• Published 29th Sep 2020
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Attack on Titan 3 - Gojizilla54

Eren Jaeger's battle against the Titans rages on! With his ferocious abilities and a new plan, Eren and his friends set out to face the Titans head-on. But as they prepare for war, they begin to unearth terrifying secrets.

  • ...


In the Underground Chapel, Eren tired to break out of his restrains, but the chains were planted tightly, preventing him from doing so. Eren then gave up and started to pant from exhaustion.

"Shit!" he thought.

Eren looked in front of him and saw Historia walking under the platform, now wearing a white robe.

"Eren, you're awaken?" she asked. "Just hang in there a while longer. Everything's fine."

"Historia's all right?" Eren thought.

"Eren, listen to me," said Historia. "My father has been an ally to all of humanity within the walls, for many years past and many years to come. We were clearly mistaken about him. It's true that he's been a problem for the Scouts, and his people did kill Pastor Nick... But he didn't have any other choice. Everything he's done, he had done to do for the sake of humanity."

"Historia," called Rod. "Let me explain the rest."

"It's coming back to me," Eren thought. "Yeah... The last thing I can remember is those two. How long has it been? Captain... Armin... Girls... What happened to the Scouts?"

Eren's eyes looked around and observed the hardened crystalized pillars around him.

"What's with these walls, glowing like that...?" he wondered. "I can't tell if it's day or night... No, hold on a second... Haven't I been to this place before?"

"What's wrong?" asked Rod Reiss to his daughter, going up the stairs. "This is the first time you've come here. Though, it wouldn't be strange if you recognize it."

"What does he mean by that?" Eren wondered.

Rod Reiss then stretched his hand out to Eren's bareback. Before he could continue, Historia stopped him.

"F-Father, explain to Eren," said Historia.

"Yes, I intend to," aussered Rod. "However, there's something I want to try first. If we do this, he may remember all on his own."

Both Historia and Rod Reiss stretched their arm out to Eren's bareback. Once both of their hand touched Eren's back, sparks started to appear as Eren was welcomed with a bunch of memories from the past. The memories he was seeing felt so real that he felt like if he was there. One of the memoires had the entire Reiss family looking at a strange man.

"What is this?" he wondered. "These aren't things I've seen..."

Eren then saw a memory of the dark-haired hair, the one he saw in his vision biting her hand, like he did when he transforms into his Titan form. He then saw the next memory of a Titan fight another. Then, a giant hand grabs one of the sons of the Reiss family.

"No..." he thought. "Whose memories are these?!"

The next thing he saw was the bruning chapel. He saw the evacuation of Wall Maria, and then he saw the key his father given him.

"This key!" he thought.

Then, he saw his younger self crying. He saw a syringe than he saw when he was dreaming five years ago when Wall Maria fell.

"Is this...?" he wondered. "It can't be..."

Eren then saw the memory of his younger self fall to the ground. His younger self then bursted into a bright yellow light as a Titan erupted from him. The Titan was similar like his Titan form, but it was much smaller, but had stocky build, a big head, and elongated ears. He saw the Titan grabbing and Eren looked into the eyes of the younger Eren's Titan and saw his father. He saw the Titan eating his father with blood splashing.

Then another flash appeared, this time, it was after eating his father. A small skeleton lied on the grass, as the younger Eren picked up his glasses. His hand was the only thing left behind from his body. The younger Eren had tears streaming down his eyes as he saw his father's glasses.

"Dad?" whimpered the younger Eren.

The younger Eren screamed in agony as everything became black.

"Well?" asked Rod.

After reliving his father's crazy memory sequence, Eren had the face of horror, knowing that the dream he had about the key and his father was real and knowing that his father caused the monstrosities with that "patient" of his.

"Do you remember?" asked Rod. "You father's sin..."

Years ago, back at Historia's barn, a young Historia was reading a book with a tall girl with a round face with blue eyes and long, smooth, dark hair.

"You're amazing, Historia!" said the girl in amazement. "Look at how well you can read now!"

