• Published 21st Mar 2020
  • 1,956 Views, 55 Comments

Mother Moon, Fallen Sunset - ShadowStar_IMHP

You know the story, Sunset Shimmer lost in another world, falling into anger and rage. Her plan to steal the Element of Magic and get revenge. A little nightmare filly might have other ideas.

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Chapter Three

After her nap, the day went on as normal. Soon she was in a small maze of potted plants and sheets.

The brave explorer Nightshade came out of the cave tunnel. It was a long trek through the gray-white stone of the cliffs of infinity. There in the center of the forest was the fortress of destiny. Smiling she looks behind her to…

Nightshade blinks as she remembers her friends were not here with her. Sighing she shakes her head and went into the potted plants of her pretend adventure.

“Dinner time.” Tender Care says as he peaks her head through the sheet curtain.

Turning around to face her caretaker “You broke my inmers… imers... my pretending.”

“Sorry, Princess but it is dinner time.”

Nightshade takes off her Adventurers saddlebags and stomps her way through the sheets. In truth, she was angrier that her pretending was broken due to her friends not being there then the call for dinner. Admitting that little fact was something she wasn’t accepting.

The Dinning room was large it had places for Twilight and her friends, the other three adult Alicorns, several visiting nobility, and diplomats from other nations.

Nightshade was right beside her mother and she looked down the table seeing the diplomats from Saddle Arabia, two Griffons, and even a dragon who was arm-wrestling with the Minotaur diplomat.

She looks over to Twilight who sat between Celestia and her brother Prince consort Shining Armor.

“I don’t know what to do BBBFF,” Twilight says softly so the diplomats farther down the table wouldn’t hear.

“You doing fine Twilight. Most of these events are just introductions and smoothing out misunderstandings.” Shining Armor says as he smiles encouragingly to his little sister.

“But what do I do? All I been doing was welcoming diplomats.” Her ears lay down on her head as she works herself into a worry.

Celestia gives her former student a nuzzle. “Twilight, that because no one expects you to have read all the trade deals going back years. It took Luna over a year and you only had a few months.”

“I could have… you know I can study fast.”

PThhhhhhhhhh Nightshade blows a raspberry. “Twiiilight… you fought bad guys and saved Equestria many times. You warrior Princess like my mommy was over a thousand years ago. Talking deals to stupid nobles and diplomats is stupid stuff. When I bigger I just tell them what I want they do it as they should.” Nightshade says adding her two bits into the conversation.

She of course didn’t notice the looks some of the diplomates gave her overhearing the little filly.

“Nightshade, you know there is way more to ruling then just getting what you want.” Luna smiles and leans down “That after all what a Noble would say.”

Blinking shocked “I’m not a smelly noble.”

“Of course not, you are a growing filly.” Luna then looks to Twilight. “Your natural talents of organizing and logical thinking will be a benefit. There are many trade deals that at first seem we are being cheated, but when compared to other deals.” Luna looks down at the table. “For example, we have the world’s largest supply of Gems, and that supply was increased with the return of the crystal empire. The Dragons need those gems, but arrogance prevents them from asking us directly. They have some of the wealthiest metal mines in the dragon lands. The Minotaurs have some of the best machining and tech. So we trade our gems to the Minotaurs, they trade them to the Dragons, and we get both metals from the dragons, and the Minotaur engineering final products. If you look at the trade deals one by one, the minotaurs are scamming us for those Gems, but we get the metal from the Dragons, and the tech from the Minotaurs, all for gems we have an abundance of.”

Twilight blinks “That means we are using the Minotaurs as a middle man, and the Dragons don’t have to admit they are importing so many gems from Ponies?”

“Correct Twilight. With Dragons eating gems and the constant volcanoes in their lands their food supply is low. The hot magma underground limits how many gems develop. With the abundance of magic in Equestria, the gems here grow faster and larger than elsewhere in the world.”

Nightshade nods “So we can blackmail the Dragons. If they give us trouble we can cut off their food supply. They have to obey us.”

All the other princesses as well as the bearers of Harmony, and friends all look at Nightshade. Only then did Nightshade realize something “Um… I said that out loud?”

“Nightshade, no plotting at the dinner table.” Luna stood up “I think it time for me to take a little filly to her room.”

