• Published 29th Jul 2020
  • 3,292 Views, 73 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria - Lady Umbra

When Celestia sees a frightening vision she and her sister must train one to rise up and defeat this horrible Evil and become The Celestial Warrior

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The Comic-Con seemed like any other. The man walked through the vast tributes to anime and fiction, hoping to find something for his growing anime collection. After a time, a merchant stood out among the crowd: a peculiar chap dressed as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. The man began to follow him until he entered a stall filled with all sorts of anime and movie memorabilia. Approaching the stall the man spot a pair of claw gloves with a white leopard design on them

"Something catch your eye, Stranger?" The merchant asked, his voice strangely like the Merchant from the game

"Uh..yeah," the man admitted. "H-how much for the claws?"

500 each

The man winced. "Damn that's out of my price range, but..I really want those

But when the Merchant saw that the man didn't have the money, he waved the poor collector away. Once he turned around the collector quickly grabbed the claws and left. Not looking back, he headed to his car. Unfortunately ten feet from his car he felt a hand grip his shoulder hard before spinning him around. The claws dropped from his hands with a clatter. Before him was the very Merchant he had stolen from. Gripping his collar with both hand he picked the poor greedy man up off the ground. When he spoke, it was in a severely angered voice

Nobody Steals From Me!...Enjoy Your Punishment

With a final scream, the man was then engulfed in Darkness

Wind traveled across a cold night as the full moon cast shadows amist the dark streets of Ponyville. High above the village stood The Celestial Palace, a large, elaborately designed, and sacred palace that overlooked the Village of Ponyville. Perched on the top of Canterlot Mountain and visible for hundreds of miles, it stood proud a symbol of justice, honor, and courage. Like many other palaces, The Celestial Palace and its grounds are a complex that serve as a grand residence for Kung-Fu Masters and Students. Many masters have lived and trained in the palace since its construction, presumably under Senior Master Celestia's instruction. The palace currently serves as the home of its current senior master, Luna Solaris. On that fateful night, Luna awoke to the sound of knocking of the palace doors. Getting out of bed she placed a robe on and raced to the pounding door. Only when she laid her hand on the large door did the knocking stop, Cautiously Luna opened the door and found no-one there. Yet, upon looking down, she found a blanket wrapped around a sleeping child. Picking up the baby she saw that the child had snow white fur with black circles all over his body. Turning her gaze back to her surroundings she looked around, seeking any trace of the person who left the infant behind. Anger welled inside her.

'What kind of person could abandon something so helpless' she thought furiously.

"Hello?" Luna called into the night.

The only response was the whisper of the cold night winds. With no answer Luna looked down at the child in pity. she could not leave him out here alone.

"Come little one, let's get you out of the cold" Luna said, bringing the infant into the Celestial Palace

The following morning Luna had the servants make food that the baby could eat. As Luna examined the child she estimated that the infant was no older than 4 and 5 months old. As she personally fed the child she couldn't help but smile as the child made happy sounds and clapped, gazing on her with unconditional love of a baby recognizing his mother. While Luna was entranced with the child, she failed to notice that her master and sister had entered the room. Celestia Solaris, Grandmaster of the Celestial Palace, and the Older Sister of Luna Solaris. a Woman with flowing blue, green, purple, and pink hair except her blue, green, and pink hair had greyed out with age

"Good Morning Luna" Celestia said causing Luna to jump up

"Master" Luna said, quickly placing her fist into her palm before bowing to her sister

"Luna, we're sister's, both masters of the art. Please Luna, call your sister by her name" Celestia pleaded

"Sorry Tia," Luna apologized. "Old habits."

"So little sister," Celestia asked. "Who is this cute little thing" She pet the top of the childs head, the child staring at her with confusion. As Celestia gazed into his innocent face, her eye narrowed, taking in more than just his physical appearance

"No idea," Luna replied. "I found him at the door last night. No name, no note, and not a single trance of any living thing for miles. From what I can tell he is somewhere between 4 to 5 months old." Luna gazed on the child with sadness. When she spoke again, the sadness crept into her voice. "Tia...I think he was abandoned here on purpose"

"You wish to help this child," Celestia asked. "like I helped you when you were the Dreaded Nightmare Moon?"

