• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 7,550 Views, 582 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed - extremeenigma02

A year after the events of their last adventure through the multiverse, the Mane Six and Spike are back again for another adventure. This time they reunite with Mystery Inc to help them solve the biggest case of their entire lives.

  • ...

Heroes At Last

Following all the chaos, and all the mayhem in between, all had been set right in Coolsville at last. As the morning rays shined upon the old Coolsville mining town, a number of reporters, press, and fans swarmed the area as Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians led the now handcuffed masked figure out of the building (Don’t ask how they got the handcuffs). Immediately, the reporters crowded around Mystery Inc. with all sorts of questions they could think of.

“Mystery Inc., do you know the identity of the Evil Masked Figure behind it all?” A newswoman asked, flooded with other reporters.

“Well, if our hunch is correct,” Velma drawled. “The Evil Masked Figure is…”

Without a further moment to waste, the group proceed to unmask the mysterious figure.

NO!!!” The Evil Masked Figure growled.

Soon as the mask was removed, a certain female reporter was revealed. The crowd gasped in surprise, even the Equestrian group were a bit shocked by who it was.

“Heather Jasper-Howe,” Daphne smirked.

Scooby nodded along with the others, but even he seemed surprised as Patrick emerged from the crowd along with Old Man Wickles. To say all the reporters were confused was a gross understatement.

“But she was at the museum when the masked figure was on the roof,” Another newswoman pointed out.

“Even I must concur with that darling,” Rarity piped in. “Not to mention we both spoke to her when we all witnessed the masked figure on the roof.”

“You almost had us there, didn’t you?” Daphne asked the smirking Heather.

“So how’d she manage to pull it off?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Luckily for her she had an assistant helping her along with her evil plans,” Daphne informed.

She then pointed toward the middle of the crowd where there stood Heather’s most trusted cameraman.


Ned looked around, but before he could run away some cops beside him grabbed the man.

“When I realized she was the Evil Masked Figure, he quickly changed into her costume,” Daphne replied.

“But why’d she do it?” The first newswoman asked.

“Because Heather Jasper-Howe is actually…”

Velma grabbed and removed Heather’s face, revealing to be yet another mask of an older man.

“Dr. Jonathan Jacobo: The original Pterodactyl Ghost.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide, and all their mouths dropped in complete, utter confusion over this.

“But how do you know this?” Another reporter asked.

“I can answer that one.”

Twilight Sparkle approached the reporters, using her magic to pull out the newspaper clipping they had discovered from the shine and displayed it to the people.

“When we were in the monster hive, we located Dr. Jacobo’s lair and discovered this newspaper clipping,” Twilight explained. “Upon closer inspection, it clearly showed the man in front of the newly finished Criminology museum.”

“That’s absolutely right Twilight,” Velma nodded. “According to the prison that he was incarcerated in, Jacobo supposedly died a year before construction even began.”

“So, Jacobo survived that fall off the prison wall,” Shaggy said.

“Reah!” Scooby nodded.

“He also adopted that false Heather Jasper-Howe persona to turn the press against us,” Scrappy added.

“And he framed that poor, hideous Old Man Wickles by putting that book and the Black Knight Ghost in his mansion,” Daphne finished.

The cops proceeded to start dragging Jacobo towards the armored van, but not before Rainbow Dash zipped right in front of them.

“Hold up fellas,” She said. “Before you take him away, I owe him something for almost killing us…”

Rainbow reeled back and slugged Jacobo right in the jaw, causing him to actually fall to the ground and the police had to haul him back to his feet. Rainbow smirked with a nod before floating back to the ground and walked alongside her mare-friend.

“Nice punch hon,” Applejack complimented.

“Eh, he only got about 20% power,” Rainbow shrugged. “I’d have given more, but I don’t want to get dragged off by the cops too.”

“Well still, that deserves one ah these,” Applejack smiled.

Applejack leaned in and kissed Rainbow right on the cheek, which caused the cyan blue Pegasus to turn into a love-struck idiot, as she stumbled around as though she were drunk and mumbling something incoherent. All the while, the cops were still dragging Jacobo to the police van.

“As if you getting the lead in ‘My Fair Lady’ wasn’t enough!” Wickles glared at Jacobo.

“I was an excellent Eliza!” Jacobo retorted. “You were ‘too acty’!”

“And stealing my Tater Tots!” Wickles snapped.

“You kept saying you felt puffy!” Jacobo retorted.

Wickles just glared toward his old nemesis, watching him getting dragged off with a goodly amount of satisfaction. He felt a slight tug on his pant leg and looked down to see Flurry Heart smiling at him.

“I always knew you were innocent Mr. Wickles,” She said happily.

Wickles knelt down onto one knee so that he could look Flurry Heart in the eye, as he shook his head in utter confusion.

“I just don’t get it kid,” He spoke. “Everyone else was ready to place the blame of this whole scheme on me in the blink of an eye. Why weren’t you one of them?”

“Because I sensed the sincerity in your words back at the Faux Ghost,” Flurry responded. “You truly felt guilty about what you had done in the past. All you needed is one person, or in this case a filly, to believe you.”

Wickles actually had a smirk creep onto his face, as he truly felt touched by the young pony’s belief in him even after such a short time.

“Thanks kid,” He said gratefully.

Flurry threw her arms around the old man in a big hug which was a surprise to Wickles. However, after his initial shock was gone, he gently placed an arm around her and gently reciprocated the hug.

Meanwhile, Fred tried to be smart as Velma but once again… he failed.

“And the real identity of Ned is…”

Fred came up toward the cameraman, grabbed his head and gave a forceful yank but nothing happened.

“Ow!” Ned cried.

“… Ned.”

“Fred, Ned never had a mask on,” Shining spoke up, slightly embarrassed.

Fred smiled sheepishly toward the others.

“And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddling punks, and their dumb dogs!” Jacobo called out.

The crowd soon cheered for Mystery Inc. as they had won yet another case.

“Great that everyone loves us again,” Scrappy smiled.

“You were a dude this whole time?” Ned asked Jacobo, betrayed.

“Of course, Dummkopf!” Jacobo muttered.

“But we cuddled!” Ned frowned, with a slight groan.

“That’s… disturbing,” Pinkie commented.


Later, Velma approached Patrick, who still stood amongst the crowd and smiled at her as she approached.

“Hi…” Velma spoke nervously.

“H-Hi Velma…” Patrick greeted. “Look, I know that must have seemed very suspicious—”

“No, I trust you…” Velma told him.

“Y-You do?” Patrick asked.

Velma looked over her shoulder and spotted Cadance smiling at her, gently waving her hoof for her to proceed. This time she wasn’t going to pretend to be someone she wasn’t.

“Uh, listen, Patrick…” Velma continued. “I’m not glamorous, or mysterious. But I do like you, very much. And I would like to go out with you again. But this time… I will go as myself.”

Hearing her say this, Patrick smiled even brighter than he had been before.

“I would like nothing more than that,” He responded happily.

The two smiled as they locked hands and walked over to where Cadance and Shining Armor stood side by side.

“Thank you so much Cadance,” Velma thanked. “I should have listened to you right from the start.”

“Like I said Velma, you don’t have to pretend in order to find love,” Cadance smiled. “Sometimes love finds you in the most mysterious and unexpected ways.”

Shining Armor smiled as he placed his hoof around his wife and gently kissed the side of her head.

“It sure does,” He nodded. “But when you find it, never let go.”

Speaking of which, Daphne snuck up behind Fred and when the handsome young man turned around, saw her standing there, he smiled brightly.

“Hey!” Daphne smiled. “They’re cheering for us again.”

“Yeah…” Fred smiled back. “I always thought that was the greatest thing in the world. Guess I had my eyes shut pretty tight, huh?”

Daphne just smiled more as she threw her arms around Fred and the two shared a passionate kiss. Flurry came running up to her parents and they both eagerly caught her in a massive hug.

“Oh my sweet baby girl,” Cadance said lovingly.

“Actually Cadance, how’s about from now on we just call her as she is,” Shining suggested.

“And what might that be?”

Shining looked upon his daughter as a huge, proud smiled formed upon his face.

“Our grown-up little mare.”

The proud parents hugged their daughter once more until a sudden sensation caused them to back away and look in surprise. Flurry was especially surprised as well because a strange glowing, golden light began to envelope her until it was nearly blinding. Everyone shielded their eyes until the light eventually faded and when they looked back at Flurry Heart, they were all speechless. Flurry was a slight confused by all the sudden eyes on her.

“Why are you all staring at me?” She asked confused.

“Maybe you should look behind you and find out,” Shining suggested proudly.

