• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 955 Views, 3 Comments

Attack on Titan 3 - Gojizilla54

Eren Jaeger's battle against the Titans rages on! With his ferocious abilities and a new plan, Eren and his friends set out to face the Titans head-on. But as they prepare for war, they begin to unearth terrifying secrets.

  • ...


Levi hid behind the chimney as the man behind him stood up.

"Yo, Levi." called the man. "Still wondering of you've grown?"

The man fired a hook, which latched on to the chimney, and slid on the roof and flipped over Levi.

"Woohoo!" shouted the man. "Nope, don't look like you changed at all, boy!"

Now with an angry face, Levi draws out his blades to retaliate the man.

"KEEEENNNNYYYY!!!" screamed Levi.

Levi then threw the blade at Kenny, who deflected the blade away with his barrel. Kenny then aimed at Levi, who ducked down to avoid the shot. Seeing Hange’s squad mates dead, Levi started to sprit down the roof, dodging all the shots fired by Kenny's soldiers. He slid down the roof and started to swing away from Kenny and the soldiers.

Back at the wagon, Keiji heard distant gunshots, causing him to look back.

"Gunshots?!" he wondered.

He looked up to see two members of Kenny's squad closing in. With the disturbance heard outside the wagon, Eren looked at Keiji with concern.

"What's going on?!" asked Eren.

"Stay in there!' ordered Keiji. "Hiyaah!"

Keiji whipped his horse to go faster, but one of the members fired a hook at the top, completely tearing off the top, exposing both Eren and Historia. Eren saw a musket on the wagon and grabbed it. Then, one of the men had a small barrel and shot Historia in the side of her neck with a tranquilizer, causing her to be knocked out.

"Historia!" called Eren.

Before Eren could even aim the musket, the second member then shot Eren with another tranquilizer, causing him to be knocked out, like Historia. The two members then took out the small barrel and replaced it with a bigger one.

"Eren!' called Keiji.

Then, Keiji's head was shot, causing him to fall off the wagon and roll down the street. The member that shot Keiji boarded the wagon and started to ride away. He heard someone zipping above him, causing him to look up. Above, Levi was in hot pursuit of the wagon. Levi continued to pursue the wagon, until three members of Kenny's squad, met him in the corner. the three members aimed at Levi, who shot down at the ground, reeling him down.

"Shit! They predicted every last one of our movements!" Levi thought.

Levi swung so low that it felt like his ODM gear was about to scrap the ground. Levi swung below two wagons and dodged the three members' shots. Once Levi was in broad daylight, a shadow appeared above him. He looked at and saw Kenny, who shot both of his guns. Levi stopped himself and circled into an alleyway.

"Kenny... What the hell is he doing in the Military Police?!" Levi wondered.

As Levi continued to glide, he remembered Kenny was he was a young man and himself as a young boy. The three members that were pursuing Levi aimed their guns at him. The three shot of him, but Levi was too quick, dodging all the shots. he slid how a wooden board, causing a shot to hit the wood and a wood chip to scratch part of his head. Levi ignored the pain and continued to swing through the alleyway and dodging the bullets. Levi looked in front of him and saw a bar ahead him.

Levi then swung towards the bar and burst in, hiding behind the counter. Inside the bar, the civilians that were inside the bar had confusion written on their faces and amazement at the person.

"It's Levi... of the Scouts!" shouted on of the civilians.

"W-Welcome to our establishment!" greeted the frightened bartender.

Outside the bar, Kenny landed in front of the entrance. Inside the bar, Levi stood up, with one eye closed due to the blood pouring out of the scratch.

"Shit... If this keeps up, I'll lose my team, Eren, Historia, and Petra too," Levi thought, wiping some of the blood on his eyelid.

"Ain't that the damnedest thing!" shouted Kenny, outside. "I smell a filthy rat coming from his bar... Come out you little rodent."

Kenny then swaggers into the bar, full of confidence.

"Found ya!" he shouted. "The law has come to exterminate the vermin! Bang! Bang!"

