• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


Comments ( 35 )

.................. bu-...............


20 dislikes, WTF!? People really hate these types of stories for some reason

So, here's the thing. The idea here is good, but the execution is not. The story moves far, far too quickly, the characters are very poorly established. The resolution feels absolutely pointless.

Comment posted by LucarioFan2066 deleted Aug 1st, 2020

I'm smellin' cornstarch powdeer

I think there's one 'e' too many there. Might be wrong, though; might just be a regional accent or something.

That our only daughters likes

I don't think Scootaloo has a sister...

And ever since a certain incident with a school paper I've made it a habit not to become too nosy in the affairs of other ponies.

Still leaps and bounds better than what the bipedal Scootaloo, and her friends, willingly did. At least here they were all but blackmailed into it, and it wasn't done to pulverise someone's reputation and reform efforts...

She wanted to have that kind of care and affection too, though even I wouldn't have guessed it ran so deeply."

Honestly...I've got something kinda like this, too. I've written about this in many places, so it's no secret, but back in Years 5-6 I had a truly awful female teacher, who did not know how to handle me. Y'see, I've got Aspergers Syndrome (a mild form of autism), and thus didn't exactly act like other kids - throughout my entire school life (primary and high), I always read books during breaks instead of playing tag or handball or whatever, not to mention always being rather reserved. Also, when I was still young, I did cry easily, and probably some other weird behaviours I no longer remember.

Anyway, that female teacher did not know how to handle me, so she disliked me. She never did treat me well, at the end of primary school. At the same time, there were two female students, in the same class as me, who bullied me. This was also the time I was starting to notice girls too, at the very onset of puberty or something, and I did like how cute those two girls in particular were at the time. Still, between the bullying by those two girls and the completely-wrong way my homeroom teacher treated me, I had a rough time in my last two years - to the point that I accidentally punched one of the girls, and gained a disliking and distrust of the opposite sex.

I didn't realise it until after I finished high school, but the behaviour those three females showed to me, how disgustingly they treated me, stuck with me. I developed an intense hatred for girls, and when I started to, um, fantasise in bed? It was almost always about dominating, controlling, enslaving girls (placing heavy restrictions on what they could and couldn't do, punishing them when they misbehaved, etc.) - mostly from shows or games I played, like Pokémon's slew of cute girls, Kari from MythBusters, and the like. Also a couple attractive female school staff. Since I then went to a private boys-only Jesuit high school (which, luckily, had minimal religious indoctrination - just a Religious Education class and the fortnightly hymn practice, which became optional in later Years. Religions are nothing but cults with long-lasting influence and PR), I was never exposed to girls during my teen years, and thus that hatred wasn't worn away. I never did go to dances with 'sister' schools, nor have I ever dated.

I only realised just how deeply that resentment and hatred ran when I started attending university, and was thus forcibly exposed to the opposite sex again. Those fantasies I mentioned before have since lost their cruelty and despotic nature, but the maledom/femsub nature has remained; I still remain distrusting of women and girls. I don't think this'll ever change.
Oh, and I learned of just how many misandristic double-standards there are, just how much social power women and girls have, after leaving school and finding it online. Y'know, stuff like "Listen and Believe", MeToo, and female-made accusations of harassment/assault in general, having the power to ruin male lives without needing proof, without giving him the right to defend himself, without giving him the presumption of innocence. That didn't help my distrust and disliking of women any, nope.

Other things I found: This. This too

So...yeah, I can kinda relate with Scootaloo here. Unfortunate realities of childhood triggering a liking for immature habits.

Yeah, stories with unusual kinks always seem to be pretty heavily downvoted, for some stupid reason. Quite annoying, as it might make people avoid clicking on what is actually a well-written, well-characterised, and hot story.
That's just dumb, downvoting without reading.

Yeah, doesn't quite feel finished. It's otherwise very well-written (only a handful of minor typos), and I do think it's got good characterisation, but the ending...there's no real conclusion. The parents somewhat agree, but do we get to see them interact, at home, as a family? No, not at all.

Still a good story; doesn't deserve all those dislikes.

*Boop* The artwork for this story is cute.

/\ /\

Every 'littles' worst nightmare. Especially as, around Scootaloo's age is when the discovery comes to, based on life traumas and/or broken childhoods, to try and get back what they felt was unfairly taken.

Worst is how, as I IRL experienced, accusations were the first responses I ever got. It took awhile to get 'understanding', but that understanding didn't come with 'acceptance' and, sadly, my, now, ex-wife has left me, in part, for being "Socially Unacceptable".

However this is only in relation to the story. Truly, Scoot has been put in a very compromising position. I also feel one of her Aunts had something to do in helping her get the stuff. Lofty and Holiday are perceptive enough to read into how Scootaloo felt about her inability to fly, her parents never being around, and feeling like she was passed from foal sitter to foal sitter with very little stability in her life. How does one even have a childhood when life keeps passing you around as if you are more of an 'item' than an 'individual'?


Good job on bringing the realism to, truly, the most common response to anyone finding out about such a thing. Now to read more...

I think it's due to the contents, or presumed contents

To each their own, to many, religions offer ones a potential truth, comfort, and teach good things. But yeah dude, that sucks what happened to you
But yeah, especially if you're a woman, or a good looking person, chances are you will get a lessened or no jail time, depending on the crime

Never has a fanfic hit this close to home....well done...

Kinda personal feeling, but it's cute nevertheless!


and feeling like she was passed from foal sitter to foal sitter with very little stability in her life. How does one even have a childhood when life keeps passing you around as if you are more of an 'item' than an 'individual'?

As we saw in the show itself.

The parents went about this in the completely wrong way. They should not be giving off the impression that Scootaloo is in trouble. No wonder she reacted the way she did.

even if this new interest of hers makes it hard to love her."

Mane Allgood, I have lost all respect for you.

and probably say goodbye to that job offerin' that was part of it.

Oh, that sucks. :applecry:

My parents have basically taken a completely hooves off approach to raising Sweetie Belle,

The problem with this assertion is that it's based on one incident from one episode, the circumstances for which we know nothing about.


Mane Allgood, I have lost all respect for you.

Not every parent is going to accept such a thing. She's not disowning Scootaloo or demanding she stop the habit. She's trying to understand it.

The problem with this assertion is that it's based on one incident from one episode, the circumstances for which we know nothing about.

Except think about it, that was the most we saw of Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. They had a few cameos here and there but Sweetie Belle was almost always with Rarity at Carousel Boutique. I even did a journal discussing that in my top ten forgotten characters. And I'll bet you anything that the leaks for Season 9 about the planned episode with them that had Sweetie Belle moving in with Rarity full time was what ultimately became "The Last Crusade".

10387936 How do you think parents would react in such a situation?

Poor Scootaloo. Now I wanted to treat her like a baby.

That’s adorable. Though I’d wish you didn’t make Scootaloo’s parents so.. strict

10690816 Agreed, as they didn't come off that way at all in "The Last Crusade."

Exactly. Though... now that I think about it... I’ve seen certain rumors that her actual parents were in prison; hence why the strictness.

Idk dude; that’s just a theory I heard on Scootaloo’s parents

10791169 They're in prison because Snap Shutter got a bad case of cancer, so the two of them started making and selling meth as a means of making sure that Mane Allgood would be well-off after he died.

Omg that was bad XD. That might’ve explained a lot

I enjoy these type of stories, well my childhood was mostly dark, when I was quite young... the abuse and the teasing eugh

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