• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Tracy needed somewhere to stay, how was he supposed to know that it was in another universe? Now he'll somehow have to hold down a job on Earth while living as a pony in Equestria. It's either that, or say goodbye to being human.

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Chapter 28

Tracy stared back at the Alicorn, feeling the force of her gaze like a physical pressure. He could’ve turned, and maybe ran back through the opening and fled to Earth. But would he have done the same thing if this was a senator, or the president?

Deep breaths, Tracy. You didn’t do anything wrong. This isn’t about you.

Tracy crossed the room in deliberate strides, taking the seat Twilight offered. The smart thing to do was probably to treat the conversation like a meeting with the police. The less he said, the less he could do to accidentally implicate himself in something.

How different is pony law, anyway? I could’ve been doing all kinds of things I wasn’t supposed to, and I wouldn’t even know.

Maybe the princess planned on staring at him forever, until he finally crumbled under the pressure. He folded his wings awkwardly behind him, adjusted his vest—but otherwise remained right where he was.

Eventually the princess cleared her throat, passing something across the table towards him. A little manila file, with his own real name handwritten on the top. “You recognize this, Tracy?”

Somehow she managed the name first try, where so many other ponies had failed. Tracy bent down, flipping the folder open. There wasn’t much inside, just two official-looking documents. One was an “application for temporary residency of tenant”, and another was a copy of his lease.

“This I know,” he said, tapping the lease with a hoof. “This other one… looks like a crazy person wrote it. Who would change colored pens every letter?”

The Alicorn chuckled in response, levitating the other sheet across the room. She didn’t move it like Lyra—rather than laser-focusing on the sheets, Twilight seemed to just will them over, and they moved. “If you thought colored ink was strange, I can’t imagine why you would’ve signed a contract with Discord.”

She returned it to the folder, leaning across the table at him. “I’m very interested in how Ponyville could’ve had a pony visiting from another universe for all this time, without ever meeting him. It almost feels like this whole situation is deliberate escalation. Discord might not try to take over Equestria anymore, but that doesn’t mean he plays by the rules.”

Tracy’s ears flattened, wings shifting nervously behind him. He’d barely said anything, and already things were going exactly where he’d been afraid they would. “I just rented a room,” he said, as innocently as he could. “Until I got to know Roseluck, I never even planned on visiting Equestria at all.”

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because Rose sunk deeper into her chair, avoiding his eyes.

“We’ve already spoken somewhat extensively. So you don’t know anything about Discord’s involvement in this?”

Tracy shook his head, but before he could form words, someone knocked on the door, from the Equestrian side. Spike moved to open it, but it swung open before he could reach it, nearly smashing into his face.

Discord floated inside, one claw scraping along the floor. He wore a curious imitation of a Hawaiian shirt over a pair of khaki shorts, and somehow his fur was… sunburned?

“I’m really not happy that you take me off my vacation for this, Twilight,” he said, barely even looking at Tracy. “But you leave me no choice. You’re harassing my tenants, and I simply can’t have that.”

Curious that you’d show up only when she asks about you.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, though she was the only one who could face Discord without fear. Roseluck rose from her seat, dropping into a half bow, half crouch. You want to run away from this too.

“I’m asking reasonable questions given the circumstances, Discord. Unless you’d like to explain why three aliens have just used a stable worldgate you built into this house. Not to mention one living in Ponyville for months without telling me.”

“My tenant is here on a perfectly legal basis,” Discord said, producing a briefcase from somewhere behind him—though nothing had been there. He opened it right over Twilight’s head, and an ocean of papers poured out. From the dense scrawl packed into those pages, Tracy assumed they must be lawbooks, though he couldn’t say for sure. “See for yourself. His residency has Celestia’s personal approval.”

Twilight’s horn glowed, and the pile vanished from around her. She shook herself out, and tightly coiled rolls of text shook free from her mane, her ears. “I didn’t say you’d broken the law. You hadn’t, until last night. Smuggling three aliens with unknown magic and motives into Equestria…”

Tracy nearly spoke up then—but something about the glow coming from Discord’s yellow eyes silenced him. He kept his head down, taking a few more deep breaths.

“I am absolutely appalled at that accusation,” Discord said, clutching at his chest with one claw. “In fact, I’ve come to request you press charges against those invaders. They broke into my property, causing my tenants fear and emotional distress. Add that to whatever chaos they’ve caused across Equestria.”

“Wait!” Tracy no longer cared if it made Discord upset—there was nothing in his lease about never arguing. “Princess, you might not know the three intruders, but I do. They’re my friends.”

Even Discord fell momentarily silent as he said it, though a grin spread slowly across his face.

“I didn’t tell them to do it!” he added hastily. “Actually, I told them specifically that I couldn’t have them here. They were supposed to be staying elsewhere in our world. Coming here was a violation of my trust.”

“All the more reason for a swift prosecution,” Discord added, snapping his briefcase shut. “They were informed of the contract, and violated it anyway. See, even my tenant wishes to see them punished. You just have to do something about this, Princess. Without our legal system, why… Equestria would descend into chaos.”

