• Published 16th Dec 2011
  • 38,138 Views, 604 Comments

Daylight Burning - Guesswork

The return of an ancient enemy draws the ponies into a deadly spy game.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Surrounded


Chapter 9

Within an hour's time, the Elements of Harmony and the Night Guard had turned the science hall into a fortress. There was nothing to do after that but wait for the other horseshoe to drop. Lightning sang through the hostile sky and the wind howled. It felt like armageddon.

Maybe it is, thought Twilight, with the jaded tone of exhaustion. And so many books left on my bucket list. She looked over at Pinkie Pie, who was chattering away to the Night Guard Commander. Pinkie, she thought. Now there's a pony who is no good at waiting.

Pinkie was saying to Cinnamon Oatmeal: "So, you guys really drink blood, huh?"

Cinnamon glanced over at her. "Yes," he said.

"Pony blood?"

"Not if we can help it."

"Oh," said Pinkie, "Okay. That's good, I guess. Blood, though. Sounds kinda yucky. Does it taste different to night-ponies like you? Like, sweet or something?"

"No," Cinnamon said, staring out past the barricade. "It certainly does not."

"Sad!" declared Pinkie. "Hey, I know! I could give you some cooking tips! Wouldn't that be fun? Any recipe can be saved with a little sugar, I always say. Or a lot of sugar. Especially a lot of sugar. Rhubarb honey scones with caramelized blood glaze! Blood-and-carob smoothies with blood-soaked banana cupcakes--"

"Pinkie, stop bothering the Commander," said Twilight, turning a little green.

"We'll talk about this later," said Pinkie to Cinnamon in a stage whisper, and she pranced off.

Down in the courtyard below, the Ponyville Police were cordoning off a perimeter around the building. Twilight watched more and more lanterns join the line. The police hadn't made any threatening moves yet, but it was only a matter of time. As soon as Shield Banner and the Guard get here, Twilight thought, then the fun really begins.

Something large and silent moved up behind her and Twilight turned with a start. It was just Cinnamon. He'd crossed the length of the entire landing without making a sound.

"You guys sure are quiet," said Twilight, heart pounding.

"Thanks, we practice every day after school," said Cinnamon with a smile. "Sorry to startle you. How is the rest of your team doing?"

"I think we're all just glad to be back together again. Well, except for Rarity I mean..."

"She'll be okay," said Cinnamon. "Shield Banner is many things, but he's not a murderer."

"I hope you're right," said Twilight. "In his mind, though, we're the murderers. I doubt we can say exactly what he'll do. I mean, wouldn't you kill to save Luna?"

Cinnamon didn't say anything.

An icy breeze pushed in through the window and the rain blew against their faces. Twilight thought she saw movement in the sky overhead, but when she looked again, there was nothing.

"Won't be long now," said Cinnamon.

Twilight turned to him. "What if we can't do it?" she said. "What if we fail?"

He regarded her. "I don't think that will happen."

"Easy for you to say."

"I'm not just being pointlessly optimistic, you know. Celestia's plans reach further than you and I can imagine. If this is how it's all gone down, I can't help but believe that she somehow meant for us to be standing here, waiting for Shield Banner like this."

"That's a scary thought."

Cinnamon Oatmeal shrugged. "That's what it means to be a Princess, I suppose. She seems to have picked her champions well, though. The dragon is a remarkable young creature, and you are a remarkable unicorn. Her favorite, you know."

"Her favorite?" said Twilight.

"Of all of the various Apprentices. You're familiar with the history? All the dozens before you? Well, you are her favorite."

"You mean ever?"

"Yes. Clearly, she considers you akin to a daughter."

Twilight nodded slowly. "I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose her."

"Princess Luna has been something of a mother to us as well," said Cinnamon. "Seeing her so gravely injured was... well, it was something I wasn't prepared for."

Twilight glanced over at him. "I'm sorry," she said.

Cinnamon's golden eyes glittered in the moonlight. Then he cleared his throat. "Yes, well, we are winning for now. We may be surrounded and we may have a lightly-sedated evil demigod in captivity, but we are winning. We just have to keep going."

