• Member Since 27th Mar, 2013
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I sometimes act like Pinkie Pie in real life


Shining Armor is pregnant, after his and Cadence's goodwill trip to Seaquestria.

For seahorses, the male has the babies, not the female. Shining Armor didn't know this until right now.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 67 )

I initially thought Shining had committed adultery with a seahorse.

Interesting premise.

To be fair, it's not that he cheated, it's that he and Cadance did "it" while they were seaponies.

:moustache: I'm so glad I was a puffer fish
:duck: indeed so am I

I am quite happy that someone has finally made a story with this premise... also, I need more Shining Armor turning into a mare. Mostly for the laughs, and partly to see what happens.

In conclusion, I salute you, dear Author.

Now... do continue, and I shall be waiting.

Well, looking forward to seeing where this one goes.

Looking forward to more of this, sounds like it is going to be a barrel of laughs, for everypony but Shining of course. *giggles*

This reminds me on one of the better Blueblood stories.
Can't wait to see how this will turn out.:twilightsheepish:

Great idea, subpar execution. Sub-subpar actually

Will we see Shining breking down rying saying he or she gotten fat and ugly to Cadence?

Hmm, at this moment does Shining still has his male part? Or just female part?

How brilliant:rainbowkiss:

The writing is still very rough but you managed cover all your bases in explaining the situation, the story is otherwise pretty solid. I would have hoped that Shining would still revert to a seapony during the gestation just to add to the inconvenience and still maintaining his guy part, but the feminization aspect does sound interesting.

Still I think a prologue to the story, of showing how Shining conceived over there, would really help to the story and add to the instant regret of the first chapter

Keep up the good work and lit me know if you are looking for a cover art for this, I am open for commissions.

Very interesting premise. Not that it has to be explored, but I wonder how hippogriff males handle it when impregnation happens below the waves. Does the male still carry the fetus when impregnation happens in bird-pony mode? Either way, Shiny would really benefit from talking to some of Silverstream's relatives.

Cadance will have to arrange a -- going-away party for Shiny's you-know-what in the near future. From what Twilight said, it could be a while before Mr. Happy returns.

I'm also interested in Flurry Heart's reaction to Daddy suddenly becoming a mommy, not to mention being a big sister. It would be a hot topic all over the Crystal Empire as well. How would the crystal ponies react to one of their leaders suddenly swapping gender?

I did spot an error in the story.

The doctor turned to face Shining Armor on the examining table, "Tell me, you've been to Seaquestria in the last few months?"

This isn't a question the way you worded it. Instead of you've, you want to write have you.

He's still a boy for now, but not for long.
I was thinking if he changed so obviously right away, it would give it away before the 'big surprise'. Also, now he has time to prepare.

Part of me thinks that, seeing she clearly knew this could happen, it was a little irresponsible of Cadance to go through with it without at least giving Shining a heads-up, making sure he knew all of the possibilities first and that he was okay with that.

But then this is also Cadance we're talking about--she was probably hoping precisely this would happen when they did it. :rainbowlaugh:

EDIT: I had also always figured that, for the seaponies, it still worked more conventionally male/female arrangement, for a whole variety of reasons but namely just practicality considering the transformation element...and that they also probably laid eggs instead of live young (in consideration of the "griff" part of "hippogriff").

But willing to overlook all that for the sake of this fic's premise, of course. :rainbowlaugh:

Weeeelllll...personal two-bits here, but while you're right in that it's definitely not great grammar...I have seen/heard spoken sentences like that phrased as questions before, and the question aspect of it is still clearly conveyed to the reader, soooo...

It's like this--we all like Applejack for her thick southern accent, right? But in writing it out like many of us do, we also have to accept that three-fourths of that accent is still not really good grammar or even flat-out bad grammar no matter how you slice it. We overlook it for the sake of properly conveying the accent though, because that's just the traits that accent bears. Sort of the same thing here, but on a smaller scale. It's arguably not good grammar, not denying that, but there are some people who do talk like that, phrasing things that should be statements as questions, and when it's presented as character dialogue like this, I feel a little wiggle room ought to be allowed.