"That's only because you taught taught me so much, Freida," said the young Historia.

"Hey we can't have this," said Freida, taking out a tissue from her bag. "You've got a runny nose. You need to learn to be more ladylike, Historia."

"Here, blow into this," she said, holding the tissue.

The young Historia blew her nose into the tissue.

"Good!" said Fredia, wiping the snot. "Very well done!"

"Hey, Fredia!" called young Historia.

"Hmm?" replied Fredia.

"What does being ladylike mean?" asked young Historia.

"Well... I suppose being ladylike means being a lot like this girl here," explained Frieda, pointing to a page containing a young girl giving an apple to a creature.

"Christa?" asked young Historia.

"Right," replied Fredia. "You like Christa, too, don't you, Historia?"

"Yeah," nodded young Historia.

"Christa is always thinking about other people because she's so kind," explained Frieda. "You should try to be like Christa, too. the world is full of pain and suffering, so you should live in a way to be helpful and loved by everybody."

"Okay,"replied young Historia. "In that case, I wanna be like you."

"Huh?" asked Frieda.

"When I grown, do you think I can be just like you?" asked young Historia.

"Sure!" replied Frieda, hugging young Historia. "Sure, Sure! That's perfectly fine!"

Both Frieda and young Historia giggled, but Frieda's mood changed into a sadden look, knowing that deep down in her mind, becoming her would come at a great cost.

"I'm sorry, Historia, but it's time for me to go," apologized Frieda. "You'll have to forget about me again. Until we meet again."

Freida connected her forehead to young Historia's forehead, causing a miniature accessing her mind. Young Historia looked at Fredia like a complete stranger she had never met.

"Who was that girl just now?" wondered young Historia.

Back at the present, Historia had tears streaming down her face, grabbing her head. She started to back away from Eren, realizing that her old forgotten memories had came back.

"What's wrong, Historia ?" asked Rod.

"Why?" she asked. "Why did I forget about that until now?"

Historia memorized all the good and time times she had with Frieda when she was younger before she wiped her memories and disappeared.

"I was never alone," she stated. "that girl was always there for me. She gave me books... Taught me how to read and write... And was so kind to me... How could I forget about her?"

"You met Frieda?" asked Rod.

"Frieda?" asked Historia.

"If it was a young girl with long black hair... it was most likely Frieda," stated Rod. "She was your half-sister. She must have been worried and came to check up on you occasionally. If she was erasing your memories, it was all done to protect you."

"Erasing my memories?" she asked.

"Yes, but touching your hand to him seems to have uncovered those memories again," said Rod.

"Um, Father?" called Historia. "Where's Frieda now? I'd like to see and thank her. If she wasn't there for me, I... I need to thank for her what she did for me then."

Historia smiled, but her smile quickly died as she saw the face of her father's expression became saddened.

"Freida is no longer in this world," stated Rod.

"Huh?" asked Historia.

"At one time, I had five children," stated Rod, hugging his daughter. "but my wife and all my children, Freida included, were killed five years ago by his father, Grisha Jaeger."

Rod looked at Eren, who had the look of horror knowing that the "patient" his father had to attend to in the interior, wan't a patient after all, but a massacre of the Reiss members. Eren then remembers one of the many memories, showing his father pleading with the family.

Five years ago, Grisha arrived at the Underground Chapel and started to plead with the Reiss family. The Reiss family refused to help him.

"Grisha was a person with the Power of the Titans. I don't know who the man was, but... his goal was to steal the power the Reiss family possessed."

Grisha then held a knife in the air and stabbed his hand. Grisha then exploded into a bright yellow light as a 15-meter Titan with with a notoriously bulkier torso, long, dark hair, elongated ears, small eyes, and his mouth was covered in flesh and a dark, thick beard along with black chest hair, elongated ears, sunken eyes, and a muscular physique. Grisha's Titan roared loudly as the family shielded themselves from the transformation.

"This power Grisha sought to obtain... It was the Power of the Titans residing with Frieda."