Flurry instantly turned her head and looked down at her flank. Her eyes instantly went wide, and a huge smile plastered onto her face. For there, right upon her flank, was her brand-new cutie mark which resembled a cross between her mother’s and her father’s with the Crystal Heart sitting atop a pink star that was crested onto a blue shield.

“My… my… my… MY CUTIE MARK!!!” Flurry yelled, gleefully.

The Mane Six and Spike all approached when they heard Flurry yelling and noticed her jumping around for joy as she admired her new cutie mark. Shining Armor and Cadance were so proud of their daughter as they came up and hugged her tightly. Soon everyone came up and joined in.

“Look at me Auntie Twily, look at me!!!” Flurry cheered. “I never imagined I’d get a cutie mark and now I got one!”

“Oh Flurry, I am so proud of you!” Twilight smiled.

“We all are little darling,” Rarity added.

“You really earned it little squirt,” Rainbow smirked.

When everyone pulled back from the hug, Twilight turned back toward little Spike. She caught him staring down toward the ground slightly sadly. Twilight walked up alongside him and gently nudged him with her hoof.

“Hey, you okay Spike?” She asked, sitting beside him.

“I guess…” Spike answered sadly. “I mean I’m glad we solved the mystery, don’t get me wrong. And it’s so cool Flurry got her cutie mark, it’s just… I wish something cool happened to me. But I’m still just the same old baby dragon I was when I woke up today… and when this whole trip started.”

Twilight smiled toward her little number one assistant, placing a single arm around him.

“What’s so wrong with that?” She asked. “I think the same old Spike is just as perfect, and I guarantee you every pony else does too. Having something like a cutie mark or praise from fans doesn’t make you a hero. Helping people in need, for the sole purpose of doing a good deed, that my friend is what makes a hero. You’ve done just that time and time again by just being yourself, Spike. Not just for all Equestria, but for so many other worlds… and the same for all the worlds we haven’t even been to yet.”

Hearing Twilight say this made Spike feel slightly better, even put a smile on his face. She was absolutely right because throughout the entirety of their journeys, from Equestria and all the other worlds, he’d been a big help in so many ways. Not always by doing the biggest, most heroic deeds but just for being so willing to help anyway he can.

“You know what, you’re right Twilight!” Spike smiled. “I am a hero. Not because I’m the biggest, not because I’m the strongest, but when it comes down to it I’m not afraid to step up and help no matter what stands in the way—uh ooh…”

“Something the matter Spike?”

“I-I-I don’t know, mmm…” Spike grunted, clutching himself. “All of a sudden I feel weird… and I haven’t had breakfast—ooh… ooh boy….”

All of a sudden, no sooner did the pain within him increase starting from the top of his chest and drawing down to his feet, an even stranger sensation developed with him. Soon the pain faded to a more tingly feeling inside like bits of his body falling asleep. And all of a sudden, through his eyes, everything seemed to either be getting smaller or his sights were getting higher. Either way, he hadn’t noticed that his limbs were growing until eventually the process stopped. Confused, he looked down only to realize he was slightly taller than Twilight and the others.

“What happened to me?” He asked.

Spike clasped his claws over his mouth, realizing his voice had gotten slightly deeper.

“Spike… you’re growing!” Twilight marveled. “You’re becoming… a full dragon!”

As this touching tender moment took place, a few news reporters asked Shaggy if he could wear the Captain Cutler helmet for them.

“Shaggy, can we get your photo in this?” A reporter asked.

“Uh, yes,” Shaggy smiled.

Without hesitation, he took Captain Cutler’s diving helmet and decided to try it on for size.

“That’s a nice fit there, Shaggy!” Scrappy smirked.

The little pup approached the rest of the rest of the Equestrian group, as he kept a close watch.

“Uh Scraps, what’re you doing?” Rainbow asked.

“Just waiting for the hilarity to ensue,” Scrappy answered casually.

“What do you…”

“Just wait… any minute now…”

Shaggy soon roared, pretending to be scary. Unfortunately, that attracted some attention in the wrong way.

“Rikes!” Scooby panicked.

Scooby snatched a boom mic from one of the camera crew and soon beat Shaggy with it, thinking the ‘real’ Captain Cutler was still up and running. Shaggy grunted and groaned before removing the helmet.

“Like, Scoob, it’s me, man!” Shaggy smiled to his best friend.

“Raggy!” Scooby smiled.

The Great Dane soon raced toward Shaggy, feeling much better now, pouncing upon him, and licking his face.

Everyone laughed at the quirky duo, but then soon erupted into cheers of celebration. Once again, Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians solved another mystery together and as a bonus all of Coolsville was saved. Flurry Heart climbed up onto Scooby’s back, hugged him around the neck and the big dog nuzzled up against her.

“Scooby Dooby Doo!!!” They both chanted.


Late in the night, at the Faux Ghost, everyone gathered for one swinging party in celebration. Everyone in town assembled on the dance floor, as Scooby Doo and Pinkie Pie stood on stage with a very special guest star.

“Fillies and gentle colts, ladies and gentlemen,” Pinkie announced, through a mic. “The Faux Ghost is pleased to present the musical guest star and ‘American Idol’ winner, Ruben Studdard!!!”

“Sing it, Ruben!” Scooby shouted.

Acknowledging the Great Dane’s request, Ruben grabbed the microphone and began to sing.

As the man sang, everyone on the dance floor started to jam and boogey as they had the time of their lives. The entire Equestria team danced with one another with Rainbow Dash and Applejack dancing together, Flurry with her parents, Pinkie break-dancing all across the floor, Twilight dancing with her now bigger dragon assistant Spike, and Rarity and Fluttershy dancing with one another. But soon, however, the celebration came to an end the moment a familiar portal back to Equestria opened up.

“Looks like it’s time to go home,” Twilight announced.

“Aww, can’t we stay a little longer?” Pinkie pleaded. “I still haven’t even got to break out ‘my’ super-duper, double looper, hoopty-dooper, Pinkie Pie twist.”

“Sorry Pinkie, but I think we’ve partied enough here tonight.”

Pinkie merely pouted and lightly kicked the floor beneath her before sluggishly following behind as the group started walking toward the Mystery Inc. crew.

“Heading out already?” Fred asked.

“Afraid so Fred,” Shining nodded. “Time we all got back home and start on our next big mystery.”

“Number one amongst them the whereabouts of Chrysalis and Sombra,” Cadance added. “And what they’re next plan is going to be.”

“Like I wouldn’t sweat it man,” Shaggy spoke up. “Knowing you guys, you’ll catch them and smoke ‘em six ways from Sunday.”

“Reah, roke ‘em!” Scooby nodded.

“Well, we’ll really miss you guys,” Daphne said.

“I just hope we’ll see you again,” Velma added.

“Don’t y’all worry bout that none,” Applejack said. “Ah’m sure we’ll be seein’ ya again real soon.”

“For more adventures and mystery solving,” Rarity nodded.

“Not to mention busting up baddies with my awesome moves!” Rainbow added, throwing punches in mid-air.

“Yeah!” Pinkie perked up. “Maybe you’ll get hired by some town in Scotland, with inhabitants complaining about being plagued by monsters! Only to discover that the monsters are actually victims, leading to Scooby & Shaggy coming to terms with their own prejudices and narrow belief systems!”

There was a slight awkward pause between the two groups for a moment, several members blinking. Shaggy and Scooby turned toward one another, as if pondering what the other was thinking, then turned back toward Pinkie shaking their heads.

“Nah…” They said in unison.

“Well… I could see some potential,” Scrappy replied, shrugging.

“We’ll see…” Velma added.

“Well… until that time comes, we’ll miss all of you,” Fluttershy smiled.

Everyone exchanged meaningful hugs and farewells before the Equestrian group slowly turned back towards the portal. They took one final look over their shoulders toward Mystery Inc. before they finally stepped through the portal and worked their way back home.


Meanwhile, in the badlands of Equestria, a fully recovered Chrysalis and the newly reanimated Sombra made their way through the caves of their hiding spot before eventually arriving in the dead center of the meeting area. There stood Tirek, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Demitria, Andromedis, and the Mysterious Benefactor waiting for them.

Soon as the pair walked into the cavern, the Benefactor stood up and walked towards them as the two bowed their heads in respect. The Benefactor looked toward Sombara, smiling under their hood wickedly over his new form.

“Ah Sombra,” They spoke satisfied. “You’ve managed to acquire yourself a new body.”

“Indeed I have,” Sombra nodded, examining himself. “Oh, how fun it was toying with those pathetic little ingrates who dare call themselves ‘ponies’. Did they really think I’d be beaten so easily? All I needed was for them to think they’d won the battle… not realizing the real war coming to them.

