• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 31: "Honey, I've misplaced the foal."

My meeting came to an abrupt end with the declaration to take an early lunch, and with a promise to resume on the morrow. With my schedule growing shorter with every passing month, I’m increasingly finding myself having to fill the void with other activities to compensate for the lack of work being directed to me.

Having felt the pings of an empty stomach myself, I wandered the halls of the Crystal Castle, being saluted, and returning the salutes of passing Crystal Guards or the occasional Equestrian Detachment stationed in the city to help provide the much needed cold shots. The last estimates still dramatically put us under the perceived limit needed to be in the clear; yet progress was better than anticipated, and at our current rate it is deemed that should a cold outbreak sweep the Empire, only 39% of the population would be affected. A high number regardless of the situation, but drastically improved then the first projected 84% three months prior.

With her highness, and my dear friend, Princess Luna having departed last month with a request to be a part of the Equestrian Games Planning Committee, she felt the need to leave a small retinue of Thestrals to act as her eyes and ears. Assigning Mothchaser as her spokesmare seemed the natural choice for this new assignment even if it meant temporarily suspending her role as Luna’s Personal Guard for the foreseeable future. To ease her (and her team) into city life, Shifting Winds felt it prudent to reassign Unstoppable Force to act as her advisor given how well they clicked during the failed Crystal Hive recruitment efforts.

Unsure where those two were, and not wanting to disturb their own work with my lack of work, felt it prudent to seek out my one and only charge in the hopes of organizing a food drive for Topaz, with a Crystal Berry Salad being the preferred meal. Though Cersus has become more independent over the last two years, the nymph usually accompanies us when given the chance, and today she is foalsitting the young heiress meaning Flurry Heart will be joining us.

This of course isn’t a problem, in fact Topaz’s emotions become brazen with joy when attending to the young foal, who in turn relishes the attention from her ordained aunt.

Thank Order, and Harmony the sight’s commonality has waned the interests of the local journalist enough, or I’d assume given the mysterious stallion hasn’t been seen in proximity to the Castle. Before this repulsion, the odd camera flash during the day kept me alert to avoid stumbling into the (frequently) odd predicament ponies seemed to naturally conjure up. The reputation of the Guard, my friends and family solely relied on my ability to conduct myself professionally. So far every time I’ve become caught up in pony shenanigans, the acts were often deemed heroic.

To my own detriment, these stories were picked up along the southern boundaries of the Empire, or the northernmost provinces of the former Equestrian frontier, further flaming the endless popularity of Officer Friendly. The company responsible for the creation of these dolls has expressed interest in releasing a limited statue commemorating the ‘Petting Zoo Rampage’ as it’s been deemed since. Unable to contain or deny the company’s request without proper cause gave them my blessing.

This increased need for bureaucracy, a blessing and curse evenly blended into one, have allotted me this extra time to the point nothing save a national emergency would require my full attention. Thus, this food date was becoming my new responsibility, and a favorite at that.

Another turn down the hall found myself approaching the stairs, and offering a quick salute to the guard pair standing on each side before beginning my ascension to the top floor.

Having taken the stairs for nearly two years has conditioned me to the strenuous climb making the physical excursion nonexistent, only matched by the guards weighted in armor that frequently patrol every floor eventually. Naturally this meant the speed it takes to climb the stairs has been greatly reduced, thus in a matter of moments I reach the 9th floor and made my way toward Flurry Heart’s room where the foals often stayed when not gallivanting across the crystal laden paths of the Crystal City. Today the door was watched by only one Crystal Guard, a mare I didn’t recognize meaning she wasn’t drafted from the first recruitment drive, an occurrence becoming all too common since the increase in immigration has swelled the available bodies for many depleted sectors of the city.

It was time we met.

“Hail Guardsmare. I’m here to retrieve my daughter, and goddaughter for lunch.”

The mare snapped to attention with the skill reminiscent of a Royal Guard, marking her as either a quick learner or having prior experience, a possibility given how her coat lacked the fully transparent sheen exposing her as an accepted citizen of the Empire.

“Sir! The princesses are ready upon your command. Shall I join your detachment?” I thought for a moment, before shaking my head no.

“Perhaps another time Guardsmare. This will be a family meal, and once concluded we’ll return. You are dismissed for the next three hours, after which you report to Sergeant Shifting Winds for further orders.”

“By your command.” This time, her salute was a forehoof over the barrel marking her as a transfer from Equestria, but her youthful physique didn’t convey the life experience a pony needed for her level of training.

