• Published 21st Mar 2020
  • 1,956 Views, 55 Comments

Mother Moon, Fallen Sunset - ShadowStar_IMHP

You know the story, Sunset Shimmer lost in another world, falling into anger and rage. Her plan to steal the Element of Magic and get revenge. A little nightmare filly might have other ideas.

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Chapter 6

Sunset sat down on the gym floor. Her racing heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest. The words of Nightmare Moon echoing in her mind.Celestia was clever hiding you away in another universe.”

Her mind replayed the time when Celestia showed her the mirror, then told her to ignore it. Was it reverse physiology? Did Celestia want her to come to this universe? Was the alicorn image she saw in the mirror an illusion of Celestia to temp her? Why? Why would Celestia do that? Was it to get rid of her, or was it to protect her?

“Um… Sunset, Who was that.” Snips voice snapped Sunset Shimmer out of the spiraling thoughts. She turned to look at Snips and Snails.

Standing up she looked at the two boys “That was Nightmare Moon.”

“What happened, how did she do all that scary stuff, she had wings, and was that a tail?” Snails ask.

“It’s complicated, just know she’s a monster from another world.”

“Alien!” Both boys called out together.

Sunset facepalms “No, not from space, from another reality. Like those comic books, yeah think of her as a comic book villain.”

Snails nod “Ah another universe dimensional being, that would explain the freaky powers.”

Looking at the normally absent-minded Snails she nods “Yeah, powers… how did she use magic in this reality?” the second part she whispered to herself. Turning to face the two boys, “Change of plans, tomorrow we need to do anything we can to get that crown.” She then stormed out of the gym.

Snips and Snails look at each other than shrug and head out.

After splitting up with the boys’ Sunset headed home. A basic cheap apartment she had been living in for the last few years. It wasn’t hard, she had real gold bits and gems to pawn to pay for her bills. Now she wonders why it was so easy, it was like people just accepted that she belonged.

Celestia was clever hiding you away in another universe.” The Nightmare’s voice echoed again in her mind. Was it easy because Celestia planned it? She knew Celestia was a master of politics she has seen her manipulate world leaders sometimes spending years nudging things for a benefit later on.

Sunset went to her closet and started digging through the boxes and junk that cluttered up the floor. Then she found what she was looking for, a journal with her Cutie Mark on it. A gift Celestia got her, a means to communicate over long distances. How long, did it work from another universe? Was the journal part of the plan?

“UGH” She threw the book away just the thought that Celestia might have planned to have her escape Nightmare Moon by sending her to another universe nagging in her mind. Why was a magic mirror to another universe so easily accessed? There weren’t guards watching it when she fled, it wasn’t even in a secured area when she returned. More and more the words of Nightmare Moon seemed more true.

She then headed to the bed and picked up the journal where she tossed it. For the first time since she went through the mirror, she opened the book and read.

Dear Sunset

I don’t know how to say this, I’m still angry, but I’m more afraid of what you would find on the other side of that portal. The portal closed soon after you left, the portal opens here every 30 moons, but not always to the same world. Time isn’t in sync for you; it might be three years, perhaps four. Here in Equestria by the time the mirror portal opens to that world again, it would be around 10 to 13 years.

Please Sunset reply.

Dear Sunset

I wish you were here, It has been three months. I could use your help. Sunset I haven’t told you, perhaps I should have. You are so clever with magic, pushing the limits, I hoped you would be the one. My sister Nightmare Moon is returning soon. Well in about ten years, to stop her I need to find six ponies to wield the Elements of Harmony. I was sure you would weld the Element of Magic. Cadence I was sure was the Bearer of Hope or as some now call Laughter. There that young private Shining Armor she’s dating who should be the Bearer of Loyalty. Now… without you, I fear Equestria might face some dark times.

Sunset? Are you there? You haven’t read the last entry or it would have faded by now. Sunset please respond.

Sunset closed the journal “She lied. Celestia wasn’t trying to hide me here, she… wanted me to stop Nightmare Moon. I would have had that crown if I hadn’t come here.” She closed the book and stood up. Her mind buzzed with thoughts again.

