• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Tracy needed somewhere to stay, how was he supposed to know that it was in another universe? Now he'll somehow have to hold down a job on Earth while living as a pony in Equestria. It's either that, or say goodbye to being human.

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Chapter 62

When Roseluck was just a filly, she'd looked forward to the family's winters with fierce anticipation. It wasn't just that she didn't have to work in the back of the stand—though after a whole year, her excitement for arranging flowers did fade. Every year it seemed they went somewhere more interesting, gathering plants so rare that they were only described in ancient poetry, or depicted in ruined castles.

But now all that was gone. She had all the same freedom, but none of the direction.

At least her last year was better now that she had Spark Gap—instead of pestering everypony she knew for little odd jobs to pay the interest on their mounting loans, she could live quietly and comfortably, confident that the next year would be even better.

But there was nothing comfortable about this last week. Maybe it was like what pegasi and bats went through, before their parents pushed them out of clouds. One way or another, something incredible was about to happen. Whether that was a lifetime of flight or an agonizing crash, Rose would soon find out.

She should've slept until Spark Gap’s return. He'd promised this would be the last day of work, after all. They'd have an entire week together to make their plans. Of course, they'd had an entire winter together, then a whole month. Maybe they'd wait until the last second, and the door would just close by accident.

Don't be selfish, Roseluck. Would you give up your whole world to be with somepony you loved? What if Spark asked her to come across to that side?

I probably would. With that realization came a whole world of pain—giving up her flower stand, saying goodbye to her sisters for years, maybe forever. Cars were fun, and humans practically swam through a sea of entertainment. They could summon any plant, and request almost any knowledge they desired from their machines.

But what was a mountain of exotic flavors if she couldn't share them with her sisters? When they had their first foal together, what would she teach her if not about Equestria?

In the end, Rose spent hours curled unproductively on her floor, staring up at the ceiling. She should get up, do anything to distract herself. But that too took energy.

Finally, after drifting in a fugue for hours straight, something changed. The “phone” device Tracy had gifted her a few months ago started to ring.

She knew the sound by now, since Tracy got calls often enough when she was around. He'd even called her from the other side a few times, usually to ask about a meal he was bringing home. I'm not hungry, I don't need to answer.

The ring continued for a few moments, angry and insistent. Then it stopped, and the world was quiet again. Rose watched the moon inch across the sky.

It started ringing a second time. Now she sat up, glancing nervously at her shelf. The moon was barely halfway—it couldn't be much past noon on that side. Tracy never came home this early. And he probably wouldn't care enough to ask me twice about breakfast.

She got up, hurrying across the room. The sound only happened four times, then the machine would give up. If she didn't make it...

But she did, tapping the green button with her hoof. "Hello?"

It was Tracy's name on the screen, but she didn't hear his voice. Still, it was one of the few humans in the whole world she recognized. Janet, the hippogriff who had visited for breakfast, and was so polite to her at those boring parties. "Rose? Rose, are you there? I hope this is the right one, he doesn't have many contacts in here..."

Rose leaned in closer, tail flicking nervously back and forth. She hadn't heard so much fear from another creature's voice in a long, long time. "I'm here," she said. "Why does it say Tracy's name?"

"I'm using his phone," she said absently. Behind her, Rose could hear lots of other sounds. A distant, annoying whining, growing louder by the moment. Lots of human voices too, though they were so distant that she couldn't make out what they said. "Listen, I know... I should probably just give up and run at this point, but I can't. Doesn't feel right to leave him here like this."

Rose lifted the phone in her hoof, and crossed into Tracy's room. She looked out the window, and sure enough the sun was still high in the sky. It was the middle of the day over there, and she even imagined she could make out some faint whining sounds, like the ones she heard over the phone.

Stranger still, there was someone parked in front of their apartment. Rose had never seen that car before, or the man walking out of it. But what creature in either realm would be driving a machine made of parts from a dozen others, all the wrong colors and sticking out at odd angles? Who could grin right up at the window, smiling at her with predatory satisfaction?

"Tell me what happened," she said. "And what you need from me."

"You already know about... course you do. Aren't you from there? Tracy's a fucking horse. Right here, before the blessed virgin and all the saints. Also half my damn department."

What? "That isn't how the Worldgate works! You change when you walk through it, that's the whole point. He wouldn't go to work if he still looked like—"

"I know!" The voice grew more frustrated by the minute. "I know he's not that stupid! I saw him walk into work. Thought maybe he was a bit sick, but that's it. No—he melted. Fucking melted." She took several deep breaths. "Sorry. Language. Just sounds like the whole world is ending here. He was going to fly back, but he just collapsed. Still breathing just fine, but unconscious. Slapped him, stuck his face in some water here. Nothing. He's out."

Roseluck nearly dropped the phone. She wobbled on her hooves, before catching herself against the wall. She stared down at the screen, and the distant whining got louder.

"I was hoping you knew how to help him," Janet said. "Since you're, uh... from there? I think that's how this works. Or maybe you got cursed before he did. Either way. I'm already up to my ass in this thing. No half measures. How do I get him out of here?"

Outside her apartment, the human that must be Discord leaned against the side of his car, watching her. He whistled quietly to himself, spinning something around one hand. You did this somehow.

"Tracy said he stopped... of course he didn't. He was always with me, only took a few hours to himself. When was he sleeping? Never."

"I'm afraid I don't have the foggiest idea what you're suggesting," Janet said. "And you might want to speed this up. Police are all here, going through everybody. Once they get everyone off the property, they'll come in here looking for the X-Files shit. Don't know if it'll be the police or SWAT or HAZMAT or... whoever it is, Tracy is fucked if he's still here."

