• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 941 Views, 139 Comments

Black Feather - Recon777

In a nation at war, a vengeful shadow seeks to shatter a young alicorn's resolve, forcing her to confront the darkness lying within her. Both are plunged into a relentless dance between horror and heroism as the fate of the world hangs in the balance

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09 - Journey's Dawn

The unicorn trod through the wilderness of the bayou, the air thick with humidity and the scent of damp earth. Towering river trees with gnarled roots and twisting branches loomed around him, casting dappled shadows on the narrow, winding trail. It was a journey he had taken many times before, the path home etched in his memory. The day had been long, and he was eager to get home to his family.

His hooves made soft squelching sounds as he navigated the muddy trail. The sunlight, filtered through the dense canopy, created a mosaic of light and shadow that danced across his russet coat. A soft glow enveloped Sage’s horn as he shifted the weight of the small satchel of medical supplies resting across his back as well as the cart he pulled behind him. The trade he made with Withersberg had been successful—medical assistance in exchange for a much-needed supply of grain for his village.

The well-traveled trade hub of Withersberg had been bustling, its residents welcoming, yet a subtle underlying tension now permeated the air. The occasional news of Equestria’s war had begun weighing on everyone’s minds, even in these distant parts of the country. As a doctor, Sage was accustomed to dealing with most ordinary ailments, but the thought of wounds due to the war was always a troubling possibility he hoped never to have to deal with.

Lost in his thoughts, Sage continued along the path until a strange sound pierced the air. It came from the depths of the undergrowth off to the side of the trail. His steps slowed, a gnawing unease tugging at his senses.

Then, like a haunting refrain, a female voice pierced the stillness. It was a cry of distress, muffled yet filled with pain. Sage’s heart skipped a beat, and he stopped in his tracks. His instincts as a doctor surged within him, driving him to seek out the anguished cries. He knew he couldn’t ignore someone in need. Unhitching his cart, he ventured off the trail, into the forest, guided only by the fading echoes of the voice.

A rustling up ahead drew him to a standstill. He wrestled with his instincts, urging him to flee, but determination overcame caution.

And then, among the trees, black and white stripes! It was the first time he had ever seen a zebra, her form barely visible amidst the foliage.

At first, Sage’s breath caught in his throat, fear coursing through his veins. This was an enemy soldier, a mortal threat. His mind raced, urging him to flee, to escape from danger. But as his gaze lingered, petrified, he noticed the zebra wasn’t behaving aggressively. Her movements were slow, labored, her body swaying with exhaustion.

She had noticed him as well, her eyes locking onto him with a mixture of fear and alarm. In a fluid motion, she drew her combat blades, her trembling hooves betraying her unease. Sage’s heart pounded in his chest, torn between rationality and fear.

But it was too much. The zebra’s legs buckled, causing her to fall to her knees. Sage approached cautiously, seeing the blood covering her body as she collapsed onto the ground. His voice was a hesitant whisper in the shadows of the great river trees. “What happened to you?”

The zebra’s voice, weak and trembling, carried the weight of confusion as she spoke. Her words were nearly incoherent, fragmented by pain and fear. “Black Death,” she muttered, her eyes unfocused, as if she were trapped in a nightmare.

Sage’s eyes widened as he knelt beside her. His sharp gaze noticed that much of the blood staining her body was not from her own wounds. Whatever had attacked her, she must have put up an incredible fight. He gestured to the crimson streaks, his voice tinged with urgency. “Whose blood is that?”

The zebra blinked, her gaze darting around, her thoughts appearing scattered like leaves in the wind. “I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustling leaves.

Setting down his doctor’s bag, Sage’s trained hooves moved swiftly to examine her injuries. He was methodical, his mind working through a mental checklist even as panic threatened to engulf him. The zebra had suffered numerous cuts, and some of them were deep, the result of a bladed weapon.

As he worked, his brow furrowed with concern. His eyes followed a trail of blood that had run down her hind leg, tracing up to where it had come from, beneath the base of her tail. With the professional courtesy of a physician, he gently assessed the damage. The sight made the breath catch in his lungs.

“Who did this?” he asked, but there was no answer.