She paced back and forth “Twilight Sparkle must be my replacement, she didn’t stop Nightmare Moon but became an Alicorn? How… the crown. NO!” It made sense.

“Celestia told me I could be an alicorn, she showed me the mirror but then refused to let me study it. Because… because she was going to make me an Alicorn. That crown would have been mine, I could have been the Bearer of the Element of Magic. If I had just listened. She told me I needed friends, she introduced me to Cadence, and Shining Armor.” She saw the manipulations, the steps trying to get her to be friendly to the new Alicorn.

“I refused her… Why? Why did Celestia adopt her and not me!” For the first time in years, she sank to her knees and cried. The Journal held against her chest.

Then finally after what felt like hours thought was only minutes she opened the journal and wrote.

Dear Celestia,

Nightmare Moon is here, after the Element of Magic. It’s my fault, I knew by bringing it here the bonds that it formed to Twilight Sparkle would be severed and I could wield it for myself. I didn’t know, I didn’t know you wanted me to wield it. I didn’t read any entries till today.

Celestia, I don’t know what to do, if she gets the element she is going to return to Equestria more powerful than ever! Please reply, for the first time in years, I need you. There is only one way I can fight Nightmare Moon, I need that crown. One way or another. For the good of Equestria.

Hopefully still your Little Sunset.

The day of the Fall formal. “Snip, Snails you understand the plan?”

“Yeah, we sneak in and dog nap that purple pooch.” Snips replies.

It took Snails a few moments before he adds “Oh, yeah we make sure Twilight sees us so she follows us out of the building.”

“Good, then when they are outside. I threaten to destroy the portal unless Twilight hands me the crown. No matter what I must get that crown, even if I have to destroy the portal to trap Nightmare Moon here.”

“Right, we're going to save the world!” Both Snips and Snails smile at the idea of being heroes.

Sunset Shimmer’s smile wasn’t as truthful “Yeah, save the world.” ‘Like I should have if I listened.

“So what is this Fall formal thing?” Nightshade asks the Crusaders.

“Oh, it’s great fun. There will be dancing and music.” Shootaloo says then takes a bit of her lunch apple.

“Everyone is going to be in their best outfits. Lights down low, Rarity says it’s very romantic, hoping to get the attention of the head of the Foreign Language Club, Blueblood. I think she’s being stupid, everyone knows he is not interested in having a local girlfriend. I heard that he dating some environmental nature preserves college students, but she won’t listen to me. I made sure there was extra ice cream in the fridge when her dreams of dating one of the most popular guys in school fail.” Sweetie Belle nods seeing the events happening in her mind.

“So we need fancy outfits?” Nightshade asks.

“Well, we kind of don’t have any. We missed out on shopping thanks to being grounded.” Applebloom sighs.

Nightshade thought for a moment and then smiled. She remembers how the portal magic let her get free food from the cafeteria. “Well we got time till tonight so can we go get some new outfits?”

The other three girls in the clubhouse looked at each other. “Sounds Like a plan!”

After a quick bus ride to the mall smiling as they walked into Canterlot Mall. When Nightshade saw the sign of the mall she read it out loud “Filthy Rich's Mall Emporium?”

“Yeah, crappy name but the guy owns it so…” Applebloom said as they headed into the mall.

“OH WOW!” The mall itself was three levels high and packed full of the standard variety stores. It was time to test the portal magic to see if she could get anything she wanted. So Nightshade headed to a drink stand. “I like one plain medium soda.”

The woman behind the counter blinked and sure enough, the rainbow effect crossed her eyes. “Anything else?”

Nightshade turned to her new friends and smiled “What do you girls want, it’s on me.”

“Apple Juice” Apple bloom called out.

“Ugh, Apple Bloom you always get apple juice. I want a Power blast energy drink.” Scootaloo Chimes in.

“No!” Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle yelled at the same time.

“Fine… a soda” Scootaloo huffs.

“I like a Chocolate Mocha with whip cream.” Sweetie Belle added to the order.

None of the girls noticed that Nightshade didn’t buy anything. Together they headed down the mall sipping their drinks.

