• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 947 Views, 139 Comments

Black Feather - Recon777

In a nation at war, a vengeful shadow seeks to shatter a young alicorn's resolve, forcing her to confront the darkness lying within her. Both are plunged into a relentless dance between horror and heroism as the fate of the world hangs in the balance

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08 - The Moon Princess

The pair of alicorns returned to the upper balcony, feeling winded and alive. “You know,” Luna said between breaths, “You really made me work for that victory.”

Nyx struggled to catch her breath. “That was great,” she wheezed. “I forgot what a strong flier you are. Not bad for a… wait, how old are you, actually?”

Luna chuckled softly. “It is not considered polite to ask a mare her age.” She then regarded Nyx with a contemplative gaze. “Please, join me inside.” Luna made her way back into the palace, leaving Nyx alone on the balcony for a moment. She took a deep breath, allowing her trembling muscles to settle.

Nyx trotted to catch up, following Luna through the Palace down a different hallway than before. Memories from her childhood returned, filling her with a warm sense of nostalgia. It had been many years since the last time Luna had invited Nyx into her private chambers.

They stopped in front of a doorway, a polished disk of black onyx inlaid with a golden crescent moon mounted on the wall. Luna leaned forward, bringing her horn close to the lock, causing three clear crystals embedded near the edges to glow. With a click, the door opened.

The air felt warm and inviting despite the cool colors which surrounded them. The room was decorated in deep violet hues with midnight blue curtains held in place by golden silk ropes. Nyx stepped inside, feeling the soft texture of the large central carpet spread out beneath her hooves. A slight shiver ran down her back as her body adjusted to the heat radiating from the marble fireplace, its fire crackling beneath the mantel’s golden crescent moon emblem.

Luna approached the plush, purple floor couch that sat along the left wall perpendicular to the fireplace and made herself comfortable while watching Nyx intently.

Nyx paused to admire framed paintings of the night sky that seemed as vast as the sky itself, filled with a stunning array of stars and distant nebulae. The scent of lavender incense filled the air, giving her a sense of comfort and calming her nerves. She looked around the room, taking in the style that Luna preferred to call her own.

“I love your room,” Nyx said with admiration.

“Thank you,” Luna responded, her tension visibly fading. “I am pleased to hear that.”

Nyx sat down beside her, feeling her body sink into the soft velvet cushion. She settled herself and regarded Luna. The princess looked tired—weary, and not because of the race.

“Luna, how have you been?” Nyx asked, sincerely.

A pause lingered in the air for a moment as the princess considered her response. She glanced downward with ears tilted back, letting out a sigh. “A bit stressed, to be honest. These recent months have not come easy. I have had many challenges.”

“Do you get much of a chance to talk to Celestia about things?” Nyx asked.

Shifting a bit on the couch, Luna continued looking downward but remained silent.

“Well… you can share your worries with me if you like. I don’t mind,” Nyx offered with a kind smile.

Eyes glancing briefly toward Nyx, a bittersweet smile played at Luna’s lips. Her expression softened as she turned to her guest. “Thank you, Nyx. I feel… To be honest, it is difficult not having somepony with whom I can…” She paused, appearing to shy away and change the subject.

Before Luna could retreat, Nyx leaned forward, placing a hoof on her hind leg. “It’s okay,” she said, gently.

Her defenses fading, Luna met her eyes directly. “You have no idea how restrained I must be with most ponies, Nyx. There is no one whom I can be candid with. I have become the princess of war; I cannot appear uncertain in my resolve. I cannot show how much it affects—”

Eyes falling once more, Luna looked as if she was carrying the weight of the world. And it was not lost on Nyx that perhaps, in fact, she truly was.

“I don’t envy the decisions you’ve had to make,” Nyx admitted.

Luna stiffened, taking on an indignant tone. “I have had to turn Equestria upside-down these past six months,” she lamented. “Celestia has given me full authority to use any resources necessary if it would help to end this war. The increased focus on advancing technology and conducting military campaigns have not come easy for many. Peace advocates have protested my decisions and, in fact, my very authority. I have had to be firm. In the process, I have almost completely alienated the old Noble Houses of Equestria, diverting much of their funding toward the war effort. I do not have the patience to entertain their outdated prattle. They have not taken it well.”

Nyx stifled a chuckle. She herself was no fan of the nobles and their ways.