“And… did you two managed to track for what we needed?”

“Oh yes… and much more,” Chrysalis smirked evilly.

Using her twisted magic, Chrysalis floated over a black box and slowly opened it to reveal a container of Randomonium. She also procured the ancient text she had retrieved from Mystery Inc. headquarters, shortly after the gang left for the mining town. Upon looking at the items, the Benefactor nearly salivated as they thought of what they could do with this.

“Excellent!” They grinned. “With this very substance and the knowledge within this book, we shall create an army of monsters to wreak mayhem and destruction my command….”

“Don’t you mean our command?” Tirek asked irritated.

“Don’t go thinking you can hold out on us,” Cozy Glow added. “We’re all part of this as well.”

The Benefactor merely growled quietly underneath their hood, before quickly turning back around and regaining their composure.

“Now then, we move onto the next phase of our plan,” They declared.

At that moment, a group of dark figures emerged from the shadows of the cave. The figures were all dressed in black robes, wearing skull masks that covered their faces. It was clear they were all humans but also quite evil to dress in such an ensemble. The Benefactor noticed the group of figures and walked over towards them with the tome and the Randomonium in their magical grip. The one leading the group of people simply reached out their gloved hands and the Benefactor let the items fall into their grasp.

“And you’re certain this will aid us, master?” The figure asked.

“More than you will ever know,” The Benefactor nodded. “Soon, we will get ‘everything’ we all wanted. And soon… the Dark Lord will rise again and not even death will stop him. But first…”

Two of the robed figures, their faces hidden behind masks, drew out a long table covered by a white sheet. The Mysterious Benefactor stood over the table as the figures set it into position. Then through a silent command, the figures lifted the sheet off the table… revealing the costume of a certain, ‘Chickenstein’.

“We use our newfound randomonium to turn the most ridiculous creature in the world… into the most frightening servant of our newfound order.”

The End…?

Comments ( 56 )

We finally reach the conclusion of the story that kicks off the second season of the C.A. As the title suggests, not only do Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians clear their names, but they get something better than the fame and fortune. Not only do Shaggy and Scooby get their chance to be heroes, but so does Scrappy, Flurry, and even Spike. Flurry not only gets treated like an equal in her family, but also gets her own cutie mark (Which ironically, wasn't brought up all that much) and not only does Spike get to contribute to the story but we start to see evidence he's growing up without going through that Dragon molting deal or letting his greed get the best of him.

Not to mention in this chapter, there are tons of little surprises and Easter eggs we throw in for those paying attention. Mark my words faithful readers, this is only the beginning of what we have in mind for the new season.

They also collected the Chickenstine costume? I so wonder what was that monster that helped the Ponies?

Awww that was so sweet

Excellent job, the mystery's been solved, Flurry got her cutie mark, and Spike is truly growing up naturally, and just as November comes to a close. But now the Legion and the Benefactor are once again closer and closer to their master plan.

And whatever there plan is. We know it’s definitely not gonna be good for are heroes

But one mystery they did NOT solve: The creature that Fluttershy encountered from the very beginning.

Wait a minute, what about the Owlman and why was it helping them?

That was The Mothman, had you've been paying attention to the details and the previous comments.

Thank you very much. Just finished editing this chapter for Mr. Enigma a near half hour ago.

And the closer they get to nearing the completion of their plans, the greater that Equestria is at great risk if Twilight and her friends are not keeping watch. The villains definitely have something 'extra' special in mind.

That was the whole point. It was a mystery not meant to be solved right off the bat. It's all about the buildup.

It was purposely put together that certain questions surrounding the Mothman remained unanswered. You don't reveal the secret about Rose Quartz at the beginning of the series.

I've been working hard in the last week and try to work on my chapters. Sorry if I don't remember every details or check every comment. I'm literally a one man writer who has a lot of crap dumped on him which delays my Work. Sorry for sounding negative and rude but I don't know many people who wants to help me and I got one fan whose my friend whose slacking and making excuses to avoid typing what I wrote on paper for me while I work on another

i can't wait for when they meet the grinch! :pinkiehappy:

We're already workshopping on the start of the next project as we speak. Should be ready by tomorrow, unless we decide to start earlier.

with you guys on a roll, i wouldn't be surprised by either one of the choices you decide to do :raritywink:

Now that Spike has grown it's time to find a new voice actor for him I was thinking the person who voiced Aladar in the Disney movie Dinosaur

Aw what a good ending.

Flurry got her cutie mark, and spike grew a bit.

And uh oh. The Death eaters make their appearance. And... Chickenstein... I'm not so sure, but it would certainly scare Celestia.

I mean how the heck can she be scared of chickens. Oh well, can't wait for the next story.

At that moment, a group of dark figures emerged from the shadows of the cave. The figures were all dressed in black robes, wearing skull masks that covered their faces. It was clear they were all humans but also quite evil to dress in such an ensemble. The Benefactor noticed the group of figures and walked over towards them with the tome and the Randomonium in their magical grip. The one leading the group of people simply reached out their gloved hands and the Benefactor let the items fall into their grasp.

No way! Death Eaters!? Here?!

Okay. Using the Chickenstien. Didn't expect that to be important, but again love me some Pup fanservice. I also see the Sombra and Spike evolutions are gonna stick.

But then it's like 15 or more years before Spike looks the way he does at the end of the series.

I’m so looking forward to it when it comes :pinkiesmile:

And... your point being?

We've got plenty of time.

A surprising ending, good job. Not so much to find out who The Masked Figure was, who turned to be the least one expected and the one we all suspected the most too, but more because of the changes in Spike and Flurry: The dragon increases in size, now looking more like a teenager or a young adult. Now he is going to have a certain dragon and a certain griffin running after him 😏(I hope his wings have grown too).

Then there is Flurry. Either because she has gotten her parents to see what she has matured, because of protecting her family and friends with all her heart, because of the kindness and compassion she showed towards Wickles, or maybe because of all that, that she gets her own cutie mark:pinkiegasp: (an impressive design, congratulations :heart:). Now she has to know what her cutie mark means and what kind of princess she wants to be. There are three fillies that are going to be excited helping her figure it out.

We also have to give credit to Shaggy and Scooby, and the gang in general. If we have been taught anything in this adventure, it is that, even if you are not the brightest person in the world and have your flaws, you will also have qualities that you can use to move forward and overcome any obstacle. And if you can't on your own, remember the importance of having faithful friends to count on :twilightsmile::raritywink:.

But not everything is positive: All of this was a plan for the Benefactor to obtain the randomonium, and it seems that he isn't alone (and I don't mean only the villains of MLP and Star Wars). Although I can't be sure, the skull-shaped masks and what he said about the Dark Lord, he tells me that the identity of this villain is related to a certain school of magic and sorcery.

However, there is another mystery that still needs to be solved: The Mothman, will he appear again? Is he an ally or an enemy? Were these monsters what I wanted to warn you about, or is something much bigger and more coming? dangerous? I suppose this will be one of the mysteries that our heroes will have to solve. This adventure will be over, but the new season has only just begun :yay:.

That I think this chapter is giving me the idea of ​​how Spike has developed after 20 years

You know how it has grown since then


Then there is Flurry. Either because he has gotten his parents to see what he has matured, because of protecting his family and friends with all his heart, because of the kindness and compassion he showed towards Wickles, or maybe because of all that, that he gets his own cutie mark:pinkiegasp: (an impressive design, congratulations :heart:). Now he has to know what his cutie mark means and what kind of princess he wants to be. There are three fillies that are going to be excited helping her figure it out.

Why do you keep mixing he's and she's? Especially when it comes to Flurry Heart?

A great ending to a great mystery! great job Enigma, you keep on surprising us.

Sorry, problems with my phone's translator :twilightblush:. I've already fixed the errors.

A Perfect End to a Season Season Premiere! :pinkiehappy:

(Me sticking around watching the Post Credit Sequence)

Meanwhile, in the badlands of Equestria, a fully recovered Chrysalis and the newly reanimated Sombra made their way through the caves of their hiding spot before eventually arriving in the dead center of the meeting area. There stood Tirek, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Demitria, Andromedis, and the Mysterious Benefactor waiting for them.

Soon as the pair walked into the cavern, the Benefactor stood up and walked towards them as the two bowed their heads in respect. The Benefactor looked toward Sombara, smiling under their hood wickedly over his new form.

“Ah Sombra,” They spoke satisfied. “You’ve managed to acquire yourself a new body.”

