• Published 29th Jul 2020
  • 3,302 Views, 73 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria - Lady Umbra

When Celestia sees a frightening vision she and her sister must train one to rise up and defeat this horrible Evil and become The Celestial Warrior

  • ...

The Celestial Warrior Vs. The Great Dragon

For a moment, the two warriors glared at each other, silently daring each other to hurt their hostage first.

After a tense few seconds, Tai Lung threw Luna aside. Her glare not faltering, Twilight gently lowered the sleeping changeling, and set her aside as well.

“So,” Tai Lung growled. “You’re the one Celestia chose over me?”

Almost in response, Twilight drew out the golden scroll. She looked down at it morosely.

“All you wanted was power,” Twilight accused. “You didn’t deserve…”

But she barely got the chance to finish before Tai Lung roared in rage. Stomping on a nearby spear, he launched it at the unicorn with a kick. Shrouding her leg in magic, Twilight crescent-kicked the spear aside, smoothly sliding back into her combat stance.

“I never wanted it for power!” Tai Lung snarled. “I wanted my mother’s pride!”

Twilight’s eyes flicked over to the unconscious Luna. Worry creased her brow, barely relaxing when she saw Luna’s chest still rising and falling with life. Tai Lung followed her gaze. Sorrow briefly flicked across his face, before he grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

“But now,” Tai Lung admitted, turning from his mother. “The Scroll’s power is all I have left.”

Twilight glared at him as he took a stance; ready to pounce.

“Well, if you want it?” Twilight said, waving the scroll like bait. “Come and take it!”

Tai Lung did. Before she had the chance to react, Tai Lung pounced. His punch threw Twilight out of the palace and jarred the scroll from her grip. But Twilight had been expecting it. Flaring her magic, she summoned a portal, redirecting her back towards Tai Lung as he seized the scroll and lifted it into the air.

“Finally!” Tai Lung cried in excitement.

But just before he could open it, Twilight shrouded herself in magic again, body-slamming him with the force of a train. The scroll was jarred from his grip, and Twilight snatched it out of the air.

“Sweet Celestia,” Twilight mumbled. “I can’t believe I pulled that off.”

But she didn’t get long to celebrate. Tai Lung charged the unicorn on all fours, his claws sparking against the ground.

As the beast rushed at her, more like a wild animal than a person, Twilight’s courage failed her. She stepped back, all but ready to turn and run. But Tai Lung was faster, and tackled her out of the palace and onto the tournament grounds.

Summoning her magic, Twilight bounced off the ground, keeping the scroll away from Tai Lung’s prying claws. Roaring in anger, Tai Lung kicked her into a nearby tree. But with a rubber spell, the tree bent under Twilight’s weight, allowing her to land safely on the ground. Tai Lung leaped towards her again, but Twilight snapped the rubberized tree back like a rubber band, striking Tai Lung and throwing him back into the arena. The tactic only gave Twilight a second to breath before Tai Lung smashed the doors to the arena open and pursuing her down the stairs to Ponyville.

“That scroll is MINE!” Tai Lung bellowed, once again tackling into the unicorn.

“No…” Twilight hissed through gritted teeth as they struggled over the scroll. “It’s… NOT!”

Tucking into his tackle, Twilight sent both herself and Tai Lung rolling down the stairs. Using it to her advantage, Twilight drove her elbow, fist and knee into Tai Lung every time he hit the stairs, doubling the damage as he was sandwiched between the unforgiving stone and her equally unforgiving limbs.

All too soon, however, they ran out of stairs. And Tai Lung was able to kick her through the archway and into the village. As Twilight hit the rooftops, she yelped as the scroll was jarred from her grip, and bounced away.
Unable to stop her momentum, Twilight came to a rest next to an abandoned noodle cart. However, as she glanced at the noodles, her eyes lit up with another idea.

