• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen June 6th


I'm a recently returned writer and plan to release alot of stories again.

Comments ( 68 )

I havent read this yet, but please don't downvote this story just because you don't like the subject. Downvote it because you didn't like the story. Not the subject.

Okay, just read it, and it's got a solid story, and good grammar. It is undeserving of the large amount of dislikes it's gotten.

Diamond Tiara really doesn't get too many Padded pony stories

Yeah, same for the CMC, Spike, Silver Spoon, and many other characters. That needs to change.

ah, such a shame I wanted my first 2019 fic to be a crossover of Spyro and mlp but hard to come up with a good plot right now.

Spyro comes to Ponyville in search of Spike. Upon finding him, Spike insists that a DNA test be done, remembering the events of "Father Knows Beast." It turns out that Spyro is his brother, and he's come to seek Spike's help in finding a cure for their ailing mother. If they fail to get the cure to her in time, she could very well pass away. Though reluctant, Twilight agrees to let Spike go on this mission.

Anyway, just read the story and I'm looking forward to reading more. Hopefully Tiara will find some foalish playmates in the form of the CMC and Silver Spoon.

I can’t tell if this is a joke or if y’all seriously have a fetish for this.

Look up ABDL, Its a fetish, It does exist.

9469155 The playmates sounds like a possible idea for a sequel.

Why am I getting downvoted for saying this is odd but you know I don’t care why are people defending others that have this fetish I seriously thought it was a joke what the fuck

The hell's wrong with you, if you don't like the subject then ignore it, it's that easy.

You’re getting downvoted because you’re being a dick.

Fuck off i genuinely thought this was a joke fic as I’ve mentioned I’ve never heard of this before now.

Ha you know what’s wrong with me I didn’t know about this fetish and thought it was a joke there are plenty of fics that say stuff like this as a joke sorry I’m don’t “enjoy” (giant fucking quotes) that type of fetish and that I didn’t know about this but y’all have to admit this is kinda odd

There’s no need to be an ass about it stop arguing and be intelligent enough to realise I’m not trying to say what you enjoy is wrong I myself have a fetish towards furrys im not trying to say y’all shouldn’t enjoy what you want I very very litterally thought this was a JOKE or I don’t know if you ever watch my strange addiction but on one of the episode a woman has this fetish I thought the author was making a play on that stop getting so offended Jesus

I’m not offended. I was making an observation of your behavior which you continue to prove right.

Dude, lay off. While Jellynutbutter's original comment was inappropriate, he said the he wasn't aware of this fetish beforehand and thought this was a joke fic.

I'm with you. You're in the right at the moment. But a flat out apology, not that I think you owe anybody one, would probably get some people off your back.
And I'll admit, I do find this fetish rather odd to say the least. I'm mostly here for the story.

He's trying to explain himself, and he's getting attacked for it. By you.

Going to be completely honest. This is just boring. You talk in circles, you meander and the plot moves at an absolute snails pace. I get that it's the first chapter but there's nothing to hold the readers attention.

I would also like to add that Randolph isn't exactly a pony name. That sounds far more like a human name than anything else.

Randolph is a canon pony though, like whoever made him named him that, not me, just going to point out, he's not an OC.

I honestly didn't remember him from the show, that's how much of a background character he was. My other points still stand.

9471748 He was mentioned and appeared in "Twilight Time" as Diamond Tiara's butler, the pony she made do all those acrobatics before she shoved him out of the way.

Having lots of ideas is nice, but don't forget poor Cozy! She hasn't been changed in months!

I wish fimfiction allowed you to pin comments, because I like this one!

I prefer the one I left on that fic - it's a lot fuller, like Cozy's diaper by the time you get back to her.

9472808 Well, hopefully he'll get back to it after he's done with this fic. And I don't think Cozy's diaper is that full yet.

Yeah, I know that no time has actually passed for her (and you definitely know that I understand that sometimes you just can't write a certain story).

I guess maybe I'm just a bit annoyed that I left one of my long comments on the last chapter with something I thought might be an interesting idea, but as long as the fic languishes no-one will read it. I should probably just find a group to post it in.

9472899 Cozy Glow's potty training or her being in a cage as an observer?

Both - I'm kind of a feedback whore.

This is starting off really well. I like the little additions of how things have gone for Spoiled since the time in which Diamond turned over a new leaf. I also like how therapy is now in play to help Spoiled better bond with her not so maternal mother.

Definitely a lot in this chapter beyond what is put here in text. Lots to read in to while making guesses as to how things changed at the Rich residence since that faithful moment.

I can see why Diamond could end up in this situation. She had learned that being mean wasn't right and was now in a posture where she was finally allowing herself to be vulnerable. As her mother was never quite maternal it makes sense Diamond may seek out a way to get back what she feels she had lost.