"Tracy was drinking a potion every day—Everwake. It makes it so you don't have to sleep. But if you stop, all that sleep catches up with you. The only way to wake him up again without waiting all that time would be to give him more. If I know Tracy, he's prepared. He probably brought some to work. Look for a glowing liquid with little white flecks."

The human on the other side said a long string of words that Rose couldn't understand. "This kid's lucky I'm already sunk into this, or I'd leave him. What do you do if you're cursed? Throw in an addictive potion, of course! Perfect sense!"

There was the sound of rustling, then grunting, and now her voice came with air on the other side, like she was moving around. "Good thing you're small and adorable. I can carry him. But to where, that's the question. If there's a police line, they might shoot him if he tries to fly. We need another plan."

"Can you drive out?" Rose asked hopefully. "Humans all have cars, right? Bring him back to where we live."

"No can do. My car's in the manager lot, that's got about fifty police cars in it right now. Tracy's is in the aux lot, but there's a traffic jam from hell as everybody gets away from here. I think driving's out. Might mean trying to play nice with the police is our only option."

Rose didn't know what that meant, though she said it like something to be afraid of. If they were going to "shoot" a pony trying to fly, then they obviously had to be avoided. Rose was too afraid to ask what shooting Tracy would do.

"Alright, uh... can you get him out another way? What if I could drive down there? Could you get past the police somehow?"

There was silence from the other end, but this time it didn't come with frustrated muttering in a language Rose didn't know. "Maybe. If this idiot wakes back up, we might... get out onto Keyes Avenue. We'd have to hop a fence, but there's no barbed wire or anything. Get to the intersection of Keyes and Main in like... ten minutes. Can you do that? Aren't you a horse?"

"I'm a pony," she corrected reflexively, though she lacked the energy for anything more than a tacit objection. "But there's someone here who can. I'll be right there."

"Good." The phone made a clicking sound, then fell silent. Rose made it halfway down the stairs before she remembered just how important clothes were on the other side, and she had to run all the way back. She couldn't care less about human taboos—but if creatures thought she was strange for any reason, they might try to stop her.

She picked the first dress right off the floor, squeezing into it so fast she could feel the fabric straining. But she kept her earth pony strength in check, enough that it didn't split down the middle. The dress did give her a single pitiful pocket, but it was big enough for the phone. She jammed it inside, then ran out the door as fast as she could.

Rose stumbled as she made it out onto the sidewalk, feeling a sudden shock of pain as her hooves became soft feet. Of course, she'd forgotten shoes. How could something so soft and fragile get anything done?

"Discord," she yelled, stomping furiously towards him. "You caused this. You did something to Tracy, didn't you?"

It didn't matter that she'd never seen him before—her impressions proved exactly correct. The man towered over her, gangly and strange. Though his human body was all made of the same parts, he'd substituted clothing patched together from many colors, all barely holding itself together.

"So self-righteous!" he said. "You say that like I forced him to develop his magic, or forced him to keep drinking a potion he knew had side-effects. When did I ever show you anything but kindness?"

How about that time you tried to trap his friends in Equestria? Or all the times you were the one attacking us? But arguments wouldn't get his help. "You know what's happening," she said, resting one hand on the side of his car. She shivered in the chill, though compared to Ponyville's winter it was less than nothing. There wasn't even snow on the ground, how could it feel so cold?

"You must be here to help, right? Clean up your mess?"

"Oh no." He tossed something up into the air, then caught it again. It was a set of keys, so weighed down with different bits of metal that Rose could barely make out any individual key. Somehow he caught one out of the many, holding it towards her. "I'm just honoring the terms of the lease, that's all. They're quite specific—if I can't provide a functional Worldgate for the full duration, then I'm obligated to offer monetary compensation prorated until the termination. Given your relationship with the other resident, I determine that you're his authorized agent. Here you are."

He settled the ring into her hand with a metallic clatter. "She has a full tank. Be careful with a cold start, she sometimes accelerates along non-spatial dimensions."

"What?" Rose turned, watching as he made his calm way up to her house. He still had one key in his fingers—the one to her front door. "Wait, you can't go! You have to go get him!"

Discord laughed. "I have to do no such thing. It does seem like a good idea, though. Someone should give it a try." He stepped inside, somehow crossing the boundary without expanding to his proper shape. How could he do that? The door banged closed behind him.

Rose stood beside Discord's misshapen car, heavy ring of keys in her fingers. She still had the one pointing upward. If this car worked like Tracy's, that was the one that made it go.

I'm not ready. I don't know how to do this. At least I know where he works.

Roseluck shivered in the cold, glancing nervously back up the walkway. She could drop the phone right here, walk back inside, and never face the danger out here.

All she'd have to do was live with abandoning Tracy. It wouldn't be his fault she never saw him again.

She yanked on the car door, swinging it open towards her. Smoke wafted out, a strange perfume of a dozen different scents. The interior was just like the outside, mismatched seats, parts just gone from where they were supposed to be, and a wheel with a pair of eyeballs that turned to watch her.

"I can't do this," she muttered. "I'm not with SMILE. I don't go on adventures. I scream and hide!"

Roseluck gritted her teeth and climbed into the driver's seat.

Author's Note:

Another great piece by viwrastupr in this chapter. It's a good thing Tracy has such good friends, or he'd be in deeper than he already is.

For those who haven't seen it yet, he also went back and did a piece for the night court in Chapter 31. So you might want to see that before you head out for the weekend: here

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