She turned back towards the scroll, which Tai Lung was chasing across the rooftops. Just as he managed to grab the slippery scroll, Twilight snatched it away with a lasso spell.

“Get over here,” Twilight mumbled to herself with a chuckle. Though the chuckle turned into a gasp when the scroll bounced off her head and careened across the village.

Tai Lung shot by Twilight, focused on the scroll, but Twilight managed to snag his legs and cast a gravity spell on his shoes. Gagging as his spine was stretched by the whiplash, Tai Lung was pulled down onto the empty cart, turning it into a catapult that launched Twilight after the scroll. With a snarl, Tai Lung kicked off his spell altered shoes, and continued on in his bare paws.

Meanwhile, Twilight reached for the scroll, only for it to vanish inside a paper lantern. Crying out in distress, Twilight’s momentum sent her right past the hidden scroll and into a bamboo forest. Catching herself on the papery stalks only caused her to snap two stilt sized bamboo stalks off in her hands. And as she managed to stumble her way out, she accidentally knocked over a stack of iron pots.

Briefly, Twilight made to clean the pots up, before the clink of the scroll hitting the ground, followed by the THUD of Tai Lung landing near it drew her attention.

With no time to close the distance, Twilight looked to the pots and flared her horn.

Tai Lung had just reached out to claim the Celestial Scroll… only for one of the pots to slam into his face. With a flare of more magic, Twilight hurled the rest of the pots, covering the scroll before Tai Lung could dislodge the metal cooking utensil from his face.

Leaping over the pots, she tossed one of her stilts at Tai Lung before breaking the other into a bo-staff. Tai Lung easily reflected the stilt, but it knocked him back, allowing her to get between him and the pots. And as he glared down at the iron coverings, Twilight’s magic flared again, and the pots began to shuffle like an odd game.

“You… clever little pony,” Tai Lung growled.

He made to knock Twilight aside, but she blocked and redirected his strikes. Snarling, Tai Lung swiped his claw at the bo-staff, splitting it in two. Yelping, Twilight tried to back up, only for Tai Lung to seize the front of her gi and throw her into the shuffling pots. Iron pots flew into the air, but among them, both fighters saw the gleam of the Celestial scroll.

The snow leopard went for the scroll but was stopped by a purple magical aura tugging at his tail. Looking at the unicorn he saw her horn and her hand ablaze with magic. Clenching her fist and pulling her hand towards her, she attempted to levitate Tai Lung away from the scroll. But Tai Lung broke free from her magic, swinging his paw at the scroll the snow leopard knocked it away from both of them. Kicking Twilight aside, he attempted to once again claim the Scroll as his.

Lunging back to her feet, Twilight sent a lightning spell to her legs, blasting herself after the scroll.

The BOOM of thunder jarred Tai Lung from his focus, and he got just enough time to turn and see Twilight rocketing towards him on a bolt of lightning. Tai Lung got one yelp out before Twilight barreled through him, sending him into the air while she seized the scroll with a triumphant laugh.

Unfortunately, Twilight realized she was rocketing towards the side of a building. Shrieking, Twilight tried to deactivate the spell, but her momentum still carried her into the wall. A shield spell kept her from breaking her back, but it failed to save the scroll, which flew from her grip and rested in the mouth of a stone dragon head.

With Tai Lung rapidly approaching, Twilight forced herself not to panic.

Focus, she ordered herself. Envision the Jade Dragon Library. The Scroll’s just another book out of order.

As Tai Lung rapidly approached, he gasped in disbelief. The lavender unicorn was scaling up the side of the wall like a monkey. Her eyes were closed. She wasn’t even using her magic! Instantly, his eyes locked on the scroll.

“The Scroll truly has given her power!” Tai Lung realized with glee. However, that glee rapidly faded as he realized she was going to get it way before him. “NOOOOO!” He roared, ramming himself into the crack she had already made in the building.