“Indeed I have,” Sombra nodded, examining himself. “Oh, how fun it was toying with those pathetic little ingrates who dare call themselves ‘ponies’. Did they really think I’d be beaten so easily? All I needed was for them to think they’d won the battle… not realizing the real war coming to them.

“And… did you two managed to track for what we needed?”

“Oh yes… and much more,” Chrysalis smirked evilly.

Using her twisted magic, Chrysalis floated over a black box and slowly opened it to reveal a container of Randomonium. She also procured the ancient text she had retrieved from Mystery Inc. headquarters, shortly after the gang left for the mining town. Upon looking at the items, the Benefactor nearly salivated as they thought of what they could do with this.

“Excellent!” They grinned. “With this very substance and the knowledge within this book, we shall create an army of monsters to wreak mayhem and destruction my command….”

“Don’t you mean our command?” Tirek asked irritated.

“Don’t go thinking you can hold out on us,” Cozy Glow added. “We’re all part of this as well.”

The Benefactor merely growled quietly underneath their hood, before quickly turning back around and regaining their composure.

“Now then, we move onto the next phase of our plan,” They declared.

At that moment, a group of dark figures emerged from the shadows of the cave. The figures were all dressed in black robes, wearing skull masks that covered their faces. It was clear they were all humans but also quite evil to dress in such an ensemble. The Benefactor noticed the group of figures and walked over towards them with the tome and the Randomonium in their magical grip. The one leading the group of people simply reached out their gloved hands and the Benefactor let the items fall into their grasp.

“And you’re certain this will aid us, master?” The figure asked.

“More than you will ever know,” The Benefactor nodded. “Soon, we will get ‘everything’ we all wanted. And soon… the Dark Lord will rise again and not even death will stop him. But first…”

Two of the robed figures, their faces hidden behind masks, drew out a long table covered by a white sheet. The Mysterious Benefactor stood over the table as the figures set it into position. Then through a silent command, the figures lifted the sheet off the table… revealing the costume of a certain, ‘Chickenstein’.

“We use our newfound randomonium to turn the most ridiculous creature in the world… into the most frightening servant of our newfound order.”

The End…?


“You were a dude this whole time?” Ned asked Jacobo, betrayed.

“Of course, Dummkopf!” Jacobo muttered.

“But we cuddled!” Ned frowned, with a slight groan.

“That’s… disturbing,” Pinkie commented.



Comment posted by Tidal Wave2 deleted Dec 1st, 2021

“Fillies and gentle colts, ladies and gentlemen,” Pinkie announced, through a mic. “The Faux Ghost is pleased to present the musical guest star and ‘American Idol’ winner, Ruben Studdard!!!”

I didn't know Studdard was also an American Idol winner.

I feel a breeze in my hair as I'm standing outside.
I look up, and see an owl flying overhead.

"Hmmm. Looks like second year is starting. I will most certainly be looking forward to what happens."

OOOOOoHHHHH YES, *shivers* Things are intensifying and I cant wait to see what comes next, awesome ending with spike growing and Flurry's new mark, another amazing adventure for the records, keep it up Drama and Enigma XD

Meanwhile, back in Discord's Theater(s)

Following all the chaos, and all the mayhem in between, all had been set right in Coolsville at last. As the morning rays shined upon the old Coolsville mining town, a number of reporters, press, and fans swarmed the area as Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians led the now handcuffed masked figure out of the building (Don’t ask how they got the handcuffs).

Extra Cut

Among the reporters is Wallflower Blush and Juniper Montage's employer, Mr. Buried Lede. And he was not too happy when he found Wallflower and Juniper.

Buried Lede: "WALLFLOWER! JUNIPER! Where've you girls been? I've stayed up the whole night, looking for you! Photographing squirrels?"

Juniper Montage: "We just lived the story, up close and personal!" (Holds up her camera, proudly) "And we got some pictures you might like."

Buried Lede: "Hmph! They better be worth the trouble. I almost got run-overed by Mystery Inc. and their Equestrian Hero buddies."

Immediately, the reporters crowded around Mystery Inc. with all sorts of questions they could think of.

“Mystery Inc., do you know the identity of the Evil Masked Figure behind it all?” A newswoman asked, flooded with other reporters.

“Well, if our hunch is correct,” Velma drawled. “The Evil Masked Figure is…”

Without a further moment to waste, the group proceed to unmask the mysterious figure.

NO!!!” The Evil Masked Figure growled.

Soon as the mask was removed, a certain female reporter was revealed. The crowd gasped in surprise, even the Equestrian group were a bit shocked by who it was.

“Heather Jasper-Howe,” Daphne smirked.

Granny Smith: "I knew there was somethin' I didn't like about that reporter!"

Equestria Girls

Sugarcoat: "I knew it."

EqG Pinkie Pie: "WHAT?! But how could you know?"

Sugarcoat: "The clues were right there. Purposely taking Fred's words out of context. Making Mystery Inc. look bad. And reciting some suspicious words that the Evil Masked Figure said."

EqG Pinkie Pie: "Wow! That's a lot when you say it all at once..."

Scooby nodded along with the others, but even he seemed surprised as Patrick emerged from the crowd along with Old Man Wickles. To say all the reporters were confused was a gross understatement.

“But she was at the museum when the masked figure was on the roof,” Another newswoman pointed out.

“Even I must concur with that darling,” Rarity piped in. “Not to mention we both spoke to her when we all witnessed the masked figure on the roof.”

Featherweight: "So, how did she pull it off?"

Button Mash: "Maybe she has a twin sister, or something?"

“You almost had us there, didn’t you?” Daphne asked the smirking Heather.

“So how’d she manage to pull it off?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Luckily for her she had an assistant helping her along with her evil plans,” Daphne informed.

Button Mash: (Gasps) "She has an EVIL TWIN SISTER!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: (To Button Mash) "SHUT UP!"

She then pointed toward the middle of the crowd where there stood Heather’s most trusted cameraman.


The Audience: "Ned?"

Equestria Girls

The Audience: "Ned?"


C3PO: "Who is this Ned?"

Ned looked around, but before he could run away some cops beside him grabbed the man.

Future G5

Sherif Hitch: "Not so fast, Ned! You are under arrest!"

“When I realized she was the Evil Masked Figure, he quickly changed into her costume,” Daphne replied.

Equestria Girls

The Audience: "Oooooh!"

Micro Chips: "Gotta hand it to her. That's very clever."

“But why’d she do it?” The first newswoman asked.

“Because Heather Jasper-Howe is actually…”

Me: (Inner Ace Ventura mentally screaming) "SHE'S NOT HEATHER JASPER-HOWE! SHE'S JONATHON JACOBO! She's a man!"

Velma grabbed and removed Heather’s face, revealing to be yet another mask of an older man.

“Dr. Jonathan Jacobo: The original Pterodactyl Ghost.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide, and all their mouths dropped in complete, utter confusion over this.

Random Dudes: "She's a MALE?!!!!"

Cranky Doodle Donkey pulled out a bag and puked in it.

Equestria Girls

Bugs Bunny: "Eeehhhh!"

EqG Rainbow Dash: "I think I'm gonna be sick."

Porky Pig: "M-M-M-Me too!"


Sunset Shimmer: "...That's just wrong..."

Galen Marek: "It could be worse."

Han Solo: "What makes you say that?"

Galen Marek: "...It could be...another Palpatine?"

Sunset Shimmer: >.< "Don't ever mention his name around me again..."

Future G5

Sheriff Hitch: "That female was a dude?!"

Deputy Sprout: (Turns to Pipp Petals) "And what are you? A sheep?" (Gets smacked in the face by Pipp) "Ow!"

“But how do you know this?” Another reporter asked.

“I can answer that one.”

Twilight Sparkle approached the reporters, using her magic to pull out the newspaper clipping they had discovered from the shineshrine and displayed it to the people.

“When we were in the monster hive, we located Dr. Jacobo’s lair and discovered this newspaper clipping,” Twilight explained. “Upon closer inspection, it clearly showed the man in front of the newly finished Criminology museum.”

“That’s absolutely right Twilight,” Velma nodded. “According to the prison that he was incarcerated in, Jacobo supposedly died a year before construction even began.”

“So, Jacobo survived that fall off the prison wall,” Shaggy said.

“Reah!” Scooby nodded.

Anakin Skywalker: "Impressive. Most impressive.

Equestria Girls

Indigo Zap: "Someone award that guy a gold medal for doing his laps then."


Sunset Shimmer: "Jacobo must be quite the swimmer then!"

Future G5

Zipp Storm: "Huh. The doctor has become an athlete."