I’d considered asking the mare about her training, but decided against it for now with the intention of asking Shining Armor or Sgt Winds later. Stepping aside, the guardsmare dropped her hoof, and trotted down the hall toward the stairs with the precise stiffness of the joints characteristically associated with that of a Squire if not the Royal Knights or a similar Order.

“Curious.” I muttered, wondering what could have happened for an obviously skilled gaurdsmare to leave the prestigious position, and its wondrous benefit behind.

Using the rapid knocking pattern established between the three of us, I’d announced my presence to the nymph before entering the young heiress’s room. Unexpectedly, yet in character for her, Cersus was standing in the middle of the room with Flurry Heart giggling while pointing at her; assuming the wide eye Flurry Heart looking at me was Cersus, and not the other one venting her happiness.

“Sister! Sister!” Flurry Heart 1 cried, much to the Flurry Heart A’s dread. I followed the hoofpointing, and Flurry Heart A tucked her head into her right shoulder, and muttered something.

“Sister?” I repeated, and Flurry Heart 1 buzzed her wings before moving in for a hug.

“Cut it out!” Flurry Heart A commanded, yet did nothing to stop the gesture of affection.

“Would I be correct with my assumption nothing illegal is being conducted?”


“Bah buh."

“I mean you’re not doing bad things right?” I had to clarify to who I was now certain was Cersus…wait… “How did you do that Cersus?”

“Do what?” The Flurry Heart being hugged asked as her own wings fluttered, a common changeling expression used to signal one's relaxed state. I would have enjoyed this moment more if I wasn’t internally screaming seeing Cersus effortless pull off a transformation I’ve only been able to do once.

“Transform into Flurry Heart?”

“Uhhhh, I don’t know. Just did it?”

“Ah. Are you feeling alright, Cersus? No pain, or discomfort?"

"Maybe? Why are you asking? Am I not supposed to do this? Am I sick!?"

"No, simply worrying about the health of my charges. Larvae and nymphs are always the most at risk, and Shining always frets about young Flurry's faintest of sniffles. If you sneeze we will likely have to chisel someone off of a wall."

"Ewww. Wait, have you done that?"

"No comment. But digging up the past isn’t why I’m here. I’ll be joining Topaz for lunch, and figured both of you might be hungry."

"Oh. Uh, sure. Flurry was telling me she was getting bored anyway."

I looked at the young heiress clinging to her sister-like nymph, and immediately felt her hunger as well.


"Understood, we'll alert the staff of our departure on the way out."

Acquiring lunch was the easy part given Flurry’s status as Princess of the Empire and one of two alicorns in the City; compounded with my strong resemblance to the Officer Friendly Plush line, the wait was practically nonexistent, the walk to the I.C.A.M building was another hurdle upon itself.

With the increase in tourism, and immigration to the Crystal City, we began amassing a lot of attention to flash photography, or the brave pony wanting to greet us became too much. I was forced more than once to use my authority to disperse them from our path, yet they would only retreat a distance before following us once more, jeopardizing the planned lunch. Forced to take an alternate route while applying a wide array of distractions (mostly learned from Cersus) aimed to confuse, and lose the gawking tourist amongst the thin crowds of Crystal Ponies.

This maneuvering put us off course toward the school, and ultimately led us further astray in the opposite direction near the southern residential districts before losing enough of the crowd to slip away mostly unnoticed. The few that managed to keep on our trail eventually found themselves misplaced among the crystal houses while we resumed our previous course to the school. Thank Harmony salads can be enjoyed without suffering from prolonged periods of existence, else I would be ordering a new salad for Topaz, further pushing our meal schedules off sync with the recommended suggestion.

More paths through the back alleys and non vital roads to ensure we lost our entourage finally put us within sight of the school, which judging by the mass of bodies mingling in front of the two buildings suggested we arrived in during the changing of the classes. Flurry Heart grabbed the back of my neck while Cersus found it beneficial to watch our food balancing on my back, and though attention was directed our way, most of the students simply waved or made appropriate faces at Flurry earning them a chance to hear the heiress laugh.

“Hurry up Idol. I’m hungry, and these ponies are staring too much.”

I said nothing, but did increase my pace.