The building had already been rocked by one kung fu master. The second one began to bring the stone structure down, ripping Twilight from her day dream. Whipping her head around, Twilight screamed as Tai Lung rapidly scaled the collapsing building. Flaring her magic, she sent several loose roof tiles smashing into the snow leopard’s face. As he reeled from the odd ammunition, Twilight blasted herself off the building with an explosion spell, hopping off pieces of debris before… she cried out in relief as her hands closed once more around the scroll.

But in her moment of victory, she failed to notice Tai Lung lunge out of the cloud of debris that the building was vanishing into. Just as she heard his roar, she turned around only to get an axe-kick to the face. She hit the ground with a BANG, sending up a cloud of dust. And before she had a chance of trying to flare her horn for some kind of protective spell, Tai Lung thrust his arms down and dive bombed her.

A second cloud of dust rushed through the town. When the dust cleared, Tai Lung stood triumphant over Twilight’s battered body. Faintly, her fingers twitched towards the scroll, which had rolled to the end of the crater Tai Lung had punched Twilight into. But she no longer had the strength to rise. And all she could do was watch helplessly as Tai Lung, panting but persistent, crossed over and seized the scroll.

“You were… by far… the best opponent I’ve had in years,” Tai Lung praised, uncorking the holder. “I can see why Celestia would choose you.” He coughed, waving away the dust before holding the scroll up to his eyes. “But now… the power of the Celestial Scroll… is… MINE!”

On his last word, he yanked the scroll open… and his face fell.

“It’s… nothing?!” he demanded, looking on the back and closing and re-opening it. But he had no more luck finding anything than Twilight or Luna had.

With a small groan, Twilight pushed herself up to her knees.

“It’s okay,” she assured the snow leopard with a cough. “I didn’t get it the first time either.”

Tai Lung blinked in confusion at her. "What?" he demanded, tossing the scroll to the ground.

“There is no power,” Twilight said, standing up and gazing at her reflection in the golden parchment. “You just have to be yourself.”

For a brief moment, Tai Lung stared down at the scroll. Twilight winced as she saw utter despair creep into his face. She could practically see his brain churning with negative thoughts.

All this time, he was thinking. All the pain. My mother… All the suffering I’ve… He shook his head. It was all for some inspirational message for children?!

And as the despair faded, Twilight saw burning rage – hotter than any anger Tai Lung had displayed up until that point – take over. And she knew, that though there was good in him… it had very little chance of getting out from the icy walls that had shrouded his heart in darkness.

Roaring – practically screaming – with heartbroken rage, Tai Lung lunged to strike Twilight with a nerve attack.

But the purple unicorn saw it coming. Flaring her magic, a shield spell blocked his attack.

Almost crying in fury, Tai Lung struck at her shield, again and again, his anger only rising like a flower in bloom. Finally, with an animalistic shriek, he slammed both his fists into the shield spell… and Twilight faltered as it broke.

However, as she sunk to one knee, she redirected her magic into a beam spell, blasting Tai Lung out of the crater and into the side of a shop.

But the snow leopard was not taken down that easily. Lunging back into the crater, he only found himself blocked by another shield spell. Trying to maneuver around it only resulted in Twilight catching him with a gravity spell, leaving him wailing as he floated helpless through the air. Twilight grabbed his tail, but he tried to kick at her, forcing her to slam him to the ground.

His rage blinding him, Tai Lung went to bite Twilight’s face… only for her to block with his tail. A small kitten mew escaped Tai Lung before he yowled in pain.

Before he could recover, Twilight sent him back out of the crater and back into one of the abandoned homes. But magic alone was not going to stop him. Twilight knew that she needed to combine what was good about her… with what Luna had taught her.

And so, as Tai Lung once again rose, battered and broken but far from beaten, Twilight channeled a strength spell into her leg. As Tai Lung charged her in blind fury, Twilight charged the power in her spell. And right as Tai Lung lunged to tackle her, Twilight planted her foot right into the snow leopard’s chin… and he vanished into the clouds, sent skyward by the power in Twilight’s kick.