Despite Sage’s efforts, there was too much blood, and the zebra’s life slowly ebbed away. Desperation painted his face as he tried to stem the crimson tide, but it was a battle he couldn’t win. Her labored breathing grew weaker, and her eyes, filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow, locked onto his.

“Get out of here,” she whispered, her voice a fragile thread.

Sage hesitated, confusion and fear dancing in his eyes. “What?” he asked, leaning closer.

The zebra’s voice was barely a breath as she whispered, “Run.”

And then, her eyes closed, and the bayou fell into a profound silence. Whatever menace she had faced remained a mystery, but the urgency in her final words was clear. Sage swallowed hard, his heart heavy with sorrow and dread. Whatever had attacked her, it was still out there, and it was dangerous. He knew he had to heed her dying words and flee.

Fear prickled at the back of his mind as he retraced his steps through the undergrowth. Who or what could have done this? The implications sent his thoughts spiraling into panic. He should race home immediately to warn everyone. But the day had grown late. He glanced up at the sun, only flecks of light shimmering low through the trees as it sank steadily toward the horizon.

Growing anxiety surged within him, clouding his thoughts. Sage’s breath came quicker, his hooves trembling against the damp earth. He knew he wouldn’t make it back to Gatorton before dark. His heart raced, uncertainty gripping him, urging him to flee, to escape the darkness that threatened to envelop him.

When he finally reached the main trail, he forced himself to calm, if only a little. He took a deep breath, making his decision. He would turn back, head to Withersberg, and spend the night there at the Inn. It was a logical choice, the only choice, even if he desperately wanted instead to be with his family this night.

With a determined step, Sage turned around. The shadows grew longer, and the chill of the approaching night sent a shiver down his spine. His horn’s glow guided his way, casting a small circle of light amidst the encroaching darkness.

As he ran, the pounding of his own hoof-falls seemed to resonate with his racing heartbeat. Sage’s thoughts were a whirlwind—questions, doubts, and a primal fear that clawed at him. Yet, with each step, he steadied his resolve. The path to Withersberg stretched on ahead, the promise of the Inn’s warm lights beckoning him.

The terrible encounter—it would have to wait until morning. For now, Sage could focus only on reaching the safety of civilization, on regaining his composure, and alerting others to the chilling truth he had stumbled upon.

But would they believe him? He scarcely believed it himself.

The bayou's oppressive humidity clung to Razor like a shroud as his sharp, calculating gaze remained locked onto the scene before him. Crouched in the dense undergrowth and hidden from view, he observed the unfolding drama with a mixture of frustration and renewed hope.

He had been watching and waiting for what felt like an eternity after his return from the pony town, where he had provoked the alicorn Nyx. His plan had been meticulously laid out, every detail accounted for, every contingency considered. Yet, when the time came for it to bear fruit, chaos had erupted instead. When the scene had unexpectedly descended into madness and brutality, Razor watched the savage frenzy from his hidden vantage point, his anger and frustration mounting with each passing moment. ‘Such a waste’, he thought.

But then, as the sun sank low in the sky, a glimmer of hope had emerged. A figure ventured off the main trail and into the forest, stumbling upon the lone zebra survivor of the gruesome implosion. This wasn't part of the plan. The arrival of a pony, ignorant of the perilous circumstances, had injected a fresh dose of optimism into Razor's weary heart.

He watched intently as the pony—nameless and insignificant to him—closely examined the dying zebra, his actions steeped in urgency and concern. The way he examined the wounded mare, his medical bag at his side, suggested the pony was likely a healer, perhaps a doctor or a medic.

Confusion gnawed at Razor's thoughts. ‘Sentimentality and compassion, even toward an enemy’, he thought with disgust. What compelled these people? Still, the pony’s actions—the close contact with her—they sent a shiver of anticipation down Razor’s spine.

As the seconds ticked away, the pony's expression shifted from curiosity to alarm, panic creeping into his eyes. He abandoned his examination and fled the scene, his hooves pounding against the earth as he raced toward the nearby pony town.

A predatory smile formed on Razor’s lips, hidden beneath his cloak, a glint of renewed determination in his eyes. For him, the unexpected arrival of this pony was a crucial moment, a catalyst that could bring his plans back on course and potentially salvage his grand design.

Silently, he abandoned his position, moving swiftly as he trailed the fleeing pony. He would have to keep an eye on this one.

