• Member Since 14th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I write stories mainly featuring small horses having sex with one another, and that is probably all you really need to know about me.


On the day of Twilight's ascension to the throne of Equestria, Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst hurry to get ready for the big day. But somepony has certain feelings about the whole ceremony. Great and powerful feelings, at that. As Starlight and Sunburst discuss with Trixie what's bothering her, they both begin to realize that the magician might actually have some valid points.

Warnings: Some talk of sex, vague mentions of sexual actions, and Trixie having great and powerful ideas.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

You know what? Trixie's actually right.

:trixieshiftright: Of course Trixie is right, she always is right.

No, definitely not.

:trixieshiftright: Yes, I am.


:trixieshiftright: I. AM.

...You're not.

:trixieshiftright: Want to fight to see that I'm worth to always be right?!

Oh, you're on!

- Hello!


:trixieshiftright: HOLY SHIT!

- ...Alfred! So good to see you!


*We'll Be Right Back*

Weeeell, to be fair, it's not like Twilight wanted to be princess, she just kinda ran with it. Had it not been for the transformation, she would've been content with being a magic scholar, or the next Starswirl.


"No offense, Trixie, but I don't think you're exactly 'Princess' material," Sunburst stated.

Maybe not in this dimension, but in another once ruled by King Sombra, where Trixie was actually humble.

I feel Starlight's point kind of falls flat when you remember Twilight never said she wanted to be a princess or ruler of Equestria. Luna and Celestia essentially dumped both responsibilities on her.

Is she qualified to do it, sure, but just cause she is doesn't mean she wants to do it. Plus I bet if she had a choice she'd probably say no. Twilight is a fairly humble pony and not the kind who is interested in status or positions. Frankly I think if she could've just kept living as Ponyville's librarian and the Element of Magic, she'd have been satisfied with that.

Instead she's given insane amounts of responsibility, which isn't great since she cracks harder under pressure then Rarity or Fluttershy, and she was forced to move away from her friends and outlive them eventually (We all know that's what gonna happen and the series simply chose to not outright say it).

So yeah, kind of feels like choice was never a part of the equation.

i mean, lets face it, given enough time, Twilight is gonna go mental and probably go nightmare friendship or something. also never really understood why Luna retired. wasnt the whole reason she went nightmare moon was because she wasnt getting recognition as a princess, which she finally started getting when she returned?

...Wow this is almost exaclty what I've been saying for months. Though I will add one point.

Delegation! They had half an episode about it in Season 9, and a very strong suggestion of division of labor between the Mane 6 so no one of them had too much on their plate. But noooo. Half the staff had to leave partway through production, leaving the finale an inconsistently-edited case of too many cooks spoiling the soup. But I'll stop before I get too controversial.

"Besides," Starlight muttered under her breath, "if I ever change my mind, I could always just control Celestia's mind and make her give me wings."

Nice joke Starlight, you’d never do that.

Man I love these three, so it’s always great to been them together. I can totally see this being their dynamic as well, as all three of them lack subtly.

As for the actual subject. It does being up many a good points. But I’ve always looked at that for what Celestia says when she made Twi and Alicorn.
“You’ve created new magic”. Starswirl himself made loads of spells and didn’t become an alicorn and I can imagine many others have created spells over 1000 years. So this makes me thing Twilight not only fixed said spell but actually made a new form of magic.
I personally think that it was this moment onward where Friendship literally become a form of magical energy. As it’s many times past this that point as they start referring to the magic of friendship like it’s more then just a metaphor or whatever. Season 5 is all about them using that to fix relationships throughout equestria.

Bit of a stretch... probably but that’s how I’ve always seen it as.

Great fic none the less, and I hope we get to see more Startrixburst in the future.

Oh, of course Starlight would never use a mind control spell in order to game the system and easily get what she wants. It's just a joke. Just a joke.

They're my favorite ship in the series, and I never get tired of writing the functional disaster that is their romance. If you're looking for more, go check out the group dedicated to them

Also, I actually really like that theory you've got there. It's never crossed my mind that Friendship magic in general might be what Twilight actually created to become an alicorn, but it is a really fun theory that works pretty well. Something fun to think about, at least.

I have to say I love the dialogues and banter in this. It's a good stuff! ^^

I always interpreted "creating new magic" as Twilight literally turning warm, fuzzy feelings into newly created energy. Apparently the prize for winning a game of thermodynamics is a pair of wings and/or a horn.