For a moment, Tai Lung didn’t come back down. As Twilight stared up at the clouds, confusion and fear started to take hold.

Oh, dear, she thought. Did I send him up too high?

Her worries were soon answered when she picked up the sound of screaming. And saw Tai Lung come plummeting back down.

Realizing where he was going to land, Twilight yelped and leaped out of the way, flinching as the snow leopard made contact with the earth. Peering back into the crater, Twilight had to resist laughing as she discovered the snow leopard had left a perfect outline of his body. One he immediately clambered out of, only to stumble and struggle to get back to his feet.

“Y-You… can’t…” he panted, his voice cracking in despair and disbelief. “You can’t defeat me!” He tried to stand, only to lose his balance. Yet, undeterred, he crept up and out of the crater and towards Twilight. “You…” he stammered. “You’re just a small… weak… unicorn!

He weakly threw one more punch at the mare. But she was easily able to snatch his claw out of the air.

“I’m not a small weak unicorn,” she said smoothly. She grinned. “I’m The small, weak unicorn.”

With a grin, Twilight raised her pinkie finger. She remembered her own shock and fear at the sight of the technique. It was rather amusing to see it painted onto the injured snow leopard’s face.

"The Wuxie Finger Hold?!" Tai Lung whispered.

“Luna showed you this hold too, eh?” Twilight asked.

“You’re bluffing,” he insisted. “You’re bluffing! Mother showed, but she never taught!”

“You’re right on that,” she said, eliciting a nervous grin from her foe. “But I’m a librarian; I figured it out.”

Tai Lung gaped in utter disbelief and horror, missing Twilight’s hand covering itself in a golden aura. Her grin faded.

"But this isn’t for you,” she added.

Slamming her open palm into the leopard’s chest, Twilight knocked the snow leopard back. He hit the ground with a grunt, staring up in shock at what had replaced him: a shadowy figure dressed in a cloak made of darkness. Its finger was still trapped by Twilight’s finger hold, even as it reached for Tai Lung with the other hand.

“That… that’s the one who told me to take the scroll!” he stammered in disbelief.

“And it’s time he left you alone,” Twilight replied. Grinning up at the shadow figure, she flexed her pinkie.

The shadow figure gave one final scream. Then his very being vanished in a flash of rainbow light.

Far away, the Furious Five and the villagers saw the flash of rainbow light. A wind blasted out from the sight of the flash, nearly knocking Fluttershy’s blindfold off.

Back in the village, Tai Lung sat before Twilight, completely dumbfounded as to what had just happened.

The only thing Luna had told him about the Wuxie Finger Hold was that it sent its victims to the spirit realm, with no chance of return. Yet, here he was, still in the mortal realm. And… he blinked in shock. He was no longer angry! All the malice and hate that had infected his body for the past twenty years… it was all gone.

All that was left, he realized with a throb in his heart, was the despair.

“Tai Lung?”

The snow leopard vaguely looked up. Twilight was sitting on her knees before him.

“How?” he mumbled. “How did you do that?”

Twilight smiled, her gaze drifting to the Jade Dragon Library.

“Master Wuxie may have developed the finger hold in the third dynasty,” she recited. “But Starswirl the Bearded perfected it with his magic. By pouring raw magic into someone, Starswirl theorized it was possible to separate one’s impurities from one’s being.” She rested her hand on Tai Lung’s heart. “But it only works if they have something good still in them.”

Tai Lung reached for her hand, but then he saw the bruises and dirt marks still across her body. All marks from the fight he had given her. His hand dropped.

“What should be done with me?” he whispered, bowing his head. “I’ve done so much wrong… I attacked this village, I attacked you! I…” He gripped his head. “How can there still be good in me?”

“Leave him alone!” a voice suddenly cried.