She huffed and gave him a half-smile. "I wish I shared your confidence, Commander, but thanks for trying to cheer me up. It almost worked."

He smiled back, and she felt a sudden spark of attraction. His slightly demonic nature, his eyes, his fangs, they were all kind of... interesting, actually. Okay, stop being weird, Twilight, she admonished herself. This is really, really not the time for that sort of thing. And also, he's dead. And also...

...and also I'm paralyzed now. But there had to be some way to heal her. Magic always had an answer, for a price.

"Psst, you guys!" Pinkie Pie said suddenly, running up behind them. "Look! Look! Somepony's here!" She was pointing down to the ground floor of the entrance hall. Cinnamon helped Twilight move over by the railing.

A single pony was standing in the middle of all the destroyed tiles. At first, Twilight thought the pony was one of theirs, but then she caught the reflected light off a pair of round spectacles and a shock of white hair.

"It's him," she said through her teeth.

Even before she had finished the words, a rush of black smoke erupted out of the floor around the agent. When it had cleared, Chyornyj Slon's massive form towered over the bespectacled earth pony.

"Shall I crush this bug for you, Commander?" Slon called.

"No," said Cinnamon thoughtfully. "Hold steady. I don't think he's here to fight." He peered down at the agent. "Are you?"

"Against these odds?" said the agent. "You poor ponies wouldn't stand a chance. But alas, I come in peace."

"And as Shield Banner's tool, no doubt," said Twilight.

"I represent myself only. Now are we going to parley, or what?"

Cinnamon considered him. Then he nodded. "Alright. Slon, take him into custody."

The dark pegasus giant seemed disappointed that violence wasn't necessary. He shackled the agent's forehooves with magic cuffs as black as the void.

"Please try to pick these," said Slon. "It will be funny." He pushed the agent up the stairs.

Cinnamon turned back to Twilight to see a cold look in her eyes.

"Friend of yours?" she asked.

"Not exactly," said Cinnamon. "But he's covert-ops. The Night Guard are also technically covert-ops, so there a certain camaraderie there. If he's shown himself to us like this, we should at least hear him out."

"He was going to torture me," she said.

"I'm sure it wasn't personal."

She just looked at him.

"Come on," said Cinnamon, "he's a clever one, but I don't think he's more clever than the two of us combined."

"You should talk to him," said Pinkie Pie, and they both looked at her. "I like his glasses."

Slon reached the top of the stairs and shoved the agent forward onto the landing. The agent barely stumbled.

Twilight turned to Pinkie. "Go check on Applejack in the north wing, please. She's all alone, and we need Slon to stay here."

"You got it!" said Pinkie. She pranced toward the door, stopping beside the agent on her way out. "Nice dive!"

The bespectacled pony regarded her. "Thanks."

"You're pretty cool!" she said.

"I almost died," said the agent.

"See? You know just what I'm talking about," Pinkie said with a wink. "Look me up after this!"

The agent appeared a bit flustered for a moment. "Okay," he said.

She left.

"That..." said the agent, "that was..."

"Pinkamena Diane Pie," said Twilight. "The treasonous wench, yes."

* * *

Three ponies walked among the gallery of bizarre sea creatures. Giant octopi, manta rays, parrotfish, all live specimens in climate-controlled tanks. For the moment, Fluttershy was keeping an eye out for the dangerous ones.

This aquarium is incredible, she thought. I've never seen anything like this before.

"How about this one? He looks really nasty." Rainbow Dash leaned in to gaze at a horrible demon-eel through the glass. It was the size of a fire-hose.

"It's not his fault he looks that way," said Fluttershy, "it's just his place on the food chain." She walked a few steps ahead of Dash, stopping to check a clipboard against the contents of another tank. "These will do," she said.

"Jellyfish?" said Purple Heart, coming over.

"Not just any jellyfish," said Fluttershy. "Mare's veils. Incredibly potent sting, but not lethal. Freshwater variety. And a huge stock. Look at the size of this tank!"