So I don't know if it absolutely has to be changed...it's ultimately the author's call. Depends on how nitpicky you want to be about it.

Again, just personal opinion--take it or leave it. :twilightsmile:


I thought of going into more detail in some places (here and in the future outline for the story), but it would be difficult to do without the story becoming Mature. Sometimes the innuendo is funnier, too, than outright saying it.

I get what you mean if you want keep it to teen, but I would have still liked to have scene the context in which the started to get frisky with one another to lead to that special night, like why they were went there in the first place like what did they learn about the culture there along with maybe some hints of foreshadowing on what would happen tat would only make sense in hindsight. It would be curious to see how the seaponies deal with it sense that wasn't nomrmal for them at one point in their history and had been living like this for maybe just one generation sense the Storm King wasn't i mortal that we know of and couldn't have been searching for the orb for centuries. Maybe it wasn't a big deal for them because they normally lay eggs as hyppogriff so they reverted to their sex right after.

Shiny should just relocate to Seaquestria for the duration.

"Well at least we know I'm not contagious; I can't give it to Twilight while I'm here."
"... Unless she wants you to."
"Princess of Love, 'member?

Most authors like it when people comment on their reasons for downvoting, rather than just downvoting.

The above quote is my reason for downvoting. I'm pretty insistent that, when it comes to sex Cadance is firmly on the sides of monogamy, waiting until marriage, etc.

Well, do what you must, but I'm pretty sure she was joking.

I do appreciate you telling me about it, though.


This should be interesting... XD

"Of course! I absolutely must make you a matching tuxedo in the same fashion!" Rarity pulled Cadence along like a kite on a string, "I will make you so very handsome!"

Nopony can escape from the Element of Generosity's inspiration zone.

I'm less excited for this now

Umm... This is not how sea horses work. The female and male have their standard sex organs, but all that changes is that the fertilized eggs are deposited into a pouch the male has... Up to 1500 babies.

Hmm, so this is going to be one of those "sissify Shining" fics, huh? Admittedly, not really what I was expecting or hoping for with the fic, but we'll see how it goes from here.

Yeah, I had thought that too. I figure that shifting back from seapony to pony-pony has forced the magic responsible to try and adapt, while still staying within the normal biological traits of a pony. And since ponies don't usually have any sort of pouch, the magic resorted to a gender swap as the next viable option instead.

It's a bit of a logistical stretch--it probably would've been simpler and easier for the spell to just let Shining keep the pouch in either form--but it works well enough for the sake of the story, I'm finding.

"Hmm, so this is going to be one of those "sissify Shining" fics, huh? Admittedly, not really what I was expecting or hoping for with the fic, but we'll see how it goes from here."

Not 100%. He is turning into a girl, but there are multiple other factors at play here, too.

Yeah I admit I'm nitpicking I guess. You can certainly go with the thought process that 'magic' decides to go with the closest pony alternative.

You'd think Shining would have questioned why Cadance wanted to add a step to their lovemaking though.
"Wait... Where are you putting those again?!?" :trollestia:

Yeah, but clearly Shining's not the most observant one here. I mean, he does seem to have been the only one who didn't realize this could even happen in the first place, so... :rainbowlaugh:

So the latter half of this feels like it could use a little cleaning up...I had a hard time deciphering who was saying what towards the end there, and as such made it a bit hard to tell what was happening...beyond, obviously, a certain guard getting some due comeuppance. :trixieshiftleft:

On another note, a trend I've noticed in the story thus far is how little Shining seems to get to say in these sort of things. I mean, obviously the whole pregnancy and gender shift thing don't count, but otherwise it feels too much like someone (usually Cadance) says "Oh, since you're shifting genders, you should try this!" and then promptly ignore any objections Shining might have about it and proceed to talk him into it anyway. I mean, his circumstances are already awkward enough as it is, he doesn't need getting pressured into doing/trying things if he doesn't want to. Honestly, he probably could use a bit of slack in that department instead, let him choose a bit more how he wants to handle or address this instead of someone else (usually Cadance) doing it for him.