Twilight and Tai Lung sprang to combat stances, just in time to see a flash of green light. They jumped away from each other, the resulting green explosion forming Urtica, who took a defensive stance, defending Tai Lung from Twilight.

“You caught me off guard once,” Urtica hissed at Twilight. “But not this time!”

“Urtica,” Tai Lung said, catching the changelings attention. Her stance faltered when she saw that he was not primed for battle. “It’s over,” he said gently.

Urtica blinked. She looked between him and Twilight. “But…”

Tai Lung rested his hand on her shoulder; on the one person whom he knew he had not hurt. And with his motion, the fight went out of Urtica as well.

“Twilight,” Tai Lung said, drawing the unicorn’s attention. “I think… I’d like to go home now.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course,” she replied. She almost moved to aid Urtica as she gently helped Tai Lung towards the Celestial Palace… but then all three of them heard voices.

“Place doesn’t look too destroyed…” Pinkie’s voice. Hopeful and positive.

“We haven’t reached where that flash was,” Rainbow's voice replied. “Keep moving!”

Twilight glanced in the direction of their voices before turning back to Tai Lung and Urtica.

“Go,” she told them. “The Five won’t understand until I explain it to them.”

The two nodded, and Urtica hauled Tai away into the mist that had formed from the flash. Meanwhile, Twilight turned to the direction of the voices. Striding forward, she started to see the faint outlines of the villagers.

“Look!” one of them yelled, pointing her out. “The Celestial Warrior!”

Twilight chuckled. She didn’t think she matched the image of a Celestial Warrior. Battered and bruised, with a gi that was ripped and in serious need of a wash. Yet, as she strode out of the mist, and beheld the ponies and drakes of Ponyville, the cheers they gave her were fit for a Kung-Fu Master regardless of appearance.

Twilight’s heart melted at the sight: she spotted Garble and his cronies in the crowd, cheering for her all the same. She saw ponies that walked by her library, and never spoke to her except to ask for books, all regaling her as a hero. But most importantly… her eyes locked on the purple scales of Spike, who did not cheer, but instead pushed his way through the crowd to her, his smile brighter than Celestia’s sun.

Moving forward as well, Twilight parted the crowd with her presence alone, allowing her and Spike to run into each other’s arms.

“Thanks for believing in me, BBBFF,” Twilight whispered.

Spike chuckled and tightened his hug. “What are brothers for?” he replied.

Twilight would have been content to remain in Spike’s arms for hours. But when she looked up, she noticed the Furious Five striding up to her. And for the first time since she got the honor of meeting her in person, Twilight saw Rainbow Dash with a friendly smile. Directed at her, of all things.

Nervously, Twilight let go of Spike, and rose to meet her fellow masters.

“Hey…” she mumbled, before awkwardly bowing to them. “Masters….”

Rainbow huffed a small laugh. “You don’t need to do that,” she noted.

Twilight looked up at her, quickly pulling out of her bow. Her eyes widened further as Rainbow Dash bowed to her.

“Master,” Rainbow Dash added with a grin. Behind her, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack copied her bow.

“Master,” they said in unison.

Twilight covered her mouth, fearing that she was going to cry. Then… she remembered another master.

“Master Luna!”

With a yelp, Twilight flared her horn, teleporting to the palace… and slamming into the anti-teleportation field. Shaking it off, she trekked up the stairs and raced to the reflecting pool. Luna lay where she had fallen, the rise and fall of her chest still the only sign of life.

“Master?” Twilight whispered, turning Luna to her back. She was rewarded when Luna’s eyes fluttered open, and fixed on Twilight with recognition.

“Twilight?” Luna whispered. Her lips curled up in a smile. “You’re alive?” Her grin faded. “Or we’re both dead.”

“No, Master,” Twilight said. “None of us died.”

“But… Tai Lung?” Luna asked.

