• Published 2nd Nov 2021
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Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed - extremeenigma02

A year after the events of their last adventure through the multiverse, the Mane Six and Spike are back again for another adventure. This time they reunite with Mystery Inc to help them solve the biggest case of their entire lives.

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Mayhem at the Museum

Inside the brand new Coolsonium Criminology Museum, an evening of grace and elegance was already underway. Many patrons walked the halls of the museum, as they either mingled, danced, or indulged in tasty food. Speaking of which, Shaggy and Scooby sat at a table with their plates piled high with mountains of food. So high in fact, they could almost touch the ceiling. They started shoveling the food into their mouths, one morsel at a time, and never once managed to break their stride. Scrappy walked on by them with a much smaller plate of food and looked at them with such wide eyes.

“Seriously, where do you guys put it all?” He asked, amazed.

After gulping down a large amount of food, Shaggy smiled toward the little pup.

“Like we’ve had years of practice, Scrappy old buddy,” He said. “When you’ve got a metabolism like me and your Uncle Scooby here, this is just a late-night snack.”

“Ruh huh!” Scooby responded, with his mouth still full.

“Sheesh! Your stomachs must be made of scrap iron or something!” Scrappy remarked.

“Can I help it if my first toy was a garbage disposal?”

The little pup kept walking while Shaggy and Scooby kept scarfing down their food. As he walked, he noticed Spike and Flurry observing the many costumes of past villains Mystery Inc. encountered. Walking right alongside them, he looked up at the one they were currently observing: the Ghost of Redbeard.

“You guys know the story about this one?” He asked them.

“Lemme guess,” Spike responded. “It’s about a guy who heard the story about a buried treasure and dressed like a pirate ghost to scare people away while he searched for it.”

“Or maybe someone who just really liked dressing like it’s Nightmare Night every day?” Flurry joked.

The three little ones shared a laugh before Scrappy began to tell the ‘real’ story.

“Actually, the story of ol’ Redbeard starts with the famous shipping tycoon, C.L. Magnus,” He explained. “His shipping business used to be one of the biggest on the high seas until eventually profits started to gravely diminish and he found himself in financial trouble. So he created the Redbeard character with a few of his henchmen dressing like pirate ghosts and plundered his own ships to sell the products.”

“Wait a minute! Now I’m lost,” Spike spoke up. “Why plunder your own ships to steal your own supplies you were hoping to sell anyway?”

“Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?” Flurry added.

“Well, the thing is that when his shipping companies sold the products, all the money went into the company rather than Magnus’ own pockets. So he figured he’d steal his products to sell himself and all the money would just go right back to him.”

Spike and Flurry both looked back up at the costume as they let the story soak in. To think pretty much every single costume in this wing had a similar back story to that was much to take in. People driven to crime due to financial ruin, greed, or even worse. This was both sad, yet pitiful, at the same time.

“So what happened to Magnus?” Spike asked.

“Well the gang solved the mystery, and he went to jail,” Scrappy answered. “I think he’s out now, but no one’s seen him ever since. Come to think of it, I don’t really know what became of ‘any’ of the people that got arrested.”

“Well whatever happened, it serves them right,” Flurry said. “Breaking the law is never okay, no matter what circumstances there were.”

“Wise words to live by,” Scrappy nodded.

The three then walked off to see what else the museum had to offer. Flurry returned to her parents’ side, as they both stood with Rarity and Fluttershy. They all looked at the costume of the Ozark Witch.

“What an ugly ensemble,” Rarity complained. “Couldn’t they have possibly put a little more thought into fashion when making this costume.”

“I don’t think that came up when they were making plans to terrorize people and steal goods,” Shining remarked. “They don’t seem like the type to worry about what kind of style their villain costume wore.”

Rarity just shook her head in disapproval before she walked off to find some of the others. Cadence and Shining both looked down at Flurry, smiling brightly.

“Are you having a good time sweetheart?” Cadence asked.

“The best!” Flurry nodded. “Normally I’d get bored at museums, but seeing all these creepy, kooky costumes is fun!”

