• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 1 : We took the midnight train going one way. (Edits HorseWordFan)


“You forgot another G near the end, I also suggest lowering your tone and dragging out the word for a better effect. Arrggggggggh.”


“Much better Cersus.” I praised the bored nymph as she leaned against the window, watching the unchanging snow.

I watched her for another moment in case the nymph wanted some more pointers on properly voicing her displeasure in a more effective manner to achieve better results, but after the second sigh and continued observation of the frozen landscape, I accepted we were done for now.

“Did you really have to be so hard on her?” Topaz asked, leaning close to my ear.

“I don’t feel I was too hard, stern at best. Establishing a proper edict will solve many future problems, or so the officer manual insists.” I turned just enough to properly gauge Topaz’s mood, more of my increased efforts to be less reliant on reading emotions alone.

I watched as her eyelids and lips fell leaving a scowl like anger on her normally cheery yellow face. There wasn’t any need to guess I made some sort of error, as the forehooves wrapped around my midsection tighten, and not to bring us closer to combine our body heat either.

“You were using a guard manual to discipline our foal?” I felt her grip becoming tighter in preparation for my reply. My right ear wilted under the pressure, and so did I as the reason for my discipline became known.

“If I can’t handle Cersus, then how am I expected to command an entire guard?”

The pressure around my waist loosened just enough to allow the pegasus to lean into me so her head rested on my shoulder, and I followed by slipping a hoof around her back just under her wings. We’re both aware that my treatment of Cersus wasn’t justified even if the disciplinary measures were not physically harmful, but their use on an untrained civilian let alone a young nymph was too much.

“Given my new station of rank, should I apologize?” I asked, seeking validation this was the right thing to do.

“You should apologize because you’re a good parent that has wronged their foal.”

I tried not to shudder as some of the remaining commands still afflicting me tried to flare from the statement. Topaz felt this, and quickly leaned up to nuzzle the crook of my neck while I fought to keep control.


“You’re not at fault, but thank you Topaz.”

“Yuck.” We both turned to look at the nymph watching us with her tongue sticking out as if she tasted something displeasurable.

“Cersus!” Topaz partly removed herself from my side in order to look more intimidating, and it worked. I averted my eyes. “Did you really have to do that?”

I nodded along, and decided to add my own two bits in an effort to back up Topaz.

“There’s nothing revolting about two creatures seeking comfort in one another, in fact it is perfectly healthy. Behold your future in 40 years.”

“Wait, why 40 years and not now?”

“Because you are too young to be thinking of such activities… and no colt is brave enough.” I thought I whispered that last bit quietly enough, but Topaz being near heard it clearly enough to give me a quick tap against my head.

I took my punishment with dignity.

After that exchange, we fell back into our earlier routine of Cersus watching the unchanging landscape while Topaz and I cuddled together in the corner nearest the door. We tried keeping our voices low in an effort to not bother Cersus as she brooded, the stress of leaving the only home she really knew hitting her hardest.

Cersus wasn’t the only one affected by the move, but her frustration was more noticeable.

Topaz had effectively given up the only home and career she had built for herself, but the tradeoff was the chance to study the recently reintroduced insects of the Empire. I myself was forced into a position of rank and tasked with the responsibility to resurrect an entire guard force amongst a group of ponies that needed vinegar to polish their coats. In my attempts to quell some of my own frustration, I might have begun placing blame.

“This is your fault.”

“How is this MY fault?

“You were supposed to spend all of my bits. I understand it is tradition.” *

Giving in, I began tasting the emotions circulating in the air and to my surprise only found a mild hint of anger. The rest leaned more on the side of embarrassment, but why I didn’t know.

“I might have bought myself..and Cersus something, but that’s it. I don’t like wasting bits on needless expenses when we could use them properly.”

“You funded several research projects, and named me as a contributor.” I reminded her.

“You gave me the bits! It’s required by law that I properly source the funding else I could face serious trouble.”

“Those projects nearly tripled the amount of bits we had before, leaving me worse off than before.”

“I didn’t tell you to donate them to the guard!”

“You suggested I donate them to an organization I loved, and believed would benefit greatly from it. I assumed the choice would be obvious.” This time I felt her hoof punching the shoulder she had been using as a head rest for the last several miles, but the strength behind the punch confirmed there was no ill intent.

“You could have turned down Celestia…”

“...and bring shame to their thrones? I could never.”

“Well then, I think a change of scenery and spending time with new ponies will be good for you.”* Topaz tried and partially succeeded in her attempt at calming me down by once again pulling me closer so she could nuzzle the crook of my neck.

I wanted to resist her lewd ways of enforcing her influence on me, yet, like the months before, found her spell too powerful to offer any resistance other than a low grunt.

“I feel this whole affair is unfair. I continue to make extra bits so you will have more to spend, but then you make more with the bits I give you. It is madness and I fear I do not know how to stop it.”