Twilight smiled. Before she could answer, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Briefly turning to confirm her suspicion, Twilight lifted Luna’s head, letting her see her son limp inside, aided by Urtica.

Where before, Tai had gazed on her only with resentment, now he limped forward with both happiness… and so much sorrow.

“Tai?” Luna whispered.

Tai stopped, resisting Urtica’s attempt to bring him forward. Tears welled up in his eyes… before Luna held a hand out to him. Gasping back his tears, Tai limped forward, and took her hand.

“Mother…” Tai got out. Then he fell to his knees. The guilt and remorse pulling him down like an anchor in an ocean. “The pain I’ve caused you… there is no…” He rested his head against her hand. “I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

Luna said nothing. With all of her strength, she lifted herself up, and put her other arm around her son.

“My great dragon…” Luna whispered. “I already have.”

And as Mother and Son embraced each other, Urtica and Twilight gave each other a mutual look, and backed up to let them have their moment.

Author's Note:

WOW It took two months but I finally completed my First MLP fanfiction, now I want you all to know that I planned on sparing Tai Lung from the beginning, and to others asking if there will be a Sequel, the answer will be Yes after some time working on The Shadow of Equestria I will start writing Kung-Fu Equestria 2. and yes that's what it will be called since it is basically Kung Fu Panda in the MLP universe so why not have Kung-Fu Equestria 2 and Kung-Fu Equestria 3

Next Update

The Shadow of Equestria

Comments ( 18 )

I wonder who will play as Shen?

KO awesome final chapter, the ending was great and Twilight showed she is a fighting machine during the battle and she even managed to save Tai Lung from the mysterious evil man who was controlling him through his anger. Now the village is at peace once again!

Then who's going to be Ke-Pa?

Who was the mysterious figure that convince Tai Lung to take the scroll?


WHAT??!! Why is he here? Isn't he supposed to deal with Displaced Stories??!!

Well technically he did send a human into Equestria as Tai Lung. So technically it's a Displaced Fanfiction. Kinda


Wait? So, while it's still a MLP Kung Fu Panda Crossover. It has a Displaced Twist??!!

Description is already fun enough.

Comment posted by Lucasnike123 deleted Jul 27th, 2021

Kung Fu Equestria, the Legend of Twilight.

An average girl, strong and very hard-working
the top reached and was the Celestial Warrior.

Kung Fu Equestria

Master Luna trained her conscientiously
with wisdom and a lot of patience.

Kung Fu Equestria (Kung Fu Equestria).

The Furious Five train and fight with her
protect Ponyville, the evil will disappear.

Kung Fu Equestria.
The Legend of Twilight.


My own cast:

Twilight Sparkle:twilightsheepish: - Tara Strong

Luna, Rarity:raritywink: and Derpy:derpytongue2: - Tabitha St. Germain

Rainbow Dash:rainbowdetermined2: and Applejack:ajsmug: - Ashleigh Ball

Tai Lung - Ian McShane

FlutterShy:fluttershysad: and Pinkie Pie:pinkiehappy: - Andrea Libman

Celestia :trollestia: - Nicole Oliver

Spike:moustache: - Cathy Weseluck

Iron Will - Trevor Devall

My summary of the story (SPOILERS):

In Ponyville, a village in the land of Equestria inhabited by talking ponies and other creatures, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle is a fan of kung fu and idolizes the Furious Five (made up of the pegasi Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, the unicorn Rarity, and the ponies Applejack and Pinkie Pie), a group of kung fu masters trained by the Alicorn Master, Luna.

However, Twilight is unable to pursue her dream of learning kung fu as she helps her adopted brother, the dragon Spike, in her library.

Alicorn Grandmaster Celestia, Luna's mentor and sister, has a vision in which Luna's adopted son, an evil snow leopard named Tai Lung, is going to escape from prison, to return to the village and exact revenge for failing to obtain the Celestial Scroll, a document said to hold the "secret of limitless power".

