• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 1,213 Views, 4 Comments

Punishment Fit For A Murderer - tam285

He murdered. Claimed lives of innocent children. Possibly more. Now, reckonning day is upon them.

  • ...

Three - Escaping.

William collapsed onto some wooden crates. His eyes darted awake as the memories of what happened that fateful night flooded back to him. He felt sick to his stomach. Pushing boxes with the bottom of his foot, he escaped being crushed to death again, thank God.

As soon as he stood up, he toppled straight down. Was he on a truck? He could here music, and people walking in the streets below. Somehow, he managed to stand up and observe his surroundings. To his left was just a bunch of old stuff, mostly horse themed, like furniture, broken down bed frames and some other pottery stuff. To be honest, he could care less?

He walked to the door, the only thing stopping him and the outside world from meeting. "Okay, William. You can do this, just stay calm." he tried to calm himself down. With one backtrack, moving to where the crates fell down for his 'escape',

.. And fell on to the pavement outside. From his blurred vision, it looked like one of those traveling shacks that were led by horses back in the 1800's. Whatever. It looked like a traveling action house. He didn't want to be a part of it, so he left out of his own free will. Getting up revealed a city of some sorts.

Flashing lights, movie premieres and way more surrounded him more than William liked. The truck that held him was speeding off and things were falling out of it. He had just woken up here, right? And he was alive, right? Was this his own, personal hell? Probably not, this might be purgatory, at a stretch.

He still looked rotten, scary and dead. William needed to collect himself, that's all. Thank God there was an alleyway, otherwise he'd not be able to do anything without looking like a zombie. He ran past oncoming traffic and finally ended in the short space. It looked to be about 1am, not many ponies were about. Judging from what he had seen, ponies were like humans. Just, smaller. And more stupid looking.

As he walked Into the alleyway, there was a rusty mattress and a table with some sort of golden coins on it. William quickly searched through the draws and when nothing important was there, he toppled it over in anger. "Yep. I'm in hell."

Laying on the mattress, he felt comfort. Placing his hand below his head, William pondered. Where am I and how the hell did I get here? I'm still alive, so that's a bonus. I guess it's time to play the waiting game."

And with that, he drifted into a peaceful sleep. Well, as peaceful as you'd be able to sleep, doing so on an old mattress in another world.

William didn't wake up to the beautiful sun, no. He woke up to people surrounding him, holding weapons and something else. His eyes were still a blur from just waking up.

"I said HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." One of them seemed to be threatening William. That didn't fit well with him, not one bit. He stared the stallion straight in his eyes.


He began to yell more. Only being able to pick up one sentence. "STAND UP NOW OTHERWISE I'LL HAVE YOU USE LETHAL FORCE." Once again, William repeated himself.

No. Fight me if you'd prefer. I've been itching for a fight recently.

William then stood up, and by the stallion's expression, he deeply underestimated his height. "Now listen here buddy." by the looks of it, his little gang were too paralysed to fight or run, but they were all listening. "I weight about 3 of your little 'men' here, I'm also made of solid steel, but can run probably faster than anyone here. So if you want a fight, come back tomorrow."

They all slowly retreated from the crazy man. However, he grabbed a mare in the back and made his demands." I want a lot of whatever you consider currency in this world by next week. If I don't get what I want by Saturday, I'll leave her corpse in the alleyway, understand."

The stallions nodded and ran off. He was stuck with this presumably young mare. She was clearly scared. He doesn't know why but he felt kind of bad for her.

"Relax, you'll make it out of here. I know how it feels to be in your position, held for random, y'know?"

This completely shocked the mare. "I'm so sorry, how do you know how it feels to be held for ransom?"

Springtrap sighed. "I was a stupid kid, so to speak. Burned my house down multiple times and got my parents divorced. My mom's new boyfriend was in a lot of shady stuff. Abused her too. Anyways, one day I'm in my room, just playing video games and I hear them talking about ransom."

The mare put her hoof over her mouth." I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how horrible that must be."

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, my mom tried to leave him, but instead that sick bastard holds me for ransom with his friends near Texas. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Texas doesn't exist where we are. But for reference, I live hours away from this place. Anyway, about 2 months go by and my mother has the money ready for me to come home."

"So?" The mare asked," What happened next?" William laughed.

"I stay with my dad. Yep, I stay with the people that held me for ransom. I don't remember much, but I felt amazing for about 15 years after that event. Money and bunch o' other stuff. Then, one day my dad and his gang gets busted from out of the blue. I run all the way across state, even holding someone up at gunpoint for money and transport."

The story went on for hours, the two of them lost track.

"Hey, we got your bits. Can Sunset Flare come back with us?" The guards were back and angry, but had a medium sized pouch near them.

"Give me the bag and I'll decide." They did as told and William looked inside the bag. "Fine. She can go." The guards look relieved to have a member back. "Same time next week?"

The head guard shook his head. The stallion took off his helmet. "Come with us peacefully." William obliged.

"Better give me a good room in the castle or I'll get mad."

Comments ( 1 )

Bruh dos dude

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