Also, the second one isn't a coronation. It's an accession. Twilight's already a princess; the ceremony just makes her the princess.[/mudbriar]

Still, lovely character work here, and some valid points about Starlight. Nice story overall.

"Well... maybe not," Trixie reluctantly admitted. "Though Trixie would make a great and powerful ruler of Equestria, if given a chance. But Trixie is not just referring to herself. There's another mare even more deserving of the title," she proclaimed.


Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.


Apparently the prize for winning a game of thermodynamics is a pair of wings and/or a horn.

No wonder Einstein always wore baggy clothing and had ruffled hair. Those wings and horn must have been tough for him to hide.

Also, the second one isn't a coronation. It's an accession. Twilight's already a princess; the ceremony just makes her the princess

Whatever it should have been called, every pony in 'The Last Problem' refers to that event as a "coronation". I'm pretty sure somepony even refers to it as her second coronation.

Yes, a mare with as clear view of the future. And a second, additional view slightly up and to the left.

"You, of course," Trixie stated, booping Starlight's snout with a hoof. "You, Starlight Glimmer, should be a princess."


Starlight: "Are you saying that because that would make you a marefriend of the princess?"

Trixie: "Mmmmaybe? Technically, if we married then I would be a princess too!"

Sunburst: "Hmm... That's true. Spouses of royalty share their titles after all. I guess I would be a prince then. Or... maybe... First Stud?"

Trixie & Starlight: "..."

Sunburst: "What? Can't a stallion have dreams?"

All that time he spent as Royal Crystaller has him looking at Shining Armor's love life with a hint of envy.

What Sunburst doesn't realize is that being the husband of the Princess of Love is slightly different than what he'd have to look forward to as a mate of whatever Starlight would be princess of. Princess of Sarcasm? Princess of Secondary Characters? Princess of Dubious Applications of Magic?

Or Princess of Overreaction?

"She's envious of Twilight, not jealous," Sunburst explained, not picking up on Starlight's glare. "Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have, envy is wanting what someone else has."

jealousy is when you want what someone else has, to be like that person in your own way

envy is when you want to take away something someone else has.

thats why jealousy is better than envy. pls use facts not opinions

"Of course Trixie has a point! Trixie is full of great and powerful points," Trixie went on. "Plus, it's not as if your magic isn't up to snuff in other areas, either. I mean, you're at least as powerful as Princess Cadance, if not the other three as well."

no shes not..? starlight can barely keep up with twilight (twilight holding back too)

also funfact, starlight didnt finish the spell she modified it. twilight is the one that finished the spell first so that completely rules out the first point

also twilight did ALOT more to earn her wings than just cast a spell. which makes the second point.. pointless.

"You've got the experience leading other ponies too," Sunburst added, caught up in Trixie's arguments. "And I don't just mean that town that we don't talk about. You've shown you can lead a diverse team of creatures to save Equestria, you can administrate a school, you were the only one right about that whole Pony of Shadows thing, and you've even repeatedly advised the actual Princesses. Maybe Trixie's right. Maybe you do deserve to be an alicorn."

she mightve been right about the pony of shadows but twilight was the one who saved him in the end, w the help of the other pillars and elements

starlight merely suggested the idea, she didnt act apon it

"Besides," Starlight muttered under her breath, "if I ever change my mind, I could always just control Celestia's mind and make her give me wings."

celestia, for all her might, cant create other immortals or alicorns. she only gave twilight the spell, it was twilights own power that transformed her

Excuse me, good sir or madam, but I think you'll find that my definition of jealously vs. envy is taken from one of the finest intellectual sources of the modern age, and therefore is unassailable.

Starlight and Twilight are clearly going shot for shot with one another during 'The Cutie Re-mark' and she easily keeps up with her in 'Every Little Thing She Does'. Besides, I consider Cadance to be the weakest magically of the alicorn princesses, so when Trixie says that she's still giving the edge to Twilight.

And to say that Starlight only modified that time-travel spell is like saying Alexander Graham Bell only modified the telegraph. Starswirl's time spell was a fairly useless magic that basically just created a stable time-loop around the caster. Starlight used it as a basis to create a spell that, in conjunction with the cutie-map, allowed her to travel to any time and place in Equestria and influence the future however she liked. Twilight just completed a lame rhyme and fixed her own misfired casting of one of his spells.
Starlight correctly stated, to the Princess of Friendship, that maybe friendship was the solution to their problem with the Pony of Shadows. Starlight was also the only pony to join Twilight inside the PoS, was the first pony to assist Twilight in helping pull Stygian out, and was the entire reason Twilight hesitated in blasting the PofS into the void long enough for Stygian to start fighting against it. No one's saying the Twilight didn't also contribute, but Starlight was the only pony riding the redemption bandwagon from the start.