“So… Sweetie Belle, you are the best to know about fashion, Where should we get our new outfits?”

Sweetie Belle smiled and pointed “We want Suri’s Exquisite, it’s expensive but the saleswoman is Coco Pommel, a friend of Rarity’s. She helped us look Fabulous!”

The four girls smiled and walked into the shop. Right away Nightshade’s eyes snapped to a purple Princess dress. It was light purple at the top going darker to the bottom. Then she thought about having to fight Sunset Shimmer and Twilight so she looked to other options.

Sweetie Belle chose a White lolita dress ruffle with vintage frill and dark pink overcoat. Scootaloo snorted at the girly dresses and chose a blue halter neck and shorts with an overlay.

“Really Scootaloo? That’s the same color as Rainbow Dash.” Sweetie Belle looked the dress over.

“Exactly it’s perfect.”

“It clashes with your natural colors. Apple Bloom got a simple she swooped in and switched it for a red dress “There this fits with you better. Trust me you don’t want to look uncool in front of Rainbow Dash now do you?”

“Oh heck no. Okay, I go with the red one.”

Apple Bloom got a nice yellow dress with a flower pattern.

Nightshade spotted what she wanted: a deep dark A-line Tulle short dress that dark purple almost black fabric with a blue-purple lace.

Once they got the outfits all four girls walked out smiling. “Tonight is going to be Awesome!”

“Yeah, tonight is going to be one to remember.” Nightshade smiles as her eyes for a moment turn to slitted eyes. “Everypony is going to love me.”

“Um, Nightshade you mean everyone right?”

Nightshade blinks and her eyes snap back to normal “Yeah, of course, everyone. What did I say?”

“You said everypony.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Must have been a slip of my tongue” Nightshade shrugged trying to deflect their questions. “Let's get something to eat.”

Scootaloo “Yeah! I’m hungry.”

“Scootaloo you are always hungry.” Apple Bloom chimed in.

Sweetie Belle walked just a few steps behind them. Was it her imagination or did she really see Nightshade’s eyes all teal and slit like a cat’s?

Author's Note:

Another short chapter. I really tried to think of what more to add but anything else would be clear filler to add words to the count.

I hope I got Sunset's emotional breakdown correct. Yes, she's still going to do what she did in the movie, it was already building in her mind. Just now she thinks she needs the crown to save Equestria, she's still not thinking that she could use help from Twilight.

I would have added more to the girls' shopping, but really I'm an introverted guy and have no idea what young teen girls do at a mall.

Next Chapter the Fall Formal!

Nightshade's Dress

Sweetie Belle's dress just different colors.

Apple Bloom's Dress

Scootaloo's Dress

Comments ( 12 )

Ooh, Nightshade's getting fancy, and Sunny's seeing things from another light. Cool!

Not quite Fru Fru, but getting there! Yeah, I was googling dresses and saw that and it just screamed the right style for Nightshade. A little dark, a little playful.

Notice how Twilight never paid for any food in the Equestria Girl movies. Yeah, that's my excuse for how Nightshade gets what she wants from the stores.

Yeah, that makes sense, good job with the chapter

it's a compliment. she is messing with them but are you messing with us with what she is doing

I would like to say yes, but that be lying. I once gave up on this story because I had trouble thinking of a really good ending.

My skills in writing and planning ahead improved since I started this story. After seeing the Cancelled and feeling that I failed did I set out to finish this.

So the story itself is simple and in truth someone already figured out my plan for the ending. So no manipulation on my part.

Sometimes you need to pause and rethink. Story has good premise.

A shame that was canceled because this is good.

Oops I actually forgot about how I changed it to incomplete. I see if I can get a new character out… maybe in September.

So I just finished reading your stories absolutely love them. I hope you get your groove back someday and continue but till then I will keep watch thanks for writing some amazing stories.

Thank You, and I'm glad you enjoyed my stories. So far, the groove to write still hasn't returned, mostly due to me focusing on playing and DMing Dungeons and Dragons.

Nice I'm a Pathfinder player myself.

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