge, maneuvering around the small devices. Twilight followed her friend somewhat hesitantly, more than aware of the damage such weapons were capable of.

Keeping her tail in check and her large feet on a narrow path was difficult, but the deathclaw managed it without incident. Now standing on the other side, Twilight released a sigh, her shoulders falling slack now that she had solid ground under her once more. Glancing back to Janey, she noticed the human was crouched low next to a destroyed car, her revolver out.

Doing her best to remain quiet, Twilight knelt down behind her human companion and peeked out from behind cover. There she followed her friend’s gaze and noticed a lone convict smoking something by the nearby gas station. Beyond that there was also a group standing outside of one of the shacks on the left hand side of town.

This group seemed to be arguing rather loudly with one another, and were frequently pointing towards one of the run down shacks. None had noticed the deathclaw nor the courier, and Twilight hoped it stayed that way for a while at least.

“I’ll sneak up on the first guy and knock him out, you stay here and watch my back,” Janey whispered.

Twilight sighed, and reluctantly bit back the urge to tap out a response due to the high chance of getting caught.

“Just tap the car three times if someone noticed me,” Janey replied before ducking behind the car and slipping around the side.

Twilight watched her friend slink into the shadows, using the many craters left in the ruined street as cover. Meanwhile the lone convict was busy shaking a strange tube-like object and cursing under his breath. His hair was mostly gone, and for some reason he wore a tire on his shoulder along with way too many belts around his waist.

To Twilight his armor looked to be more of a determinant then anything, but evidently the raider didn't believe so. As for weapons the male had only a pistol and a crowbar, both of which dangled from his hip. The man didn't reach for either however, as he was too busy cursing and shaking the tube thing angrily.

He was about to try and take a pull from it again only for Janey to emerge from the shadows and wrap an arm around his neck. The convict barely had a second before his legs were swept out from under him and together the pair landed in a heap on the ground. Janey remained firmly on top, using her better position to continue choking the man into unconsciousness.

Though the man resisted, and tried to squirm away, his arms were pinned under them, leaving him little opportunity but to thrash wildly. This did little and in the end he fell still a minute later, his arms hanging slack at his sides. Janey remained on top of him for several more seconds before withdrawing her arm and dragging him over to the gas station. Where she propped him up against a wall, placed the tube thing back into his hand and began rummaging through his pockets.

She swiftly stowed the man’s weapons, as well as what little caps he had on him and two more of those tube things. With that done, she dusted herself off, and waved Twilight over with a hand. The deathclaw approached slowly and patiently, well aware of just how loud her footsteps were.

Crouching in the garage next to the gas station, Twilight motioned towards the shack and the arguing men outside of it.

“Wait a second. I’m going to check out the shack next to it. Remain here for a minute,” Janey whispered.

Twilight held out a hand and grunted, pointing at the men again.

“They won't go anywhere and besides, I don't want a bunch of guys sneaking up on us,” Janey exclaimed before slipping away.

Leaving Twilight to nervously sit in the garage, shifting from foot to foot as she waited for her friend’s return. As time passed Twilight couldn't help but imagine what Janey might be getting up to and the danger she might be in. Peeking out from around the corner, Twilight watched as the door to the other shack opened, and Janey slipped away.

Something about her movements was off, but Twilight wasn't exactly what sure that was different. Either way the human quickly skirted around the gas station and returned to the garage, uninjured from the brief excursion.

Twilight held out a hand and grunted, inviting an explanation.

“Nothing,” Janey quickly replied. “They ransacked someone’s home likely after looting the rest of the town.”

Twilight grunted, and motioned towards the men.

“We’ll approach from the left, skirting around the fence until we reach the back of whats probably the sheriff's house. Then I’ll come out one side, grab their attention and allow you to sneak up on the other side,” Janey explained.

A low growl built at the back of Twilight’s throat as she glanced back over to the three men standing outside the shack. Though largely oblivious to their presence, they were armed, armored, and ready for a fight. Fortunately for Twilight and Janey, the raider’s equipment looked as poor as the first guy’s, with only one of them wielding a rifle while the other two had pistols.

After a moment longer of consideration, Twilight nodded, and gestured invitingly for Janey to lead the way.

The courier nodded and did just that, creeping out from behind cover and taking the long way around the leftmost shack. Once behind it they moved along the fence’s edge up until they were behind the second home. There they could hear the conversation in full, as well as see two more convicts walking down the poorly lit main road between the two main buildings.

The pair strode confidently in front of the Vikki and Vance casino, their gazes fixed on the aforementioned structure. Neither seemed to be in a rush and seemed intent on watching the other casino rather than patrolling the area. Noone else walked the quiet poorly lit streets, and save for the trio nearby, hardly a sound was uttered.

Twilight pointed to the dou walking away.

Janey nodded and motioned for the deathclaw to remain low while they waited for the others to leave earshot. Sure enough after the men passed the casino, they turned down the short road leading back to the NCR outpost. With them out of the way, Janey pointed Twilight in the other direction before slipping around the shack.

Leaving the deathclaw to slowly creep back around the other side, paying close attention to any sounds of danger.