Levi reminded hidden behind the counter. Everyone remained silent at the man, expected the frightened bartender.

"Eek!" squeaked the bartender.

"The hell?!" wondered Kenny. "Ain't you here?!"

"Right here, Kenny," said Levi, behind the counter. "It's been a while. Never though you'd still be alive. What happened to slaughtering the Military Police? Now you're one of them?"

"Adults do plenty of things as a kid like you can't understand," stated Kenny. "Oops, my bad. You're just so tiny, it's hard to believe you're older now. I been looking forward to seeing you in action. never though all those tricks I taught you would be helping you out like this. Didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat?"

Kenny clicked his gun. Outside the bar, countless numbers of Kenny's men surrounded the bar, waiting for Kenny's signal or Levi.

"No matter which way you try to run, you'll get blasted from above," warned Kenny, grabbing a chair. "Hey, Levi..."

Kenny then chucked the chair into the wall of bar bottles. The chair instantly broke into wooden pieces and shattering the bar bottles.

"There's gotta be a reason you became a Scout, and I think I know what it is," he continued, grabbing another chair. "We had no choice but to survive in that garbage dump. It took all we had each day to keep livin'. And when we found out how big the world really was, you can bet it really fucking hurt like hell. But something saved us... We'd found something we wanted to do. It's that simple. It's simple, but the truth is... The only thing that made our lives fulfilling was finding hobbies."

"Hobbies?" asked Levi. "So is blowing the heads off my team a hobby of yours?"

"Yup..." answered Kenny, pointing the gun. "To achieve my grand goals, I'll kill as much as I have to. You're no different. You killed when it benefits you, too."

"Yeah..." reply Levi, simply.

Levi quickly took out a musket hidden under the bar and fired it at Kenny. Kenny quickly used the chair to shield the bullet flying towards him. The shot blasted the chair into pieces and Kenny out of the bar. Kenny slid on the ground, causing several members to draw their guns.

"Wait!" shouted one of the members.

Kenny lied motionless on the ground, his hat covered his face. Inside the bar, Levi tossed the musket back to the batender.

"Thanks old man," thanked Levi.

Then one member named Duran saw something break the window. Out of instincts, he shot the thing that broke the window. Once he was doing shooting, the smoke cleared up, revealing a chair.

"What?!" he yelled.

Levi then ran out of the bar and fired a hook. The hook struck Duran in the forehead and was dragged. Levi then shot another hook to the right side of a building, while the left side had Duran's head attached. Levi landed on the roof and started to charge at the two members.

"What the hell?!" shouted one of the members.

Both of them shot at Levi, but he used Duran's body to shield himself from the barrage of shots. Once they were out of ammo, Levi tossed Duran's body aside and rushed them. before they could reload, Levi sliced the two member's throats with one swipe of his blade.

On the other side of town, Levi's team were running to meet their captain. As they were running, Sasha stopped in her tracks and had a frightened look on her face.

"Gunshots!" she shouted.

"What do you mean gunshots?" asked Indigo Zap.

"From there!" pointed Sasha, to the right. "I heard a bunch of shots!"

"You think something happened?" asked Jean.

"Most likely," said Mikasa. "The Captain had this message for us... From now on, we'll be fighting humans, too, and not just Titans."

"You're kidding right?" asked Apple Bloom. "Aren't we suppose to protect humanity? Not kill it?!"

"With this state, we have to," stated Mikasa. "One of you tell Team Petra to go to the source of the gunshots."

"I'll go," said Twilight.

"Be careful out there," Scootaloo.

Twilight nodded and started to swing away from the team, while Mikasa swung towards the the source of the fighting. Further away from the barracks, Nile Dawk looked up and saw Mikasa swinging in the air.

"Was that the First Interior Squad?" he wondered.

"Commander," called a MP. "You're needed to check some papers."