Frieda then bit down on her hand and Frieda transformed into a Titan with feminine form with black hair that hung loosely around her face, large purple eyes; as well as a somewhat skeletal nose. Frieda's Titan punched Grisha's Titan causing to back away for a bit. Frieda's Titan started to charge towards Grisha's Titan with an angry expression. The family watched as the battle took place.

"Frieda's Titan was superior to all other Titans. You could say her Titan has unsurpassable power. However... She didn't have the experience to properly wield it."

Grisha's Titan then had the upper hand and ripped Fredia's Titan's left arm off. Grisha's Titan delivered a powerful blow to the head, enough to knock Frieda's Titan out. Once Frieda's Titan was knocked out, Grisha's Titan then opened his mouth towards the nape of Frieda's Titan, who bit it off.

"Unable to unleash her true potential, she was eaten by Grisha and he stole the power."

Once Grisha's Titan was done devouring Frieda, his Titan had purple eyes just like Frieda's. Two of Rod's children ran towards Frieda, but Grisha's Titan spotted them and the massacre began.

"But that's not all..."

Back at the present, Eren had been listening to Rod's story and was horrified at the monstrosities that his father did to Rod's family.

"He then attacked my entire family," continued Rod. "His rampage sought to eradicate the Reiss family. He crushed my 14-year-old son Dirk and 12-year-old daughter Abel. He trampled over my wife and 10-year-old daughter Florian still clutched in her arms. Lastely , he took my eldest son, Ulklin, and squeezed the life out of him. Miraculously, I was the only one who made it away."

"Unbelievable...." muttered Historia.

Historia looked at Eren, but not in a friendly glare but in a "I hate you for you did" glare. Her eyes were burning with hatred towards him.

"That's how she..." Historia muttered. "Why did he do such a terrible thing?"

Eren was horrified and too ashamed of himself for what his father did to the Reiss family. It was silent, until someone walked in the Chapel.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" called Kenny. "What the hell are you guys blabbering about in here? I hope you know a buncha shit is going down outside."

"What happened, Kenny?" asked Rod.

"The Scouts started a coup d'état and all the regiments changed sides," informed Kenny. "Everyone knows the King's a big fake, and all the big shots ended up being captured. Oh yeah, it's a royal shit show. Only a matter of time till they show up here. You oughta wrap it up lickety split."

"Yes, all right," said Rod. "Take you Anti-Personnel COntrol Squad and defend the entrance. I believe I told you already that I need you and your crew to leave the ceremony."

"Whoa, now, King," said Kenny. "Did I make you mad?"

Rod only gave Kenny a glare. Kenny the placed his hands on his hips.

"Sorry 'bout that," apologized Kenny. "I'm just so worried about you."

"Kenny... I trust you," assured Rod. "Go."

"So do I, King," replied Kenny.

Kenny turned around and "tsk" as he left Rod and his daughter with Eren.

Capital Mitras

Back at the capital, Zachary was at the capital's dungeon and was torturing the former-noble, Aurille, who was strapped to a chair, and was upside down, and was butt naked.

"From now on, you'll be disgusting everything from the bottom up," informed Zachary. "Plus, the only clothes you get to wear started at your knees and below. Of course, once a week we'll take you outside and parade you around to the public. How beautiful... This may very well be the finest work of art ever conceived. All those decades I spent envisioning it paid off. But see, only after you're publicly humiliated in front of the same people you tyrannized will this masterpiece be truly complete."

"Zachary!" hissed Aurille. "You just wait and see! The only blood in you is slave blood! It's nothing like our noble bloodlines! Soon enough, you'll lose your memory and even forget how to take a fucking shit!"

Zachary pulled a tube that was attached to that runs from one end of his body to the other. Zachary started to laugh at Aurille's insults.

"That on insult of your is getting pretty stale!" laughed Zachary. "Don't you have anything new?!"

Zachary then delivered a punch to Zurille's stomach with a smile.

Elsewhere in ten capital, Pyxis met up Erwin, who have had his wounds healed.

