• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 1,214 Views, 4 Comments

Punishment Fit For A Murderer - tam285

He murdered. Claimed lives of innocent children. Possibly more. Now, reckonning day is upon them.

  • ...

One - Destructive Actions.

William strutted into the pizzaria like he owned the place. But he didn't. Technically, he wasn't even allowed 15 feet near Freddy's, yet here he is.

Walking past the main entrance, he looked at the cheap, plastic desk. William remembered the first day of the company. Whiney children, annoyed parents and way more that he'd rather forget. Looking to the left, revealed a door, unlocked for decades, possibly.

Grabbing a key from his pocket, he unlocked the door and grabbed a bag from besides it, full of wooden boards, nails and a hammer. William smirked.

Walking through the unlocked door, he uncovered a room, covered in graffiti and fresh blood. As he got closer, he saw that the spray paint was fresh.

"Some bratty kids came to ruin these walls, and my creations took care of them." William turned around and pulled out his gun. After a second of hesitation, he shot 4 bullets into the darkness, the sound of his silencer attache was like music to his ears.

Following his small shooting spree, Chica fell, tumbling onto her chest. Well, what was left of it anyways. 3 reasonably sized holes were implanted into her chest, and one in her leg.

"And here I was, thinking my life would be in danger." Reloading his revolver, William looked Suzie dead in her plastic eyes. "See you in hell, duck." he shot and that ended her second life.

Holstering his revolver, he turned around to the doors and grabbed the hammer out of the bag. He started boarding up the only known exit. After 20 minutes of hammering boards to the door, it was done. No backing up now. William propped an axe against the door, just in case he needed another weapon of a quick getaway.

Next stop, Pirate's Cove. To be honest, Foxy was William's favorite animatronic, so he was a bit remorseful walking into those curtains to see the broken fox, laying on the floor. He knew what was going to happen. So did William. 3 shots to the chest and a stab through the head with his knife was enough to end the robot's life, for the second time, and hopefully the last.

Scanning the east hallway, revealed a corpse. Looked to be a 14 year old female. Must of been bait by the others. If some kids came in to graffiti the place, there would of been more blood than what there was.

He walked back into the main room and heard the cry of pain from the kitchen. Opening the door revealed a trail of blood towards a corpse and to William's surprise, they were hanging onto life by an inch.

"P-please.." The voice called out, knowing he was there. William sighed and made his way over to the body. Observing him, it appeared the child (or teenager), was bitten by either Freddy or Bonnie, since Chica's jaw is too small to fit a teenager's hand, much less whole hand into. Foxy's jaw was unhinged.

So even if he wanted to bite someone, he had the jaw capability of fitting an arm into his mouth, he couldn't push down enough pressure on to actually cause any bodily harm, thank god.

William helped the kid up, propping him against the wall. "What's your name, kid? Most people don't come here anymore due to the animatronics scaring away customers."

"Jake.." he was obviously distressed and in pain. His right arm was bleeding and it looked as if his ankle was sprained, or even broken and he had a leather jacket on, which had a giant hole on it, revealing the Minecraft shirt underneath.

Somehow, the kid sat on a plastic chair and managed to get his breath. "I came here with some friends to see if.." he paused for a second to grunt in agony. "-The rumors were true..." Jake finished his sentence, not before almost fainting. The kid was dying, and William kind of felt remorse.

He sighed. "Well, kid. There's no getting out through the main exit." William looked down at the tiled floor of the kitchen, now stained with blood. "So, the way I see it, you got 2 options."

Jake looked happy to hear 2 options. Until he heard what they were, exactly.

"Wait until the you bleed out, which will be slow and painful..." He didn't want to say the last option, but he knew it was an option, at least. William grabbed his gun slowly, letting it shine in the night's sky which was partially visible due to the holes in the ceiling. He didn't have to say it for Jake to get the second option.

He sighed. "Did Tom at least make it out? He was my closest friend and we grew up together.." Coughing up more blood, he looked at the last human he'd ever see in his life. "Tom had brown hair, this like.. blue jacket and a tattoo on his eye."

William connected the dots. The kid in the hallway wasn't bait for the rest to escape, he sacrificed himself for his friend. "No, he's dead in the hallway. Some animatronic got to him first."

Jake wanted to cry, but couldn't. He didn't have any words. He just sighed. "There's something I wanna give to you..."

William was taken aback. His first plan was to kill this kid, now he's getting rewarded? "Uh, what is it?" Jake handed him a picture. It was of an employee in the Fredbear suit. 2 children (presumably Jake and Tom in their younger days), we're posing next to eacher. Jake had a Fredbear plush in one hand and Tom had a soda in his hand.

"We both made a pledge that day that if we were in the face of danger or death, give this to the closest person to carry on our legacy..." at this point, Jake was about to die. His eyes began to close and his skin was turning pale.

William smiled. Not because he was murdering, genuine happiness." Your friend died fighting for you. That's all that mattered." he placed a hand on his shoulder. Jake looked up and smiled. William handed the kid the gun and got up from his position on the floor. Just as he was about to push the door out, he looked back once more time. He grinned and nodded at Jake, who did the same, only a bit weaker.

Stepping out, he took out the picture and observed it. William was visible in the background, making adjustments to something, he couldn't tell what, though. Just as he was about to put the picture away, 1 ear-piercing shot rang through his ears and the pizzaria.

Walking back in, blood was pouring out the kid's arm, as well as head. He was dead. If he had miraculously survived that, he'd be dead within 5 minutes, give or take. He grabbed the gun from his grasp and gave a small salute. The kid fought well for his age, he'd give him that.

Walking out the kitchen, he had to duck under a table because a giant robotic bunny was roaming the main dining room, looking for the source of the noise. After a few seconds of hearing those giant footsteps thud against the tiled flooring, he took a risky move and shot the lower portion of Bonnie's foot clean off. He fell to the floor with a giant thud, still alive.

Just as William was about to shoot Bonnie's head clear off, he stopped himself and checked the bullets he had left. 3 bullets remained in the chamber. For an animatronic, Freddy's was fast and silent, so instead of using the bullets, he ran towards the front door and grabbed his axe. Running back, he slit the animatronic's torso clean in half. He built these things, damn it. He knows how to take them apart.

The rabbit's power faded from his eyes and turned cold black. His muzzle wasn't stained red, so Freddy was the one that killed Tom. Now he'd be returning that favor with a cold bullet straight to the head. Then he'd leave and crack open a cold beer and forget this had all happened.

The sound of rubble collapsing filled the empty room, followed by a robotic scream. It was coming from the bathroom hallway, and lo and behold, Freddy's hand was there, poking out from beyond the rubble. His lower jaw was barely visible, but from what he could see, there was blood, indeed.

Taking aim at the bear, it felt fitting to give one last bye to the thing that started him down this crazy lifestyle. "See ya in an auction house, Fazbear."

And with that, the Fazbear crew were demolished. But William came here for something else.