Now to eagerly wait for what happens next. :)

9475653 Think you meant Diamond for the better bond part.

9472941 Well you'll be happy to know Cozy's story has been updated, finally.

So what I took away from this chapter was the fact that Randolph has been more like a parent to Diamond than her actual parents. Now that's just sad. :applecry:

“I don’t know exactly what brought it on. All I can remember is that one day, all of a sudden, I looked at baby ponies and something inside me started wishing I could be like them.

Given her upbringing and home life in general, this is less than surprising.

(she shuddered at what might’ve happened had one of her friends walked in on her like this. She especially feared the teasing remarks from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who she’d used to bully).

I actually think Apple Bloom would be more than understanding, given that she has had to grow up without parents and thus, would understand where Diamond is coming from, and may actually want to participate in foalish activities like wearing diapers and being treated like a foal. I'm curious to see if Apple Bloom and her friends become involved in this.

9484532 Again, not in this fic. But that could be a really good idea for a sequel.

Fantastic. I can't wait to see more!!!!

The more I read the more I feel how much Diamond, in all likelihood, is seen as primarily a trophy child than an actual kid to her parents. :(

Spoiled is way easy to believe in being 'hands-off' unless it meant there was something in it for her. Filthy may be the lesser of the evils here but he seldom is there to support Diamond. It's like he feels giving her what she wants, like with Spoiled, it will make up for lackluster affection.

Randolf certainly is doing well as a father figure. It is likely not hard for Diamond to see him as one for how he probably has spent more time with her than Spoiled or Filthy combined.

Now you got to think on how we've never seen Scootaloo's parents. However, given what the stories mention in the "Ponyville Mysteries" series share, we know Scoots' parents are around, do care, and her Aunts are very helpful when her parents are away.

So, for as little parental interaction we get from Scootaloo, there is quite less for Diamond. Her parents are around far more frequently but never really there for her.

It's quite sad to notice this. Good thing Randolf is helping Diamond to feel what the filly likely feels was never truly there.

Ooh... Nice cliffhanger. I thought you were going to give us more but making us all sit and wait on what is going to transpire will certainly make waiting for the next installment all the more worthwhile. :)

I wonder what thoughts are going through Randolf's mind as he gives Diamond her 'Foal Fix'? Perhaps he may be thinking of what life would've been like if he were to have had the chance to have a family of his very own? Maybe he is thinking on how much Spoiled has always needed to properly connect with her daughter?

This tale is definitely going great! Keep up the awesome work!

9495947 I know you can't respond to comments but you seem to be very good at picking up on pscyhological undertones I never considered. I never thought about Randolph imprinting on Diamond so much (and he in turn imprinting on her so much) because he himself wanted a family but never did.

Huh, why can't he respond to comments?

9496637 It's because of the software he uses due to being legally blind. He can respond to PMs if someone sends them.

I wonder what Filthy's reaction to be to all of this. I have a feeling that he'd be much more understanding and accepting of this than his wife. Might even want to join in. :pinkiehappy:

9496704 Yeah, I'm the same way. :applecry:

9497795 That might not be a bad idea to explore down the line. Maybe he already sort of knew, and just was waiting for Diamond to confess because of his hooves off approach.

Soon it was the afternoon and school had let out for the day.
Contrary to yesterday, Tiara came prancing on in to greet Randolph and happily accepted his loving embrace.
“Greetings, Mistress Diamond,” Randolph formally declared, still taking care not to outright refer to Diamond in her role. “How was school today?”
“It was amazing!” Diamond happily declared while bouncing up and down! “But every moment I kept thinking of you, and of all the fun we’re gonna have together!”

Ugh! Could this be any more saccharine? :rainbowlaugh:

Next chapter will be the last.

Well, that's a shame. :applecry: Hopefully there will be a sequel.

9504507 There probably will be, someday. I'm liking the idea you proposed, I'm thinking it should involve Apple Bloom finding out and inviting Diamond Tiara over for a padded sleepover at Sweet Apple Acres, since there's not a lot of padded pony fics featuring Apple Bloom.

9505685 And that needs to change. There's not a whole lot of padded Big Mac stories either. I'm wondering how Applejack and Granny Smith would feel about the sleepover. I could see Applejack, like Spoiled Rich, being against Apple Bloom exploring this side of herself at first, only to come to accepting it after Big Mac and Granny Smith talk to her.

Very nicely done. It is sad to know the story is coming to an end but also good to get super excited about all that is to come in the final part of this tale.

I'm very glad you took the time to explore this part of Diamond Tiara. It's also nice to see her get a good story that gets us to see a side of her that could be as a result of her upbringing, or lack thereof.

9505707 I'm thinking a sequel should incorporate Big Macintosh as a caretaker, since I don't think any padded pony works featuring Apple Bloom have really made use of him. It's understandable since he hasn't interacted with her as much but it would still be nice to see.

9506068 Really, the only episodes that had them interacting together at all are season four's "Pinkie Apple Pie" and season five's "Brotherhooves Social." I hope we get at least one more in season 9.

9506195 I'd kind of like that too, even if they can't top the emotional investment "Brotherhooves Social" had.

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