Ever the social bug, Cersus hasn’t fully overcome her fear of prolonged staring because of the old infiltrator training with Flurry Heart being the exact opposite. My appearance to the beloved doll, Cersus unique pony colors, and Flurry being an alicorn foal meant we’d never completely be rid of this attention, especially when more creatures were deciding to call this place home…

“We’ll have to adapt as we always do. Our presence is too noticeable to do anything short of smiling and occasionally waving.” To emphasize this, I gave one particular group of mares and hens a simple wave that had been watching our group from afar, but quickly hurried by when they burst into a giggling fit.

“Smooth Idol, that’ll really get them off our backs.”

“A grave error on my part. I should’ve been more aware that a stallion caring for his young charges would project a different motive. No more talk of this until we reach Topaz’s office, alright?”

“Yea yea, I won’t tell her you were being friendly with some mares while you paraded us around the City.”

Certainly not! I’d sooner return to the hive then put Topaz through the stress, and I’d advise you to do the same. I’m not sure what I did to earn their affection, but it's unrequited.”

“Probably because you’re a hunk?”

“Explain yourself.”

“Some of the maids forget who I am, and like to talk- mostly about stallions. A few called you and Shining hunks, but hunks of what I haven’t figured that one out. Maybe they meant chunkers? I heard he threw Cadence out of a window one time.”

"Don't repeat that. The official story is Cadence caught a magical current that propelled her to great heights."

"That's stupid!"

"That's politics."

"...So it's supposed to be stupid?"

"That is my understanding, yes."

“That’s dumb. When I have my own family unit, it’ll be different.”

“In time, but for now we need to deliver this salad to Topaz. Then I’ll have a chat with Thorax.”

“For what?”


“This salad tastes weird. Are you sure this is what I ordered?”

“Indeed. That is a Crystal Berry Salad, double sunflower with extra dressing; the very same salad you ordered last week.” I watched Topaz comb through the salad with less reluctance this time before setting the vegetable dish on her desk.

“Awe u cik?”

“Cersus, please don’t talk with your mouth full. But to answer your question, I’m not sure. Ever since last week, I’ve noticed a decline starting with that headache.”

“I remember. Paper Weight couldn’t determine a reason for it.” Topaz’s nod was less enthusiastic.

“She couldn’t say much then suggested it was stress from teaching, and suggested I take a day off. We’re still understaffed, and as the only teacher for my department I’ll be interfering with my student’s studies. Thank Celestia for my aide, else I’d isolate myself in my office!”

“Why didn’t you inform me of this? I could have shifted some of my duties…”

“Ah! That right there is the reason why Idol! You have a great responsibility to the Empire that can’t be passed along to another pony. It's just a cold that’ll go away after a few more days.”

“Topaz, you understand I deeply care for your health.. yours as well Cersus.” I included after noticing her feelings through our shared connection. “To willingly forsake my family for oaths of fidelity will be the day Order forsakes me, and trust me Topaz when I declare that will never come.”

“Luv y'too, ma~” Cersus summarized my intent with a simple, yet effective phrase earning the nymph a large dose of love for her reward; applied through the usual physical contact of wrapping their respective hooves around each other.

The heartfelt moment unfortunately was cut short when I began looking around my chosen mate’s office for the other occupant…

“I don’t see Flurry Heart.”

It was very fortunate their hooves were interlocked from the hug during that moment, else Topaz might have dropped Cersus the moment she sprang from her chair. Cersus recovered quickly enough to shift her hold to nearly dangle from Topaz’s neck before finding assistance from my magic.

“FLURRY HEART!” The not too hungry pegasus cried as she bolted from the office with our all-but-adoptive foal strapped to her neck.

The importance of the matter wasn’t lost to me of course, yet I couldn’t in good faith leave the office in its current state when no time estimate could be given; gathering up the remains of our doomed lunch, I tossed the remains into the provided fabric sack to properly discard along the way.

I remembered to lock the door this time before leaving.

Flurry Heart wasn’t mingling among the student body, nor was the young heiress partaking in higher education- the lack of magical surges being the biggest clue.

Unwilling to call the search off so quickly, we expanded the area to the main campus grounds only to be met with a relatively normal scene of students milling about the few collective benches, their own groups, or oblivious to their peers as they studied along the wall of the main building. Our cries and reckless abandonment of the university’s guidelines drew enough attention our way to attract about a hooffull of Topaz’s students toward us.

We wouldn’t find Flurry until much later, but their willingness to hinder their education (against our protests) will be forever appreciated.