Meeting Nyx’s gaze again, Luna leaned in closer with a more somber tone. “But what is more distressing, I feel that recent burdens have distracted me from far more important things that life used to allow.” After a moment’s pause, she reached for Nyx, pulling her close in an embrace. “I have missed you.”

Eyes shooting wide for a second, Nyx put her hooves around Luna’s shoulders, pressing into her neck. Memories flooded her mind as she held tight to the one pony who had most been like an older sister to her.

Pulling back gently, Luna forced a weak smile as she looked upon Nyx afresh. “So much has happened since we last spent any real time together. You have grown so much, Nyx, despite my absence. I am very proud of you.”

Nyx felt suddenly self-conscious, shaking her head slightly as her cheeks flushed. “I know you’ve been busy. It’s alright.”

“It is not alright, Nyx. I have not taken the time to properly apologize for being unavailable to you when the war began.”

“Thank you. Though if I recall, that did lead to things finally getting serious with Rumble,” Nyx countered. The thought of her hubby warmed her heart, a smile spreading on her lips.

“This is true,” Luna admitted. “I am thankful for the good things that have come to pass. It can be difficult, especially lately, to remain optimistic.”

“I think you’ve been handling things pretty well, to be honest. Though I don’t really understand the changes you and Celestia have made.”

Her body stiffening slightly, a subtle huff escaped Luna’s nostrils. “Celestia’s decision was… necessary,” she said, her tone growing serious. “Though I bear the burden willingly, I admit it has caused me to question myself more than a few times.”

Nyx’s curiosity internally poked at her. “But why? Surely, you both can work together to—”

Holding up a hoof, Luna interrupted Nyx’s train of thought. “My sister knew the changes Equestria must face, and she knew that I must finish this alone. It is now my duty to bring the nation out of the defensive position we have been in for nine years. To not only end the war, but to ensure that Arkadia will not pose a threat to us in the future.”

Luna’s words rang in Nyx’s mind. “But… alone?”

“Celestia has kept her distance,” Luna replied with a nod, “to ensure that her tendency to apply a diplomatic approach does not interfere with what must be done. She wants to avoid micromanaging my efforts. Though it is a tremendous struggle for me, I understand why she must remain silent. If only… I only wish…”

Luna’s eyes had closed, her expression pained.

“What is it?” Nyx asked gently, leaning forward a bit, trying to read the princess’s expression.

“Having nopony to share my feelings with has been more difficult than I expected. There are times when my burdens are too much to bear, especially when I think of my—”

It was then that Nyx understood. “Your school,” she said, quietly. Of all the countless concerns that burdened the princess, this was the one that would have stood out above the rest. Nyx herself had shared this burden, the tragedy having robbed her of many nights’ sleep.

“It still weighs heavily on my heart, driving my outrage and focus,” Luna admitted. “Though I fear growing embittered over it.”

Nyx recalled the horror of that day. “I… Yes, when we heard about what happened, I couldn’t believe it. I must have wept all night for the families and children.”

Luna sighed. “All the families were so grief-stricken. I visited as many as I could. After only a few, I could not bear it.”

Her brow furrowing, Luna paused as if wrestling with her thoughts. Her eyes grew wet, and the air felt charged as a faint whiff of ozone drifted through Nyx’s nostrils.

“Those were my students!” she snapped, suddenly. “Those were my teachers and staff! I personally chose them!”

It was short-lived. Clearly spent, Luna’s voice fell to a whimper. “Loving, dedicated, incredibly talented ponies doing what they could to raise up the next generation of—”

Luna paused, composing herself. Nyx’s ears fell as she shifted in her seat, her heart aching. She could not recall ever seeing the princess so vulnerable.

“So much has been lost, Nyx,” she said softly before clearing her throat. “It was going to be such a momentous day. We were on the verge of a breakthrough. All the tests had worked perfectly, and the children were so excited about their project. Celestia and I were here at her school in Canterlot, along with many of the parents, ready to welcome my students through the portal.”

Nyx had heard this story from her mother after the tragedy. Twilight had been there in Brumby Ridge, on the students’ side of the experiment, monitoring events from the research institute and ensuring they were provided with sufficient power.