Outside the bar, Kenny laid on the ground, his hat still covered his face. Then, four women stood over Kenny. One of them is fit, thin built with blonde hair was just a little bit past shoulder length tied with bangs. The other had brilliant raspberry eyes and vivid orange hair with brilliant yellow streaks. The third had moderate mulberry eyes and purple hair with aquamarine streaks. The fourth one had moderate raspberry eyes and artic blue hair with persain blue streaks.

"Captain," called the blond hair women. "Finally bit the dust?"

"I'm still alive, Caven," said Kenny, taking his hat off. "How would I answer if I'm dead."

"I can't believe that you got owned by a man smaller than you," said the woman with vivid orange hair.

"It's been a while since I've seen him, Adagio," stated Kenny, getting up. "Shit! He got me good. Forget that bar owners are allowed to keep guns for their own self-defense... For a runt, he's sure grown up."

"That's wonderful," said Caven.

"Like hell it is!' shouted Kenny. "My dream is getting further and further away... "

"Wait, what was the dream again?" asked the women artic blue hair.

"Have you been listening to Kenny's speeches at all, Sonata?" asked the woman with purple hair.

"Sorry Aria, I didn't come here by choice, but forced to join," stated Sonata.

"Could you two shut the hell up and find that runt!" shouted Kenny.

"Yes, Captain," said Adagio, Sonata, and Aria together.

"Why did I even recruit them, the two bicker all the time," groaned Kenny.

"Adagio and Aria joined, but Sonata was forced to joined, due to the two," stated Caven.

On the other side, Levi's team zipped through the city to meet up with Levi. Rainbow Dash looked at the ground and saw the wagon carrying the unconscious Historia and Eren.

"Mikasa!" called Rainbow Dash. "The plan is going sour!"

The wagon then turned the corner. Behind the wagon, Levi continued to pursue the wagon.

"Captain!" spotted Armin.

Sunset Shimmer looked at the other side and saw Twilight Sparkle with Petra's team.

"Guys!" called Sunset. "They're here!"

Petra's team quickly caught up to them now, all the members of the Levi Squad now started to follow Levi.

"We heard what's going," said Sunny Flare.

"Are we playing a game of tag?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, can you please take this shit seriously, the plan already went wrong!" shouted Lemon Zest.

Back at the wagon, Levi continued to chase the wagon. Above him, one of the members of Kenny's men pointed his gun at Levi.

"What the hell?!" shouted Jean.

The member shot his gun at him. Levi quickly dodged the shot and fired a hook towards the member. The hook pierced the member in the chest. The member's body was reeled towards Levi, who sliced the member in half with his blade. Levi landed on the side of the building and saw Petra and the members of his squad.

"Chase the wagon!" ordered Levi.

"Yes, sir," said Mikasa.

The Levi Squad then started to pursue the wagon. They turned the corner and swung towards the wagon. Two members were on the wagon while, the other one was driving it.

"Listen up!' shouted Levi. "They're use to fighting other people! They already got three of ours."

"Then how are going to get them?!" asked Fluttershy.

"If we're gonna get those two back, you can't hesitate!" shouted Levi. "If you get the chance, you kill! Got it?!"

"Roger!" replied Mikasa.

"Petra, we're going to have to get those two off that wagon," said Levi.

"Got it, Levi," said Petra.

Both of them landed on a market stand and bounced off the tent. Both of them fired their hooks towards the two members of the wagon. Each of them pierced through the chest of the members, causing the two to fall off the wagon. Then, a third member the started to chase Levi and Petra.

"Armin, Jean, Fluttershy!" called Levi. "Secure the wagon! We'll cover you!"

"Sir!" replied Armin.

"What?! I don't want to kill these humans!" shouted Fluttershy.

"Another dead..." muttered Jean.

"Jean, Fluttershy!" called Armin, dropping down.

Jean, Fluttershy, and Armin landed on the wagon, causing the driver to look back, unaware of Mikasa. Mikasa then punched the driver into the back of the wagon. Jean then pinned the driver with his blade.

"Don't move!" shouted Jean.