"This could be bad, Erwin," warned Pyxis. "All the officials are saying similar things. It's just as your father speculated. The Reiss family must be able to alter people's memories as it suits them. From the sound of it, certain bloodlines, including theirs, are immune to the effects."

"How is that even...?" gasped Erwin.

"If Reiss is able to obtain Eren's "Scream," this uprising will amount to absolutely nothing," informed Pyxis. "As proof of that, they're spilling all their secrets with no shame. As if saying we'll get what's coming to us."

"I see..." said Erwin. "In other words, we may forget even that fact altogether."

"Though, I suppose having them experience torture by the hands of Zachary is better than nothing in my book," said Pyxis. "I don't understand that man. To think he dedicated so much of his life so he could do that."

"Commander, you knew about him?" asked Erwin.

"Mmm... 'Twas a slip of the tongue," replied Pyxis, walking away. "Indeed. I suspect Dhalis Zachary had some ambitions. Unlike you, I'm not very fond of gambling. And also, unlike you... I value the number of remaining humans over my own life. The reason I backed you was because I believed it the superior choice for humanity. Had the government been the favorable choice, I was prepared to fight against Zachary."

"To think, we're comrades just following a coup d'état, and look what I'm saying... I once heard a song that someday humans will stop fighting, but when will that be?"

"Commander!" called a Scout.

Erwin redirected his attention towards the Scout that called him.

"All troops are prepared and ready!" informed the Scout. "We're ready to go!"

"Humans will continue to fight one another until the day there's one human or less," spoke Erwin.

"I was hoping for a better answer than some blank hyperbole," chuckled Pyxis.

"All troops, fall in!" order Erwin, putting on his Scout cape on. "Our mission to recover Eren and Historia will now commence! We make for their location, believed to be the chapel on Reiss territory!"

Back at the Levi Squad position, the Squad continued to gallop through a forest for the chapel.

"Understand?" asked Levi. "He's Kenny the Ripper. If he's there, he'll be our biggest obstacle. In terms of how much of a threat he is, equate him to me as an enemy. No... With those weapons of his, he's deadlier than me."

"Then he's unbeatable, at least for us..." said Sasha.

"And he's got a squad with him too, which makes it ten times harder," stated Sunset Shimmer. "He's going to be a pain in the ass with or without his squad."

"If you could meet up with the troops--" suggested Conny.

"Absolutely not," interrupted Mikasa.

"I know, absolutely not!" agreed Conny. "If we wait until morning, Eren might end up getting eaten!"

"Though, if what the captain said is true, it's not like he has no weak points," stated Armin.

"For real, Armin?" asked Jean.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's trained plenty, but having combat experience is something else," said Armin.

"I wonder, how is it that you lived with Kenny the Ripper but know almost nothing about him, Levi?" asked Hange.

"Sorry, but I only found out his full name not too long ago," said Levi. "Apparently, it's Kenny Ackerman. He some relative of yours?"

"I heard from my parents when they were alive that my dad's side, the Ackermans, were persecuted in the cities," explained Mikasa. "My mom's family was Oriental, so being a different race meant they didn't fit in anywhere. Both people chased deep in the mountains nears the edge of the walls, so that's how they met and married. But I never found out why the Ackermans were persecuted. My dad didn't seem like a different race like my mom was."

"Has there ever been a moment where it's felt like power suddenly awakened inside you?" asked Levi.

Mikasa then remembered the time where she felt something different when facing the bandit that was choking Eren a couple years ago.

"There was," said Mikasa.

"Kenny Ackerman had a moment like that, too," stated Levi. "One time, out of nowhere, he felt an absurd amount of strength surging within him and he knew exactly what he had to do. I've felt moments like that, too."

Levi then looked at Applejack and Apple Bloom, who were riding on their horses. When the new Levi Squad was formed, Levi would take mental notes on everyone's performance. The most that stands out was Applejack and Apple Bloom, considering that both Applejack and Apple Bloom would carry heavy loads with ease and wouldn't complain.

"What are you looking at, Captain?" asked Mikasa.