Also, that whole situation is yet another example of Twilight casting a spell recklessly without thinking it through, and then getting credit for saving Equestria when all she was really doing was fixing her own mistake.
Wow, Celestia's even more useless than I give her credit for. Oh well, Starlight will just have to mind control her way up the chain until she finds somepony who can give her wings.

Better watch out, M.A. Larson.

eh, to each their own i suppose
it was nice to not have to fight/debate over opinions tho, have a good day <3

I honestly didn’t expect this story to turn out like this.

Nope. Twilight was going full out. Twilight even said so.

You just sound like you are trying to make excuses. The Season 7 finale confirmed that a unicorn can be more powerful then an Alicorn. The words were ' You are almost as powerful as Starswirl.' Meaning Starswirl, a unicorn, is canonically more powerful then Twilight. And it has been hinted that Gusty the Great, another Unicorn, was even more powerful then Starswirl. Which means a unicorn can surpass an Alicorn. It just so happens that Starlight is also in Starswirl and Gustys league. She even has a cutie mark that basicly says that. A STAR with a SWIRL of MAGIC over it, meaning her destiny was to reach Starswirl levels of power.

I have always said that Starlight's cutie mark shows that she was destined to be as powerful as she is. It's a STAR with a SWIRL of Magic over it, saying shes destined to be the next Starswirl in terms of magical power.

Starswirl, who I might add, the show has canonically said, is more powerful in magic then Twilight. Which confirms that a Unicorn can be more powerful then an Alicorn.

"Whatever," Trixie waved him off with a dismissive hoof. "The point is, all Twilight really did for those fancy wings and that extra height was fix a spell that she recklessly cast on her friends in the first place."

This shows that Trixie indeed wasn't there, because that's not what happened at all. Twilight cast the spell without a particular target and it latched onto the Elements of Harmony. Who made Twilight into a princess, by the way, not Celestia. So... yeah. Trixie has no idea what she's talking about, and neither does Starlight.

Twilight Sparkle became a princess not so much because she's skilled at magic (which she also is, mind), but because she's someone capable of getting a person as powerful and deranged as Starlight Glimmer to stop destroying reality.

no she wasnt? and she never said that, show me a picture

also, starswirl is stronger than twilight, not more powerful

power =/= magic

starswirl is basically a warrior wizard, twilight is a princess scholar

not to mention alicorn magic only grows with time meaning that twilight was barely alicorn level but still stronger than unicorns

also not to mention gusty the great was never implied to be powerful, only a legend. she stole grogars bell and hid it, she didnt destroy it.

so no, unicorns cant surpass alicorns. if they could surpass literal gods then they can control the sun
(which they cant btw, only alicorns are powerful enough to do that)

also, it takes 1 twilight to raise the sun and lower the moon
it used to take starswirl, in his PRIME, along with a dozen other powerful mages just to raise the sun (before celestia and luna showed up)

also if twilight was going all out she simply wouldve killed starlight, a simple shot to the heart wouldve sufficed. she was holding back, plain and simple

Just out of curiosity, can you elaborate on this? I'd love to know where you thought it was going, and whether you liked where it ended up.

I was expecting to be more about how twilight is having too many coronations, but it seems more focused on starlight being a princess.

Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes sense. This fic is really just me using Trixie as a sounding board to voice a couple feelings I have about things in the show. Twilight hogging all the coronations to herself is one. Starlight deserving a set of wings is another.

I mean, it’s alright. It’s just a little misleading.

The implication of sexy times leaves it up for imagination, so good call on the ending.

And amen to Trixie.

Starlight (and also sunset) not getting wings was such wasted potential.

Gonna hafta agree here, and flag this video for its misleading thumbnail. You're gonna get demonitized, Author! Just kidding of course.

I like the story and it was a good way to get your opinion out, but I am not the only one who feels that the story does not follow it's title well.

In regards to this, WhatISeeIsMe could simply write a sequel if they still had an urge...

How Many Coronations Does One Pony Need?

A minimum of three may suffice..
(but otherwise, Pi is just right!

This was very fun, I liked it. I really enjoy the banter between these three, it's super amusing.

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