The driver then rolled onto her stomach and knocked the blade out of Jean's hand. The member then pointed the gun at Jean's head. Jean looked up and saw the gun aimed right at his head.

"Jean!" called Mikasa.

Capital Mitras

Back at the capital, the royal officials and advisors gathered in the throne room of the king.

"How disappointing that nothing came of Erwin," said one of the officials. "We still don't know the location of Eren Jaeger and Historia. At this rate, freezing the Scout activity will prove all for naught."

"Indeed..." said one of the royal advisor. "Do we know what information they might learned from Pastor Nick?"

The royal official shook his head in response.

"No helping it," replied the official. "If we questioned too much, we'll reveal to them things they didn't know in the first place."

"No, what they know or don't know matters not," said another official. "it's what they tried to lean. that's plenty. We should deal with them to the extent of the law. Just as we've done until now..."

Then, the door to the throne room opened. The royal officials and advisors saw a messenger panting from exhaustions. Aurille stood up and grabbed the price of paper from the messenger.

"It's from Lord Reiss," said Aurille, scanning through the note, and then gasped. "Eren and Historia have been captured. He’s already moved against Erwin and the Scout Regiment. There's no need for us to take action.

Back at the military barracks, Erwin watched from a window at the Military Police carrying crates of supplies. then, Nile Dawk entered Erwin's room.

"That's the last of it," said Nile. "If you want your personal effects back ask later."

"No, it's fine," said Erwin. "I was hoping to speak with you."

"I'm in no mood to reminisce about the past," stated Nile.

"How cold of you, Nile," said Erwin, taking a seat. "Weren't we once comrades aiming to be Scouts? This tiny world is about to change. Will it bring hope, or despair? Can we trust the government with the future of humanity or not? Who gets to choose."

Erwin the got out a box of matches and lit one of the matches on fire.

"Who will you trust?" he asked.

"What are you planning to do, Erwin?" asked Nile.

"Gamble, like I always do," replied Erwin, lighting a candle.

Back at Trost District, Armin sobbed at a river and threw up, while Fluttershy curled herself, rocking back and forth like a rocking chair. Once Armin was done coughing, he started to breakdown into tears. Mikasa patted Armin's shoulder to comfort him, but it was no use.

"Did you go through this, too?" asked Armin, wiping his tears.

"I can't believe I just did that," whispered Fluttershy.

"Sorry..." apologized Armin.

"It's okay," said Mikasa.

"Sorry... Sorry..." whimpered Armin.

Earlier during the wagon takeover, two guns were shot. Jean watched as the driver's body went limp and fell down. As the driver's body fell, Armin and Fluttershy held pistols aimed. Levi and Petra started to follow the wagon, until Aria, Adagio, and Sonata appeared behind the wagon and aimed their guns at Armin, Jean, Fluttershy.

"Shit!" hissed Levi. "Armin! Jean! Fluttershy!"

Levi swooped in and grabbed Armin, Sasha swooped in and grabbed Jean, while Petra grabbed Fluttershy. Once they were out of the wagon, Aria and Sonata took over the wagon and started to ride out the gate. Aria shot her gun at Mikasa, who dodged the bullet. Mikasa landed and was about to chase them, until she was held back by Levi.

"Don't do it!" ordered Levi. "Fall back!"

Mikasa tried to wiggle her way free from Levi, but Levi wouldn't let her go.

"EREN!!!" called Mikasa.

Now, inside the abandoned warehouse, Levi and a couple members of his squad gathered around a lamp, sitting on some boxes. Armin and Fluttershy were still traumatized after killing a human.

"What's wrong?" asked Levi. "This grimy place kill your appetite?"

"No..." murmured Armin. "jean, there's something I don't understand... "

"What's that?" asked Jean.

"When Fluttershy and I shot those guns to save you..." said Armin. "I honestly thought I didn't make it in time. Sorry, but... why were we the first one who shot first?"

jean remembered the driver pointing the gun at Jean's forehead.

"That's..." said jean.

"Because the other person hesitated," replied Levi. "It's true."