“But… I haven’t had my cookies…”

Luna uses her magic to lift Nightshade into the air. “No cookies for little dictators.”

“No fair!” The little filly pouted as she was carried from the dining hall and into the hallways.

“Really Nightshade. I thought you were going to be a good filly. I saw you reject our evil self, as well you risked your life to defend Equestria. What is with this being a little dictator behavior.”

Nightshade had her hooves crossed as she floated in the magic. “She was a meany, wanted to hurt ponies. I don’t want ponies to hurt, just do as I say. The bug ponies were going to take what’s mine.”

“That not an answer as to why you are behaving this way.”

“It effective! With no nobles in the way, with no one questioning my orders I can make things better. We have Space ships like in the comics! When I rule the world there be no wars, no question about how much something is because all money be the same. Ponies and other creatures won’t suffer because everyone has the same work laws and safety laws. Ponies in Klugetown are treated as slaves! It not right, when I am ruler I make them follow my laws and they treat those ponies better.”

“Do you believe that or are you just saying those things not to make me angry.”

“Um… yes?”

Luna stops and rubs her hoof against her head feeling a migraine coming on. “At least you don’t want to bring about the eternal night.”

Walking into the Nursery Luna smiles at Tender Care.

“Oh… Princesses, you two are early. Is everything alright?”

“Things are going fine Tender Care. Just my little filly being a bit more vocal than what is appropriate for a formal dinner.”

Nightshade pouted as she headed to her stuff teddy bear Ursa. Then plopped down between its legs.

“I see the little princess is giving you the silent treatment now. I assume she didn’t get desert?”

“Indeed she didn’t get her cookies.”

“NOT FAIR!” She continues her pouting.

“Okay, Princess I let you return to the dinner. This Princess Summit is important to all of us Crystal ponies.”

“I trust her to your care, Tender Care.” Luna then looks to Nightshade “If you behave yourself you can have some cookies before bed.”

PTHHHHHHHHHHH the nightshade raspberry was her reply. Then the filly went behind the stuffed Ursa seemingly to pout to the adult ponies. Neither of them notices her working the seam open.

Later that night.

Nightshade woke up it was still nighttime so she smiles. She looked around and to her stuffed Ursa. “My most faithful follower. You served me well, guarded me when I was weak, was willing to sacrifice yourself in the fight against the changelings. Today you again serve me.”

Nightshade moved the teddy bear and then opened the seam she pulled out the rope she hidden inside. Then she tied that to the crib railing. She was lucky, Princess Cadence hasn’t learned yet that she needed to have a pegasus proof enchantment on the crib.

“Grown-up always underestimates me.” Nightshade climes down the rope and heads to the Pillow Fort. Then grabs her adventuring saddlebags it’s true purpose was for this adventure.

“Dummy grown-ups.” She then dismantles the pillow fort dragging some of the cushions over to the door. All hidden protectively by the sheets she had Tender Care put up for her playing. Stacking the pillows up like steps she climes them to get to the handle easily opening the door.

Once in the hallway, she makes her way. Seeing a Guard coming she ducks into the frame of a door and using what little shadow magic she had blended into the shadows. It wasn’t true invisibility if the guard shined the light on her she would be spotted. When not in direct light she is harder to see in the shadows.

Now to make her way to Twilight’s chambers steal the crown, then get through the portal. Then she will win!

As she was sneaking her way down the hall acting like some ninja nearly crawling along the floor her side pressed against the wall. If she was spotted it would be a moment of cuteness, so was her plan. She was playing… well, that what she says if caught.

“STOP THIEF.” Twilight’s voice was heard echoing off the walls.

“I was playing… wait.” Looking around she saw the guards run the other way. She wasn’t caught. But as the light came on she hurried to a door that was cracked open.

Inside was various displays. There was a statue of a foal. A display of awards, and there near the wall was a Mirror. Nightshade could tell it was the magic mirror by how it was radiating magic.

That was when Nightshade realized she had made a mistake. She didn’t know what the Mirror looked like ahead of time. Was this the Mirror portal or some other kind of magic mirror? Her ears picked up the sound of running hooves. Hooves coming this way! She hurried behind the display of awards.