Twilight nodded curtly at him. “Thank you for sharing your concerns, Discord. But I’m not the pony who will be passing judgement on anyone. I’m just here because Ponyville is where I live, and I need to be able to reassure its residents that they aren’t in danger. Visit Canterlot Castle for the hearing schedule, if you want to be involved.”

“Oh, I will.” Discord waved towards the both of them, teeth glittering. “I’m sorry to both of you for the inconvenience. I assure you I’ll extract the recompense to which you’re duly entitled.”

He left, not so much walking out the door as rewinding back the way he’d come. His motions reversed, right up until he smacked Spike again. Or maybe… un-smacked him?

“Well, that’s exhausting.” Twilight waited another moment, eyes on the door. Only when Discord did not return did she finally look back at them both. “Tracy, I need to know everything you can tell me about the ones who broke into Equestria. Who are they, what are they doing here, what are their motivations—everything.”

Maybe it would’ve been better to deny her request. But if Twilight was upset with Discord too, maybe that meant she’d be on their side? He didn’t have an abundance of options left at this point.

“They’ve been my friends since I was little,” he explained. “Small town, not a lot of people our age. Anton, Marshall, and Shane. Shane did a little school up at Berkley, before he… you don’t know what that means. They all got sucked back home in the end, because that’s always what happens.

“They came down to San Jose planning to visit me. They didn’t know there was another universe in my apartment. When I told them last night, they were terrified, and I wasn’t sure I’d even see them again. They told me we would talk again after I got back from work. I’m guessing they must’ve broken into my house while I was gone.”

Twilight watched, while Spike scribbled rapidly on his oversized notepad. I wish I had hands like that. Living here would be so much easier if I did.

“Why would they do that?” Twilight asked. “Did you tell them something about Equestria that would make them want to sneak in?”

He thought back to that brief, traumatic conversation. “No. I said there was a whole world in here, not just one house. But I didn’t really say much about Equestria specifically. If anything, they seemed terrified of the whole thing. They basically ran away last night, so I’m not sure what would’ve happened to change their minds.”

Twilight nodded, gesturing over to Rose. “Could you say again what you saw for Tracy’s benefit?”

She returned to her seat, glancing nervously out the window. But Discord wasn’t waiting outside. Then again, he’d already heard when they mentioned him once. It made sense for the devil to hear anything said in his domain.

“I was asleep when I heard something break. It sounded like someone must be fighting downstairs. I don’t know what they were yelling about, exactly. But they left right away, so I don’t think they took anything. I watched out my window—an earth pony galloping away from the other two, didn’t get a good look at them. It was still dark outside.

They couldn’t have thought they would find him in Equestria, could they? They knew where he worked, Apex’s campus was only minutes away!

“Any hints?” the princess asked. “Your friend Roseluck brought this to my attention this morning, but those three had quite the head start.”

He could only shake his head, looking as apologetic as he could. “I’m sorry I don’t know more, Princess Twilight. It sounds like they might not have agreed about coming here, but you could tell that for yourself I’m sure. I don’t know where they were going.”

He paused, running through what he might’ve done if he’d run into Equestria months ago. Try to find his way back out, obviously—but if he’d only seen the house once, how would he do that?

“What will you do to them?” he asked. “Please, don’t do what Discord wants. I don’t know what they’re doing here, but… I know they don’t want to hurt you. They barely even understand that you exist. This is probably some… cosmic misunderstanding.”

Twilight rose, her wings spreading to either side. “It’s not me you have to convince, as I told Discord. Your… friends, I suppose, might’ve been quite difficult to find if they got loose somewhere like Canterlot. But Ponyville is a small place, and the number of ponies who go off running into the night is even smaller. If they haven’t been found already, they will be soon. After that…” She shrugged. “Princess Celestia will decide what happens. All you have to decide is whether you’d like to help them. Or maybe you’d rather press charges, as Discord does.”

“No way,” he snapped, without even thinking. “Whatever they did to scare Roseluck—I’ll bear the punishment. Otherwise, they don’t deserve whatever Discord wants. Just get them home before they hurt themselves.”

Twilight gestured, and the front door swung open of its own accord. “Accompany me to Canterlot, Tracy. While we wait for the Royal Guard to locate the intruders, you can detail the potential dangers they pose to Equestria to me. Or perhaps research a defense in the royal library.”

It wasn’t quite how he’d imagined spending the night. Depending on the speed of the Equestrian legal system, it might mean no flying lessons this week. But there was probably a more important aspect of that. “Will you give me a moment to send a message? I need to tell my job that I won’t be in tomorrow. Guess it’s time to burn a vacation day.”

Twilight shrugged. “As far as I can tell, you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s those ponies who need you.”

He hurried back out the way he’d come, making sure to shut the door on the way out. Whatever the temptation to sprint for his car and make a break for it, he resisted. Instead he pulled out his phone, texting Janet about a “family emergency” that would take all weekend to resolve.

“Take care of it,” she responded, only seconds later. “But don’t let this be a habit. You’re running out of get out of jail free cards, newbie.”

Author's Note:

This week's fantastic art was also made by viwrastupr. I don't know how much more we'll get either, but I'm enjoying it.

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