"Armin, I'm sorry," apologized jean. "I should've done what I had to do."

"I know what it is..." said Armin. "the person that killed... I bet they were a nice person. Someone that was much more human and I am... Fluttershy and I pulled the trigger so easily... I did..."

"Armin, you're making Fluttershy feel guiltier now," said Starlight.

"So... that person... was nice?" asked Fluttershy. "We... killed her... because she was nice?"

"Armin, Fluttershy, you've got blood on your hands now," stated Levi. "You two can't go back to who you were."

"You're right captain," whimpered Fluttershy. "We're... cold blooded... murderers."

"Why would say that?" asked Mikasa, patting Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Embrace the new you," said Levi. "Just think, if your hands were still clean... Jean wouldn't be here right now. I'll tell you why you two pulled the trigger... because your comrade was about to die. Armin... Fluttershy… Thanks to you getting blood on your hands nobody on our squad ended up dead. Thanks."

"Captain Levi, I.." spoke Jean. "I thought it was wrong to be fighting other humans... And wrong for you to order us to do it. I was afraid to be hurting other people. But I'm the one who was wrong. Next time, I'll shoot."

"I never said anything about who was right or wrong," stated Levi. "I don't even know myself. Are you really one in the wrong? Now then..."

Levi stood up from his box and started to walking towards the the lead kidnapper.

"It's about time we hear what he has to say," said Levi.

Levi looked at the lead kidnapper and took off the cloth covering his mouth.

"Wait! I'm just an man used for moving wagons around the--" said the lead kidnapper,

"I've met this man once before," interrupted Mikasa. "In the city, people were calling him Boss."

"Yeah, I know," said Levi, "Dimo Reeves, right?"

"We were just following orders the Military Police forced on us," said Dimo. "And failed big time... They'll plunder the Reeves Company for all that it's worth. They won't stop with me and my dumb son. They'll make sure all my employees die in so-called accidents."

"So you'll die without a fight?" asked Levi. "Trost should have collapsed by now, but's it's persevered. That's because the Reeves Company brings people and work together. But the company was gone for good just how few would survive the winter?"

"Are you suggesting I team up with you?" asked Dimo. "We just need to know where Eren and Historia are. If you're supplying the Military police, we can figure something out."

"But can you stop my city and employees from dying of starvation?' asked Dimo. "I can't guarantee it. However, you can trust that we'll move towards that end."

Back at the military barracks, Nile climbed inside his carriage and started to gallop away from the barracks. Inside a building, Hange and Moblit watch as Nile left the barracks.

"Finally, the nuisance is gone," sighed Hange.

Hange then opened the door to Erwin's room, violently.

"Erwin, big trouble!" warned Hange. "The situation got worse! There's two things! The first is that Eren and Historia were abducted! Three on my team were killed, too. I'm planning to meet up with Levi and Petra to see if we can hunt down their location."

Hange then took out a piece of paper hidden under her coat.

"And the other?" asked Erwin. "Eren remembered a conversation between Ymir and Bertholdt, but... Shit, if this is true... My head's gonna explode!"

Hange then grabbed her head and started to scream.

"What's the problem?" asked Erwin, handing Hange a cup of water.

Hange then grabbed the cup from Erwin's hand and started to drink out of it quickly. Once she was finished, Hange set the cup on the table and sighed.

"If we don't rescue him quick, Eren will get eaten," warned Hange.

Inside a forest, a wagon was galloping through the forest. The wagon had Ralph and Djel Sannes were on board and Dimo Reeves was driving the wagon.

"Hey!" called Djel. "Are Levi and them actually there?"

"They are," replied Dimo. "I promise him I'd cooperate so they let us go for some reason."

The wagon came to a stop. Djel looked out the wagon and his surroundings.

"Are we here?' he asked.

Then, a musket was aimed at Djel's face. The wagon was surrounded by the Levi Squad. Dejel turned around, but Jean used the butt of the musket to hit Djel in the head, knocking him out.