“Thanks for helping with all those supply boxes, Apple Bloom,” Nyx said as the four ponies gathered for lunch around the kitchen table of her underground home. The mission Luna had given her loomed ahead, a venture into the unfamiliar bayou where zebras had recently been spotted.

Nyx’s lips curved into a mischievous smile. “But I’m afraid we may have condemned Flitter to the couch yet again tonight.”

Flitter rolled her eyes in playful annoyance. “I’d say you’ve just volunteered for unpacking duty, Nyx,” she teased, a glint of humor in her gaze.

Nyx blinked, realizing her oversight. “Walked right into that one, didn’t I?” she conceded with a chuckle. They really needed to stop using Flitter’s bedroom as a freight buffer anyway.

The yellow earth pony joined in with a good-natured grin. “I don’t mind helping out, Nyx. Got some tests to run downstairs later, anyway.”

The rhythm of life in their covert base-called-home was familiar to Nyx. Apple Bloom came and went frequently, given her role as the facility’s engineer and all the experiments she ran every week. Nyx and her family merely lived here, partly as test subjects for the feasibility of the Covert Living Program and partly to keep the Arkadians from ever finding out where she lay her head at night.

Apple Bloom steered the conversation. “Excited about the mission, Nyx?”

“It’s finally happening,” Nyx murmured in reply, her voice tinged with anticipation. “After all this time, I can hardly believe it.”

“I heard you’ll be heading out to the bayou looking for zebras,” Apple Bloom added.

Nyx confirmed with a nod. “That’s right, though Luna hasn’t given us all the details yet.”

Rumble questioned, “Think we’ll even find any zebras out there? Seems like an odd spot for an invasion.”

Flitter chimed in, her tone serious. “They could be scouting, probing for weaknesses, testing our defenses.”

“Maybe,” Apple Bloom said. “But without flight or a good map, they’d likely be lost out there for weeks. And then there’s the gators.”

Flitter stared at her. “The what, now?”

“Alligators are everywhere in the bayou. They’ll slow the zebras down for sure. The longer they stay, the more chance they have of gettin’ eaten.”

“This is sounding more fun by the minute,” Flitter remarked. “Maybe we should just wait and let the alligators do the job for us.”

Nyx’s mind remained focused on the real problem. “Luna mentioned a pegasus has already spotted zebras coming in from the coast. My worry is for the ponies living in that area. If the zebras find them, we need to be there to protect them.”

In unspoken addition to that, doubt lingered at the back of her mind, a nagging uncertainty that had been growing since Luna had revealed the mission. It was an unease born from the strange warnings regarding the change Nyx was going through. Would she jeopardize her friends and the mission? Her feelings must have shown on her face because her friend had just taken notice…

Apple Bloom leaned forward, her eyes meeting Nyx’s with a reassuring glint. “You know, Nyx, I’ve seen you handle some pretty tough situations. If anyone can figure out what’s going on out there in the bayou and protect those ponies, it’s you. Luna picked the right pony for the job.”

Nyx’s cheeks warmed at Apple Bloom’s words. It was a simple but heartfelt vote of confidence that she sorely needed. She nodded in appreciation, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Thanks, Apple Bloom. That means a lot.”

Lunch continued as it often did on days when Apple Bloom stopped by, the topic ranging from talk of the upcoming mission to reminiscing about their childhood antics over a decade earlier. Eventually, Apple Bloom inquired about the mostly healed gash still visible on Nyx’s neck, in particular how any ordinary Arkadian soldier could possibly wound one of the strongest, most capable ponies in all of Equestria.

“Believe me, Apple Bloom, I wondered the same thing,” Rumble commented. “We’ve run into a few zebras ourselves, but the stories I’ve heard… it’s enough to make your head spin. Everything I’ve heard points to an even match in open combat being when our side has outnumbered Arkadian forces nearly two to one. And that’s even with our advantage of unicorn magic and pegasus flight and weather control. How is it they’re so blasted good at war?”

Nyx watched Apple Bloom as she pondered the question for a moment before speaking. It was a good question—one Nyx never could seem to get a satisfying answer to whenever she had asked it.

“For one, I think it’s ’cause ponies are kinda new at this whole war thing,” Apple Bloom replied. “Not to say we’re not able. Just a fair bit out of practice from what I understand. How long has it been since Equestria was really at war? Centuries, at least.”