I mean, I get it, a lot of this is all for comedic effect than anything, but it'd be more amusing if it wasn't always happening because someone (usually Cadance) pushed him into it when he makes it clear he's not totally comfortable with the idea. You get what I'm saying here?


I cleaned up a lot of the attributions, to make it a bit clearer.

On the other note, I see what you mean. You might like the next chapter, then; Shining armor makes Cadence have to be manly. ;)
I might try to go a bit easier on Shining; both of them are essentially filling roles they're not particularly used to, and so they need to feel their way around these new situations.

Additionally, there's a bit of a 'why not?' aspect to it. Shining likes being beautiful and Cadence likes being handsome; it's a new experience for them. While Shining is being talked into things, he is still being *talked* into it, and not forced at gunpoint; but I do see how it could be read that way on rereading. Any advice what I could do to make that more clear in future chapters? Or maybe as simple as the next thing being his idea?

Having Cadance getting her fair share of these awkward moments too is certainly a step in the right direction. From there, I would just also make sure that any grievances Shining (or for that matter Cadance) might have about doing something be not just heard but also acknowledged, and have them be willing to back off on an idea if Shining isn't going to be immediately willing to go with it. If there's something he/she doesn't want to do, then he doesn't have to do it unless he chooses otherwise, even if it has to wait until later down the road if at all. Up to now, though, it's just been a lot of egging Shining into doing it until he finally caves in. The fact he concedes he decides it wasn't so bad later is beside the point--it should be his choice whether to do it or not, not someone else's even if it's all well-meaning.

The whole swimsuit issue actually is a good example of the problem. There was no reason he had to wear the swimsuit, Cadance just wanted him to, and despite his clear reservations, she pressured him into doing it until he caved in. So basically less of that. Instead, if Shining isn't going to be immediately onboard with the idea, then have him more willing to push back and have Cadance more willing to back off. She can still float ideas to try it all she wants, of course, not saying she can't do that--but whether or not Shining does them should be all his decision. And, again, the same applies for Cadance, when the tables ultimately turn on her.

If it helps, consider how you would realistically react if it were you in Cadance or Shining's hooves. Would you be so willing to be talked into some of these things, or would you be more hesitant, unsure, and wanting to turn it down?


I have clarified the line.:
"It SOUNDED logical. He told himself that the entire time he put the bikini on. Not that he wanted to wear it or anything. Nope."
I *think* that conveys the nessessary information better ;)

"Please, sir. It will ... help us focus."


No he just has to wear the bikini from now on ;) Apparently it fits him

This story is good so far, but I think Cadence is a bit too pushy. I honestly expected Shining to be a bit more hesitant in accepting this chenges and what comes with them.

Blueblood can become a mare through the same approach Shining Armor used.

(And I just happened to write a story with Blueblood pregnant via a seapony.)

"I keep feeling as if I'm about to deck Blueblood, but I think it's the testosterone talking."

"No. I want to deck him all the time. I think it's his face talking."

Such is the paradox of Blueblood. :rainbowlaugh:

Struck a better balance on who's encouraging who this time. Keep it up! :twilightsmile:

I don't think anything in this deserves an M rating -_-

"Well, it appears I'm not the only ball-busting female commander anymore."

I have little doubt she is still single at this point.

Luna spoke first, "Celly, has a single Gala of yours ever gone correctly since my return?"

Nope. None of them. I promise.

It’s all YOUR fault, Luna!

If you mean 'A Royal Pain', than I have to say that it was agreat story.

This caused Shining Armor to come out of the bathroom, stopping suddenly in the doorway, "Is Twilight *taking notes*?!"

You got your Italics confused with Discord there buddy :rainbowlaugh:

Raw ginger and potatoes. Now that's an odd combo.

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