"Reeves, you fucking--" shouted Ralph.

Before Ralph could finish, Mikasa climbed in the wagon and used the butt of the musket to hit Ralph in the head, knocking him out.

"That was quick," said Applejack.

"It doesn't take that long to knock out them," said Rarity.

"Stupid MPs," groaned Sweetie Belle.

"Sorry about that, pals," apologized Dimo.

Levi nodded at Dimo. The Levi Squad then carried the two knocked out Interior MPs into a nearby abandoned building. Dimo and his son, Flegel watch them from the wagon.

"What now?" asked Fegel. "Does it really mean we're safe, Old Man?"

"There's no guarantee," replied Dimo.

"You're kidding!" hissed Flegel. "Then why?!"

"A merchant must learn to follow their nose," stated Dimo, slapping Flegel. "Not just smell easy money, but sniff out profit awaiting in the future. Once you find it, bite and don't let go. Got it? Remember that."

Inside the abandon building, Petra and Levi tied Djel's feet and hands to a chair. Hange open the door to the basement. Behind her, Moblit followed her.

"Sorry, I'm late!" apologized. "you're still going at it?"

"Yeah, Petra and I are pretty new to this shit," said Levi, wearing an apron and gloves.

"Read many books about torture, but never got around with this," said Petra, carrying a club.

"Sannes!" scolded Hange. "You should know I'm also a novice at human torture, so please bear with me!"

Hange then took out a pair of pliers.

"Wait!" stuttered Sannes. "What do you even want?! Who the fuck tortures without asking question?!"

"Oh, right..." said Levi. "We do have some questions for you. Where's Eren and Historia? Why are you after Historia. What's the Reiss Family?"

"Two slow!" scolded Hange. "Can't you see that we're in a fucking hurry!"

Hange then took the pliers and used the tongs to pulled out one of Sannes' teeth. Once yanked, Sannes screaming in pain, loudly.

On the upper floor, The Levi Squad were gathered around a table, while Mikasa leaned against a wall. Almost all of them had saddened looks in their faces, while Fluttershy was on the brink of breaking down.

"It starts again..." muttered Jean.

"I feel like the screams are louder than when the captains did it," said Armin.

"Even though I know it's to save those two, it makes me sick," said Conny.

"It's like watching animals getting skinned alive and hearing their painful cries," whimpered Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then broke down into tears, crying in her hands. Rainbow Dash went over to Fluttershy and patted her shoulder.

"There, there, Fluttershy, it's going to be alright," cooed Rainbow Dash.

"Let's face it... we're criminals now," stated Armin.

"What is there to be alright, Rainbow?" asked Fluttershy. "Armin just said, "we're criminals," I don't want to be a criminal!"

"The enemies that we're fighting... We're not killing them because they're trying to eat us," said Armin. "it's because their views are different... No just the group they belong to. And for that, their lives..."

"Armin," cooed Mikasa.

"All of use... We're not good people anymore," said Armin.

"Armin, you're making Fluttershy, break down even more," said Rainbow Dash.

Armin looked to see Fluttershy, now curled up into a ball and rocking back and fourth, tears streaming down her eyes.

Back in the torture room, Sannes had missing teeth, a beaten up face, a broken nose, bruised knees, from Petra swing the club, and missing nails.

"Sorry, I can't peel nails as well as you," apologized Hange. "Just how many did you peel to get so good?"

"Too many to count," said Sannes. "Within these cramp walls, do you know why war has never broken out? It's because the First Interior Squad dirted our hands to protect the peace."

"By torturing people?" asked Petra. "The only time you torture people to get useful private information, not peace."

"It's true," said Sannes. "A teacher too smart for their own good... A stupid couple who tried to fly... A whore from some ranch in the sticks! Humanity has only made it this far because we erased them! You should me thanking us! I've never seen anyone get more pleasure out of torturing than you guys! You're monsters! But I'm not even afraid. I... I have... I have the King, I... believe in the King and peace in the walls. that all the things we've done were justified... To think it hurt this much... go on and torture me to death already. that's all I ever did with this blood-stained life of mine."