“I’m glad you’re having a good time kiddo,” Shining smiled. “Just make sure not to wander too far or get into anything you aren’t supposed to. Unlike last time, I want to make sure to keep a special eye on you.”

“Daddy!” Flurry whined. “I was a foal back then. I’m a big filly now, and I can take care of myself just fine.”

Flurry huffed and turned to walk away, but accidentally tripped over her dress and planted right on the ground. Looking up at her parents, she noticed her father had a quirked brow and an almost smug look on his face. Flurry just grumbled to herself before picking herself up and stomped off in a hurry. Cadence just watched after her with a little headshake.

“Our little girl is growing up so fast,” She said.

“Yeah, but she’s still just a filly,” Shining reminded her.

Cadence smiled with a little eye roll. Shining was always so overprotective of Flurry, even if he knew she was growing up before their eyes. Not that she really blamed him, she too was guilty of being overprotective at times too. But at least she a slight more ‘lenient’. She looked over and saw Fluttershy quaking and hiding in her mane. She walked over, placing a comforting hoof over her.

“Still worried about the creature Fluttershy?” She asked.

Fluttershy did not respond, but merely nodded her head.

“Don’t you worry Fluttershy,” Shining assured her. “If I see any sign of that mean ole beast, I’ll protect both of you. Nothing gets past me!”


The sudden sound of a plate falling and crashing upon the floor made Shining squeak like a little girl and he jumped straight into his wife’s hooves. Shining stared at Cadence with a cheesy smile before she scoffed and dropped him to the ground.

“How heroic,” She spoke sarcastically.


Meanwhile, Fred and Daphne lead the reporters through the rest of the exhibit as Heather Jasper Howe continued to interview them.

“Fred, can you tell us a little bit about the exhibit?” She asked.

“Absolutely,” Fred nodded. “Mystery Inc. is proud to donate the costumes of criminals we’ve unmasked in the past.”

They stopped in front of one such exhibit, to which Daphne gestured toward the large suit of black armor.

“Like the Black Knight Ghost,” She showcased.

“Our very first case,” Fred remembered fondly.

Off another corner, both Velma and Scooby gestured to what looked like some kind of blobby-looking costume that lit up.

“The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost,” Velma smoke.

“Ruh huh!” Scooby nodded.

Daphne then led the reporters to a few more exhibits that showcased two skeletal costumes with one giant eye for heads and a terrifying looking pterodactyl.

“The Skeleton Men and even the dreaded Pterodactyl Ghost,” She said.

All the while, the Mane Six and Spike walked through these very same exhibits and looked them all over. It was then they came upon a certain monster that made them stop and almost burst out laughing. There was a giant zombie-like creature that also had feathers, a beak, talons, and many other things that a chicken would possess.

“Hey Velma!” Twilight called. “What about this one? This is one of the funniest looking costumes I’ve ever seen!”

Velma walked over and she herself almost laughed.

“Well, I’m glad you asked Twilight,” She said. “We also donated the costumes of some of our more ridiculous foes to the museum. Like Chickenstein here.”

Hearing that name was the last straw for some of the group. Rainbow and Applejack both fell over each other laughing and Spike soon joined in.

Chickenstein?!” Rainbow laughed. “Seriously?! What’s so scary about a seven-foot chicken man?”

Spike jumped up and started walking around like a zombie, with Rainbow Dash acting like a mad scientist.

“It’s alive!” She said loudly. “It’s alive… and it smells like seven different herbs and spices!”

Once again, they both fell over laughing as Pinkie climbed up and pulled out a camera from her mane as she struck a pose with Chickenstein.

“Say ‘chicken pox’!” She smiled.

She snapped the picture quickly and got back down just as Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy walked up and looked at the costume.

“Ridiculous?” Shaggy questioned. “Obviously she forgot that dude trying to pluck us!”

“Reah!” Scooby nodded.

“Thankfully, I came in with a turkey baster and a bowl of stuffing,” Scrappy reminded. “Sent him running for the hills in a hurry.”

Hearing even more ridiculous comments, the Mane Six and Spike only laughed even harder. That’s when Daphne walked over and practically glared at Shaggy and Scooby.