"You promised you wouldn't remind me of my darkest past" Luna said with a downcast look before grinning at the child. "But yes I want to help him. Give him a name and a home

"Any names come to mind Little Sister?" Celestia asked

For a moment, Luna thought. As she fed her newly adopted son, she grinned as an idea came to her

"Tai Lung," She declared. "My Great Dragon"

"Are you sure about this Luna?" Celestia asked with worry in her voice

"More certain than anything in my entire-OW!" Luna shrieked in pain, for Tai Lung had pulled out a large amount of her midnight hair

'I hope your right about this Luna,' Celestia thought grimly 'There's something about that child that gives me this feeling that I haven't felt since....Tirek'

Four years later

Tai Lung was in the training hall with Luna. As he played with the various objects inside, he came across a round training dummy. Grinning at the new challenge, Tai Lung swiping at it with his right paw before jumping back and delievering a stong kick, knocking the dummy back and causing one of the spears to fall from the weapon rack and onto the ground. Luna noticed this and aproached her son, pride in her eyes, love adding itself in as Tai Lung nudged her affectionately. An idea blossoming in her mind, Luna began to show her adopted son the steps to the basic moveset of Kung-Fu. Her grin widened as Tai Lung copied her movements, almost with perfect fluidity.

Six years later

Tai Lung was pushed to the ground by a group of other students, rolling into a combat stance even as they surrounded him like the wolves they were.

"Leave me alone" Tai Lung growled, shifting on his paws

"You don't deserve this," the leader claimed "Your just the adopted son of the Master Luna. Unlike you, we had to earn our place here!"

The wolf's words were cruel, and they struck Tai Lung in a place he hadn't expected. His combat stance dropped.

"What?" Tai asked in disbelief.

"I said leave" the wolf snarled, rearing his fist back. But his blow was caught, and he was thrown away from the Leopard boy

The angered wolf boy looks up only to see Master Luna

"Master!" the wolf immediately bowed and placed his fist into his palm

Luna said nothing as she shed her robe revealing her blue Gi, placing a hand behind her back while extending her hand "Come on, then," She dared, her voice cold and demanding.

The Wolf barely hesitated. with a bark, he charged using a series of claw strikes at Luna, only to have Luna block them with only one hand. The boy contined until he lost his temper and lunged at his master. Luna retaliated by slamming two fingers into his shoulder knocking him off course. As the boy got back to his feet he saw that he couldn't move his arm.

"What did you do?" asked the wolf-boy.

Luna placed her hand on the boys shoulder before popping it back into place causing the boy to regain feeling.

"Leave, You and all the students here are hereby forbidden to ever return to learn here again" Luna declared. The wolves didn't question her, and raced from the palace. Luna turned to face her son, only to find him gone.

Climbing the stairs Celestia settled herself next to a peach tree as she gazed upon the near setting sun. Not long after sitting against the tree did she hear the faint sound of sniffling. With a smile, Celestia grabbed her staff and lightly tapped the bark, causing a peach to fall from one of the branches and into the hands of her nephew, who had been sitting on the strongest branches just above her

"How long did you known I was here Auntie?" Tai asked

"For awhile actually," Celestia replied as Tai climbed down. "I saw you storm out of the training area, and it would seem you have found my favorite place to calm myself and think."

Her gaze grew concerned when Tai did not reply, setting himself down next to her

"What trouble you, Little Dragon?" She asked

"Am I....Adopted?" the Snow Leopard asked

"Ahh..that puts the peices together doesn't it" Celestia replied with a grin

"So it is true?" Tai asked

"Though it may be true, Does it change anything Tai Lung?" Celestia replied. "My sister may have found you abandoned as a cub but she still raised you as if you were her own flesh and blood."

"Despite the circumstances you were given, you are here now. With a name, a home, and someone who loves you enough to call you her son."