"Spike could use it as a jacuzzi," said Dash.

Purple Heart laughed. "You should see the things Luna puts him through. Jellyfish would be tame."

They walked to the next tank. "Leeches," said Fluttershy. "Bred from specimens collected in Ponyville Swamp. That's a bit disconcerting."

"Rarity was right!" said Dash. "I can't believe it."

"At least they're not Candiru," said Purple Heart.

"Bwa-ha-ha!" said Rainbow Dash. "You can say that again!"

Fluttershy marked the clipboard at the last tank, where two freshwater sharks paced with eternal anticipation. "You boys as well, I think," she said, and sighed bitterly. "Sorry, fellows. Well, that should do it, the medical wing isn't very large, and I'd hate to endanger more animals than... than absolutely necessary, I guess. Now you're sure you can transport all of these creatures, Purple Heart?"

"Yeah, although it'll take everything I've got. I won't be much use to you and the Night Guard after that, so I hope this plan of yours works. Uh, no offense."

"None taken," said Fluttershy. "And that makes two of us."

"What was that?" said Dash suddenly. Her ears swiveled as she detected a faint sound, then she peered through the wooden slats to the outside. The other two looked over her shoulder. They could see a group of lanterns approaching the building.

"Finally," said Purple Heart.

"Elements of Harmony!!" boomed Shield Banner, using a variation on the Royal Canterlot voice. "We have you surrounded!!"

Fluttershy felt queasy. Only a few hours ago, she'd been developing a genuine attraction to the stalwart stallion. They'd built a nascent friendship and appreciation for one another, not to mention started rounding the bases like it was the bottom of the ninth. But now the Nightmare was using him as a weapon against them. It was painful to see him fooled like this, but she was also angry to think of what he might have done to Rarity.

"We have complete control of the area and its skies," continued Shield Banner. "There is no escape. There is only a choice of whether you want to make this any worse than it already is."

"Blah, blah, blah," said Purple Heart under his breath. "Freakin' martinet if I ever met one."

"Yeah, and he's a jerk, too," said Dash.

"You know, he's not as bad as you all say," said Fluttershy with a small frown. "I mean, he thinks he's saving Equestria. That counts for something, right? His protectiveness of the Princesses is, um, touching... if rather extreme. And he's very sensitive and romantic. He's a poet musician, and he has a minor degree in dance--"

Purple Heart looked at her incredulously. "Well, as much as Renaissance Stud out there might foxtrot like nopony's business, he's never been much of a friend to us."

"If that's your attitude," said Fluttershy, "then the Nightmare is still winning."

"You will find that I am a reasonable stallion!" boomed Shield Banner from outside. "We can agree on terms for the Princess's life. If you are serious about it, come to the vestibule within the hour."

"See?" said Fluttershy. "And you all thought he was going to rush in, swords-swinging."

"Maybe," said Purple Heart slowly, looking back out the window. "I don't know though. Something's fishy about this."

* * *

Thunder pealed, nearly drowning out the rush of rain on the command tent. Shield Banner clicked his bronze pocket-watch shut. All of the pieces were just about in place. His mentor Shining Armour had always taught him that diplomacy meant nothing without a hammer poised to drop.

A rush of air sounded behind him, and the shadows from tendrils of smoke played against the wall. The final piece, he thought. But upon which side of the board did you land, Cinnamon Oatmeal? Mine, or theirs? He used his magic to pour himself a drink, the crystal decanter clinking against his glass.

"Liquid courage at a time like this, Captain?" said Cinnamon. "If alcohol affected me anymore, I think I should like to join you."

Shield Banner turned around with a smile. "It's just lemon water, Commander. You know I don't drink either. But the decanter was a gift from my late father, so I figure 'why let it go to waste?'"

"You always were the sentimental sort," remarked the dark pegasus.

"Said the pot to the kettle. But I digress. Tell me: where have you been?"