Luna’s head hung low as she continued. “When the portal failed to manifest, we assumed the students were running a bit behind. Surely, it would only be a moment. After fifteen minutes, Celestia powered down the target zone. We all stood there, wondering what happened. I remember a mare approached me, asking where her daughter was. I… I assured her that they—”

Luna’s breath caught, her voice cracking. “That they would be okay.” A tear ran down her cheek, and she looked up toward the ceiling in anguish as if petitioning fate to reverse its decision.

Nyx knew the rest of the story. When the first two Arkadian soldiers stepped through the portal, it was complete chaos. The town alarm blared to life, causing the students to flee back into the school. R.E.A. soldiers from the barracks responded quickly, engaging the zebras. Within seconds after the fighting started, dozens of Arkadian soldiers had flooded through the portal.

There was a reason Brumby Ridge was known as the most well-defended town in Southern Equestria. Twilight had watched helplessly from her window at the institute as it unfolded. The blood. There was so much blood. By the time Twilight was able to cut the power, bodies of ponies and zebras alike littered the schoolyard. And that was only the beginning of the horror.

“Celestia still blames herself, at least in part,” Luna said after drying her eyes. “She had tried for so many years to negotiate with Arkadia through diplomacy. She is convinced that if she had only abandoned this effort and pushed to end the war sooner, then over seven hundred children would still be alive.”

Nyx put a hoof to her mouth. “Surely, she can’t actually believe this.”

“Nyx, she is not wrong. Celestia did everything she thought was right when dealing with the enemy nation. She tried for years to reason with them—to not give them a reason to fight or to hate. She asked me to stay out of it as well because my presence only riles the zebras up.

“But why won’t they listen?” Nyx asked sharply, finding herself growing agitated. “What do they want, anyway?”

Luna’s silence at that question only served to irritate her further.

“Well?” Nyx pressed.

“Nyx, you mustn’t—” Luna stopped herself, only causing Nyx’s question to burn within her. What did the Arkadians want? Why couldn’t they be talked down?

Voice raised, Luna spoke with anguish and barely contained fury. “After what they did to my children, do you really think they are going to listen to reason?! Should we honestly be surprised that after nine years of trying to talk with them, things have only gotten worse?”

Leaning forward, Luna stood up from her position on the couch. She walked over to the fireplace a few steps away before sitting on the carpet, facing away from Nyx. To her left was an arched cutout in the wall, leading to her private balcony. Its framed glass double doors were shut, yet two adjustable panes allowed fresh air to flow in. Within the fireplace, a midnight-blue levitation field poked at the burning logs, through the flames, sending glowing sparks up the flue.

“You do not understand what Celestia has chosen to unleash upon the zebras, Nyx,” Luna said as she stared into the flames. “Over an hour had passed before an exhausted pegasus arrived from Brumby Ridge to tell us what had become of my students.”

As Luna continued, she poked again at the flaming logs, turning them over in the fire. Nyx swallowed dryly as she noticed the room appear to grow much darker despite the intensity of the flames. The thin white curtains in front of the balcony doors began moving in the breeze, varying the light of the rising moon shining through them.

“Seven hundred twenty-three beautiful souls, Nyx. When we found out, I left Canterlot immediately. The entire flight there, I kept telling myself that it could not be true. It must have been a mistake. Then, when I saw them with my own eyes…”

A hollow formed in Nyx’s gut as Luna fell silent for a moment, the flames growing in strength on their own. The fireplace was now the only thing she could see apart from Luna’s silhouette as it eclipsed a portion of the flames.

“That evening, I flew south, beyond the border. I was out all night.” Luna dropped a hovering log into the fire, sending a burst of embers up the flue before turning to face Nyx.

“By morning, there were… far fewer zebras in the world.”

Luna’s words hung in the air like the spectre of death for several seconds before she continued. Nyx had no words.

Standing up, Luna approached the couch where Nyx sat. “Do you want to know why Celestia gave me the war?”

Sitting motionless, Nyx said nothing. Her eyes remained locked onto Luna’s as the princess softened her expression at last. She then sat beside Nyx, the room becoming brighter as her emotional tide ebbed.

“Because… Because she knew I would kill them,” Luna said, the pain still evident in her voice. “As many as necessary to make them stop. She said to do whatever I have to do. And I did, Nyx. I have turned Equestria into an engine of war. One day, my sister and I will be able to return to the way things were. When it is done.”

“So that’s why it had to be you alone,” Nyx murmured.

