• Member Since 10th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


Writing’s pretty fun.


There exist tales of the Spirit of Fear. A tall, bipedal creature with no face, tendrils of darkness, and a suit so black that he blends in among the trees.

These tales still exist, although they are relegated to simply be fables to get children to behave. Even with the life-like statue of him in Canterlot, he is still seen as fiction.

The tales say he kidnaps ponies who walk through his woods, and eats them whole! The Princess herself says these tales are true! Yet, no matter what, you should never fear the name...


Chapters (15)
Comments ( 56 )

More please.

Well, sir, your request will be met later tonight.

Short but decent chapter, Is this a rewrite?

I’m liking this story, although I wonder what will slender do when he finds out about Zecora living in the ever-free

You, my good sir, have just given me an idea. (This is a rewrite and I planned to make it basically the same, but Zecora being introduced is actually a good idea).

*Gasp!* An update! how long has it been, years?

The story is great ChemTest!

Well, thanks for the compliment! If you like it, well, I have over fourty stories and this is far from being the best.

Although it slightly freaks me out to see a picture as an avatar on here, and for someone to capitalize the Test part. Still, thanks!

Well, one day. If you mean since the first chapter, around two months. If you mean from the original version, then around six months to a year.

LoL, honestly I have created this account because my studio WishboneMaker said that someone used my user name bronywishbone and stole the story I own and tried to post here. We found the person and are taking action on this. As far as your user name my mistake I can see now your user name doesn't have a capital on the T. But hey I do enjoy your stories here. I'll look through some of them and read them.

Oh yeah, I saw that on the twitter feed on your profile. The whole thing with the ‘T’ doesn’t even matter, as the entire account is named after a character who does use Chem Test, so you were right, I just shorten it into one word on here. And I can only say thanks for reading!

I thought they already met?
Oh right remade

They technically already met in this rewrite, when they confronted him in the first chapter. Though if you consider that ‘meeting’ is up to you.

Ok, I'm just reading your praise the SUN ahem, I mean dark souls fic, it's not bad for as far I gotten into it
Anyways I'll see if this is an meeting with the name six when you post it, can't wait

I have a feeling inner slenderman escaped into a new vessel...

Ah, the moral conundrum of needing negative emotion for sustenance. He must act the monster, lest he starve, yet at the same time he laments his inevitable isolation. A clever idea indeed provided he can avoid the clichéd edge-lord nonsense.

Well that's a big doomy vision of doom, kind of rushing things aren't we? I don't even know this guy yet, needs more character development.

Does he not need fear to live? Friendship is a wonderful thing, but it does get in the way of one's three squares in this case.


Either that or he's just being contrary. 's like a cat or summat, always yowling in your ear when you're trying to concentrate, but the second you actually need them they've vanished up the chimney.

Well, yes, he does need fear. However, in this case, he has enough as to where he can remove it without really suffering. Like, Discord needs Chaos, yet if he were to remove the fight the CMC first had, he would still be fine with the chaos generated since then.

The main theory behind Slenderman is he is a Tulpa, an entity created from a mass belief in him and the emotion created from it. In his case as long as someone, somewhere, is afraid of him, he should be able to find them and replenish his strength.

Celestia looks at Twilight, and relents, “There had better be tea.”

What, no cake?

One reason why cake wasn't mentioned could be that tea is her stress relief drink and sense she still considers slender an enemy and cake is basically her kryptonite and she doesn't want to show weakness to him.

Also good chapter if short.

You know, you put a lot of analysis into this one comment, and I gotta congratulate you because that is the exact reasoning.

It could also be said IRL tea for some people I what he said and same for cake, also have good day and this is good chapter

I'll bet he's with Applebloom now.

That, ending, I'm in PAIN oh God help
there is no help for you

death by laughter is REAL

Forcing Slenderman into a nonthreatening lifestyle wouldst be like forcing Discord into a desk job. And we all know how Discord reacted to too much control in his life...

Fuck, that had gone from fine and good talk to goddamn death and death of an element in less then 3 seconds

Jeff tries to comprehend what’s happening, his wide eyes easily communicate his inner breakdown.

That's the problem with that sort of psychopath, their mind is a timetable written on sheets of glass. Very inflexible, very brittle.

looks like jeffy is going to have fun. :pinkiecrazy:

That can't be good.

Looks like jeffys having fun. :pinkiecrazy:

well no blood bath for jeff. :pinkiecrazy:


Well good fight, good ending..ish, can't wait for more

Well, there are still two more chapters for this. Then, I shall rewrite my other stories. Slender, the one seen here, will return when I rewrite Dawn’s Break. Until then, well, you could read the ‘sequel’ although that was for the old version of Slender.

Well, actually, aloow me to admend my statement. If you want to read Dawn’s Break and follow the character, then I would recommend reading the other five stories as well, since that is a large crossover story between characters.

This was... this was nice. A soft and heart warming ending to the story. my only question is: will there be a sequel?

Oh yes, definitely. In fact, a sequel has already been made, it’s just that I’m rewriting all of this so the character is different.

welp this was fun now to wait into hell comes. :pinkiecrazy:

Woah! That escalated quickly!

Huh. Well, that was nice. A good story, I'm not sure how it was before the rewrite, but this is pretty alright. Very fast paced and a little rushed in places, but not bad.
I feel like you would make a good story board writer, the meat is all there, but there's no fat or trimmings. Its a good skill to have to be able to write a story through to the finish and even have a connected universe going with a sequel coming after this, well, a sequel already made according to previous comments.

I enjoyed the read, even though it wasn't my cup of tea, it was very short and to the point, an admirable quality.

Well, this was... acceptable. I suppose I shouldn't be too grouchy about how this story got twisted by the magic of Harmony... ;-) It got too sugary at the end there, for me - I mean, it's Slenderman, he still needs some fear to function on, I guess.

Why not a constant Nightmare Night, in the Everfree? With selective visibility, so - visible only to those who enter with navigating the 'attraction' in mind. That still fits with the whole Equestria thing, and seems much more Slenderman. ;-)

Also, nopony visiting Rarity? Really? That's kind of absurd. She'd be receptive to Slenderman either way, I think. Have him visit in the dead of night, or something - works much better with the persona, as pacifistic as it may be now. He is still a creature of shadow, an existence just at the edge of your vision. He doesn't have to change that much from the 1st-chapter depiction to fit in, considering...

Other than that, an acceptable story. Not great by any stretch, but perfectly serviceable.

coop #50 · Dec 6th, 2020 · · · Fear ·

"...This statue was apparently carved from three different types of stone by Adolf Hoofler. It is apparently the most accurate representation of him in all the lands!”

Seems like Hoofler got into art school. Wonder where he'd be now if he didn't.

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