“I don’t buy it,” Nyx said, flatly. “We’ve got so many advantages, even without experience. What do they have?”

“Well, I do know it wasn’t always this way,” Apple Bloom offered. Wasn’t but a few decades back, the zebras nearly got wiped out.”

“Wait wait,” Rumble began. “Wasn’t that the minotaur war or something?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “That’s it. Back when Granny Smith was a filly, Arkadia got invaded by the minotaurs. Got their flanks spanked for years ’fore their shamans cooked up some wicked tricks to level the playing field.”

“Shamans,” Nyx grumbled under her breath. Probably the most baffling role within the Arkadian military, if it was reported that an Arkadian position had a shaman, it changed the whole tactical scene. Pegasi usually refused to scout over areas where shamans were known to operate; the SkyGuard was not fond of losing ponies by the dozen.

“I thought the minotaurs never had any tech or magic,” Rumble offered.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Exactly. They’re big and brawny, not too bright, but strong as can be. Heard they used to dismember zebras with their bare hands and use the blood as war paint. In proper armor, they’re right near unstoppable.”

Nyx winced at the gruesome image, noting Flitter also looked a bit queasy.

Rumble shook his head, baffled. “That’s brutal. Glad I’ve got wings and guns.”

Apple Bloom’s expression held a mix of seriousness and amusement. “Don’t worry that head of yours, Rumble. Near the end of the war, they learned their lesson the hard way. Arkadians almost wiped ’em out. Minotaurs aren’t really a threat nowadays, if you can even find any.”

Rumble’s jaw went slack for a moment. “Wait, so they were completely stomped by the minotaurs, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, they turned the tide and nearly wiped out the minotaurs themselves? How did that happen?”

“No one knows,” Apple Bloom replied, her tone resembling that of someone sharing a captivating campfire tale, except this was a story straight out of real history.

“Damn…” Rumble breathed in awe. “That certainly explains everyone’s reaction when Zecora first showed up in Ponyville, back when we were all kids. Zebras nearly committed genocide on an entire race. It’s no wonder everyone was scared out of their minds.”

“All I know,” Apple Bloom added. “Is that the zebras learned some seriously dark tricks during that war. Somethin’ changed... somethin’ not right.”

Nyx’s gaze drifted, her thoughts delving into the shadows of uncertainty. Arkadia’s sudden shifting of power—she wondered what might have caused it.

Nyx awoke slowly, the remnants of a vivid dream still swirling in her mind. Her eyes blinked open, adjusting to the soft, early morning light bathing their bedroom. She lay in bed, her body nestled intimately with Rumble's. His warmth enveloped her, and she couldn't help but smile as she felt his steady breaths against her neck.

She couldn’t believe four days had passed since her visit with Luna. They all had taken the time to relax and rest up, as their mission would be coming any day now. And today was finally the day.

For a moment, Nyx simply relished the feeling of their bodies merged together, the profound connection they shared. The world outside their bedroom seemed distant, the busy day ahead momentarily forgotten. She gently traced a hoof along Rumble's strong foreleg, her heart swelling with love.

As if sensing her wakefulness, Rumble stirred beside her. His eyelids fluttered, revealing the sleepy warmth in his lavender eyes. A gentle smile played upon his lips, and Nyx couldn't help but mirror it. Their gazes locked, and in that moment, words were unnecessary.

Their lips met in a tender, unhurried kiss, a silent exchange of love and affection. Nyx savored the feeling of his lips against hers, the softness of the moment, the reassurance that they were together. Rumble pressed a thigh forward, putting pressure on a sensitive spot and prompting a blissful moan to escape her lips.

Reluctantly, Nyx began to untangle herself from their embrace, her horn glowing softly as she levitated the covers aside. She swung a couple legs over the edge of the bed, her hooves making contact with the cool, polished wood of the floor. Her wings stretched briefly, a silent acknowledgment of the new day.

Rumble watched her with a warm, affectionate gaze, understanding the responsibilities that awaited her beyond their cozy cocoon of blankets. Nyx turned back to him, a soft smile on her lips, before rising gracefully from the bed. The world beckoned, but for now, they had this precious moment.