“Guys, remember what I told you,” She said lowly.

“Never pick your nose in public?” Shaggy guessed.

“No…” Daphne responded disgusted. “But that’s good too.”

“Always taste your cupcakes before you frost them?” Pinkie interjected.

Everyone turned to her in confusion.

“No!” Daphne shook her head.

“Well it should be,” Pinkie replied gleefully.

Scooby perked up as he remembered just now what she said.

“Rimage is everything,” He said.

“Yes!” Daphne nodded. “Image is everything. Now the whole city is watching so let’s try and keep a brave face.”

Shaggy and Scooby both quickly went stiff as they found themselves standing directly in front of the statue of the Pterodactyl Ghost. They practically shivered with its amber eyes staring intently at them.

“They’re costumes,” Daphne sighed, walking away.

“Yeah, don’t worry you guys,” Rainbow added. “It’s just a big, featherless bird anyway. Nothing to be scared of.”

Daphne and Rainbow walked off together with the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, and Scrappy following closely behind. This left Shaggy and Scooby staring at the Pterodactyl Ghost.

“She’s right Scoob,” Shaggy said nervously. “Up close they look… totally fake.”

The scariest thing to them happened when the Pterodactyl Ghost actually blinked its eyes. Shaggy and Scooby both ran for cover. It was most certainly not supposed to do that.


Fluttershy kept looking out the window toward the night sky, scanning for any sight of the creature she’d seen. She could not understand why one single creature was making her feel on edge. Normally when she met a new creature and got to know them, she actually found she got along with them very well and they’d be instant friends. However, this creature only gave her a feeling of dread and terror as though something bad was going to happen. She didn’t know why but she certainly didn’t like it one single bit.


The sudden loud voice beside her made her shriek in fear and duck behind a nearby curtain. Rarity, the one who called her name, walked over to the curtain and drew it back revealing a whimpering Fluttershy.

“Darling, whatever’s the matter?” Rarity asked concerned. “You haven’t stopped looking out the window the whole night. Why even the slightest sound is enough to send you running. Normally you’re much braver than this.”

Rarity gently reached out her hoof for Fluttershy to take, which the frightened Pegasus did after a moment. Rarity led Fluttershy out of the curtains and they walked through the halls as Rarity tried to speak to her friend.

“So what has gotten you so startled dear?” She asked.

Fluttershy blushed and tried her hardest to look away. But Rarity kept using her magic to turn her back to face her.

“Please talk to me Fluttershy,” Rarity nearly begged. “I’m your best friend.”

Finally, Fluttershy released a deep sigh as she stared her friend in the eyes.

“Earlier today at home, I saw this big, scary-looking creature in one of the trees of the Everfree Forest,” She explained. “It was huge, had big black wings, and glowing red eyes. After it flew away, I ran to Twilight’s castle and tried to explain what I’d seen, but I was so scared I couldn’t speak! Then when we got here to the museum, I saw it again on the rooftop. It had to have followed us here for some reason, like it was a warning or something.”

Rarity had her eyes widen by what her friend was telling her.

“A warning of what?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy said worriedly. “But whatever it is, it won’t be good.”

They proceeded to stand with the rest of their friends that were watching the gang talk more about their monsters to the reporters. Now they were standing next to a big, black, slimy-looking monster with a single eye.

“The Tar Monster scared the locals in the city of Byzantius away in order to take their treasure,” Fred explained. “But on the positive side, he’d pave your driveway for free.”

Everyone laughed at the joke as Fred glanced sideways at Velma.

“Ain’t that right Velma?” He asked. “Velma?”

However, Velma seemed to be a million miles away in her head as she stared straight ahead completely frozen. Walking in her direction was a man wearing a light blue suit with spiky-looking blonde hair and glasses. No matter what would have happened in that moment, Velma could not take her eyes off this man. Even when he clumsily slipped and fell on the floor with a yelp, he got back up and Velma still never took her eyes off him. Cadence watched from the side, smiling warmly at the sight.

“What is it dear?” Shining asked her.