Reluctantly, their help was accepted and we split into smaller groups to broaden our search. Topaz, and I took to searching the main university building with Cersus clinging to my neck now. The other students, mostly foreign to the Crystal City, broke into three groups of two and took a different approach in seeking the streets surrounding the campus with the hopes that the young heiress only wanted some fresh air. It wouldn’t be until later that night we’ll learn of their encounter with one of the few guard patrols (during this time) of the city, and alerted them of the missing foal.

Truly it was a blessing ponykind has no way of instantly sharing frightening news, else the chaos it could unleash would free the Chaos Lord himself, and plunge the entire world into a lawless existence. Thank Order and Harmony, we were all impervious to the dangers all around us entering the early years of the yet Princess Twilight’s reign.

Unaware we’ll soon have help from the entire guard garrison, our search proceeded mostly unhindered because ponies tend to avoid a panicked mare willing to shove them out of their way- a guard following close on their heels is another deterrent. In this state of surging emotions Topaz’s wings kept trying to flap in a motion once described as ‘swimming’, the wings would catch the air, and push it back propelling the pegasus forward. Only one of her wings could properly perform this action, but it didn’t stop the damaged wing from trying, and only further highlighted Topaz’s distress.

“Official business! Citizens, please be alert!” My efforts to warn them while valiant, were overshadowed by Topaz’s ability to wedge herself between crowds, all without knocking a single creature over(there were foals present this time).

With the unprecedented peace falling over The Empire since their return, most of the citizenry were slow to react making our trek through large crowds slow to navigate, yet through our perseverance managed to persuade them to move for us. Part of our relief came from two parts: one was the lack of destruction or panic that often followed Flurry’s wake, and the second was our increased encounters with the few patrolling Crystal Guards.

My hearts swelled with pride seeing the years of progress taking root, and flourishing amongst the backdrop of the brillant city. This patrol was alerted to our presence immediately when compared to the tranquility of the resurgent city- two ponies at a frantic pace yelling for the heiress would turn heads.


“NO TIME. THE HEIRESS IS MISSING!” I didn’t even wait around to properly instruct them as we ran past them, and not a word more trying to keep up with the frantic pegasus. Their training would be their guide, else all of my work for this Empire was for not.

“The Heiress is missing!?”

“Do we follow them?”

“Don’t know.. You! Alert the other patrols! Claptrap and I will start our search in the market.”

“Yes Steel Cut!”

With the orders given, the three guards broke formation to carry out their tasks setting off a day the Empire would not only remember for years to come, but establish an annual tradition amongst the Guard for the foreseeable future.

With a fevered pace word quickly spread amongst the guard to a point the common saying years later would be ‘Even the future recruits knew the orders.’ In a sense this was true. In the Crystal Guards desperation to locate the missing heiress, some had informed their friends and families to be alert; a secret of this magnitude wouldn’t be contained for long and soon many of the families were involved in the search for the young filly, from Grandparents to grandfoals.

This is the moment many guards years later would cite as their first patrol.

A unifying force with a common goal would have left me comparing the similarities between a changeling hive, and might have even brought a tear to my eyes if I wanted to cry- I could apply water to my eyes later to simulate the effect if needed. Until then, the entirety of the Empire was on the hunt for the missing heiress and would not stop until the order came down to stop.

Which the order eventually did from the not too distraught Royal Parents when they finally learned of the commotion…

“We’re terrible god-parents.”

I shook my head no.

“There is always worse Topaz, we’re tolerable at best.”

Either from agreement or simply wanting support, her good wing was draped over my back, and from practice, I inched closer to make the action easier. Flurry Heart continued taking her nap with the only movements being a twitch of her rear left hoof, or abnormally large wings.

Shining Armor and Cadence were more supportive.

“It happens to the best of us guys. I’m sure there are many stories of parents losing their foals for a little bit.”

“Shining. The term is misplaced.” Cadence retorted. “Besides, Flurry is a little different then the average foal.”

“I’m unaware of any foals being comparable to a natural disaster…” I stopped to take the wing slap from Topaz and Cadence before continuing. “...nevertheless, we as god-parents failed our parental duties, and will accept any punishment deemed appropriate.”

“Idol, let's not get carried away here. We only lost track of an alicorn filly barely two years… OH CELESTIA WE’RE TERRIBLE PARENTS!” Topaz began sobbing. By combination of being her mate, and proximity, I found my left shoulder adequately soaking up her tears.

Shining and Cadence, being the supportive friends they were, tried to comfort the distressed pegasus with words of encouragement; even they found the filly difficult to keep track without good help or powerful tracking spells. It helped a little bit, but Topaz was already sliding into a twister of despair where her mood would be fickle for a time. All we could do was continue trying to support her and let her cry it out.