“He also adopted that false Heather Jasper-Howe persona to turn the press against us,” Scrappy added.

“And he framed that poor, hideous Old Man Wickles by putting that book and the Black Knight Ghost in his mansion,” Daphne finished.

Apple Bloom: "Not cool!"

Equestria Girls

Bugs Bunny: (Shaking his head) "Shame, shame, shame."

EqG Snips: "Do tell. Do tell."

EqG Scootaloo: (To Snips) "Like you were any better?" (Glares electricity with Snips)


Sunset Shimmer: "I know how that feels..."

The cops proceeded to start dragging Jacobo towards the armored van, but not before Rainbow Dash zipped right in front of them.

“Hold up fellas,” She said. “Before you take him away, I owe him something for almost killing us…”

Rainbow reeled back and slugged Jacobo right in the jaw, causing him to actually fall to the ground and the police had to haul him back to his feet.

All Theaters

The Audience: "Ooh!"

Gallus: "I'll bet that's smart."

Rainbow smirked with a nod before floating back to the ground and walked alongside her mare-friend.

“Nice punch hon,” Applejack complimented.

“Eh, he only got about 20% power,” Rainbow shrugged. “I’d have given more, but I don’t want to get dragged off by the cops too.”

“Well still, that deserves one ah these,” Applejack smiled.

Applejack leaned in and kissed Rainbow right on the cheek, which caused the cyan blue Pegasus to turn into a love-struck idiot, as she stumbled around as though she were drunk and mumbling something incoherent.

Gilda: "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, DASH! You're in public!"

Lightning Dust: "Hehehe. Now I know your weakness, Dash. More fun for me when I trounce you the next time we meet."

All the while, the cops were still dragging Jacobo to the police van.

“As if you getting the lead in ‘My Fair Lady’ wasn’t enough!” Wickles glared at Jacobo.

“I was an excellent Eliza!” Jacobo retorted. “You were ‘too acty’!”

“And stealing my Tater Tots!” Wickles snapped.

“You kept saying you felt puffy!” Jacobo retorted.

Me: "I can't put my finger on it, but that reminds me of something..."

Wickles just glared toward his old nemesis, watching him getting dragged off with a goodly amount of satisfaction. He felt a slight tug on his pant leg and looked down to see Flurry Heart smiling at him.

“I always knew you were innocent Mr. Wickles,” She said happily.

Wickles knelt down onto one knee so that he could look Flurry Heart in the eye, as he shook his head in utter confusion.

“I just don’t get it kid,” He spoke. “Everyone else was ready to place the blame of this whole scheme on me in the blink of an eye. Why weren’t you one of them?”

“Because I sensed the sincerity in your words back at the Faux Ghost,” Flurry responded. “You truly felt guilty about what you had done in the past. All you needed is one person, or in this case a filly, to believe you.”

Wickles actually had a smirk creep onto his face, as he truly felt touched by the young pony’s belief in him even after such a short time.

“Thanks kid,” He said gratefully.

Flurry threw her arms around the old man in a big hug which was a surprise to Wickles. However, after his initial shock was gone, he gently placed an arm around her and gently reciprocated the hug.

All Theaters

The Audience: "AW!"

Sunset Shimmer: (Hugs her hands and Ray over her heart) "I wish I have a daughter like her." (Blushes and covered her mouth with her free hand, but too late)

Galen Marek: (Looks at Sunset in surprise) "What?!"

Sunset Shimmer: "N-N-N-Nothing! EH hehe." (Berates herself mentally) 'Did I just say that out loud?'

Revan: (Mentally speaking to Sunset) "Yes you did."

Meanwhile, Fred tried to be smart as Velma but once again… he failed.

“And the real identity of Ned is…”

Fred came up toward the cameraman, grabbed his head and gave a forceful yank but nothing happened.

“Ow!” Ned cried.

“… Ned.”

“Fred, Ned never had a mask on,” Shining spoke up, slightly embarrassed.

Fred smiled sheepishly toward the others.

Capper Dapperpaw: (Shaking his head) "Smooth, Jones. Real smooth..."

“And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddling punks, and their dumb dogs!” Jacobo called out.

The crowd soon cheered for Mystery Inc. as they had won yet another case.

“Great that everyone loves us again,” Scrappy smiled.

“You were a dude this whole time?” Ned asked Jacobo, betrayed.

“Of course, Dummkopf!” Jacobo muttered.

“But we cuddled!” Ned frowned, with a slight groan.

“That’s… disturbing,” Pinkie commented.

Equestria Girls

Daffy Duck: "At leasth it'sth him and not me."

Sour Sweet: (Sweetly) "Oh Daffy~" (Turns angry) "You still owe me some nachos! PREPARE TO FEEL MY WRATH!"

Daffy Duck: "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" (Runs for his life) "Help me! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!"

Sci-Fi Twi: "...Should we...stop them?"

EqG Rainbow Dash: (Munching on some popcorns) "No way, are you kidding me? We've got a front row seat to a dinner and a show!"

Sugarcoat: "We've been sitting in a dinner and a show for the past 11 chapters..."

Later, Velma approached Patrick, who still stood amongst the crowd and smiled at her as she approached.

“Hi…” Velma spoke nervously.

“H-Hi Velma…” Patrick greeted. “Look, I know that must have seemed very suspicious—”

“No, I trust you…” Velma told him.

“Y-You do?” Patrick asked.

Velma looked over her shoulder and spotted Cadance smiling at her, gently waving her hoof for her to proceed. This time she wasn’t going to pretend to be someone she wasn’t.

“Uh, listen, Patrick…” Velma continued. “I’m not glamorous, or mysterious. But I do like you, very much. And I would like to go out with you again. But this time… I will go as myself.”

Hearing her say this, Patrick smiled even brighter than he had been before.

“I would like nothing more than that,” He responded happily.

The two smiled as they locked hands and walked over to where Cadance and Shining Armor stood side by side.

“Thank you so much Cadance,” Velma thanked. “I should have listened to you right from the start.”

“Like I said Velma, you don’t have to pretend in order to find love,” Cadance smiled. “Sometimes love finds you in the most mysterious and unexpected ways.”

Me: "Hmmmm." (I look over to Rain Shine)

Shining Armor smiled as he placed his hoof around his wife and gently kissed the side of her head.

“It sure does,” He nodded. “But when you find it, never let go.”

Speaking of which, Daphne snuck up behind Fred and when the handsome young man turned around, saw her standing there, he smiled brightly.

“Hey!” Daphne smiled. “They’re cheering for us again.”

“Yeah…” Fred smiled back. “I always thought that was the greatest thing in the world. Guess I had my eyes shut pretty tight, huh?”

Daphne just smiled more as she threw her arms around Fred and the two shared a passionate kiss.

Me: (Breathing a sigh of relief and praying) "Give me strength..." (I turned to Rain Shine) "Konban wa, Rain Shine."

Rain Shine: "こんばんは、ファントムくん。" (Konban wa, Phantom-Kun)

Me: "How are you enjoying the meals? Did you like...the featured presentation?"

Rain Shine: "Oh, they are...delicious. And the movie...well, it's rather unorthodox. But I'm sure you've been working extra hard to keep it...from going under."

Me: "Yeah, well, I could work for a better boss than Discord."

Discord: (To me) "I heard that. And I could still fire you...out of a volcano and into another volcano, firing you into outer space."

Me: (To Discord) "Right..." (Back to Rain Shine) "Well, y'know, like I said. Only the best for you, y'know?"

Rain Shine: "有り難う御座います。"(Arigato gozaimasu.)

Me: "But...if I have to be honest..."

Random Dude: (To me) "You're blowing it man!"

Me: "I'M GETTING THERE!" (Clearing my throat) "Listen, Rain Shine. I...I'm not a Kirin. I'm not even dragon. But every time I come to Equestria, I turn into a pony. I'm still improving on my Japanese. And I've said this a billion times by now, I'm not a doctor. But one thing I'll admit is...I love you, Rain Shine. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, when I came with Applejack and Fluttershy to your village, I...you stole my voice away. You didn't speak, but...you already had me at...こんにちは。(Konnichiwa.) A-A-A-And I...I would very much like to spend the rest of my days, writing love...stories, poetries, and drawings of you...because..."

Rain Shine: "Shhhh." (Covered my mouth) "You had me at hello, Phantom." (Whispers) "You had me at hello."

Me: "Really?"

Rain Shine: "Really really."

Me: (Nervous chuckle) "So...Rain Shine. I'm sorry it took me, about a year to ask you this...but..." (I reached out to my first assistant, Silver Shill) "Silver Shill. The box?"