“It was something Celestia could never do,” Luna replied with a nod and a note of sadness. “She and I have always brought balance to Equestria. You must understand, in ancient times, ponykind was never like what you remember from your childhood. But in my thousand-year absence, the nation has grown soft. I do not blame my sister; it is her way and her strength. Benevolence is her virtue.”

“What will you do now?” Nyx asked, unsure that she wanted to hear the answer.

“Equestria does not need balance at this time,” she replied. “Ponykind has benefited much during my sister’s lone rule, but I will bring back the nation’s strength. It is well underway, but again, the task is often more than I can bear.”

Nyx shifted closer to Luna as her voice drifted into silence. She reached out to touch a hoof to Luna’s shoulder. “How can I help?”

Luna's glance shifted briefly to Nyx's hoof on her shoulder. “With Celestia mostly keeping a distance as of late, I have nopony to talk to. She has always been there. We… we could talk about anything. You do not understand, Nyx. For thousands of years, this is how it was. I cannot—”

“I’m here now. If you want.”

Luna's eyes brimmed with emotion for several beats with only the crackle of the fireplace to be heard. Then, she put her hooves around Nyx once more. “You have been like a younger sister to me, Nyx. It would mean a lot to me if we spent time together again like we used to.”

Nyx’s heart leapt. “I’d like that a lot. I’ve missed you too.”

Luna straightened herself, a pleased smile once again returning to her face. “I need something to drink.” She got up and approached a dark, wooden, intricately carved writing desk that held blank scrolls, a quill, and an inkwell. Above the desk, a small drawer slid open as a pair of tea cups floated out toward her.

A refreshment cabinet sat near the writing desk. With a shimmer of her horn, Luna deactivated its magical stasis spell, which could keep fruits and drinks fresh indefinitely.

Looking back at Nyx, she shook the pair of hovering cups just a bit. “Tea?”

“Yes, please.”

Luna poured two cups of tea and levitated them over to the couch along with a plate of peach slices before returning to where she had been sitting.

“When my sister first gave me the task to finish the war, I was full of fire and energy. Then, when the implications settled in my mind, I was terrified! I have always been accustomed to making decisions in conjunction with my sister. The change in responsibility has been a tremendous pressure.”

“I can’t imagine trying to manage a war,” Nyx commented, taking a cup in her own telekinetic grip.

Luna sipped her tea. “It is not so much that. I tend to think I understand wartime strategy quite well. After all, I have seen many in my lifetime. However, it is all the more difficult with the absence of Celestia and her tempered wisdom. I miss her and long for the day when our rule is more mutual. These days, when she raises the sun in the morning, I often do not even know where she is.”

“I can appreciate why you two are so close,” Nyx said after a moment of reflection. A subtle smirk played at her lips. “Even though you’re so entirely different from one another.”

Luna offered a chuckle in response. “You have no idea. The master strategic manipulator, cool in a political emergency, patience to finish what she starts… And to think, I once coveted the throne so much that I attempted to destroy my sister and take rulership entirely for myself! How absurd—imagine if I had succeeded. My reign would have crumbled within a week.” With an eyebrow raised, she glanced at Nyx out of the corner of her eye. “At least yours lasted two.”

They both laughed openly at the realization that she was correct. Nyx melted into the couch in relaxed levity, feeling as comfortable here as she did with her own family. “You know, sometimes things seem like a really good idea until they actually happen.”

“Indeed they do,” Luna remarked in agreement.

While Luna sat silent in thought, Nyx took a moment to examine the engravings on the side of her writing desk. They seemed a bit like Old Ponish but appeared even more ancient. Among the engravings were several symbols, including both Luna’s and Celestia’s cutie marks, along with two others that she did not recognize. It reminded her of how deep Equestria’s history must have gone and how backward things now were with the war consuming so much of Luna’s attention. So many things have been changing so quickly, especially recently…

“You know, I’ve also experienced some cruel irony in recent weeks,” Nyx said.

“How so?” Luna asked, the change of topic bringing subtle but visible relief to her expression.

Nyx suddenly found she had become self-conscious. She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to talk about it, but if anypony could give some insight, it would be Luna.

“I’ve been having nightmares,” she admitted in a quiet voice.

Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh my. Really?” Her posture was relaxed. Curious.

Nyx nodded.

“You know, I can probably come in and help with them if they are too irritating.” Luna took another sip.