“You’re not terrible parents.” Cadence corrected. “Celestia willing, you’re not even terrible god-parents.”A part of me considered it wasn’t a slip of the tongue, but said nothing as our friends intervened.

“Yea, look at Redshock. Would dysfunctional parents be able to provide for a filly with her wit and personality?” Shining flinched from the stern look Cadence was directing him, and it was powerful enough for myself to feel the disappointment.

“She’s more free-ranged then domesticated, but the point still stands.” I clarified recalling how little time Cersus spent sleeping at our home in Canterlot before the move.

“Pardon me Idol, did you just compare your daughter to a poultry?” It was Topaz that beat me to the explanation, in between her tears and attempts to breathe.

“SHE’S AN INDEPENDENT FILLY!” Topaz wailed, forgetting Flurry Heart sleeping in the crib. “ALL SHE DOES IS RUN AROUND AND FEED…”

Topaz and I are very well aware that isn’t everything the nymph does with her gratuitous amounts of freetime, if only because we learned of it through second hoof sources. Those very same sources were the reason for Cersus’s current disappearance, trying to reassure the changelings that they were not being hunted by the ‘scary guards’. Circumstances aside, I was proud of Cersus’s continued displays of maturity, and would make my feelings known to the nymph at our earliest convenience.

Her highness had creeped over, and replaced me as Topaz’s shoulder to cry on, offering her own words of encouragement by declaring first time parents make mistakes.

“The only difference between us is that your filly skipped a couple of steps along the way. You’ve done a wonderful job raising Cersus into a fine filly, and you should be proud. Aren’t you proud of her? '' Cadence's way of consoling while unorthodox strongly reflected the love in her heart, and great need to pass it onto others.

Shining and I relinquished the space next to the sleeping Flurry Heart, opting to relocate near the wall while we waited for them.

“Losing your daughter wasn’t intentional Shining Armor, and very irresponsible of me.”

“Don’t worry too much buddy. Flurry Heart is safe and sound, and that’s all that really matters in the end. Raising a foal is one thing, but an alicorn foal? Celestia and Luna resting on their plus sized thrones, this is something extra.”

“Still, she was under my care.” I tried to reiterate my fault in her disappearance, but had my involvement dismissed once again.

“Like I said Idol, she’s a hoofful. We’re lucky she puts herself to bed when ready for a nap.” He joked, and drawing from past memories, I could tell his reaction was genuine. Unable to say or do anything else I relented to his unspoken demands.

“Understood Shining. Next we should check her room first before issuing a city wide search instead?”

“We should, but the guard performed their duties flawlessly. I’m considering making this an annual drill.” He chuckled at the suggestion, but I knew deep down Shining Armor was already working out of the effects of its implication. “Give the guard a proper test while setting up a functional warning system for the Empire.”

“The idea had struck me several months after the Formal Guard Ball when Redshock revealed certain details…” I motioned for Shining Armor to move closer so I could lower my voice, partly from habit, and refrain disturbing the mares. “...details involving the Changeling immigrants. She’s creating a Hive Mind.”

“Idol…” His tone was more serious, but our reformed loyalties and oaths of brotherhood kept him willing enough to listen first.

“I’m aware, but she’s not. Before the old queen, no Changeling ever considered creating a new Hive Link. Thorax was the first, then myself.” I admitted, and quickly continued to keep my friend’s composure from being discarded. “We use it to share information while keeping our locations known when needed…”

“You want to use them as a warning system.” I nodded.

“Correct Shining. At the least we could volunteer as a local watch if needed, but the rest…”

“IDOL! WE’RE LEAVING!” The interruption silenced Shining and myself, but it was the fuming pegasus that ended the discussion. Before we could propose a reschedule, Topaz was already dragging me out of Flurry’s Room by the hoof.

Shining was looking to Cadance for answers, but the brazen smirk she proudly wore was enough to buy his silence. I was left to an unknown fate.

“You two have MUCH to talk about! CHOP CHOP!” Cadence emphasized this with a clap of her hooves, and a tilt of her.

“Cadence? Topaz! Please Wait…” I planted my hooves attempting to stop this abduction, yet was foiled by the combined efforts of both mares. The alicorn’s magic pushing while the pegasus revealed a possible hidden earth pony relative in her family line, and nearly dragged me down the hall without stopping.