"Them," pointed Levi to Applejack and Apple Bloom. "Have you ever noticed that Applejack carries the same loads as you?"

Mikasa nodded in response, remembering both of them carrying the same logs back in the cabin with ease.

"But what does it have to do with the Ackerman family?" she asked.

"What I'm hypothesizing is this, Applejack and Apple Bloom have no sudden awaken power, but they have more of a permanent state," said Levi.

"Does that mean, that those two are distant to us?" asked Mikasa.

"Most likely, but I'm not really sure," said Levi. "Hey Applejack, Apple Bloom!"

"What is it, Captain?" asked Applejack.

"Have you ever had any power awakens when you were young?" asked Levi.

"I don't think so?" asked Apple Bloom. "But when we carry heavy loads I feel like an awaken surged through my body, making the loads easier to carry."

"Just as I suspected," said Levi. "That means that you two are distant to us."

"What do you mean?" asked Applejack.

"What he means is this, you two are distant cousins to us," said Mikasa.

"What, but we're not an Ackerman," stated Apple Bloom.

"Unless, someone in your family changed the family name to Apple instead of Ackerman," said Levi. "You two have Ackerman blood running through you, but little."

"So not only we're part Ackerman, but part Pear too?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Pear?" asked Mikasa. "I thought you were a member of the Apple family?"

"Our mother was a Pear, when she met our father, but she changed her family to the Apple family," stated Applejack. "Our parents lived in Sasha's village when they were younger, before moving to Shiganshina."

"My father was a good friend of your father Applejack," stated Sasha.

"Wow, never knew that," said Mikasa.

"Hey, heads up!" called Rainbow Dash upfront. "We're approaching the chapel!"

Sure enough, ahead of them, there was a small church ahead of them. All of them started to load their gear, ready for the rescue mission.

In the cavern beneath the chapel, Kenny looked at the weapon that was used to murder over 100 members of the Military Police Brigade with his signature throat slits. He flipped over the blade and look at it, seeing the reflection of his younger self on the blade. He then remembers his conversation with his bedridden grandfather a few years ago.

"Fess up, grandfather," said the younger Kenny, with fewer wrinkles, no beard, and wearing a long coat, dark trousers and shoes, a white button shirt and another hat. "You're about to die anyways, right?"

Kenny's grandfather woke up and looked at his grandson.

"Kenny..." muttered his grandfather. "Were you out killing more Military Police?"

"Yeah," replied younger Kenny, taking a seat. "If you're taking about those goons snooping around, they're in the ground helping the trees grow."

Kenny's grandfather started to cough violently.

"Speaking of the branches, the branch family moved down south around Shiganshina," continued younger Kenny. "But it turns out someone's interfering with their business there, too, so they're still poor as hell. What's the big deal? Didn't the Ackermans used to be a family of warriors protecting the King? Now the whole family is on the verge of extinction. The hell did you do to piss the King so much?"

"C'mon, fess up," demanded younger Kenny. "Wontcha tell your cute grandson?"

Kenny's grandfather then sat up from his bed.

"What cute grandson?" he asked. "The one who's Kenny the Ripper, terror of the capital? The Ackerman family isn't hated by the King. It's just, they're afraid of us. It's because the King isn't able to control the Ackerman family."

"Control?" asked younger Kenny.

"I personally don't know all there is to know," said his grandfather. "But it's true that our family was once the King's sword and one of their vital supporters. However, the King passes down the Power of the Titans from generation to generation."

"What's this Power of the Titans?" asked younger Kenny.

"It's an immense power they possess to alter all of humanity's memories and make them entirely forget the past," explained his grandfather. "Expect for a few noble bloodlines. Among them, there were two groups that turned their back on the King. That is, the Oriental clan and the Ackerman family."

"Hence the persecution," realized younger Kenny.

"Such a dreadful story," coughed his grandfather, lying back on his bed.

"It ain't the heartwarming story you wanna hear on your deathbed, but I did find my little sister," said Kenny. "Kuchel's been working at a brothel in the ground ground. Got pregnant by one of her customers. Wants to have it and won't listen to me. Hell... Being born in this piece of shit world... Ain't a single damn dream worth suffering through it."