Panicking, Luna sends her pegasus messenger, Derby, with a request that the prison tighten its security. Then, she organizes a tournament for the Furious Five, so that Celestia can identify the Celestial Warrior, the only kung fu master worthy to receive the Celestial Scroll and defeat Tai Lung. That day, Twilight arrives too late to enter the arena; and after a fight with a dragon named Garble, she ends up falling down in the middle of the arena. She crashes in front of Celestia as she points at the Celestial Warrior. To everyone's amazement, Celestia proclaims Twilight as the chosen warrior.

Believing her sister's decision to be an accident, Luna tries to rid herself of Twilight with a harsh training regimen, while the Furious Five berate her for her ineffective martial arts potential.

Twilight thinks about quitting, but after receiving advice from Celestia, she endures the training and gradually befriends the Five with her because of her stamina, intelligence, and good humor.

During this time, Twilight learns that Luna's cold and distant behavior is due to her own shame at Tai Lung's betrayal: having raised him since he was a child, she taught him kung fu and promised him that he would be the Celestial Warrior, but Celestia would not allow it when she saw "darkness in his heart", so an enraged Tai Lung devastated Ponyville and was imprisoned by his crimes.

Meanwhile, Tai Lung breaks out of prison, opening his chains with one of Derby's feathers, after learning that Twilight was chosen over him as the Celestial Warrior. Along the way, he saves a Changeling named Urtica, and she agrees to aid him in his revenge.

Luna finds out about the escape and informs Celestia, who makes her promise to trust Twilight, and then passes into the Afterlife, transforming her body into peach blossom petals.

Still unable to grasp the basics of kung fu, Twilight desperately admits that she has no chance of defeating Tai Lung. Hearing this, Rainbow Dash leaves to confront Tai Lung and buy Twilight some time, and is joined on her journey by the remaining members of the Furious Five.

However, Luna discovers that Twilight is capable of impressive physical feats when she is motivated by ordering books. Using books and documents as positive reinforcement, Luna successfully trains Twilight, incorporating her feats into a personalized kung fu style.

Meanwhile, the Furious Five make their way back to Ponyville, after being defeated by Tai Lung and Urtica.

Faced with this situation, Luna decides that Twilight is ready to receive the Celestial Scroll, but it is revealed to be nothing more than a reflective golden surface. Believing the scroll to be useless, Luna orders Twilight and the Five to evacuate Ponyville, while she confronts Tai Lung alone.

As Tai Lung arrives and fights Luna, a distraught Twilight is reunited with Spike, who is with his dragon girlfriend, Smolder.

While trying to comfort his sister, Spike realizes that the golden surface of the Celestial Scroll is like a mirror. Upon seeing it, Twilight realizes the true message of the Celestial Scroll (to be yourself) and returns to challenge Tai Lung, who was almost going to kill Luna.

During the final battle, Twilight proves to be a formidable challenge to Tai Lung, foiling him with fighting techniques combined with unicorn magic. Additionally, her reflexes and magical shields give her immunity to Tai Lung's nerve attacks.

Eventually, Tai Lung retrieves the scroll, but is unable to understand the secret message and continues to attack Twilight in a rage. Ultimately, Twilight defeats Tai Lung using the legendary technique "Wuxie Finger Hold" to defeat him.

However, instead of killing him, Twilight releases Tai Lung from his inner rage.

Afterwards, Twilight is praised by the inhabitants of Ponyville and gains the respect of the Furious Five, who fully recognize her as a true kung fu master, while Luna finally achieves peace after making peace with Tai Lung.

What you think?

I think you hit the nail right on the head my friend

Haven't read this yet(hopefully soon) but it looks interesting

Though judging by someone's summary, it sounds like Spike is sidelined which is pretty saddening..
Hopefully I can read this soon though..


Po: Skadoosh!

Oddly (Or appropriately?:rainbowhuh:), this immediately makes me think of Jade Empire.

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