“Hello boys,” greeted Janey’s familiar voice. “Fancy seeing you out so late.”

“What the fuck? Who are you!” demanded one of the men.

“Who gives a shit. It's another chick just grab her!” yelled another.

“Hold on. Don't you want to know where my sister is?” Janey replied.

Twilight rounded the corner and noticed that the three men had their hands on their weapons though they hadn't drawn them yet. Standing in front of them was Janey who had her hands up and a wide smile on her face. The second their eyes met, the courier flashed Twilight a wink and glanced to the two men on the right, a motion none of them seemed to notice.

“Sister?” asked the darker skinned of the bunch. “What sister?”

“Oh come on lets just grab her already. I didn't even get a turn with the Sherrif’s bitch before that dip shit offed her,” exclaimed the center most raider who had grabbed a nail filled bat from nearby.

“Shut up you idiot,” muttered the man to the left, smacking his friend across the back of his head. “Excuse this dope’s outburst. Why don't you tell us where your sister is so we can all relax and enjoy a nice drink together. The sheriff of this place had a bottle of whiskey that he won't be needing anymore.”

“Well then your in luck because she’s right behind you,” Janey replied, pointing to Twilight.

Who had managed to sneak up within several feet of the men without them noticing.

All three turned to the deathclaw at the same time, their eyes going wide while their hands scrambled for a weapon. Janey and Twilight were far faster though, and by the time they had managed to overcome their fear the fight was already over. A gun was at the back of one convict’s heads while Twilight had her clawed hands wrapped around the skulls of the two others.

“Don't say a word or my sister and I will waste the whole lot of you,” Janey hissed.

“W-what?” muttered the terrified convict.

“You heard me. Don't move, don't speak, and definitely don't do anything stupid. Got it?” Janey replied.

Twilight let out a low rumbling growl just to add an extra layer of intimidation to the statement.

The one human not currently wetting themselves metaphorically or literally nodded his head. “Y-yes. We’ll do whatever you say just don't let that thing eat me,” he whispered.

“That's the sheriff’s house right?” Janey inquired, gesturing to her right.

The man nodded.

“Is there a jail cell in there?” the courier continued.

The convict bobbed his head again.

“Good. Princess, why don't you go in first. If they utter a sound, you have my permission to eat one of them,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight snorted, the former pony more then a little disgusted, but also quite aware that she needed to keep up the act.

The deathclaw pointed one of her captives towards the door, and after a snort of encouragement, he opened it. Together he and the other man were forcibly walked inside, their steps short and hesitant, with the pair nearly tripping over one another in the process. The entrance was only just barely big enough for Twilight to squeeze through provided she bent down and made herself as small as possible.

Once inside however, the deathclaw’s nostrils quickly filled with a familiar, and disturbing smell. Rot, blood, and death hung heavy in the air, causing a whole host of feelings to well in Twilight’s chest. It took a bit to stow those urges, but Twilight managed it before roughly shoving the pair into the lone open jail cell on the right side of the structure.

His friend followed not long after, the trio landing in a tangled heap a second before the door slammed shut behind them. Thankfully it didn't need a key to be secured, allowing Twilight to relax and try to get a handle on the urges that filled her. Janey didn't seem to notice this and stood outside the slightly cramped cell, her gun leveled at one of the men.

“Now I don't need to repeat myself, but if you utter a sound, then princess here is going to get an early breakfast,” Janey explained.

“Yeah whatever. Just don't feed us to that thing and we’ll do whatever you want lady,” muttered the first man.

“Holy fuck I thought I was a goner,” murmured another.

“Damn that jet must have been good. Are you all seeing this shit?” the last one asked only to receive a double slap upside the back of his head.

“Hey Twi are you- jesus are you okay?” Janey asked, taking a nervous step back.

The deathclaw covered her mouth with a hand and pointed at the other area of the building.

Janey raised an eyebrow and peeked inside to find that a pair of nude humans were laying face down on a bed. The female had been handcuffed to the post and had numerous bruises across her body while the male had a single bullet wound in the back of the skull. Meanwhile the girl’s head was turned to the right revealing an agonized expression frozen on her face as well as her slit throat.

“What the fuck?” Janey muttered in shock.

Twilight grunted, and pointed to the trio locked in the cell.

“You! What the fuck happened here?” Janey demanded, pointing to the leader of the bunch.

“Spinny got some bad jet and went a little crazy,” remarked the human, his hands raised. “We didn't wanna kill her, honest.”

Janey scowled. “So you could just keep raping her?”

“I uh…” the man glanced at the deathclaw looming over them and the courier who had a gun pointed at him. “Yes?”

Janey grit her teeth and spun on Twilight. “Do you still believe this kinda scum deserves to live?”

Twilight sighed, her blood lust slowly falling away and tapped out her response on the bars of the cell. “They may not have all done so. We cannot judge all by the actions of a few.”

The courier spat on the ground, bitterly holstering her weapon. “That's rich coming from someone who doesn't have to worry about ending up like her.”

Twilight sighed and was about to reply when Janey made her way to the exit.

“I’ll be outside,” declared the human.

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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