• Published 8th May 2020
  • 447 Views, 1 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dawn Guard - Chemtest

Celestia explores the wasteland. Except, Celestia is a filly.

  • ...

Rising Dawn

Celestia blinks as her eyes open again, finding herself in a barren, hilly wasteland. Dead trees litter the landscape, as do overturned carts and bones. She yawns, and stands up, looking around.

Approaching from behind her are a pair of ponies, dressed in red and gold armor, with machetes at their sides. They both wear helmets. The mare, colored gold, has Griffon feathers coming out of her helmet in a plume. The stallion, colored green, has no feathers coming out of his own.

The two stop in front of Celestia, and the mare looks down at her, “Ave, filly of the sun. You are the one who caused the Sun’s Tear, are you not?”

Celestia tilts her head, “What?”

The mare looks at the stallion, and he smiles softly at Celestia, “Were you the one who made that gold stuff come down to the surface?”

She shakes her head, “No, that was big sis.”

The stallion nods, “And what is big sis’s name?”

Celestia smiles, “Dawnguard.”

The stallion nods again, “And what’s your name?”

She grins, “Celestia!”

The two glance at each other again, and the stallion looks back, “Well, Celestia, I’m Gladius, and she’s Solis. We’re from the Legion, and we’re going to take you someplace safe.”

Celestia shakes her head, “Sorry, but big sis said to not trust strangers.”

Gladius smiles slightly, “We aren’t strangers, we’re simply friends who have yet to become friends. Our leader would really like to meet you.”

Celestia smiles back, “Sorry, but I really can’t. Strange adults aren’t to be trusted, that’s what I was taught.”

Gladius loses his smile, “We aren’t strange, we’re Legion. And Princeps would really like to meet you. I’m sure you and him could be friends.”

Celestia shakes her head, “I’m sorry, but no. I really should be moving on.”

Gladius frowns, drawing his machete, “That’s not an option, Celestia.”

Celestia takes a few steps back, “You’re not being friendly at all.”

Terra draws her own machete, “Shut it, filly. Either follow us, or we’ll tie you up and carry you.”

Celestia frowns, and spreads her wings in an attempt to intimidate, “I said no!”

Terra trots closer, “How adorable, and absolutely pathetic. Gladius, let’s capture this brat. She’ll make a good slave.”

Gladius takes some rope from his side, and they both trot closer to Celestia. She looks at the two of them, whimpering.

She hears a shout from behind her, “Duck!”

Celestia gets low to the ground, hearing a bang and seeing Terra fall over. Gladius looks behind her, only to fall as well as more banging fills the air.

More bangs come, as the changeling nymph with the submachine gun makes sure they’re dead. When her gun runs dry, she smiles, and turns back to Celestia, “Hey.”

Celestia looks up at her, “What was that?”

She grins, “We took care of the bad ponies. What’s your name?”

Celestia slowly stands up, frowning as she sees the dirt now in her coat, “Celestia.”

The nymph nods as a Griffon lands beside her, “I’m Musketeer, and he’s Grover the Sixth. We’re on an adventure to reform the Griffonian Empire and the Red Hive and make them into a union.”

Celestia nods, “Big sis said I need to remake Equestria.”

Grover smiles, “Well, we can help each other then.”

Musketeer nods, “It’s always nice to have a friend.”

Celestia smiles, “Friend?”

Musketeer smiles back, “Yes, friend. Us two are friends, and you could be a friend as well. We can help you get the Equestrian crown, and you can help us get our crowns.”

Grover nods, “Once our nations are formed, we could continue to help each other in changing the world.”

Celestia smiles wider, “Let’s be friends!”

Musketeer grins, “Friends?”

Celestia nods, “Friends!”

Grover smiles, “Friends.” He pauses, and looks into the distance, “So, Celestia, we’re headed to the Badlands. It’ll be a long journey, but worth it.”

Celestia smiles back, “It’ll be short, because we’re friends, and being with friends makes time go faster.”

Musketeer smiles, “You’re right, it does. This trip should take no time at all.”

Grover nods, “Let’s get going immediately, then. I’m afraid there are some Bloods coming here.”

Musketeer pauses, looking into the sky, “Damn, you’re right. Alright, Celestia, we need for you to blend into the terrain.”

Celestia nods, “Perfect! I learned how to look like a tree a long time ago.”

Grover chuckles, “You looking like a tree? You’ve got me curious.”

Musketeer nods, “Yes, but that comes later. Right now, I need you to get dirt in your coat.”

Celestia gasps, “My coat?”

Musketeer nods again, “Yes, so you won’t be as visible from above.”

Celestia looks at her white coat, “Are you sure?”

Grover smiles, “Think of it like a game of advanced hide and seek. You need to blend in so the seekers can’t find you.”

Celestia smiles, “Oh, okay!” She gets low to the ground, rolling around in the dirt and dust until her coat is more brown, “Is this good?”

Musketeer smiles, “Very good. Now, let’s get moving quickly.”

Grover nods, “Yes, let’s play tag. The tagged are coming for us, and we need to get away!”

Celestia springs to her hooves, “Tag? I love tag!”

Grover laughs, tapping her, “Well, you’re it!” He begins to run south east.

Musketeer rushes after him, laughing as well.

Celestia giggles, and sets off in pursuit.

Comments ( 1 )

Well this looks cool, Hope to see more.

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