Next to the bedroom door, a sizeable box rested against the wall. Nyx's cutie mark, a blue kite shield adorned with a delicate crescent moon at its center, proudly adorned the box's front. It had been delivered just the day before, arriving with a heartfelt note indicating this was a personal gift from Luna to Nyx.

A long moment went by as Nyx stared in silence at the mysterious package. It was penned with quill writing from Luna herself.

It read: ‘From our past - to your future’.

Nyx carefully lifted the lid of the box, her senses keenly aware of Rumble's curious anticipation from his place on the bed behind her. Nestled within the container, a layer of soft purple velvet concealed its contents. Resting atop it was a neatly written note. She gently raised the note into the air before reading aloud.

Dearest Nyx,

I have considered for many years at what point I should give this to you, and under what circumstances. I feel the time has now come, though I understand that this may be difficult for you to accept. My hope is that this gift will bring you to the place in your heart where you need to be for the challenges that are coming.

The last time I crafted such things, it was with the intention of wickedness and self-glorification. Now, I have crafted these with the hopes of goodness, purity, honor, and bravery. The seeds of these traits you already possess. My wish is that with this gift, you may discover your true self and that you may fulfill the pledge which you made so long ago when you submitted yourself to my judgement.

Take this gift and become that pony.

Nyx cast a fleeting glance over her shoulder, her glistening eyes briefly meeting Rumble's in a silent exchange of support. His nod urged her onward. With cautious grace, she delicately shifted the velvet blanket aside, her gaze fixed on what lay beneath. A tremor coursed through her, and her eyes welled up as she grappled with a surge of emotions, struggling to keep them at bay.

One by one, she levitated each of the thick metal plates out of the box, setting them carefully on the bed. It was not the same as Nightmare Moon’s armor. Though it would provide actual protection in battle, Nyx could see that Luna had not held back when it came to presentation and quality.

After a moment of study, Nyx understood how it all fit together. With a thought, her indigo levitation field surrounded the armor, causing the pieces all to rise in unison. They gracefully embraced her body, wings unfurled, and settled into place. Finally, the helmet slid over her horn, coming to rest comfortably upon her head. It was not lost on her that Luna possessed an intimate knowledge of her dimensions, enabling the creation of a flawless fit, an identical symmetry shared between the two.

Walking to her vanity, Nyx regarded her transformed appearance in the mirror. The impact was profound, almost rendering her unrecognizable to herself.

The metal plating possessed an iridescent quality, fluidly oscillating between cerulean, indigo, and violet hues as she moved. Gleaming silver rims adorned with intricate engravings framed the plates. The helmet conformed snugly to her head with horn and ear holes beveled and polished. The sturdy segmented neck piece flowed in a perfect arc along her neck, her mane spilling out the slits along the top. Lastly, the chestpiece bore Nyx’s mark, masterfully embossed into the metal, embellished with ornate filigree along its borders. It was a masterpiece of precision and artistry.

Beside Nyx, a resplendent, combat-ready sword hovered with grace. Forged with the leaf-bladed style, the sword featured a long, slender form, slightly broader after its midsection, and brilliant in its mirror-like polish. Its hilt, resembling a pair of stylized alicorn wings, featured Nyx's mark at its center.

As Nyx gazed at her transformed reflection, she contemplated the profound meaning behind this gift. Her slitted pupils met their mirrored counterpart as she choked back the sensation that she was peering once more into the very essence of Nightmare Moon.

Rumble slid off the bed, joining Nyx as they examined her reflection together in the vanity. “You really do look good in that,” he remarked.

A surge of doubt lingered at the back of Nyx’s mind, a shadow of uncertainty cast by the weight of Luna’s expectations. “I’m not sure I can live up to this,” she admitted.

Rumble let out a soft sigh, his eyes conveying a mix of affection and exasperation. “Nyx, Luna sees in you what I see every day. These qualities she believes in, they’re already a part of you, even if they do drive me a little crazy at times.”

Curiosity piqued, Nyx raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? What drives you crazy?”

Rumble paused as if searching for the right words. “It’s as if you get this drive to take risks, you know? Sometimes it feels like you’re becoming reckless, disregarding your own safety. You think you have to do some dangerous thing, but who exactly is demanding that from you?”