Back at the present, Levi quietly snuck in the church. From the inside it looked like a regular church, but Hange found something hidden beneath a carpet.

"Found it," whispered Hange. "A hidden door. Eren's gotta be in here with the enemy. Hopefully that layout in there is like I predicted."

"These presents better pay off, considering we went out of the way to prepare them," said Levi.

"They also would have found out of coup d'état, so they must have several men ready," said Petra.

"Right," nodded Hange.

Inside the underground chapel, the Anti-Personnel Control Squad was waiting on wooden platforms the were built on the side of each pillar. On one of the many platforms, Caven with another soldier were waiting for their enemy to enter the doors leading to the chapel.

"There's seventeen enemies at the least," informed Caven. "You can be sure Levi's among them. As you know, Levi completely ambushed last time and yet he still killed 12 of our comrades. The rest of the Interior Police are out of the picture, not to mention the government lost control. It's a bad situation all around."

"In a world as tiny as ours, dying would be preferable to the life that awaits us the second we surrender," she spoke. "Then again, is a life stuck in these walls any different? We've got an enemy we can't defeat and all we can do is wait till they break down the walls and destroy us. We chose to join the Military Police, aspired to be Interior Police, and joined up with Kenny. All to seek meaning in our meaningless world. Let's keep believing all the way to the end... that Kenny and his dream can turn the tables on this world."

"That's right," smirked Adagio. "Let's finish this once and for all. Am I right, girls?"

"You said it, Adagio," replied Aria. "What about you Sonata?"

"I guess," groaned Sonata. "I rather be outside this stupid place, than working for him."

"What's with the mood?" asked Aria. "You were always energetic when we were Cadets, what happened?"

"You know my entire dream from the moment I was able to dream was to be in the Scouts," stated Sonata.

"Scouts," groaned Adagio. "The military that is about "Oh look at us, we're the soldiers that want to die for humanity for no reason at all because of Commander Erwin." Look around, we're alive due to choosing this regiment. You joined too because you wanted to live and not go outside the walls."

"Yeah... by persuading me to give up on my dream," snarled Sonata. "From the beginning I met you two, I always thought that we're going to join the same regiment, the Scouts cause you two wanted to explore outside the walls."

"Have you seen the Scouts when they came back?" asked Aria. "They looked miserable and look at the amount of carnage there was. If we joined that we would've been in that pile of carnage. Two, even we did die, we died for nothing, considering that they haven't completed a mission since forever."

"You see, Sonata?" asked Adagio. "That's the exact reason why we have to give up on that dream and choose this regiment, also you know you had free will to join the Garrison, right?"

"The Garrison?" asked Sonata. "I'm not joining a Regiment that drinks alcohol for the living hell of it! Also, free will?! What happened when we were picking our Regiment?! You two literally dragged me out of the standing crowd."

"Like we said, give up your dream," said Adagio. "It's not worth dying for it."

"Only if I had the strength to resist them," thought Sonata. "Now, I'm stuck being the bad girl, killing innocent people for the living. All those people I have killed, had a wives, kids, and people they care about torn apart because of me."

Back on top, Armin, Sugarcoat, and Twilight were finishing the touches to a new mechanism, that they planned and built.

"All right, we're good to go!" informed Armin.

"Brand new, baby," said Sugarcoat.

"Don't blow yourself up, these things have gunpowder in these," stated Twilight.

"Hey, we don't have a spark, so no worries," said Sugarcoat.

"Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty, too?" asked Levi.

Everyone had a straight face on, ready for the battle and the rescue mission.

"All bets are off," said Rainbow Dash, taking out a fresh pair of blades. "Let's get this mission ready to go."

"Guess so," said Levi.

Back at the Underground Chapel, the soldiers of the Kenny Squad were loaded and ready, waiting like predators waiting for their prey to fall in the trap. On the ground of the chapel, Kenny walked towards his position, a smirk appeared on his face, ready to face Levi for the second time.