• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

Comments ( 16 )

Yeah. I figured it was time for it to be done.

Seriously, Spike pet again:flutterrage:

No, he's actually in his dragon form from Equestria. Not a dog.

The same thing goes for a pet, dog or Dragon in feral type. And don't put human or demi-human. In my opinion.

So, I'm not sure what it is that you are saying. Allow me to respond with this.

Your first comment is "Seriously, Spike pet again" and a pony emoji. What does that even mean? It is not in a proper tense, there's no sentence structure to it, and no subject. I can't even tell what the comment is meant to say in the first place.

Your second comment is "The same thing goes for a pet, dog or Dragon in feral type. And don't put human or demi-human. In my opinion." First, what is the "thing" in this case? There is no telling of what issue or subject is being brought up. What even is "feral type", anyway? It's not something or a term I have heard of.

And second, why shouldn't I use the term human? Have you not played Fire Emblem at all? Most playable units in Fire Emblem are humans. So...what term in your case should I have used?

I also haven't used the word demi-human at all in the story. Which leads to my last issue.

You don't give any reasoning behind your words and just add "In your opinion." Seriously, what does that even mean? Stating that it's your opinion is one thing, and you are allowed to have it, but there is not
enough info for me to be able to discern what your issue is with the story.

So...Enlighten me.

Sorry, I had problems with emoji, I wanted sad emoji. But I had to go pick up the groceries and didn't pay attention when shipping.

I wanted to say that Spike is a living being with intelligence always placed as a pet, putz, this one from Equestria Girl (When Twiligth went to Earth, to this day I don't understand who had this idea of ​​turning Spike into a dog)

I don't know the Fire Emblem, I thought it exists anthropomorphic beings in this world and could be the explanation of Spike is still in Dragon form.

There are two types of representation of intelligent animals, the anthropomorphic ones with a human appearance and animals between 70 to 30 or 50 to 50 percent and the feral still appear with an animal.

I'm sorry if I offended you and didn't explain properly.

Okay, thank you for clarifying. And I wasn't offended, just confused. But I'll explain.

First, the world of Fire Emblem is mostly populated by humans like ourselves. There are also special cases, such as Manaketes and Taguel, who are bascially able to transform into a dragon or beast using a special stone. They're not exactly anthropomorphic, just a special race separate from humans that also inhabit the various realms of the world.

And the reason Spike is still in his dragon form is because there are two Manaketes and two Taguel in service with the Shepherds militia, and I thought it fitting that he be able to retain his normal appearance given that there are others like him in the Shepherds.

If you want more info, you can DM me. And I also suggest going to the Fire Emblem wiki and reading up on the pages there for the games called Awakening and Fates: Revelation. It might help you understand the story better.

EDIT - 2/20/2022 - Why are you downvoting him? I don't think you should be.

"Well, alright then. An odd choice of names, but I'm not one to judge." the man said, before replying, "I'm Chrom. The Exalt and ruling King of the Halidom of Ylisse. Captain, I'll be taking these three back to the palace for questioning. In the meantime, see if you can find out any information about where these three may have come from."

Dude, Chrom isn’t much better than twilight .

I had only recently entered into the fandom due to let’s play of Three Houses, so, just to know, what is the political situation of the place ? Will there be deadly struggles against humans and monsters, religious messes akin to Three Houses ?

Honestly, I hoped then Twilight wouldn’t had revealed were they truly came from.

Will Sunset be prideful ? Prideful Sunset is my favorite.

Do you know others fire emblem crossovers with Sunset of Equestria gaining a human appearance ?

1. It would’ve been problematic if she and Sunset did not.

2. Sunset’s going to reform, just not in the usual way. Also, pride is a lesser form of hubris, so Sunset will have some pride, but not too much, seeing as she's a stranger in a strange land.

3. Not that I know of.

There is a difference between reform and losing her pride.

As for the questions of my other post ?

I'm not sure how to answer that, as FE Awakening and FE Fates are drastically different games from Three Houses. That's all I can really say. If you want, find a let's play of both games to familiarize yourself.

But if you must know, the general realm of Awakening, the Halidom of Ylisse, is at peace following the death of the Fell Dragon. Not as much political intrigue, there will be struggle later on, and and no religious messes...for now.

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