• Member Since 27th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I sometimes act like Pinkie Pie in real life


This story is a sequel to Book of Pink

After a telepathy experiment goes awry, Pinkie becomes Twilight and Twilight becomes Pinkie Pie. Now they can't swap back.

But that's okay, because they're eerily good at it.

You don't need to read the prequel to get this. It's good by itself.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 57 )

This. Is. Awesome! :rainbowkiss:
What's not so awesome is that we don't have a Rainbow Awesome face...
But this is still Awesome!

This is going to be real fun.

Of course, their friends will immediately realize they've been swapped.

I've actually already figured out how to swap them back.

Step one: teach Pinkie the telepathy spell.
Step two: have Pinkie cast it on Twilight - and only Twilight.
Step three: have Pinkie use magic looking through Twilight's eyes.
Step four: Twilight and Pinkie sleep together.
Step five: they wake up in their own bodies, and their cutie marks swap back.
Step six: never cast the spell again.

Of course, if they try this, somehow Rainbow will get in the middle, and there will be a three way body swap...or more.

Ooh, this looks like it'll be interesting. Can't wait to see where you're going with this! :twilightsmile:

Pinkie's first 'big magic' lesson goes well. Nice!

"Are we going to crash?" Fluttershy was three-quarters into hiding under her seat, narrowly missed by a huge bag.

Or you could just fly off the train.:derpytongue2:

Pinkie is not one for being subtle... as the truly MASSIVE magical bubble will point to :rainbowlaugh:

Huh, magic balloons. Of course that'd be the spell Pinkie is ludicrously good at.

Oh, great!
This story is alive.

-^----^-^-^-^-^ ...we've got a heartbeat!

This is tremendously entertaining. Definitely looking forward to more.

"Six stallions escorted to castle by Princess Luna. What could be the cause?"


Please continue this I read the sequel lived it by the way and can't wait to see how this one goes! :pinkiehappy:

It's returning soon, dunnae worry ;)

It's maaagic!
*waggles hooves mysteriously*

But she knew that salty counteracted bitter in the taste buds so she could sweeten things without adding sugar. Once she put her mind to it.

Well this is probably going to come back to haunt her.

Nice story so far.
Hopefully we won't have to wait another year :raritywink:

It may be brief, but it's good to see more of this. The stakes have definitely been raised. I look forward to seeing where you go from here.

(Celestia appears in my domain.)
Me: "Vacation?"
"How bad?"
"I didn't even tell Luna."
"I think that the monotony has gotten to you. I have the perfect place. A Human world where the improbable is possible, and impossible doesn't exist. Just, be wary. It is in a state of war. But you might enjoy that. Say hi to Hank for me, you'll know him when you see him. Have fun in the Madness."


I have been looking for this story; I had read it once. Man, it was hard, I only remembered the concept and the characters: there are about 2 thousand stories tagged Pinkie and Twilight.

They REALLY need to do this in the show. They've gone so long without this kind of thing, the closest they came is swapping cutie marks

If there are no references to the musical "The Book of Mormon" I will be disappointed

Spike: "My mom's a filly.....my sister is a party mare and one of my best friends who can barely stand still for two seconds is a bookworm and extremely smart....well time to panic!:moustache::twilightoops::pinkiegasp:

That... that was a lot of stuff crammed into one short chapter. Seriously, from planning the search, to finding Aurora, to that last scene, each of these could have been a chapter in their own right. Now I don't want to be too critical, because I binged all of Book of Pink before immediately starting this and I know you can pace well, but this is way too fast. I feel like each section separated by asterisks is a sampler of a full longer chapter, like some authors do when their story covers scenes from a canon episode and they need to quickly brush past the bits that everyone knows. And then there's this:

"Great. Now, Canterlot is on a mountaintop, so she couldn't have left the city without someone noticing. This implies she's still here...somewhere. Pinkie, since you're me, you can stay here and provide a royal presence for the Palace, so that Luna can get some sleep. If anything happens, come get me immediately. Rarity and I can search the crystal catacombs under the city, so I'll be close by. Fluttershy and Applejack, you're good with merchants and animals, so head over to the marketplace. She's going to need food from somewhere. Someone or something there would have seen something. Spike, search the castle from top to bottom; see if there's any small nooks and crannies the guards may have missed."