The dark pegasus stared at him with those weird, golden eyes of his. Bloody bastards don't even blink, thought Shield Banner to himself. Glass eyes, like a doll. So unnatural. He wished the Night Guard pegasi weren't so necessary to Equestria's defense. If he ever had the chance to replace them, well, there'd be some reorganization then.

"Chasing down leads, Captain," said Cinnamon. "We've been chasing down leads all night."

"Really?" asked Shield Banner, sipping his drink. "And you didn't think I'd want to know about it? You decided to fall off the map instead? I've grown used to your insubordination by now, but during a crisis like this, frankly I'm surprised at you. And then a most disturbing report: Spitfire told me that she actually saw you helping the Elements barricade the science hall. Now what am I to make of it?"

"That Spitfire has even better vision than I thought," said Cinnamon. Shield Banner's face grew very dark at that, and Cinnamon held up a hoof. "Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to joke. It's been one of those nights. Well, I guess I'll get right to the point, then." The Night Guard stepped aside to reveal a small, purple unicorn, reclining on the floor behind him. "I believe you've already met Twilight Sparkle, the Royal Apprentice."

Shield Banner's eyes narrowed. "Tell me she's your prisoner, Commander," he said in a cold voice.

"Not quite. Actually, she is my charge."

"Shield Banner," said Twilight, "we need to talk."

The Captain looked back and forth between the two of them. "Then talk," he said. "Just remember that I could have half the Royal Guard in this tent in the blink of an eye. And if you're thinking of overpowering me yourself, Apprentice, then you'd best pray for luck."

"Shining Armour told me all about you before he died," said Twilight. "I remember him saying that there was no finer pony in Equestria to replace him as Captain of the Guard. He called you an honorable stallion."

"Your brother was a hero," said Shield Banner. "He gave his life to stop Lord Smooze and protect Equestria. I wonder what he would say if he could see you now."

"Maybe he would believe me," said Twilight. "Maybe not. It doesn't matter-- Shining Armour is gone, and it's just us here now. I want you to know that I do not fault you for trying to protect the Princesses. Whatever your means, your dedication is admirable, Captain. But it is time for pony to stop fighting pony and turn to face the real threat. The Nightmare has returned."

"I can confirm her story," put in Cinnamon Oatmeal. "My stallions and I fought a spirited battle against the alicorn in the science hall not two hours ago, and I have no doubt that it was the Nightmare, through and through."

"So you say," remarked Shield Banner. "But the fact remains that the Nightmare could not have possessed Celestia without her expressed consent. This is impossible."

"I know," said Twilight. "By Celestia, I know. I have been wracking my brain all night trying to figure out how this could have happened. But it did happen. We have managed to restrain the creature--"

"Restrain? You restrained Celestia?"


"How, may I ask?"

Cinnamon and Twilight exchanged a glance.

"Exsanguination," said Cinnamon.

"The two of you are digging your hole deeper and deeper," said Shield Banner. "Let me see her immediately."

"I'm sorry," said Twilight. "Not yet. You have already shown yourself to be an adept third-party teleporter. If we took you to the Nightmare, you could just transport her over to your side of the line and then send the cavalry in on us."

"So," said Shield Banner, "you won't let me inspect her, you don't offer a shred of evidence, and yet you ask me to believe you? Based on what? Your trustworthy countenance?"

"In the end, we really are just making a plea of mercy. Hold off your assault for another hour. We will have your proof soon, I give you my word."

Shield Banner's young clerk poked his head into the tent at that moment and froze when he saw the two ponies speaking with the Captain.

"Yes, yes, what is it?" said Shield Banner impatiently, motioning him over. The clerk handed him a paper, and Shield Banner nodded. "Tell them to proceed," he said, and the clerk left.

Shield Banner turned back to his guests. "I want to believe you," he said. "At a certain level, I do feel that you might be telling me the truth, however insane that is. But within my capacity as Captain of the Guard, I have a duty not to let this situation drag on any further. So, I'm afraid I must deliver an ultimatum here. This is your last chance. Give me the Princess."

"I can't," said Twilight.