“Not now Idol! We’re on a strict time limit, and there's too much to do!”

“I was unaware.. my hoof Topaz...” Thank Order she relinquished my hoof, and though sore from her grip was still functional. “...unaware of any approaching deadlines besides the Equestrian Games and the Cold Vaccinations.”

“Stallions. Of course you wouldn’t be worrying. Harmony, I just found out myself!”

Topaz was working herself into another panic before my very eyes, yet I was unable to glean the conversation that set this in motion. Her pace was swift, and purposeful as she guided me through the hall in the direction opposite of our shared room, and instead made the turns toward the stairs- the only real reason to be heading this path.

“Topaz, I must speak up, and discover where we are going?”

“To Paper Weight’s office, of course! Why wouldn’t we after hearing that!?”

“Hearing what?” I tried heading her off, only for the worked up pegasus to begin galloping to stay ahead. “Topaz!”

“Mother needs to know. Oh Celestia she’ll be here in the blink of an eye, might even pay a unicorn to teleport her. Then there’s Cersus, and a…”

“TOPAZ!” I caught up, and dropped Idol Hooves the Pony for Idol Hooves the Changeling, slamming my hooves down, head fin raised. Never in our years had I raised my voice in such a way, let alone my head fin to her, and the action worked too well.

Topaz’s panic had transformed into terror, then readjusting to an emotional concoction of fear, worry, desperation, with a small underlining of desire before sadness with tears for more effect.

“THIS IS IMPORTANT, AND..STop…stop yelling…” She broke down, and without waiting rushed to meet her, trying all the changeling techniques used to calm nymphs down. Topaz was far from the proper age, yet I hoped the action would translate enough to demonstrate my intent.

She said nothing more, but continued to sob into my chitin. To transform back into my pony-self could harm Topaz, and unwilling to risk causing injury I had to ‘stallion up’ and stay in my natural form; unnerving as it may be, Topaz’s well-being was my greatest concern in that very moment, and if it meant staying like this for an undetermined length of time than so be it.

I don’t recall how long we stayed together like that in the hallway, nor if anypony saw us(I would be surprised if nopony did), but what I do remember was finally understanding the cause of the pegasus’s worries. Not having to taste her emotions, guessing, or hearing about it from somepony else, but a genuine confession of troubles that left me unable to speak in a timely manner. Everything was a blur, but the one moment I do recall was feeling full for the first time in my life.

Not the gorging on another’s feelings full, but more in the sense I felt satisfied- content.

“We’ll navigate this together as we’ve done before..” I whispered into her ear while drawing the little circles into her back, just below the wings. She responded favorably. “Perhaps we could wait to summon Viridian then?”

Just like that, a stifled chuckle.

“I couldn’t..mother should know.” Topaz began shifting in my hooves trying to fight my hold, and nearly succeeded. The disheveled pegasus was the only creature that could stir a reaction from me; the miniscule amount of beauty products she used held remarkably well, and if it weren’t for the redden eyes or uncombed mane, nopony would tell she’d been venting her emotions.

“Serious?” I managed, and found my hearts dropping when she nodded.

“Afraid so. No going back now..Celestia!” Either from her own frustration or lack of judgment slammed her forehooves into my chitin, and thank Harmony she was unfazed by the action. “All of this is so sudden, and I.. what about Cersus?”

“I could call her..” She shook her head.

“No! Well not right now, we need to play it by ear first.. First Paper Weight, then we’ll decide.”

With a great reluctance I nodded, and fully released her from my custody to which she calmly got back onto her hooves without further assistance. Chancing another taste of her emotions alerted me to another change in her temperament, and Harmony permitting, exceedingly advantageous moving forward. The worry remained while the desperation, and fear had been replaced with an unsureness I’d not seen since the early months of our landlord/roommate agreement- it gave me pause.

A silence I knew not how to respond as Topaz continued her original trek toward the stairs, albeit more slowly than before. Unwilling to delay any further, I quickly reverted back to my pony-self having grown to associate the appearance as my own, before catching up with the lingering pegasus.

“Have you fallen ill?” I finally asked, ready to accept the grave news when her flank made contact with mine.

“No, but I’m sorry Idol. I got myself worked up, and acted like a fool. Thank you.”

“I’ve no idea what I did to require thanks, but you are welcome.”

A simple exchange as we made our way to the stairs, but a necessary one at that. You didn’t have to be a changeling to see the last vestiges of anxiety leaving her, for her renewed smile brightened up the rest of the way.

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