Silver Shill: "Huh? Oh! Right. The-the...Here it is, sir!" (Hands me the box)

Me: "Thank you." (I opened the box, showing the ring, with a beautiful gem that matched her eyes) "Rain Shine. Will you marry me? Or...
結婚してください。(Kekkon shite kudasai.)"

Rain Shine: "Oh?" (Looks at the ring) Oh! OH?!"

Me: (Nervous) "Huh?"

Mina: (To Silver Shill) "Is that a...yes, or no?"

Silver Shill: "I don't know."

Autumn Blaze: (Waves her hooves over Rain Shine's eyes) "Yo, Rain Shine? You in there?"

Rain Shine: "Phantom-Kun, I...I..." (Says random Japanese gibberish)

Me: "Huh?"

Mina: (To Autumn Blaze) "What did she say?"

Autumn Blaze: "Beats me! Doesn't sound Kirinese..."

Rain Shine: "私..." (More Japanese gibberish)

Bronies and pegasisters: (To me) "Huh? What did she say?"

Me: "I...I don't know..."

Rain Shine: (Does Princess Cadence's breathing technique before she answered) "I thought you'd never ask me. はい, 私の愛。(Hai, watashi no ai.)"

Flurry came running up to her parents and they both eagerly caught her in a massive hug.

“Oh my sweet baby girl,” Cadance said lovingly.

“Actually Cadance, how’s about from now on we just call her as she is,” Shining suggested.

“And what might that be?”

Shining looked upon his daughter as a huge, proud smiled formed upon his face.

“Our grown-up little mare.”

All Theaters

The Audience: "Aw~!"

The proud parents hugged their daughter once more until a sudden sensation caused them to back away and look in surprise.

Equestria Girls

Bugs Bunny: "Hey! What's goin' on?"

Sugarcoat: "We're about to find out."

Flurry was especially surprised as well because a strange glowing, golden light began to envelope her until it was nearly blinding. Everyone shielded their eyes until the light eventually faded and when they looked back at Flurry Heart, they were all speechless.

Starlight Glimmer: "Oh. My. Faust."

Sunburst: (Quickly cleans his glasses) "So! My eyes are correct!"


Galen Marek: "W-W-What just happened?"

Sunset Shimmer: "She got her cutie mark!"

Flurry was a slight confused by all the sudden eyes on her.

“Why are you all staring at me?” She asked confused.

“Maybe you should look behind you and find out,” Shining suggested proudly.

Flurry instantly turned her head and looked down at her flank. Her eyes instantly went wide, and a huge smile plastered onto her face. For there, right upon her flank, was her brand-new cutie mark which resembled a cross between her mother’s and her father’s with the Crystal Heart sitting atop a pink star that was crested onto a blue shield.


“My… my… my… MY CUTIE MARK!!!” Flurry yelled, gleefully.

Equestria Girls

Porky Pig: "C-C-Cutie M-M-Mark?"

Bugs Bunny: "That magical tattoo on her butt?"

EqG Pinkie Pie: "Try not to stare at it, too much."

The Mane Six and Spike all approached when they heard Flurry yelling and noticed her jumping around for joy as she admired her new cutie mark. Shining Armor and Cadance were so proud of their daughter as they came up and hugged her tightly.

Twilight Velvet: (Gasps) "My granddaughter's got her cutie mark!" (Suddenly, her husband broke down, crying liquid pride) "Night Light, pull yourself together."

Night Light: (In between sobs) "I don't care.... MY GRANDDAUGHTER HAS HER CUTIE MARK! Punch me in the face, Velvet dear. PUNCH ME IN THE FACE! THIS is the most happiest day of my life...." (Falls to the floor and fainted)

Anakin Skywalker: (Rolls his eyes) "Heh. Now I see the resemblance, between father and son."

Gallus: (To Anakin Skywalker) "So does that mean Luke is going to grow up as disfigured and asthmatic than you were?" (Anakin seemed to grow paler than before, until he disappears in shame)

Soon everyone came up and joined in.

“Look at me Auntie Twily, look at me!!!” Flurry cheered. “I never imagined I’d get a cutie mark and now I got one!”

“Oh Flurry, I am so proud of you!” Twilight smiled.

“We all are little darling,” Rarity added.

“You really earned it little squirt,” Rainbow smirked.

When everyone pulled back from the hug, Twilight turned back toward little Spike. She caught him staring down toward the ground slightly sadly.

Scootaloo: "What's the matter with Spike, now?"

Apple Bloom: "What's eatin' him?"

Snails: "Nothing. He's technically on top of the food chain. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" (Sees his joke falling flat) "Eh he he he...eh heh. Shutting up."

Twilight walked up alongside him and gently nudged him with her hoof.

“Hey, you okay Spike?” She asked, sitting beside him.

“I guess…” Spike answered sadly. “I mean I’m glad we solved the mystery, don’t get me wrong. And it’s so cool Flurry got her cutie mark, it’s just… I wish something cool happened to me. But I’m still just the same old baby dragon I was when I woke up today… and when this whole trip started.”

Twilight smiled toward her little number one assistant, placing a single arm around him.

“What’s so wrong with that?” She asked. “I think the same old Spike is just as perfect, and I guarantee you every pony else does too. Having something like a cutie mark or praise from fans doesn’t make you a hero. Helping people in need, for the sole purpose of doing a good deed, that my friend is what makes a hero. You’ve done just that time and time again by just being yourself, Spike. Not just for all Equestria, but for so many other worlds… and the same for all the worlds we haven’t even been to yet.”

Crystal Ponies: "He's still Spike the Brave and Glorious in our books!"

Gabby: "Yeah! And honestly, I don't care if Spike's a hero or not. He's my best friend! And I love him for that."

Thorax: "He's my best friend too!"

Ember: "Make that three."

Smolder: (On behalf of Garble, Mina, and others) "Don't forget us!"

Hearing Twilight say this made Spike feel slightly better, even put a smile on his face. She was absolutely right because throughout the entirety of their journeys, from Equestria and all the other worlds, he’d been a big help in so many ways. Not always by doing the biggest, most heroic deeds but just for being so willing to help anyway he can.

“You know what, you’re right Twilight!” Spike smiled. “I am a hero. Not because I’m the biggest, not because I’m the strongest, but when it comes down to it I’m not afraid to step up and help no matter what stands in the way—uh ooh…”

“Something the matter Spike?”

“I-I-I don’t know, mmm…” Spike grunted, clutching himself. “All of a sudden I feel weird… and I haven’t had breakfast—ooh… ooh boy….”

Snails: "Hey, what's happening to him?"

Snips: (To me) "Yo, uh...Doc? Any ideas?"

Me: "Huh?"

All of a sudden, no sooner did the pain within him increase starting from the top of his chest and drawing down to his feet, an even stranger sensation developed with him. Soon the pain faded to a more tingly feeling inside like bits of his body falling asleep. And all of a sudden, through his eyes, everything seemed to either be getting smaller or his sights were getting higher. Either way, he hadn’t noticed that his limbs were growing until eventually the process stopped. Confused, he looked down only to realize he was slightly taller than Twilight and the others.


“What happened to me?” He asked.

Spike clasped his claws over his mouth, realizing his voice had gotten slightly deeper.

“Spike… you’re growing!” Twilight marveled. “You’re becoming… a full dragon!”

All Theaters

The audience: GASP

Discord: "Oh, what a happy, happy, happy day! Our little Spike is growing up!"

Garble: (To his dragon gang) "Well boys! Looks like Spikey-Wikey's a big boy now. Let's see if he's...big dragon material, like us." (Dragons exchange mixed reactions)

Meanwhile, Gabby couldn't help but blush a shade of red, with her wings flaring up.

As this touching tender moment took place, a few news reporters asked Shaggy if he could wear the Captain Cutler helmet for them.

“Shaggy, can we get your photo in this?” A reporter asked.

“Uh, yes,” Shaggy smiled.

Without hesitation, he took Captain Cutler’s diving helmet and decided to try it on for size.

“That’s a nice fit there, Shaggy!” Scrappy smirked.

The little pup approached the rest of the rest of the Equestrian group, as he kept a close watch.

“Uh Scraps, what’re you doing?” Rainbow asked.

“Just waiting for the hilarity to ensue,” Scrappy answered casually.

“What do you…”

“Just wait… any minute now…”

Shaggy soon roared, pretending to be scary. Unfortunately, that attracted some attention in the wrong way.

“Rikes!” Scooby panicked.

Scooby snatched a boom mic from one of the camera crew and soon beat Shaggy with it, thinking the ‘real’ Captain Cutler was still up and running.