"Time for a break," said Levi.

Hange, Petra, Levi, and Moblit started to walk away from Sannes.

"That's troubling..." sighed Hange. "I'm beginning to feel sorry for him."

The group then left the room, leaving the door open. Then, Levi and Petra grabbed Ralph outside the torture room. Sannes watched through the bars as Levi and Petra were holding him. Hange took out a piece of paper, forcing Ralph to look at the paper with a knife pinned against his neck.

"Quit shoving me," demanded Ralph. "It hurts..."

"You're pathetic," insulted Levi. "It only took one nail to make you talk."

Once Levi said the word "talk," Sannes had a chill running up his spine, thinking the many possibilities that Ralph had exposed them of their doing.

"Look at Sannes," said Petra. "He doesn't have any left. You're nothing like him."

"Like I fucking care?" asked Ralph. "That was his decision. The guy never shuts up about peace and the king. The rest of us hate him. Do us a favor and kill him already."

"We're not letting that shit happen until he verifies your story," stated Levi.

"You already got what you wanted out of me," said Ralph. "Give me a damn break. Will I be getting a bed in my cell, or what?"

"You'll get a bed in your cell if you just read that last part of the note," snarled Petra.

Inside the torture room, Sannes's right eye was getting heavy as he was getting tired. Sannes then closed his eye for a nap, but the nap wasn't long enough, as Hange, Levi, and Petra opened the door.

"Ready, Sannes?" asked Hange. "Let's try again. This is tough for me, too, but I'll do the best to--"

"Reiss is the true royal family," stated Sannes.

Inside the military barracks of the Trost District, Erwin watched as the moon shined in his room. Elsewhere, Dimo parked his wagon and took out a cigarettes and started smokeing.

"So much for trying not to stand out..." said Dimo. "Fegel us taking forever, dammit.

Dimo then continued to smoke as Fegel was walking back to his father. As the night continued, Dimo finished smoking , unaware of a figure creeping up behind him. The figure then covered Dimo's mouth with his hand and had a dagger positioned on his throat.

"Merchants shouldn't be sellouts when it comes to trust," whispered Kenny.

With one swipe to the throat, Dimo became silent as blood started to gush out of his throat. Dimo limply fell dead as Kenny took out a piece of cloth and started to clean his dagger and hand.

"Was it wise not to ask him where Levi is?" asked Caven in a white hoodie.

"Yeah, like he could've been pretty useful," said Aria Blaze in a dark olive hoodie.

"He'll show up even if we do nothing," stated Kenny.

"How do you know?" asked Caven.

"Because I raised him," stated Kenny. "Levi Ackerman is just that kind of guy."

"I doubt he'll just show up in thin air," said Adagio in an Indigo hoodie.

Kenny, Caven, Aria, and Adagio left Dimo's body in the open. Sonata look at the body with great sadness in her face. She kneeled in front of Dimo's body.

"Sorry, Mr. Merchant," whispered Sonata Dusk.

"Hey, Sonata!" called Kenny. "Hurry up!"

Sonata started to sprint away from Dimo's body. Near the murder scene, Figel covered his mouth as he whimpered, witnessing the murder of his father.

Back at the abandon cabin, Levi told the information stated by Sannes. Everyone had their eyes widen as they realized what they really have in their squad.

"The true royal successor..." muttered Armin. "... Is Historia?"

"In other words, both Eren and Historia are likely wherever Rod Reiss is," stated Hange.

Hange look at Moblit, who nodded. He placed the rolled paper on the wall and unrolled it, revealing a portrait of Rod Reiss.

"That's him," said Levi.

Elsewhere, in a windowed room at an unknow location, Historia look at Rod Reiss as if he were just some random stranger.

"Historia..." spoke Rod, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm sorry for everything."

As Rod hugged Historia, she then realized that the man hugging her was her father. Next to them, a bound and gagged Eren with his eyes half closed, watched as the two embraced.