Nyx considered his words, reflecting on her recent actions. She hadn’t been aware of behaving recklessly, but she couldn’t deny that whenever she’d found someone in peril, the last thing on her mind was her own personal safety. Was he right about this?

“I guess I’ve been putting other people’s safety at the forefront of my mind,” she admitted. “They’re so easily hurt and normally, I can handle it without any trouble. You know what I mean? It’s not been something I’ve had to put actual thought into—my own safety that is, because not much can harm me.”

A gentle smile graced Rumble’s face as he affectionately placed a hoof on her cheek. “I understand. But please think about it. You have to limit your risk, especially if we’ll be going on real war missions. Otherwise, it’s going to get you killed and then I’m going to be very upset.”

Nyx chuckled at his humorous way of making a serious point. She couldn’t help but respect his perspective and concern for her well-being. She nodded slowly, acknowledging the gravity of the matter. “It’s just… hard for me, you know? My vow to protect others is very important to me. It’s who I am. But I’ll try to keep this in mind. Thank you, love.” She reached out, brushing a stray strand of his mane away from his forehead and planted a brief kiss on his cheek.

Their cheeks touched, a moment of connection before they finally moved to the task ahead. With a determined nod, Nyx began to remove her armor, piece by piece, carefully placing each back into the box. The day ahead promised to be filled with many new challenges, likely marking the beginning of a new phase in all their lives.

As they left the bedroom and entered the kitchen down the hall, Flitter came into view. She sat at the table, bleary-eyed and half-awake, nursing a cup of coffee. The table hosted two additional cups, a clear sign that she had likely been up late into the night. What was particularly curious this morning was that Flitter hadn’t assumed her usual pegasus form.

Rumble couldn’t help but chuckle as he noticed her disheveled state. “Well well, look who’s forgotten her makeup this morning.”

Flitter shot him a sarcastic look. “How astute of you to notice, Captain Obvious.”

Nyx grinned, amused not only by the situation but also by the sight of a changeling in her rather unsettling natural state, hunched over the table. “I would offer to make you a cup of coffee, Flitter, but it seems you’ve beaten me to it.”

Flitter chuckled weakly, her eyes still heavy with exhaustion. “Yeah, I needed a little pick-me-up after my late-night adventures with my new toy.” Lying on the table in front of her was the object in question—a polished metal horn ring adorned with intricately engraved star-shaped sparkles along its sides. At its centerpiece was a sizable diamond, aglow with vibrant yellow magical fire, dancing around within.

Nyx knew very little about these devices, other than what her mother had described during their development. The Micro-dextrous eXamination Talisman, as it was officially called, was a particularly expensive and rare device gifted by Luna to Flitter and delivered the previous day via pegasus courier. It was one of the more impressive pieces of recent technology by Sparkle Magical Research Institute.

“How late did you stay up playing with it, anyway?” Rumble asked.

“Three-cups-of-coffee A.M. I think,” Flitter answered, dryly.

“Nerd,” Nyx commented from the coffee machine as she poured a cup for herself.

“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t stay up all night trying things out when you get excited,” Flitter remarked.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nyx said, feigning ignorance and rolling her eyes.

“I could hear you two all the way out here, you know. Close your door once in a while.”

Nyx felt her ears suddenly getting quite warm.

Beside her, Rumble only snickered, a hoof to his lips. But his curiosity had been sufficiently piqued. “Alright, show me what that thing can do.”

Flitter’s groggy demeanor instantly vanished, replaced with renewed excitement. “It’s basically any medical pony’s dream instrument, even though it was actually designed for engineers to manipulate objects too small for hooves. Speaking of hooves, let’s see yours. I’ll show you something cool.”

With that, Flitter transformed into a pony—not her usual pegasus form, but that of a unicorn. She slid the MXT onto her horn while Rumble put his hoof on the table as instructed.

Just then, the elevator console chimed, grabbing Nyx’s attention. She walked over to the console, seeing a smiling pony waving at the camera outside.

Dinky… The young mare could have just as easily teleported straight inside, Nyx considered. But she was far too polite for that.

Nyx had put it out of her mind what Luna had told her earlier in the week during their meeting. ‘I would also like you to consider adding somepony to your team,’ she had said. Nyx was against it, of course. But she did promise Luna that she would at least mention it.

She was not looking forward to this conversation.