Capper Dapperpaw: (Laughing) "Ooh! Ouch."

Tempest Shadow: (Snickering) "I almost feel sorry for him."

Equestria Girls

EqG Fluttershy: "Hehehe. That's so funny!"

Extra Cut

From the crowd, Wallflower Blush and Juniper Montage were both laughing, along with the reporters and the audience.


Sunset Shimmer, her pet gecko, Ray, Galen Marek, Han Solo, Chewie, and all the Force Ghosts laughed out loud at the hilarity. Even R2-D2 and C3PO couldn't help but laugh themselves to pieces.

Future G5

The Mane Five, their families and friends, couldn't help but laugh along at the scene, between Scooby and Shaggy.

Shaggy grunted and groaned before removing the helmet.

“Like, Scoob, it’s me, man!” Shaggy smiled to his best friend.

“Raggy!” Scooby smiled.

The Great Dane soon raced toward Shaggy, feeling much better now, pouncing upon him, and licking his face.

Everyone laughed at the quirky duo, but then soon erupted into cheers of celebration. Once again, Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians solved another mystery together and as a bonus all of Coolsville was saved. Flurry Heart climbed up onto Scooby’s back, hugged him around the neck and the big dog nuzzled up against her.

“Scooby Dooby Doo!!!” They both chanted.

All Theaters

Everyone: "SCOOBY DOOBY DOO!!!"

At the same time, in Discord's theater, Rain Shine and I shared a passionate kiss, sealing the deal of our engagement.

Late in the night, at the Faux Ghost, everyone gathered for one swinging party in celebration. Everyone in town assembled on the dance floor, as Scooby Doo and Pinkie Pie stood on stage with a very special guest star.

“Fillies and gentle colts, ladies and gentlemen,” Pinkie announced, through a mic. “The Faux Ghost is pleased to present the musical guest star and ‘American Idol’ winner, Ruben Studdard!!!”

“Sing it, Ruben!” Scooby shouted.

Acknowledging the Great Dane’s request, Ruben grabbed the microphone and began to sing.

When you wish upon a star
Your dreams will take you very far
But when you wish upon a dream
Life ain't always what it seems
What'd you see on a night so clear
In the sky so very dear

As the man sang, everyone on the dance floor started to jam and boogey as they had the time of their lives. The entire Equestria team danced with one another with Rainbow Dash and Applejack dancing together, Flurry with her parents, Pinkie break-dancing all across the floor, Twilight dancing with her now bigger dragon assistant Spike, and Rarity and Fluttershy dancing with one another.

You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be

Back in their respective theaters, the audience and friends were all dancing along with the heroes' celebration.

EqG Fluttershy got to dance with Bugs Bunny, with the EqG CMCs dancing with Porky Pig. Daffy Duck is still running for his life, from Sour Sweet, who is still bitter about her ruined nachos.

Sunset Shimmer is dancing with Galen Marek, with Ray perching on her shoulder. Han Solo and Chewier were both shaking their groove things, while C3PO and R2-D2...did the robot dance.

I got to dance with the love of my life, Rain Shine, as well as my first and second assistants – Silver Shill and Mina. Crazy Steve was doing some breakdance moves. Literally, he's dancing...and breaking stuff. He turns his attention towards Garble and chased the red dragon for eating his enchiladas.

Meanwhile, far, far, FAR in the future, Sunny Starscout and her friends were also dancing along, with Zipp and Pipp, dancing in the sky, with their mother, Queen Novo. Izzy Moonbow and Alphabittle were doing some dance moves of their own, somehow, managing to spin atop their horns.

Shining star come in to view
Shine its watchful light on you

Velma and Patrick are dancing together, thrusting their arms from side to side.

Give you strength to carry on

Not too far away, Fred and Daphne are dancing, hands-in-hands.

Make your body big and strong
Born a man child of the sun
Saw your work had just begun

Close by, Old Man Wickles got to dance with Aggie Wilkins.

Found I had to stand alone
Bless it now I've got my own
So, if you find yourself in need
Why don't you listen to these words and heed
Be you giant or grain of sand
Words of wisdom are ?Yes I can?

Atop the prison wall, Jonathan Jacobo attempts another prison break, but decided to kill some time, with some dancing.

You're a shining star
No matter who you are

Juniper Montage was dancing and grooving with Wallflower Blush. The two girls both paused for Juniper to take a selfie of herself and her co-worker, while Buried Lede was standing on the sideline, tapping his foot to the beat of the song.

Shining bright to see
What you could truly be

You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be

Soon, Ruben was singing with both Daphen and Velma dancing at his sides, before they gave him a double kiss, on both of his cheeks.

Eventually, comes the part where the heroes and friends all marched down and kept on dancing. Ruben was the first to lead the march, followed by Old Man Wickles and a couple of ladies, with Patrick and Velma dancing afterwards. Next, came Fred and Daphne. Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Pinkie Pie doing a helicopter dance, on her head. Fluttershy and Rarity followed. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Princess Twilight and Spike. Last, but not least, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Scrappy, and Flurry Heart delivered the grand finale, before they posed together, with their friends, for a big photoshoot.

But soon, however, the celebration came to an end the moment a familiar portal back to Equestria opened up.

“Looks like it’s time to go home,” Twilight announced.

“Aww, can’t we stay a little longer?” Pinkie pleaded. “I still haven’t even got to break out ‘my’ super-duper, double looper, hoopty-dooper, Pinkie Pie twist.”

“Sorry Pinkie, but I think we’ve partied enough here tonight.”

Pinkie merely pouted and lightly kicked the floor beneath her before sluggishly following behind as the group started walking toward the Mystery Inc. crew.

“Heading out already?” Fred asked.

“Afraid so Fred,” Shining nodded. “Time we all got back home and start on our next big mystery.”

“Number one amongst them the whereabouts of Chrysalis and Sombra,” Cadance added. “And what they’re next plan is going to be.”

“Like I wouldn’t sweat it man,” Shaggy spoke up. “Knowing you guys, you’ll catch them and smoke ‘em six ways from Sunday.”

“Reah, roke ‘em!” Scooby nodded.

“Well, we’ll really miss you guys,” Daphne said.

“I just hope we’ll see you again,” Velma added.

“Don’t y’all worry bout that none,” Applejack said. “Ah’m sure we’ll be seein’ ya again real soon.”

“For more adventures and mystery solving,” Rarity nodded.

“Not to mention busting up baddies with my awesome moves!” Rainbow added, throwing punches in mid-air.

“Yeah!” Pinkie perked up. “Maybe you’ll get hired by some town in Scotland, with inhabitants complaining about being plagued by monsters! Only to discover that the monsters are actually victims, leading to Scooby & Shaggy coming to terms with their own prejudices and narrow belief systems!”

There was a slight awkward pause between the two groups for a moment, several members blinking.

Me: "You're making things too real now, Pinkie..."

Shaggy and Scooby turned toward one another, as if pondering what the other was thinking, then turned back toward Pinkie shaking their heads.

“Nah…” They said in unison.

“Well… I could see some potential,” Scrappy replied, shrugging.

“We’ll see…” Velma added.

“Well… until that time comes, we’ll miss all of you,” Fluttershy smiled.

Everyone exchanged meaningful hugs and farewells before the Equestrian group slowly turned back towards the portal. They took one final look over their shoulders toward Mystery Inc. before they finally stepped through the portal and worked their way back home.

Storm Shield: "Well, everyone! You know the drill. Let's go and welcome our friends home!"

The Audience: "YEAH!"

Princess Celestia: "I agree. Let's go, go, go!" (Accidentally triggers her hypnotic trance) "Go, go, go, go...BA-KAWK!"

Storm Shield: "Uh...you go on without us. I need to...fix my mom...again."

Future G5

After watching the movie, the Mane Five and friends resumed fixing up the run-down movie theater.

Sunny Starscout: "Wow. Another awesome Cinematic Adventure for Princess Twilight and her friends!"

Izzy Moonbow: "Yeah. I wonder what we'll get to see next?"

Pipp Petals: "Who knows? Maybe by the time we get this theater primmed and polished, then we'll see more of what the future has in store for us. Gorgeous~"

Zipp Storm: "I hope in the next Cinematic Adventure, we'll see giant robots that transform into vehicles, or maybe dinosaurs, or giant robots that turn into giant robot dinosaurs." (The Mane Five and friend looked at Zipp Storm, awkwardly) "What?"

Equestria Girls

After the movie was over, the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, and friends, including the Looney Tunes who joined, took their leave.

Bugs Bunny: "Well, that was quite the show."

Sugarcoat: "It was...okay."