Just in time as a strange orange unicorn with a red and yellow mane and tail came crashing through the door with Twilight Sparkle. As they hit the floor the Crown bounced out and flew into the mirror portal.

“What did you do to my Crown?” Twilight asks the strange pony.

“Sorry it has to be this way,” Then the pony teleports to the Mirror “Princess”.

Nightshade backs up as she hears the gasps from the other bearers at the door. She made sure to cloak herself in the shadows.

“Who was that?” Fluttershy asks.

“I don’t know, but we need Princess Celestia now. She will know.” Twilight says as the six-headed out of the room. “I hope”

Once the room was cleared Nightshade stood up and ran headfirst into the Mirror.

This was bad! All rainbow lights and swirling… she felt as if her body was being twisted and turned inside out.

Then she fell out of a statue. Looking up she saw a strange building. The night was strange too, the stars were in the wrong places, the ones she could see.

She tried to stand up only to find her forelegs were too short, or her rear legs too long. Looking to her legs she saw strand grabby things similar to Spikes claws. “Oh hands, I saw them on the Minotaur.”

“Looking back her rear legs were odd too. No longer was she standing on hooves but her feet were long and bone structure was different. “Hmm.” She stood up balancing upon the two hind feet. “How can I have such balance on two feet with no tail? I have been transformed… into a biped?”

Then she spotted a woman walking out of the building. Light blue skin and two-toned blue hair. Dressed in a magenta shirt and some kind of bottom blue garment that covered both legs. “Mommy?”

Vice Principal Luna was talking on the phone. “That right Celestia I found the crown on the ground at the base of the statue. The Theif must have either dropped it or chose not to go through with it. Yes, I will be here when the cops show up. It might have been just a prank but we should replace the locks and tighten security.” Stopped and looked up from the folder she was looking at the royal purple girl with two ponytails dark purple hair. The girl must be a new student a freshman about 14 or 15. She had on a black jacket and a pink-purple shade shirt. Her skirt was also dark purple nearly black. On the shirt was a moon with a unicorn’s shadow profile. “Do I know you?”

“Um… no sorry. I Got to go!”

She turned and tried to walk away, still a little wobbly as she got used to her odd balance.

“Wait! Who are you, you need help? You aren’t walking very well. You can trust me I’m Vice Principal at this school.”

“Sorry, I heard my mommy calling! GOT TO RUN!” She starts running turning a corner.

Softly to herself, Luna spoke “Nightshade? Impossible… she couldn’t be.” She quickly brushed a tear off her cheek. “Must be the light, and my imagination.”

Then Luna noted the sound of Celestia's voice from her phone. “Sorry, sis… there was a girl. Might be a new student. No, I don’t think she was part of the theft, she looked confused might have been coming to see the school before starting. She about the age of a freshman.”

About that time Nightshade was walking around in the dark of night in a city she didn’t know.

“This sucks!” That voice was the pony that took her crown! Sneaking to the edge of the building she looked to see an older girl with the same red and yellow hair. “All that hard work just for Vice Principal Luna to find the Crown before I could recover it!”

Nightshade watched as the Pony turned monkey ape thing kicked at a bit of trash. “Stealing the Element of Magic crown be harder now that the school be on guard for another theft. Now I have to wait till the fall formal.”

Moving back she must have made a sound. “Who’s there?” She turned and ran for some trees she saw as the red and yellow-haired thing looked around the corner. “You better run! If I find out who you are you regret it!”

Staggering from panic and fear she came to a playground. There was one of the wooden playsets with a large slide that had a roofed start. Build to look like a castle there were plenty of places to play hide and seek. Places where she snuggled up into and pulled out the blanket and pillow from her now single bag.

Then she spotted the cookies Tender Care bought. “Aww, she did get me cookies. I have to reward her when I take over Equestria.” There in the playset, she tried to ignore the feeling of loneliness as she fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Softly to herself, Luna spoke “Nightshade? Impossible… she couldn’t be.” She quickly brushed a tear off her cheek. “Must be the light, and my imagination.”

Foreshadowing? Maybe... or a red herring!

Well, Nightshade through the portal and came out the same age as the CMC in the Equestria Girls Universe. Perhaps due to her mind technically being older than her body?

I do enjoy reading comments so have fun trying to figure out what I have been plotting!