This whole section just irks me. It's written like Celestia is a child who's run off, not a thousand year old monarch who's much more likely to have been abducted. She couldn't have left the city discreetly? Well we already know flimsy disguises are rather effective, and besides that there's teleportation, invisibility magic, and good old fashioned bribery. "See if there's any nooks and crannies the guards may have missed?" "She'll need food from somewhere?" I rather doubt she's giggling behind a curtain with a jar of cookies.

It's just... this whole chapter is strange. I don't mean to be harsh, but it comes from a place of compassion. I know you can write really well. Book of Pink, grammar issues aside, was one of the most enjoyable pieces I've come across in a while. This feels like either a) you've forgotten where the story was going and are winging it or b) you're rushing to get back into the swing of things. You can take your time to remember, or restructure from scratch, or flesh out scenes as needed. There's no rush. We know you have talent and we can wait for you in your own time.

Awww, I'm caught up already?

Good story so far, my only complaint is that it can be hard to follow at times. If you can get someone to proof read for you, it would help the quality over all.

Still, it's a good story, and I'm eagerly waiting for more.

Very compressed storytelling here. Given the momentousness of the chapter's events, you need to give them all room to breathe. And the search for Celestia never seems to consider the possibility of abduction, which seems a lot more likely than the God-Empress of Ponykind going AWOL without telling anyone.

Happy as I am to see more of this story, I'd much rather wait for as long as it takes to get something more than a barely expanded outline.

Well, thank you then.
Sorry, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, here. I expect the next chapter will be much longer once I'm back in the groove.

"Oh, you can just call me Aurora. No need to be so formal."

why every time I read this part I read it with Celestia's voice?
Is just too Celestia

Good to see this story up and running again.

OMG, new chapter! I'm so happy right now. And somehow I think this is going to develop a little differently than how I first thought.:trixieshiftright:

Oh? How did you first think? I am intrigued.

What episode is the cover art from?

It's a photoshopped version of this scene:

With the coloring book edited out and Pinkie's cutie mark replaced with Twi's. I especially like it because her Element of Harmony is in it.

I'm wondering how many people guess the answer.

And for those of you so patiently waiting, I'm already on the next chapter, which should be up soon.

Well, at first I thought it was simply some kind of age-spell. Now I think it's a little more complicated.

Just found this little gem. Please keep going.

Oh boy. I have the distinct sense that Celestia went and fragmented herself. Or something else did. Hopefully Twilight can reassemble her, assuming I'm correct.

Please get a new chapter up soon!! I'm dying to know what happens next!!! I think I might have an idea...but I want to know for sure!!!!

Hey, it's been over a year since the last chapter. I hope you still plan to finish this...

Yes. Sorry. School is in the way. Darn school.
Likely update after, then regular updates after that

Glad to see an update man. Thought you'd left this story to gather dust.

Yay an update!

Reread time

This is a version of telepathy and body-switching that I haven't seen before. It has slightly grimdark aspects because their personalities and minds stop being separate, but we don't have to focus on that, here. RIght? ...Right?

Good to see more of this... though the whole outdated line of succession thing feels like a shallow contrivance. And one that Luna could resolve in less than a minute. Still, looking forward to more.

"Of course, Twi. Hey, does this mean we'll see each other's dreams? Do you dream about flying? I love dreaming about flying. Except when I fall, and then-when I wake up-it's like I'm still falling for a second and … " But the words went nowhere. Twilight was fast asleep.

I've had that happen before.

Wait, does that mean Twilight now has Pinkies ability to bend time and space? While Pinkie has some of the most powerful magic ever? Oooooooh crap.

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