• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

Comments ( 214 )

Ooooo this is gonna be goooood

This gonna be great. Can't wait for more.

Great work keep it up

Aww... cliffhanger.
This is great. Keep it up.

I am suddenly imagining a video that was made and uploaded to YouTube a while before the release of Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Specifically, the youtuber, TheRussianBadger, saying that because he has played pretty much EVERY PRIOR GHOST RECON GAME, he wasn't stuck on the island with Cole Walker and the Wolves, they were stuck on the island WITH HIM.
His specific words were along the lines of he was a leading cause of death in the country's the games before Breakpoint took place in, and so, "as it pertains to the Wolves, I'm not stuck on this island with you, you're stuck on this island WITH ME!"
I just imagine that last quote, with edits to make it relevant to this story, being said by Fury to some unlucky platoon who happen to be trapped with her in a confined space.

For some reason, I can't help but imagine that the USA would send an armored division or two to Equestria later on or maybe a squadron of helicopter gunships instead.

You're onto something...

(The Ghosts do have support from the other US military branches, but they won't show until things get really heated up.)

Okay, hope we see some AH-1Z Vipers as Apache's get all the attention.

"We all set?" Mitchell asked.

"We are good to go, sir." the lead tech replied. "We've managed to modify the device to spawn additional portals off the bow of the Ticonderoga, in case air or ground support is needed. We've also hooked it up to a reserve power supply, and we can modify the location of the exit portals from our end, thanks to GPS."

"Plenty, we secured their patrol schedules two days ago." Rainbow replied. "Why?"

Nomad merely smiled.

Oh, yeah.
This is the beginning of the end for the Eqaharian invaders.
They just don't know it yet.

Wonder what those Eqaharian jerks will think when they lay eyes on a F-35 Lightning II, or a Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle, or an F-15EX Eagle (provided they were fully operational during the time this story takes place), OR an A-10 Thunderbolt/Warthog as they come screamin' down on 'em?

Or any US fighter jet or aircraft for that matter.

Yep. Couldn't have said it better myself.

10345068 Well, thank you!

Another thought I just had: Wouldn't they (the Eqaharian invaders/occupiers) flip their shit if the Ticonderoga herself somehow popped up in Manehatten Harbor?

Just a thought on MY part, mind you.

You've just given me an idea for later...

10345193 Really?
Glad I could help.

I mean, I would be willing to bet that the Eqaharians would not even have a CLUE that something the size of the Ticonderoga even existed!

Now, throw a carrier the size of the USS Gerald R. Ford into the mix, and I bet they'd be doing more than flipping their shit; they'd probably be soiling themselves!




I know it'd never happen, but if they sent an Iowa and Gerald R. Ford..... magic empowered/assisted 16 in shells I like that idea.

10345268 Cool.

10345349 Oooo, I think I like that even more.
Too bad the USS Missouri has long since been retired and is moored as one set of a "bookends" with the sunken USS Arizona.
She'd be a good one to go in with the Ticonderoga
The Missouri IS an Iowa-class battleship, isn't she?
I forget.

The USS Missouri is an Iowa class BB.


Laughs evilly at the sight of an Iowa pounding the Eqaharian lines wherever possible with the main battery while aircraft from a Gerald R Ford dropping bombs on less hardened targets.

10347791 *joins the evil grinning*
Oooo, can't forget their escort groups, either!
Dang it, where's a Dashie Grinch grin emoji when you need one?!

Let's hope Mkchief34 makes it happen.

Still a little early to speculate, but It'll happen.

10349816 Really?
To quote the leader of a certain outfit called "The A-Team": "I love it when a plan comes together!"

So the Iowa class battleship Gerald R Ford Combo has a chance of happening?

Looking forward, with much anticipation, to Chapter 2, btw.

It's coming soon, just gotta find the time to write.

10353120 Okay.
Yeah, it's sometimes hard to do that, isn't it?
You do what you have to, though.
We'll be here for you.

I find this too be a bit fast for me, the US giving military aid (much less their best men) is not something that can occur that quickly. I like the story so far it’s just I’ve known writers who could make it more believable.

When Spec Ops are involved, you're in a world of hurt, score one for the good guys. *still hopes an Iowa/Ford combo later on*

"Who...are you?" the commander groaned, his once-mighty obsidian armor shredded to fragments. Nomad could see several cracked areas in the armor itself, making a metal note to check in on that.


Fair enough. I can maybe slow the pace a bit.

You're welcome. *continues laugh*

The Eqaharians are definitely screwed now.
Looking forward, with MUCH anticipation, to Chapter 4, and beyond.

Silly question here, what's the difference between the Equestrians and the Eqaharians

The Eqaharians are from the land where the three pony tribes came from in the Tale of Hearth's warming. They have a sort of greeco-roman culture.

Score one for the Ghosts, I wonder if the Brits will send some SAS.

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