“Seems Velma’s in love,” She said fondly.

Shining looked over and smiled as well, as he placed his hoof around his wife and drew her close. Seeing Daphne making her way towards Velma, Cadence knew she had to get in on this too. Next thing they knew, Velma and the man both stood in front of each other just looking at each other and smiling.

“Hi!” The man said casually.

“Hi!” Velma responded dreamily.

Velma was still in such a loving daze, that she didn’t even know Daphne and Cadence were standing beside her until she turned and saw them before snapping back to reality.

“Oh Daphne, this is Patrick Wisely,” Velma introduced. “He’s the curator here at the museum.”

Daphne looked over at Patrick, smiling as she put a hand upon Velma’s back.

“It’s very nice to meet you Patrick,” Daphne greeted. “I trust you’ll be working closely with Velma on this ever-expanding exhibit?”

Daphne gave Velma a light push closer to Patrick as she walked away.

“And uh, this is Princess Cadence,” Velma added.

Cadence bowed her head in respect and Patrick did the same.

“Wow, I’ve never met an actual princess before,” Patrick smiled.

“Well don’t let the title dissuade you dear Patrick,” Cadence responded kindly. “I like to think of myself as like any of my subjects. No different than I. Anyway, it was charming to meet you. I do hope you and Velma have a wonderful time tonight.”

Velma then felt an invisible force push her just a slight bit more and turned to see Cadence smiling while her horn glowed.

“Listen Velma,” Patrick said. “I know that you’re a glamorous, mysterious, jet-setting adventurer reoccupied with international intrigue and all.”

Truth be told, most of what he just said did not describe Velma Dinkley at all. But being as in love as she was, Velma decided to go along with it.

“Oh yes, that’s me,” She answered nervously.

“I know,” Patrick nodded. “But there’s a symposium coming up on syntactic reasoning in the criminal brain and…”

He couldn’t finish what he was about to say because Velma let out a gasp and her eyes widened.

“I have always found a criminal’s inclination to incorrectly use the interrogative pronoun in place of the relative… delightfully absurd.”

“Me too!” Patrick smiled.



At that point, Rainbow walked into the conversation with a complete look of confusion.

“What the hay are you two eggheads going on about?” She asked. “If this is an attempt at flirting, you’re going it all wrong.”

That’s when Rainbow was yanked back down on the floor, courtesy of Applejack pulling her by the tail.

“Now you leave them two alone Dash,” She scolded. “Let them have their privacy. Why don’t you and ah make our way to that there dance floor?”

“Ah but A.J.!” Rainbow whined. “Dancing’s so lame!”

It was then Applejack got a brilliant idea in her head about how she can get Rainbow to go with her.

“That may be sugarcube, but ah was kinda lookin’ forward to dancin’ like these here humans do,” Applejack suggested.

She then stepped on her hind hooves and prompted Rainbow to do the same. She placed her forehooves around Rainbow’s neck.

“You know, with mah hooves here.”

She then moved Rainbow’s hooves down to where they were resting on her hips.

“And your hooves… here.”

Rainbow’s eyes popped out of her head, as her face turned into a crimson mask of blushing as she turned back toward Velma and Patrick.

“Later eggheads!” She said rapidly.

She galloped as fast as she could towards the dance floor. Applejack turned back to Velma and Patrick and delivered a quick tip of the hat before racing off after Rainbow. Velma and Patrick both looked back at each other as they chuckled in amusement.

“Sorry about that,” Velma apologized.

“It’s no problem,” Patrick assured. “They’re pretty cool. Anyway so I was figuring that you might want to go to the symposium together.”

This caused Velma’s eyes to widen in shock.

“Wait you mean like… like a…”

“Like a date,” Patrick finished. “With me.”

All at once, Velma quickly shook her head ‘no’.

“Oh uh, no I can’t Patrick,” She said quickly.


“Uh mystery is my mistress, and I must heed her sweet call.”


Velma turned and started to walk away looking both sad and shamed. Sad because she had just turned down a date with some really sweet guy and ashamed because she didn’t feel confident enough to go out with him in the first place. Walking back toward the rest of the group, they all noticed the sad look on her face.

