• Member Since 14th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


I write stories mainly featuring small horses having sex with one another, and that is probably all you really need to know about me.

Comments ( 22 )

That was hot, but I'm curious to know who came in second lol

This is a bi dream fic and I love it

Just look to see who's covered in bite marks and walking funny at the next practice.

Thanks, glad you liked it.

I do wish there was more M/M/F bisexual stuff on this site. Sometimes a guy just wants the best of both worlds, ya know?

I agree wholeheartedly. And I say this a pretty good one!

Woof - very hot, and nice to have bi action that doesn't shy away from the m/m play being front and center (well, top and center here!)

Only issue personally is the mandated open relationships with penalties attached, but it's not a big part of the story.

This was delightful! Amazing job!

it was good... then you added world building. Mandated open relationship. So many questions. I forget about the porn and focus on the none-con implications. And the world that would allow that...

I didn't really mean it to come off that way, but I can see your point of view. Just think of it as a world where sex is casual enough that a failure to fraternize with your team members would be seen as a similar infraction to failing to salute or maintain your uniform in an actual military unit. It's just another regulation that everyone's expected to follow.

That said, you're the second person who's voiced concern about this, and boy am I glad I didn't explore further into this subject as I originally planned.

I really like this.

Thank you, glad you liked it. Who knows, between your story and mine in the feature box at the same time, maybe more writers will be encouraged to write more M/M/F bi stories.

'Tis a delight to see one Wonderbolt-centric fic on the inbox, AllIsee. Wish I coulda joined you up there with Mile Long Club, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

HOp[e to make up the gulf next week; until then, the rich story element, fantastic pasting, and utter hotness of shower sex permits me to thank you for a fantastic FIMFic.

Actually, I'd like to see this subject explored. , sNot more porn, God no, but the general premise and the culture around. I'd imagine that intimacy would be things like cuddling, sharing a meal, hoof holding, that sort of thing, correct?


I forget about the porn and focus on the none-con implications.

Eh... I wouldn't say non con since the ponies seem to be into it and there is precedent for them to do so. And its not like its some big secret: you'll be fucking yourself silly on a well maintained and well muscled love machine who works for you, your mother, and your little dog too. Its literally in their charter next to the meal plans and mandatory time off to take a nice relaxing sabbatical fucking earth ponies.


Oh, it could be worth exploring, certainly - I just think that applying too much thought to it quickly runs into some serious issues, like basically banning non-bi/pan members, or the obvious conflicts between an exclusive relationship in your life and team requirements. Not to mention the drama of such a huge relationship web.

Well fuck me, this story really took off better than I ever expected. Over 1000 views in just three days! Plus I don't think it's fallen off the front page since I posted it, between new, the featured section, or the popular stories. Also my first time being featured, so that's neat.

All this to say thank you to all those who read and liked this story, and I hope I was able to provide a good fap for everyone.

Well fuck me,


Nothing like a good bisexual sandwich

I love how they were still SOOOO competitive! I also like the idea that the wonderbolts are very open to each other when it comes to that

Love reading it' I hope to see more team building exercises, keep it up

Thanks. I actually have another story featuring some of the Wonderbolts, along with some other characters, in the works, but it probably won't be finished for a while. Still, something to keep an eye out for. Will definitely be completed by the end of January at the latest.

i love casual sex stories. i hope the health plan is good and the females get free anti-pregnant meds

Oh, of course. I've always figured that birth control magic is extremely easy to come by in Equestria. I mean, I can accept the idea of a civilization of magic horses easy enough, but the idea that a society that A. Has very easy access to magic and B. Possess an extremely casual attitude toward public nudity wouldn't make figuring out birth control a major priority simply strains belief.

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