• Published 6th Aug 2020
  • 573 Views, 0 Comments

Equestria Girls Random Moments 3 - Arthor2017

The third installement of the random scenarios starring your favourites Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 3 - #04

Another day ends at Canterlot High School and the young students depart either to their homes or some other place to amuse themselves. Rainbow Dash waits at the entrance for her protégé Scootaloo and accompany her home as usual. However, something bothered Rainbow a lot and it was related to Scootaloo's grades.

In recent weeks the pubert had gotten low grades and every question asked by the teachers was answered badly, as consequence her parents or her aunts reprimanded Scootaloo severely. While she and Rainbow aren't sisters actually Dash doesn't like it when they reprimand Scoots, so in case she says again she'd got another 'D' or 'F' Rainbow Dash would be the first to talk to Scootaloo's family.

Speaking of which, Scootaloo walks out the entrance and she looked in a good mood. Rainbow Dash starts asking her.

"Hi Scoots! How have you been? Did your classes go well? Don't tell me you got another bad grade?"

"Nope!" She answers. "This time I got a good answer to a question in Mrs. Harshwhinny's, and she gave me a prize!"

"... Hold on, a prize?"

"I know, it sounds weird but it's true. Look!"

Scootaloo opens her backpack and hands Rainbow Dash a book - one titled ' Puss with Boost ' - much to the athlete's surprise . And Mrs. Harshwhinny never gave prizes to students who answered her questions well! Or at least she never gave any to Rainbow when she was Scoots age, because she always answered wrong.

"Has Harshwhinny already gone crazy from the many magical events happening at school?" Rainbow Dash wonders.

"I wish that. The thing is Mrs. Harshwhinny asked what the square root of 225 was, and I answered 14.9 ."

Rainbow addresses her protégé with a mixing look of shock and aberration. "Kid, why did you come to say that barbarity?! Everyone knows the square root of 225 is 15 !!"

"Yes, but the others answered 16 and Harshwhinny gave me the book because I was close to finding the answer." Scootaloo says before continuing on her way home.

Lotus and Aloe were working in the Spa, giving massages to a couple of clients who entered the establishment. During the session Aloe talks to her sister and colleague.

"Darling, a little bird told me you've already found your charming prince." Aloe says with a mischievous smile.

"You are right! And it happened last week!" Lotus responds excitedly.

"And how it happened?"

Lotus begins her narration wgile working. "Desert Sage invited me to a disco on Friday. To be honest U wasn't doing much there, save for sitting in a chair, when he appeared: tall, handsome, athlete's bearing, and copper hair. He took my hand and led me to dance cumbias."

"Woman, you don't know how to dance cumbias!" Aloe exclaims in surprise.

"That's what I told him! But then he said 'Baby, just let yourself carried away.' "

"And you'd get carried away?"

"Yes. I let myself be carried away to the Church." Lotus says showing Aloe the wedding ring she wears on her index finger.

"Go Banana! Get the ball!"

Flash Sentry throws a small red ball for his dog to come and pick it up. The bulldog terrier takes the ball with his mouth and hands it back to Flash.

"Good boy!" The young man pat Banana's head. Flash takes the ball again and throws it, this time with more force.

"Get the ball!"

" Arf, arf !"

Again Banana launches after the spherical object. However when he opened his jaws the ball went straight to his throat, and in an involuntary movement he swallowed it. The little bulldog remains immobile for a few seconds before returning to his owner.

"And the ball, boy?" Flash asks him.

Banana walks away until reaching a bush, getting inside it. In a matter of minutes the dog emerges from the bush and raising a paw indicates Flash the ball is over there.

Canterlot Supreme Court, 09:45 am

"Order in the court! The session of the City of Canterlot v. Main Suspect will begin! Let the defendant pass!"

On the spot the officers bring in a handcuffed subject and force him to sit down. The judge then gives the floor to Prosecutor Sugarcoat.

"As Prosecutor I will begin by reading the charges against the accused, unless this 'lawyer' interrupts me." Sugarcoat says looking directly at Pinkie Pie.

"Wow! I didn't know you could read in the first place!"

"Hush, lawyer!" Orders the judge.

"NO! I protest, Your Honor! And no one will stop me from talking!"

"Enough already, Pinkie Pie! The judge ordered you to shut up."

"But I won't!" Pinkie Pie exclaims insistently. "As a defense attorney, I have the right to speak!"

Sugarcoat gives the pink haired lady a mocking face. "Please! Unlike you, I wear the legislator's robe with me. And not only that. Under it I wear the robe of my profession, the law. The cloak of justice serves as a coat, and I also dress with the robe of truth. "

Members of the public and the Jury were so in awe of Sugarcoat's eloquence that they filled the room with applause until the judge again ordered silence. However, Pinkie Pie wasn't impressed who was glaring at her rival strangely.

"Hey silly, aren't you hot with so many clothes on?"

Spike got hungry after spending several minutes recording multiple videos, which he was going to post on his MyTube account later, and decides to head up at the kitchen to help himself a bowl of snacks plus a glass of milk.

Passing by something stops him and decides to go back looking the bathroom's entrance. Sticking his head out, Spike watches Night Light and Twilight Velvet filling the tub with water and liquid soap.

This could mean only one thing to the puppy.

"Oh man, they want to bathe me! And I hate to be bathed! Better find a place to hide until the danger passes."

The purple dog begins to search the house for a space where Twilight and Shining Armor's parents can never find him. Although his alternatives for hiding were too predictable, and when Spike is about to give up he sets his eyes on Night Light and Velvet's room. Specifically in the two-seater bed.

"Of course! The last place they can find me would be underneath of their bed. I'm such a genius!"

Like a projectile, Spike launches into the room and sneaks under the bed. To his surprise there were also Winona, Opal the cat, Angel Bunny, Tank the land turtle, the leopard gecko Ray and Gummy the stuffed crocodile who apparently had the same idea as Spike and hid under the bed to avoid being bathe by their respective owners .

Principal Celestia had gained too much weight in recent months finding herself forced to see a nutritionist for an easy method to lose weight.

After the analyzes performed, the doctor announces his treatment plan. "Alright Miss Celestia, I'll will give you this diet plan designed by myself and that has produced very satisfactory results in all my overweight patients."

"Okay. What does it consist of?" Celestia asks.

"Very simple. You should refrain from consuming all kinds of food on the days that have 'R'; that is, you must'n eat on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then, you can eat on the other days. You will see how you lose weight in a month."

Celestia seems to agree with the nutritionist's instructions and begins her new diet. However, the principal completely forgets about her diet and walks into a restaurant, helping herself to huge barbecued pork ribs garnished with bacon.

That day was Friday night, and to make things more difficult, Celestia's nutritionist was at an adjoining table.

" AHEM ! ..."

"Oh… hello doctor! W-what brings you here?" Principal Celestia greets with fear after meeting her nutritionist.

"You know that you should be on a diet, right?"

"Uh… yes!"

"And you also know that you should NOT be eating on certain days I'd mentioned to you, right?"

"Yes, that's what you told me."

"And do you know what day is today?"

"Sure… Fliday !" Celestia answers, swallowing the piece of rib from her mouth.

Author's Note:

Good day everyone!

These last weeks I have been busy enough with many topics back in gome that I almost forgot this fic existed, and that I had to update it. I offer my apologies for the delay, hope this chapter makes up for my absence (with this, there is only one more chapter left to conclude this installment).

That's all for now. And remember: Barbecued pork ribs garnished with bacon, only on Flidays!