“It’s more than just bad dreams. They feel like… like they have me becoming something terrible, even worse than Nightmare Moon.”

Luna nearly spilled her tea. She tensed slightly, eyes fixed on Nyx. “Please explain.”

“I’m not sure,” Nyx continued. “Usually, it’s like something’s chasing me and I can’t shake it. Like I’m being hunted. Then something will happen that gets me out.”

“And then everything is okay?” Luna asked.

Nyx didn’t answer. She looked away, her ears falling slightly.

“I see,” Luna said, softly. She closed her eyes, rubbing her face with her hooves. “I am sorry, Nyx. I know the nightmares of which you speak. You must tell me, have you had any strange magical outbursts lately?”

Nyx stared at Luna for a moment. Was that related to the dreams somehow?

“Um, yeah. Something really weird just yesterday.”

Luna’s carefully neutral expression cracked for just an instant. “W- What happened?”

“It was after the attack on Ponyville Elementary. I… I incinerated two zebras with my mind when we caught up with them. I was really angry. I didn’t mean to, I just…”

Luna held her gaze on Nyx while sitting perfectly still. “Presumably, you do not know any fire spells.”

Nyx shook her head. “I was just talking to Mom about that yesterday. It just happened.”

“In your mind, could you feel the matter in their bodies shift at your will? Did you wield tremendous forces like an instrument or extension of yourself?”

Nyx thought for a moment. “I… didn’t think about it quite like that, but now that you mention it, yeah, that was kind of how it felt.”

“And you told your mother of this?” A drop of sweat ran down Luna’s cheek, her eyes wide in… fear?

“She didn’t believe me. She said that’s not how magic works. And it isn’t! I wouldn’t have believed me either.”

Luna took a deep breath and fell silent for a moment before regaining her composure.

“Twilight is not aware of this type of magic, Nyx. It does not operate by the same rules as ordinary unicorn magic. If I were to guess, the device on your horn showed no loss of energy after the event?” Luna pointed at Nyx’s Spell Matrix.

Nyx engaged the indicator, showing the figure floating in the air before her so that Luna could see it. It read one hundred percent. “It actually went up. I thought maybe it was a glitch. When I talked to Mom about it, she said you and Celestia thought something like this might happen one day. That it might mean I was a different kind of alicorn or something. What does that even mean?”

Luna regarded Nyx for a long moment before speaking. Finally, she let out a heavy sigh. “Nyx, what your mother said is true. Your origin fifteen years ago was rather unusual. Celestia and I thought maybe you would be spared the…” She paused, appearing to reconsider her words. “That maybe you would turn out like your mother. At this point, however, I suspect that you are indeed a natural alicorn like we are.”

Nyx stared at Luna in confusion. “Does it matter?”

“It does. Your nightmares are caused by it.”

“Can you help? You’re a dream warden after all.”

“No,” Luna stated, her tone certain. “This is beyond my ability—you are dealing with forces far more powerful than I can contain.”

Adrenaline shot through Nyx’s body, her face heating up. “What? These things are awful, Luna. Every time I wake up from one, I feel like I just did something horrible. Is there no way to stop them?”

Luna’s head shook slightly, her brow furrowing with concern, as if wrestling with words she hesitated to speak. “The true issue lies not solely in the nightmares themselves, but rather in what these dreams have unveiled about you.”

“About me?” Nyx asked. “You mean the magical outburst? I didn’t mean to—”

“Listen to me very carefully, Nyx,” Luna interrupted, her tone firm. “The purpose of these nightmares is to convince you to embrace your transformation as a fully matured alicorn. Each dream will have you believing that you are in great danger and then give you a way out where you will finally be safe. You will always be in danger until you accept this change. That is what the dreams will show you.”

Safe, at last… Nyx tried to recall her most recent nightmare.

“And if I accept this… this change, the nightmares will end? My loved ones and I will be safe?”

“Not you and your loved ones, Nyx. Just you.”

The impact of that statement dropped into Nyx’s gut like a stone, the image of towns burning in the night flashing once more into her mind.

Nyx felt herself trembling. “What kind of change is this, Luna? I don’t understand what the dreams want me to become.”

“At this point, just focus on resisting,” Luna said. “You will soon be tempted in your waking hours to simply let go and accept it. When you feel yourself slipping, you must resist. You must not let go, even though there will be a part of you that desperately wants to. For if you did, the consequences would be immeasurable.”