“Why not give them to me?” I found my strength to leave the friendly temptress’ embrace, so I may look at my young charge directly.

“And what would a nymph your age do with a vast amount of bits when you already receive a weekly stipend.”

“5 bits, oh joy.” Cersus hadn’t stopped looking out the window, but her tone (and the reflection) were enough to know she was rolling her eyes. I felt attacked.

“A generous amount many foals your age would appreciate.”

Topaz and I separated enough so we both could sit up straight to properly weigh in on the matter.

“She has a point Idol, 5 bits aren’t enough for growing foal let alone one as entrepreneurial as Cersus.”

“Thank you!” The nymph finally left her widow gazing with raised hooves above her head.

“Bits of a manageable amount will go far, but in the hooves of one so wasteful won’t last. Establishing a proper budget will do wonders to stretching them to the fullest.”

“I can’t even buy card stock for that amount, let alone the ink for the printing press!”

After hearing her argument, I might have relented to her point. I looked over to Topaz just as she left the seat next to me for the one next to Cersus. She was leaning in to whisper something to Cersus, as I sat alone with my thoughts to figure out a solution to this sudden crisis of bits. With my limited math skills, I had to figure out what number in the pony system of numbers could make the perfect, roundtable, and most important divisible number.

“Cersus..how about 8 bits a week?”

“Argggggggggggh.” Not the answer I expected, but her voice of displeasure had improved remarkably fast.

Cersus’ behavior these past couple of months bothered me more than normal, and it wasn’t because she’s a “growing filly’ as Topaz put it. Her recent rebellious streak came from nowhere, and my only theory for this brashness was the mood still shadowing Canterlot. My years in the city have exposed me to many emotions I never would have tasted in the hive, but for a growing nymph to be exposed to all of this fear and paranoia?

I could only wonder what effects it might have on Cersus later in life, but my hopes for accepting the position weren’t selfish in nature. If anything, it was the opportunity of starting anew could provide for Topaz and Cersus as the driving force for my acceptance of the promotion.

“We should be getting ready for bed.” Her words broke my thoughts’ over me, and I was reminded of where I was again.

Looking across to the bench by the window, Topaz was holding onto Cersus who had fallen asleep against the window ledge.

“When did she retire?”

“About ten minutes ago give or take. You were watching the wall again.” She informed me as I quietly got off the padded bench to prepare the beds.

She sat by while I lifted the padded seat to reveal the folded frame that made up our beds. Having set the beds up for the past three nights, the process had gotten quicker and quieter enough to keep Cersus from waking up as I locked the metal into place and unrolled the mattress.

“She’s not mad at you Idol.” I looked over to Topaz who had carefully separated Cersus from her side, and wrapped her tightly with a blanket. “It’s everything that’s happened this past few weeks that have her upset.”

“Are you upset as well Topaz?” That caught her unprepared, and within that moment I could read her reluctance and taste the unrest pelting her mind. She didn’t have an answer, and that was fine.

We could discuss the pros and cons of this duty assignment at a later time, but for now we should be going to bed.

I was once again the first to awaken.

It wasn’t the rocking of the train car against the tracks, or the few rays of Celestia’s sun that found their way into our private car and landed on my face. My years of service to Equestria and her princesses required me to adopt an early hour schedule, and by extension I was used to the early routine. I shifted my gaze from the window to the sleeping mound of fabric that would glow green now and then as Cersus’ magic caused her to shift forms while she slept, and I thanked Order above she hadn’t caught anything on fire.

None of these are what woke me up this early...


...but the rather loud inhaling and exhaling of breath from my friend, and partner who found it acceptable to make the sounds of deep sleep by my head. I wanted to move, but knew to do so on the narrow ‘bed’ provided would be enough to wake up the roaring pegasus. A sacrifice I find myself making all too often for her sake, but the two sets of hooves wrapped around my body were also a contributing factor in my limited mobility.

With little to do, but wait for Topaz to awaken, I stared at the wall across from me while trying to keep the sun out of my eyes as I did some minor self reflection.

Ever since I spoke with Viridian, and taken her suggestion of meditation I have found myself enjoying these quiet moments far more often.These escapes became a way to collect, and organize my thoughts as needed. Her highness, Princess Luna, has helped me greatly by offering her own instruction by using a similar process using a variation of dream magic.

“... the past never passes.” Princess Luna’s aide, Witching Light, told me once right after one of my weekly visits. I didn’t know what she meant by it, but I think I’m finally starting to.

I can’t change or escape my past, but with work on my part, and a little support from those around me I might accept my past.Then, maybe I would be more willing to...

“Hey.. you awake?”

The pressure of a small hoof tapping against my chest awoke me to the world once more, and after blinking twice realized Cersus was the owner of said hoof. When she noticed, stopped her persistent assault and gestured to the door with the same hoof.

