• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 2,694 Views, 93 Comments

Your Eyes On Me - DatZigga

So, there’s this cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I think it still wants me to...

  • ...

Dear Princess Celestia: Reunion

[A letter is stapled inside the margins of the book.]



NOTE: The following letter was found within the journal upon its discovery. After months of translating the eldritch characters into legible text, we managed to decipher the letter’s contents. The following text is unedited, save for one redaction.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I caught up with an old friend. Do you remember Anon? The little colt that miraculously appeared before me with no explanation and disappeared the same way? He’s back! And so much older too. I couldn’t stop thinking about how much time has gotten away from us.

Last night, we had a one-on-one rendezvous. No, not in that way! (I know you were thinking it.) He reached out to me and wanted to know why he can see us and we can see him. I told him what I could. But that’s old news!

We just got done with our little picnic. The girls and I all gathered around and, admittedly, bombarded him with questions. You know, things like “How’s school?”, “Is your family okay?”, “Are you still taking your medicine?” and vice versa. He was overwhelmed, but he stuck it out. Honestly, I can’t imagine how he even puts up with us!

The girls handled it about as well as you expected. Applejack was the most calm about it, often showing the most concern and restraint for Anon, keeping the rest of us in check. Still, Applejack isn’t hard to read. She still regarded Anon as her surrogate little brother.

Rarity couldn’t stop ogling the poor stallion! She kept commenting on “Just how handsome he’s gotten!” and asking if he’d found a special somepony yet. While we were all curious, I still couldn’t believe she went and asked. I’ll have to keep an eye on that one…

Fluttershy was uncharacteristically talkative today, but entirely characteristic in her worry. Out of all of us, she remembered his...troubled home life. A lot of her questions skirted the line of being a bit too personal, at least at this moment. That’s where AJ came in. Fluttershy always had a soft spot for him and it only grew more tender with time.

Rainbow talked more about herself then she did trying to inquire about Anon like the rest of us. Although, oddly enough, that was probably for the best. Rainbow was acutely aware of his apprehension to talking about himself. However, she did express a desire to play Superman and save Anon from all his problems. That’s Rainbow for you.

That brings us to Pinkie...We all know how much Pinkie wanted this. When the rest of us had long since given up, Pinkie never stopped sending those messages. That’s why it worries me when I tell you how quiet she was. It was like she was caught in perpetual stage fright. She stuttered, her eyes darted around, and she kept her tail tucked in her arms. If you want my theory, I think she wanted a moment of privacy with Anon. After all, they were always the closest. Still, I thought it was better to bring everypony together at least for the first time before catching up with him individually. I only hope she isn’t too upset.

There was one last thing I wanted to report. I...I want to [REDACTED]. I know what you’re going to say, but please Princess. You must understand. I’ve watched him grow all this time and have been absent from his life even longer. He’s back now, but what if he disappears again? My heart can’t take that loss again.

For now, it’s just a thought. I’m just happy he’s here again. I just hope it lasts.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

The story enters a new phase...

Comments ( 20 )

the question is if the connection was because of anon or he was just the only one it effectid? also now that he is talking to them you could play with him being able to talk or contact them through other devices now. i do hope we get to know the reason for the connection

Well, that was a bit of a sweet moment? It’s creepy as all heck from anons perspective but kinda sweet from the ponies. I wish you the best of luck writing my dude!

Wait a minute, something had to have happened to anon.


Oooohhh, this is good!

I hope anon will be able to talk with the rest of the Main 6

Well that sucks, this had so much promise.

why is it the storys get canceld rite when things pick up

dont know but want this one back

Man its a shame that good story like this get cancelled don't get me wrong i understand this happens do to writers block or school or work etc but this story had so much going for special with what happen to the current chapter, I really hope the writer come back and give this story another chance I really what to no what going to happen next here hopping

The description reminds me of how I watched the show in like 2012 or 2013, then for whatever reason I just completely stopped watching or doing anything that had to do with mlp, then last year my friend mentioned that he likes the show, and I started seeing it everywhere, even when I didn't want it to. I then rewatched the show and now I'm constantly wondering why I don't remember anything from 2014, which is when I stopped watching the show.

Not a bad chapter to be cancelled on. . .

How would this story have ended?

Shame that it's cancelled. I wish the author posted a plot summary for what was going on.

All great things come to an end, no matter how much we don't want it to.

After rereading this story and reading the adopted story version, I can WHOLEHEARTEDLY say that this story scratched an itch that I didn't know needed scratching. I now crave more stories like this, and I mean CRAVE, whether it be mlp or some other show/game I now have a new type of story to search for. Now I only hope I can find some, if there's any that anybody knows (besides the adopted version of this story) please let me know, thank you and may you have a good day.


It's always when the story is at its peak when it crashes down. You and me both

You ever managed to find anything else?

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