“Hey Velma,” Twilight spoke. “What happened?”

“You two looked like you were really hitting it off,” Shining added.

Before she could even come up with an answer, a big crack of lightning and thunder struck. All the lights in the museum went out. The feeling had suddenly gone from a fun night to downright eerie and scary when another blast of lightning hit one of the museum windows. Glass shattered everywhere and started raining down on screaming patrons who all ran out of the way. Everyone started to panic as Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians all met up in the middle of everything.

“What’s happening?” Velma asked worried.

“I don’t know,” Pinkie said. “But the life of this party just went out and that’s not a good thing!”

“I think we a little more to worry about right now than the party Pinkie!” Twilight told her.

Daphne looked over toward one of the display cases covered by a curtain and noticed some strange green mist. Walking slowly toward it, she gently reached out for the curtain and drew it back quickly. Big mistake that was when a ‘very’ real Pterodactyl Ghost started shrieking and screeching when it saw her. Hearing the screeching, everyone looked over and saw the Pterodactyl Ghost was in fact not a costume, but alive and moving.

“Oh boy!” Daphne said frightened.

The Pterodactyl Ghost burst through the glass case and knocked Daphne down. Fred quickly ran up and pulled her out of the way, as Twilight and Shining Armor both charged their horns and sent bursts of magic at the creature. The monster shrieked in pain when the magic hit it and the beast took flight into the air.

“What are we going to do now?” Twilight asked panicked.

“We need to come up with a plan,” Fred answered.

From behind the Creeper’s costume, Shaggy and Scooby emerged looking terrified.

“Hiding is our plan,” Shaggy said scared.

“Reah!” Scooby nodded in fear.

“In case you haven’t noticed, there’s an unidentified freaky object in here.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll hold it off until you guys come up with something!” Cadence spoke up.

“Come on every pony!” Twilight said loudly.

The monster flew around the room before grabbing the Black Knight costume in its claw. The Mane Six, Cadence, and Shining Armor sprang into action trying to distract the Pterodactyl Ghost. Meanwhile, Spike and Flurry watched from the sidelines alongside Scrappy. They watched as all the ponies crowded around the monster and went on the attack. Twilight, Rarity, Shining, and Cadence all charged up their horns and bombarded the beast with blasts of magic, while Applejack used her rope to lasso the monster’s legs so it couldn’t fly away. Rainbow then zoomed up and started launching a series of rapid punches against the monster’s face. It was then Velma came up with an idea.

“The curtains,” She pointed.

“We’re on ‘em!” Fred nodded.

He and Daphne ran over to grab the curtains, while Velma ran up to Scooby and Shaggy.

“Come on you chickens!” She yelled. “Grab those ropes!”

“Rokay!” Scooby nodded.

“But chickens aren’t good with ropes!” Shaggy argued.

Scooby and Shaggy reached for the ropes, while Spike and Flurry stood by.

“I don’t know about you, but we can’t just sit around doing nothing!” Spike shouted. “We have to help them.”

“You’re right!” Flurry agreed. “Let’s help Scooby and Shaggy with the ropes!”

The three quickly ran over and grabbed the ropes as well. Soon the Mane Six and Mystery Inc. finally managed to get the Pterodactyl Ghost trapped in a corner and wrapped the curtains around it.

“Shaggy, use the ropes to tie him up!” Velma yelled.

Shaggy, Scooby, Spike, and Flurry all started to circle around the trapped monsters as they proceeded to tie it up.

“It’s just a costume,” Shaggy said to himself. “It’s just a costume. It’s just a costume.”

“Less talking, more tying!” Scrappy said.

Finally, they had the creature tied up and they held the ropes back smiling in triumph.

“We tied it!” Shaggy said victoriously. “Let’s go!”

“Good work guys,” Scrappy complimented.

“We did great!” Flurry cheered.

“Yeah we did!” Spike nodded.

The gang and the Equestrians all let the tied-up monster go… only for the ropes to fall to the ground, completely untied. The curtains opened to reveal the Pterodactyl Ghost grinning smugly with its arms crossed.