EqG Applejack: "I'm just glad our friends are ok."

Flash Sentry: "No kidding. I'm glad it all worked out. They captured the bad guy and threw him in jail. Saved the city. Cleared their names. And on top of that, they had the adventure of a lifetime, and we got to see it.

EqG Rainbow Dash: "Which reminds me! We better get back to our own adventure. Finding the rest of the Looney Tunes who got sent into our world, and help them get back to their world."Check out Equestria Girls: It's Showtimes – Looney Tunes

Bugs Bunny: "Dash. You are a girl after my own–"

Tweety: (Flying into the room) "Bugs! Mister Bugs Bunny! Miss Fwuttershy! Help!"

EqG Fluttershy: "Oh goodness! Tweety? What's wrong?"

Bugs Bunny: "Don't tell me." (Munches on his carrot) "You tawt you taw a putty tat?"

Tweety: "Oh, not that. Gwanny put that bad ol' putty tat on a time out. But it's worst! Miss Wawity's shop was bwoken in!"


Tweety: "Uh-huh. And Gwanny chased them, but she went missing for an hour! I'm vewy, vewy worried about her!"

EqG Applejack: "Then what are we waiting for? C'mon y'all! We've got a Granny to find! And it ain't my Granny Smith!"

Bugs Bunny: "Not so fast." (To Porky Pig) "Porky. I believe this is where you do your thing."

Porky Pig: "Oh, yes! That's right." (Was about to do his thing, when the CMCs stopped him)

EqG Apple Bloom: "Hey Porky! Would it be alright if we can join you?"

Porky Pig: "Oh! B-B-B-But of course! Th-Th-Th-The more the merrier! Ready?"

With that, the CMC and Porky Pig signed off the commentary together.

"TH-TH-That's NOT ALL folks!"


Meanwhile, back in the Galaxy, after watching her friends' latest Cinematic Adventure, Sunset Shimmer retired to her sleeping quarters, only to experience a premonition.

Meanwhile, in the badlands of Equestria, a fully recovered Chrysalis and the newly reanimated Sombra made their way through the caves of their hiding spot before eventually arriving in the dead center of the meeting area. There stood Tirek, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Demitria, Andromedis, and the Mysterious Benefactor waiting for them.

Soon as the pair walked into the cavern, the Benefactor stood up and walked towards them as the two bowed their heads in respect. The Benefactor looked toward Sombara, smiling under their hood wickedly over his new form.

“Ah Sombra,” They spoke satisfied. “You’ve managed to acquire yourself a new body.”

“Indeed I have,” Sombra nodded, examining himself. “Oh, how fun it was toying with those pathetic little ingrates who dare call themselves ‘ponies’. Did they really think I’d be beaten so easily? All I needed was for them to think they’d won the battle… not realizing the real war coming to them.

“And… did you two managed to track for what we needed?”

“Oh yes… and much more,” Chrysalis smirked evilly.

Using her twisted magic, Chrysalis floated over a black box and slowly opened it to reveal a container of Randomonium. She also procured the ancient text she had retrieved from Mystery Inc. headquarters, shortly after the gang left for the mining town. Upon looking at the items, the Benefactor nearly salivated as they thought of what they could do with this.

“Excellent!” They grinned. “With this very substance and the knowledge within this book, we shall create an army of monsters to wreak mayhem and destruction my command….”

“Don’t you mean our command?” Tirek asked irritated.

“Don’t go thinking you can hold out on us,” Cozy Glow added. “We’re all part of this as well.”

The Benefactor merely growled quietly underneath their hood, before quickly turning back around and regaining their composure.

“Now then, we move onto the next phase of our plan,” They declared.

At that moment, a group of dark figures emerged from the shadows of the cave. The figures were all dressed in black robes, wearing skull masks that covered their faces. It was clear they were all humans but also quite evil to dress in such an ensemble. The Benefactor noticed the group of figures and walked over towards them with the tome and the Randomonium in their magical grip. The one leading the group of people simply reached out their gloved hands and the Benefactor let the items fall into their grasp.

“And you’re certain this will aid us, master?” The figure asked.

“More than you will ever know,” The Benefactor nodded. “Soon, we will get ‘everything’ we all wanted. And soon… the Dark Lord will rise again and not even death will stop him. But first…”

Two of the robed figures, their faces hidden behind masks, drew out a long table covered by a white sheet. The Mysterious Benefactor stood over the table as the figures set it into position. Then through a silent command, the figures lifted the sheet off the table… revealing the costume of a certain, ‘Chickenstein’.

“We use our newfound randomonium to turn the most ridiculous creature in the world… into the most frightening servant of our newfound order.”

The End…?



That was a good commentary! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Tidal Wave2 deleted Dec 1st, 2021

probably mr. enigma or dramamaster themselves

What I’m assuming is Grinch being the next story with December already here, oh and Phantom congrats on the wedding

It was already announced to be next after this.

which leave us the mystery of what Next's after this holiday story?.

Hopefully Chamber of Secrets because Sorcerers Stone was so good in my opinion and the fan made trailer for it was good too

Closing Segment:

Me: Now remember, you are only here as my subordinate and so i can have my very own TV’s Frank punching bag. If you do anything else beside following my orders and pushing the butto-
Hungry Hero: Um, sir.
Me: What?!
Hungry: The final commentary is up.
Me: {looks to see comments} Oh, So it is. …..
(Suddenly an alarm with 3 color lights goes off.)


[and we go to rush back to our projection booth positions in the theater and watch the rest of the movie from the window for the projector to showcase the film through.]


Me: Well,.....didn't see that Chickenstein mid-credits scene coming....
Hungry Hero: .....I did....
Me: Shut Up! .....But either way, This officially marks the end of the season 2 premiere of Cinematic Adventures!
Now,....(bends down and picks up a box of x-mas related media and decorations.)..It's about time to get into the spirit of the season and prepare for our very first holiday Special.
Hungry: Sir, Yes, Sir!

{and with that, he pushes the button, ending our broadcast and the screen cuts to black}

Post End Credit Scene / End Theme Epilogue


that right, Hogwarts is coming up soon and we need to be ready for everyone that the dark forces will bring.


(We see Flurry, Spike and Scrappy gather around Scooby as he seemed to be playing a game on his Game Boy Advance, with the three cheering him on.)

Spike: Come on, Scooby, you're almost there!

Flurry: Push the run button! Charge that monster!

Scrappy: Get that burger, Uncle Scooby! You need that for health!

Scooby: I rot it, I rot ris! (The screen on the Game Boy Advance shows Scooby-Doo is playing 'Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed' as it seemed to be on the final boss... and Scooby had just got the final hit in.) RES!

(Flurry, Scrappy and Spike cheered as they jumped up and down in joy.)

Flurry: You did it, Scooby! That was some good playing!

Spike: (looks up towards the camera and smiles, noticing the person watching) Oh, hey guys! Didn't hear you come in! (laughs as everyone turns to the camera) Don't mind us, we were just watching Scooby here play 'Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed' on... what do you call it?

Scrappy: The Game Boy Advance. Turns out, our recent adventure was a good hit with everyone that they decided to make a tie-in video game based on our lives! (frowns) Granted, they cut some important characters out.

Spike: (coughs) Us. (coughs)

Flurry: But it's a very fun game to play. And defeating the final boss all the way through is fun... but of course, that's not why you want to talk with us. You're here because you likely have the same game as us, AND are wondering what that password thing is at the end of the game after you defeat the final boss. If you type any other password, chances are, you are not going to get a good ending. BUT... that's why we're here to help you, to help you get the full, complete, canon ending of the game. Scooby, would you mind showing them?

Scooby: (grins) Rame Roy Adrance Recret Rode! (shows the Game Boy Advance screen's password as the three letter section showed 'S-D-2')

Flurry: There's your code, guys! Remember, after you defeat the final boss, type in SD2 to get the real ending.

Spike: (rolls eyes) Although that should be pretty obvious, since what else are you going to type? (chuckles) Now, this password is good for GBA AND PC, so make sure you type that password.

Scrappy: We hope you enjoyed our latest adventures AND had fun! And remember, type in that secret code in your copy of 'Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed' for the Game Boy Advance!

Spike: Chances are, you hopefully still have a Game Boy Advance AND a copy of that game. Or a Gamecube with a Game Boy Player, we're not picky.

Flurry: With that said, thank you all for watching our latest adventures, and we hope this code helps you with the canon ending.

Scooby: (chuckles as the camera fades to black)

(Based on this scene:

What about Mothman?


I agree. He stop appearing after saving the gang from the Pterodactyl Ghost. Where is he?

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