“I'm hungry..did you want anything?”

“I am content little Cersus, but Topaz might appreciate it when she…”

“...aaaaaccCKKKK!” Topaz tightened her grip during that next roar, forcing me to stop speaking as her grip remained constricting.

“Right. I’ll uh, see what I can do.” In a flash of green appeared the familiar pegasus foal that boarded the train with us.

“Remember to mention my name when placing the order, the expense will be taken care of on our behalf.” Cersus gave a quick ok and just opened the door when a thought crossed my mind, pertaining to our brief conversation last night.

“And Cersus... “She looked up from the other side of the door '' Once we’re settled, perhaps with Topaz the three of us could come to an agreement on a suitable stipend. I hear the Crystal Empire offers many unique goods and services unavailable throughout Equestria, with some being only for residents.`

She held her gaze as her face fell into thought for three seconds (I counted) when Cersus quickly nodded her agreement and left.

“How could a promotion cause so much turmoil to one’s life?” I wondered as I thought back to Celestia’s strange request to meet her in the Castle Gardens after the Night Guard transitioning.


“Take them. They have waited long enough to find a perch, and excluding my nephew-in-law I can think of no pony better.” Her magic never faltered as the little red and orange box hoovered directly in front of me.

I lifted a hoof wanting to take a step back, and perhaps run away from the entitled mess levitating just at eye level. It was only my resolve to continue my oath, and new found understanding of my life that forced me to to reach out for the box. Celestia’s magic gave in to my touch, and with an encouraging nod commanded me to open it.

“Prin..Celestia, I ca..can’t.” I was trying and failing to hold my distress back as I removed a pair of polished Phoenix pins, both flaring their wings in a display not unlike Philomena does when she’s feeling prideful.

“You can, and will, Idol.” She moved closer and what she did next was perhaps the only time I might have ever doubted her highness’ godhood- she nuzzled the left side of my cheek.

I did nothing to stop the action. Surprised by a plethora of factors, but drawn to how gentle the action was, and not unlike a mild sunny day warming your fur. She must have known the effect it would have for she held no look of surprise, but the same wide,and bright smile when I first saw her in the crowd almost 11 years ago.

“You are a rare kind of pony Idol, and I’ve never been more certain this is the right choice. Congratulations.”

Her words were far too kind, and truthfully left me feeling.. Weak, expressive, but proud as I tried to retain what semblance of composure a guard was supposed to have. I couldn’t even look at her as her magic cupped the two pins and attached them to each side of the collar of my blue and gold uniform. She retreated just a bit, and looked me up and down.

“Handsome. And well suited.” She giggled as her cheeks produced a mild streak of red.

“I..I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say yes.” I didn’t do anything as I tried processing what was happening, but decided to accept and think about it later. It was rude to keep a princess waiting, and gave a salute.

“I, Idol Hooves, accept the rank of Colonel by your request. Where I swear on the Two Thrones to live up to the expectations bestowed upon me, I will not fail you. ”

“A little too formal, but…” She leaned next to my ear “...I find it endearing Colonel.”

The rest of that afternoon became slightly uncomfortable as I accompanied Celestia in the art of shoulder rubbing with ponies of influence. Part of this tension was because of how many of the nobility in minutes found my existence fascinating, but the biggest source of that tension was from the tallest pony in the room, Princess Celestia.

The emotions whirling around her made the effort not to taste them difficult at best.
What might have caused them was left unsolved until the next night when Princess Luna summoned me to offer her own congratulations on my ‘promotion’, but that was not all. No. Her highness began asking her own questions of my ascension to Colonel, and how I convinced Celestia to agree. I recounted my financial boons and desire to alleviate this burden, the donation to the guard, and how it led us to the present…

She laughed. After her outburst and prompt apology revealed the answer I sought.

“You are aware no Colonel has graced Equestria for about four centuries, dear Idol.”

“I’ve become aware recently, but don’t understand the perceived events that led to Princess Celestia accepting.”

“I have theories Idol, but let us ask you, do you know the name of the last Colonel?”

“I’m afraid not, your highness.” I replied nervously as Luna’s growing smile frightened me to no limit.

“I heard he was a fair, if overzealous stallion with an above average horn length.” her smile began showing teeth as I’m now feeling a cold sweat take over. “ A dark coated stallion that followed my sister everywhere. We learned she was smitten with him.”

“I don’t..follow?” was all I mustered out, understanding where this was heading. I naively hoped she would find my lack of understanding too bothersome to continue, but like her bat ponies outside her room knew when to strike.

“My past offer still stands Idol, you may seek our sister if you so desire.”

Author's Note:

* As noted in the story:

“You were supposed to spend all of my bits. I understand it is tradition.”

is used with permission from Vdrake who came up with the line for me to use.

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