“That’s not good,” Shaggy gulped.

“Nope!” Spike and Flurry said in unison.

The monster screeched as it grabbed the Black Knight costume and flew off into the air. Everyone noticed the ropes were still attached to it and were quickly pulled at an accelerated rate. Shaggy, Scooby, Spike, and Flurry all looked down and noticed the ropes were still attached to them as well. They turned to each other in panic.

“Not good!” They all said simultaneously.

They were then yanked clear off the ground and into the air by the monster. It flew them all around the room and they crashed into the buffet tables, pulling them right through a number of food dishes.

“Flurry!” Cadence and Shining screamed.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled.

“We have to save Shaggy and Scooby!” Fred said urgently.

“As usual,” Velma added.


A booming voice echoed through the halls, and everyone turned toward the broken window where a menacing looking masked figure stood. Dressed in black, he stood atop the damaged pane bellowing a deep, menacing laugh as it looked down toward the crime solving group and the ponies.

“This is only the first run on the ladder of your demise,” The figure address.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Shining, and Cadence were still in the process of chasing the Pterodactyl Ghost around trying to save the ones they love. The creature crashed into the costume of Redbeard and the sword it carried flew into the air. Daphne quickly ran forward and snagged the sword out of the air before it fell and chased after them as well.

“And this time, you’ll be the ones unmasked into the fools that you truly are.”

The rest of the Mane Six stepped up with determined looks on their faces, staring down toward the masked figure.

“Yeah, you wish buddy!” Rainbow spat. “When I get my hooves on you…”

“Such insolence as always…”

A swirling green cloud appeared on the ground before the Mane Six. When it cleared, Queen Chrysalis stood right in front of them laughing evilly. The girls all gasped and took a single step back in the presence of the former Changeling Queen.

“Chrysalis?!” Applejack growled. “What the hay are you doing here? Come tah get yer sorry flank handed to ya again?”

“Silence impudent worm!” Chrysalis growled. “You foiled my plans last time I was in this world, but I can assure you the same thing won’t happen again. I will have my revenge on you and that pathetic Mystery Inc.”

“You’ll have to get through us first, bug breath!” Rainbow sneered.


A cloud of black smoke then materialized alongside Chrysalis and a pair of glowing green eyes with red iris’ glared fiercely at the Mane Six. An eerie laugh echoed through the halls, as the Mane Six looked toward the black cloud and they all stepped back even further. Hearing this familiar laugh, even Twilight, Cadence, and Shining stopped and looked in shock toward the black cloud.

“No… it can’t be!” Twilight gasped bewildered. “That’s not possible!”

The eyes turned and locked with Twilight Sparkle.

“I’m afraid to disappoint you princess, but it is ‘entirely’ possible,” It mocked.

“King Sombra!” Cadence gasped.

“How is that possible though?” Shining asked. “You were destroyed!”

“Do you truly believe it’s easy to destroy the rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire?” Sombra laughed wickedly. “You may have destroyed my physical form, but my mentality and my spirit remain as lively as ever. Mark my words, I will find a way to regain a body of my own. And when I do, I’ll tear your living heart from your chest and crush it in my might… and right in front of your daughter!”

Chrysalis stepped forward again with a sadistic smile on her face.

“A fair warning for all of you,” She hissed. “Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Daphne finally leapt into the air and sliced the ropes holding Scooby, Shaggy, Spike, and Flurry, and they ‘all’ went flying across the room. Thankfully, Twilight and Cadence snapped from their shock and quickly used their magic to catch Spike and Flurry bringing them back over to safety. Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby crashed into a few other costumes, including Chickenstein, which made feathers fly everywhere.

The masked figure, Chrysalis, and Sombra all laughed menacingly before Chrysalis and Sombra disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Pterodactyl Ghost flew through the broken window with the Black Knight and the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost, while the masked figure grabbed the rope attached to it. The two then flew off into the night with the masked figure laughing madly, leaving a stunned group of mystery solvers and ponies gazing in shock.

“What the heck just happened?!” Rainbow asked.