• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 2,694 Views, 93 Comments

Your Eyes On Me - DatZigga

So, there’s this cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I think it still wants me to...

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Entry #4 - Reality Deferred


It’s Tuesday. I’m tired. I know, it was only Monday. I don’t know man.


Alright. Ground rules. No using this journal for writing about personal stuff. This is purely a record of my developing insanity. Just writing that stuff put me in a garbage mood for like a week.

Oh yeah, speaking of which, I think the show can tell my mood. I think. I say this because this week’s airings were...interesting.

I should first note that due to Tuesday, I didn’t watch the show that day. Was in my feelings. However, Wednesday I resumed my hour-long binging. That was the day Pinkie starred in an episode. It was unlike any other episode before. I won’t go through the trouble of transcribing it like the others, but here’s the gist:

The episode was framed as a late night talk show. Took place in the basement of Sugarcube Corner, which is apparently Pinkie’s Party Cave? Anyway, she had lined up a bunch of stuffed animals and pastries for the party. Typical Pinkie behavior. However, it was a rather unsubtle excuse to have her talking and facing the camera directly.

It felt weird, having to pretend like I didn’t know that she was watching me. I tried to not think about it, but that only made me think about it harder. What did she see, staring back at her? What do any of them see? Is it just a camera that follows them wherever they go or a similar screen of me sitting on the floor, watching them? Or do they just get the sense that they are being watched from somewhere?

I kept my best poker face, despite the endless questions. I don’t think she caught on. In any case, she performed a ton of skits, all of which she did by herself. I recall one being about a substitute teacher getting names wrong, one about her hiding a journal with embarrassing notes from Gummy, and even one of a Mexican standoff (with no actual guns, mind you).

The reason I’m noting this episode is mainly for how it ended. Pinkie ended her show on an important message that she wanted to share with the “audience”. Needless to say, I paid attention as closely as I could so I could accurately write it down now. She enjoyed that. Here’s how that went…

Pinkie tossed the rubber chicken and Groucho glasses off screen, having finished her latest skit. She had a laughing fit herself, causing her to do those cute little snorts. Let me just say right now: no matter if she is a creature from another world or a manifestation of my childlike innocence, that shit will always be precious.

She wipes a tear from her eyes and clears her throat. “Sometimes, I just don’t know how I do it myself, fillies and gentlecolts!”

The lights begin to dim on set, with only a spotlight shining on her from above. The camera briefly cut to Gummy, who looked to be as immobile and dead as ever. Pinkie looks back into the camera, sitting up straight but still keeping her perky smile.

“Now, I want to end this episode of Night Mare with Pinkie Pie! on a special message for our lovely viewers.” Pinkie beamed. My heart caught in my throat, as I felt like any moment she would just reach out of the TV. I wouldn’t put it past her.

“We’ve all had our days. You know, those icky bad days that leave an awful taste in your mouth, like a cupcake with hoof polish instead of frosting!” Pinkie continued, retching at her own metaphor. “Many things can cause these icky days. Maybe you have something stuck in your mane, or maybe you forgot to take your refrigerator for a run, or maybe your best friend is out of town for the week and you just can’t wait for them to come back!”

Pinkie was standing on her makeshift desk at this point, having hyped herself up on worry. She caught herself, slowly lowering back in her chair. As she did so, her hair also straightened a little and her ears grew limp.

“Whatever the case is, feeling all icky sometimes makes you not want to do anything. Even as amazing as hanging out with your friends.” Pinkie looked down toward the floor. I had a feeling that the impetus for this episode was me missing Tuesday’s episode. I think Pinkie saw me looking a little guilty because she gave a small gasp.

“Oh, but it’s totally reasonable! Even your friendly neighborhood party pony has her off days!” Pinkie attempted to reassure me. She practically dropped any pretense of their being anything else in the room. “That being said, I will always be here to make you smile! It’s my sworn duty to everypony, especially you!” She pointed her hoof towards me. “So, whenever you’re feeling down, just know that I’m here for you, okay? Don’t forget me, alright?”

Pinkie’s smile disappeared for a moment, her eyes peering at me with a sense of pain. It unsettled me. She looked like a wounded animal, like I had abandoned her or something. For all I know, I might have.

Before I could ruminate it any longer, Pinkie shook her mane back to its usual puffiness. She then gave a big, beaming smile toward the camera. “Well, that’s the hour folks! Tune in tomorrow to see Rainbow’s newest Wonderbolt performance! I love you all and goooooodnight~!” She frantically waved both hooves, before rushing to a drum set and playing her own outro music. Then, the credits rolled.

So, from what I’ve gathered, they know both when I, watching them and when I’m not. Time still moves when I’m not, so it’s not like they blink out of existence if I don’t watch the show. Instead, I’m just absent for however long a day here equates to them.

The more I rationalize this, the less I think I’m actually crazy. I mean, there’s rules to this world that I’m discovering. Dreams and hallucinations are usually defined by how they break the laws of reality. So, what are they? Aliens? Eldritch abominations? Or just some form of AI that likes to fuck with me? Either way, the lines get muddier the more I watch.

Oh, and the next day, there was an episode featuring Rainbow Dash’s performance. Just like Pinkie said. Take that as you will.