Nyx could feel her own heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to process what Luna was saying.

“What consequences, exactly? Please don’t be evasive with me, Luna. I need to know exactly what kind of threat I am to other ponies. To my family.

“I cannot get into specifics about that. It is different for every alicorn.”

“This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening,” Nyx murmured on the edge of panic. “I need to understand, Luna. Can’t you give me something?”

The older alicorn touched a hoof to Nyx’s chin, prompting her gaze to return to Luna’s. “This is too much of a burden for you to bear; more facts will not make your struggle any easier, Nyx. Your emotions even now indicate that I have likely said too much. Just know that you must resist.”

“Resist? So I have to bear this for the rest of my life? To keep resisting?”

“No. Only for a short season. Eventually, it will just happen anyway, no matter your efforts to hold it back.”

“What? But how did you make it stop? You said I was not like my mother—that I was like you and Celestia.”

“There is only one remedy, Nyx. You must acquire a Virtue of Harmony.”

“A virtue of… What do you mean?”

“There are many Traits of Harmony that all ponies exhibit. Possessing one of these traits far in excess of most ponies is known as having a Virtue of Harmony. Take your mother’s friend, Fluttershy, her virtue is kindness. Celestia’s is benevolence. Your husband’s is candor, if I am not mistaken. You must discover what yours is on your own.”

“And then this will end?” Nyx asked, hoping that would be all.

“Indeed,” Luna said, her head nodding once. “When you discover your virtue, you need not fear becoming something that would make your past sins pale by comparison. I cannot overstate how important this is, Nyx. I do not exaggerate when I say that the fate of the world is at stake.”

Nyx nearly fainted. “Are you serious? If it’s that important, can’t I just pick something? This is something I have to decide to do, right? To be? Well I decide, then. I don’t want to be a threat to others.”

Luna shook her head. “It is not that simple, Nyx. Virtues of Harmony are never decided. They are discovered through actions and character. You must live it out first, and only then will this be over.”

Nyx paused, taking a deep breath to collect her thoughts. It was all so overwhelming. She almost regretted asking about it, but a small rational part of her mind began to assert itself.

“How long do I have?” she asked simply. “Before it’s too late, I mean.”

“Weeks at most,” came Luna’s answer. “Again, it is different for every alicorn. There will be signs, however, when the time draws very near.”

Nyx swallowed dryly. “I can’t go on this mission, Luna. I can’t be a danger to other ponies!”

The princess's expression softened. “Look at your cutie mark, Nyx. Look at the promise you made to me fifteen years ago. I wager your virtue is very likely linked to these things. It is actually more important now that you go on this mission—that you begin to realize what constitutes Nyx Sparkle. Perhaps then, your virtue will be unveiled.”

Nyx became overwhelmed with uncertainty, speaking quietly. “But how will I know one trait that stands out among the rest?”

Luna put her hoof on Nyx’s and smiled. “Your character is very strong. The love your mother raised you with has planted the seeds of your true identity. Looking back at the adversity you have faced, even as a young filly, you have accomplished more to resist your darkest temptations than I ever have. I am confident you will find it.”

Nyx blushed. “You flatter me.”

“There are no words of flattery here, young Nyx. Only the truth.”

Luna stood from the couch, stepping toward the room’s entrance. “I do not wish to keep you too late. You should get back to your family.” She then stepped out into the hallway with Nyx, escorting her back to the upper balcony.

“I want to tell you how much it means to me to have another alicorn to talk to,” Luna said as they strolled down the decorative corridor together, its luminescent magical torches flickering in the dark. “Celestia and I have always been quite close, enjoying each other’s company and talking about whatever was on our minds. I hope you will seriously consider my offer to renew our old friendship. You and I still have many things in common, along with similar struggles.”

Nyx offered a warm smile in response. “I’d like that very much. Thank you, and not just for your support—thanks for believing in me.”

“And Nyx, you must keep me privy to your continuing struggles. I want to know when you continue to have the nightmares or are further tempted toward darkness in your waking thoughts. Remember what I said about finding your virtue, and resist the temptations to let go. Do not hesitate to come to me if you need help understanding the changes you are going through.”

Nyx nodded. “I will.”

“You better get going. We both have much to think about. Take care, Nyx.”

Nyx gave Luna a tight embrace. She then took off from the balcony into the starry sky toward Ponyville.