Celestia stood and left the tree so that Tai could have a moment to himself. Returning to the Palace Celestia ran into Luna who was frantically searching for Tai Lung

"Tia," Luna asked in a panic, "have you seen Tia Lung?"

"Tai Lung is fine," Celestia assured her sister. "He is sitting by the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom,"

Yet, when Luna tried to go to they boy, Celestia blocked her withher staff.

"He just learned the truth," Celestia advised her sister. "he needs time to think. Give him time and he will return."

Luna still gazed at her son with a defeated look.

"Why...Why do have to always be right Tia?" Luna asked.

With her free hand Celestia lifted Luna's chin.

"I'm your sister," she said with a smile. "It's my job."

The joking reply brought a smile to Luna's face.

A hour or two passed before Tai Lung returned to the Celestial Palace, Immediately he walked up to Luna and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"I wish you would have told me," he said quietly, before he looked up at her with determination in his eyes. "But it doesn't matter. I know who I am, and no matter what I will never forget it. I am Tai Lung, The son of Master Luna Solaris"

Mother and son smiled at each other. Then Luna then bent down and embraced her son

"I know that, My Great Dragon," Luna assured him. "You are destined from Greatness. I can feel it."

Yet, as Luna embraced her son, she didn't notice Celestia watching the two with worry in her eyes.

By the age of 18 Tai Lung done something even his mother hadn't: he was the first to master the thousand scrolls of Kung-Fu. But the only scroll he had yet to read was the one inside the mouth of the Celestial Dragon. He had no idea what is was or what was in it.

But he yearned to find out.

One day, when Tai Lung was training with his mother to hone his skills like a well balanced weapon, his curiosity and determination won out.

"Ecellent Work Tai," Luna praised. "Your technique is flawless as always"

Tai lifted himself from the ruins of the training dummies, but gazed at his mother with ambition in his eyes

"Mother," he said "I wish to ask you a Question."

"Go ahead Tai."

"I wish to know about the scroll in the dragon's mouth" Tai Lung said

"That is the Celestial Scroll," Luna explained. "It is given to the one who Celestia would dub the Celestial Warrior, When you are ready you will recieve the power within the scroll."

For three years, Luna's words echoed throughout Tai Lungs mind, filling his head with dreams of glory, and driving him to train until his bones cracked.

On his 21st birthday[21 years since the day he was found] Luna presented him to her sister. Tai Lung stood before his mother and aunt as he waited for Celestia's verdict.

But when Celestia gazed at the student that had workered harder than any master before him, all she saw in his heart was a small light, surrounded by onminous darkness

"I'm sorry Luna," Celestia declared. "But he is not ready for the scroll." Celestia placed a hand on her sisters shoulder before walking away, leaving Tai Lung staring after her with confusion, denial, and slowly growing anger in his eyes

Luna turned to her son with downcast look and tried to comfort him, but fury filled her own heart, and she left her son to talk to her sister.


"Luna," Celestia replied. "He isn't ready, and there is no debate about this." Celestia stood firmly in front of the moon pool below the Celestial Scroll.

"But, he more than deserves it!" Luna declared in a rising voice

"Luna," Celestia replied back in a stronger voice. "Your attachment to Tai Lung has clouded you judgement.I looked into heart and saw more darkness than light. He will not become the Celestial Warrior until the darkness is purged from his very being"

"Then use the W.."

The Doors of the Palace slammed opened, drawing the sisters' gaze. One of the inhabitants of Ponyville entered with blood covering her body.

"Master Celestia!" the pony gasped, "Master Luna! Ponyville is under attack!" The pony began to fall only to be caught by Celestia

"By who?" Celestia asked

"Monsters? Bandits?" Luna demanded

"It...was....Tai Lung" the pony gaspeed out causing the masters' eyes to grow wide in disbelief

Author's Note:

[A little note: Tai Lung in Chinese means Great Dragon]
Okay so I hope you all enjoy Kung-Fu Equestria. please feel free to leave a comment and save me to your reading list or favorites.