• Published 6th Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls Random Moments 3 - Arthor2017

The third installement of the random scenarios starring your favourites Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 3 - #03

Vinyl Scratch invites Melody Octavia over to her house for a Biology teaching class, as Vinyl had poor grades in such topic and urgently needed a tutor - maybe have some time for fun playing video games if the violinist allows it.

When Octavia enters Vinyl's bedroom, she notices one of the windows presenting two holes as a result of something hitting the glass.

"And what happened here?"

The DJ turns her head towards Octavia's finger pointing to the window. "That? It was something funny who happened to me on the weekend! You know sometimes I'd stay up late composing new music, right?"

"Yes Vinyl, I'm pretty aware about it ." Octavia says rolling her eyes remembering with disgust the times she stayed at Vinyl's house.

"The thing is, I was finishing my remix when at three in the morning my neighbor throws a stone breaking my window. When I picked it up there was a piece of paper that said: 'Shut up already! I need to go work tomorrow!' So I turned off my DJ Mixer and went to bed. "

"I see. What about the second hole?"

"Well ... seven minutes later my neighbor threw another rock with a note saying: 'Thank you!'"

Applejack works selling products on the street, like every day she goes out to the city center trying to sell the contents of her sales suitcase. She is not always successful though, and today was one of those days.

"My! It's almost time for lunch and I can't get them to buy me anything."

Suddenly she sees a huge shadow moving in a dead end. The farmer girl peeks out to see what it was all about, finding a stout fellow threatening the Flim Flam Brothers with a knife. Apparently it was a reckoning and the man wasn't happy.

"I gave you until today to pay me everythimg you owe me, otherwise I would slice your throats like chickens! And I always keep my promises!"

"P-please have mercy! We had a rough patch with our business!" Flim pleads desperately.

"But if you give us time to recover, we swear we will pay every penny! Plus interest!" Flam adds hoping to convince the rogue, but it doesn't work.

"Hold on right there, mister!" Applejack intervenes before the vulgar criminal attacks. The brothers were relieved to see the blonde girl, hopeful she would save them from this rogue.

Back with Applejack. "Do you really want to get the blood of these two on your hands?"

The man is left thinking at the question, he was no longer sure about he was going to do. In the other hand, Flim and Flam begin to challenge him.

"That's right! Are you going to get your hands dirty with us?"

"Well? The lady asked a question. Answer it!"

Then Applejack takes out a pair of gloves from her sales bag. "Here. Wear these."

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie leave a building after finishing work. Pinkie doesn't seem happy because her boss handed her a piece of paper moments before.

"Look at this Twilight, I break my back like a mule and the boss rewards my efforts with this piece of paper!"

"No Pinkie, that's a check. With it you go to a bank and exchange it for money according to the stipulated amount. I have one too."

The pink haired girl observes her new acquisition now understanding what it is and what it is for. "I'm such a dummy! And to think mister big-boss-man didn't appreciate me. So, I only have to change it for money, right?"

"That's right. Come, I'm going to take you to the bank so you can exchange it at once."

Both girls go to the Bank of Canterlot to perform the procedure. After waiting, the receptionist attends them.

"Good morning, how can I help you?"

"We have come to cash this check."

"Very well. And how do you want me to give you the money?"

"Here, in the hand." Pinkie Pie says extending her palm to the bank worker.

A married couple enters Luna's office, with the husband speaking and explaining the situation he is going through.

"Doctor, my wife is totally mute and I'm sick of living in silence. Please operate her and make her speak!"

"Okay sir. I'll take the case in my hands and we operate on her today." Luna says, receiving the gratitude of the anguished man.

A week later, the husband returns to the office with great joy. "Doctor, you are a genius! My wife talks day and night like normal people."

"I'm glad to hear that, sir. And you look happier now."

"You tell it, doctor!"

But when another week passed ...

"Dr. Luna, my wife won't stop talking! I'm getting desperate! Please leave her speechless again."

"It seems to me this isn't going to be possible." Luna comments contemplating the situation. "Making a person talk is one thing. Silencing a person is impossible."

The man collapses on the chair with resignation. "So… are you telling me there is no solution?"

"Actually, there is an alternative. And is to make you deaf ."

Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon were inside a bar drinking several glasses of beer, getting drunk in the process.

"Hey Sunset ... * Hic * ... do you want the Great and Drunken Trixie to be honest with you? ..."

"... Sure thing! ... * Hic * " Sunset responds to Trixie in a streaky voice and bottle in hand. "You ... you know I'd like honest people ... * Hic * "

"... Okey Dokey then ..." Trixie takes another sip of his beer and says, "You are ... the most drunken of us three ...! * Hic * "

Monday in the morning. Crystal Prep opens its doors to students to kick off another day of school. The Shadowbolts head for the main entrance when Sunny Flare spots someone in the distance.

It was Principal Abacus Cinch who was moving around in wheelchairs , and since there was no one to support her, she turned the wheels forward.

This moved the girls to the core. While Principal Cinch has done reprehensible acts in the past to keep her reputation, she also didn't deserve to live in such conditions. Putting aside all resentment towards her the girls go to greet Cinch.

"Good morning ladies."

"Good morning Principal Cinch. We just want to express our sincere regrets, and we want you to know if you need help with anything, please do not hesitate to come with us." Sugarcoat speaks first on behalf of her and her friends.

"Excuse me?"

"I know we had our differences in the past ... and maybe I have said a few bad things about you on social media, but I never would have wished you this!" Add Sunny Flare about to let a tear escape.

Nonetheless, Abacus Cinch arches an eyebrow. "But what on Earth are you talking about?"

"About you, of course! You are an invalid now ." Sour Sweet pronounces.

And you'll be tied to that wheelchair for the rest of your life! ”Indigo Zap exclaims, pointing at both Principal Cinch and the rolling chair.

"I've never heard such flummery in my entire life! And for the record, I still have motor and sensitive control on my legs!"

To prove it, Cinch gets up from her seat and takes a couple of steps sideways. This revelation makes the Shadowbolts to change their hearts and get mad at her.

"This was awful, Principal Cinch!" Lemon Zest complains indignantly. "And if you can walk, why the hell the wheelchair then?"

"This one? It actually belonged to my great-grandfather and I had planned to sell it, but I saw it was still in good condition so I decided to use it. This way I won't get tired walking from my house to Crystal Prep. Anyways, have a nice day! ... and before I forget: Sunny Flare, I'll wait for you in my office after class."

And again Principal Abacus Cinch returns to her wheelchair entering the building on it.

Author's Note:

Well, I have no excuse for the last scenario - neither for the Sunset and Trixie's scene - but when it comes to Abacus Cinch, anything is possible with that woman.