"Then for what it's worth," said Shield Banner, "I'm sorry if I'm wrong." With that, he flung the rest of the liquid from the decanter into Cinnamon Oatmeal's face.

The splash landed with an acid hiss. Fumes erupted from the dark pegasus's skin and he reeled back, howling like a wild animal, slitted-pupils narrowing down to black lines. In the lantern-light, his white fangs bared, Cinnamon looked to Shield Banner like the monster that he was. Twilight threw her body across the Night Guard, horn bursting into purple light as she charged up her signature teleport spell.

"Oh, no you don't!" said Shield Banner, and a cone of light flared from his horn, rooting Twilight and Cinnamon securely to the fabric of spacetime. "Intruders!" thundered Shield Banner. All around them, the sides of the command tent flew up, revealing an entire legion of armored ponies.

Unable to escape, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and, with a crack of magic, encapsulated Cinnamon and herself in an indestructible purple bubble.

"You," said Shield Banner to a pair of nearby unicorns, "bring that force-field down." The two acknowledged and opened fire with their green beams of energy. Twilight's shield bowed as it absorbed the blow. "The rest of you stand guard until her field shatters. It won't take long, considering what she's been through tonight."

Sure enough, Twilight was already beginning to sweat from the strain. She looked out defiantly through her shimmering bubble at the soldier ponies, then down at Cinnamon, whose skin was continuing to erupt into boils. "It was healing potion in the decanter!" she said. "Wasn't it? Oh, by Celestia, the reaction is spreading..." Cinnamon's flesh flaked off like ash.

"You can't imagine the strength of will it took to sip that vile stuff," said Shield Banner. His clerk appeared again by his side. "Is it done?" he asked the young stallion. "Do they have the Princess??"

"We just got word," said the clerk. "The Wonderbolts do not have the Princess. Celestia was not in the location indicated by Spitfire's flyby."

"What?!" he exclaimed. "How could she screw this up? Tell them to keep looking!"

"He was right about you!" said Twilight, her voice warbling through the luminescent barrier. She was crying tears of fury. "He told us to prepare for a double-cross, and he was right!"

"Who do you mean??" demanded Shield Banner, but almost as the question left his mouth, he knew the answer. "The agent," he growled. "Running errands indeed! Is there nopony who is truly loyal to the crown anymore??" He turned his glare on the clerk, who whimpered and shied away. Shield Banner rolled his eyes. "Not you! Go to the diviners and tell them to release the secret weapon. I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it has. Relay the order."

"Yes, sir," said the clerk, and he dashed off into the rain.

Shield Banner approached Twilight Sparkle's iridescent shield. "Tell me where Princess Luna is," he commanded.

"She's alive!" said Twilight. "And she's safe! And pretty soon, she's going to be here to kick your rump in the mud for putting us through all of this!"

"No matter," said Shield Banner. "I'll just pry that information out of your head when we're done dealing with your friends. Enjoy the paddy-wagon, Twilight. I won't be long."

Shield Banner turned back to his soldiers. "Lieutenant, commence with the assault. Bring this building to the ground if you have to, just find the Princess."

"Aye sir," said the pony. "To my side, stallions! For the Marenarchy, for Equestria, chaaarge!!"

Trumpets blared from all around, and the courtyard erupted into the deafening sounds of war.

* * *

"--and caramel apples, and candy-coated popcorn! I'll bet I can get Scratch to DJ, too. That pony is always game for a party--"

"Hold on a second, sugar," said Applejack, pushing the brim of her hat up as she looked out through the slatted boards. "Something is going on in the courtyard."

"Ooh! Are the soldier ponies giving up?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Twilight and Cinnamon went out there to talk to them a while ago. Wouldn't it be great if everypony finally believed us, then we could all just go home and finally get something to eat--"

"They're not giving up," said Applejack, "In fact... good gracious! I think they're attacking!"

"Or that too," said Pinkie.

A sea of armored ponies crashed in waves against the side of the building, shaking the massive stone structure on its foundation.

"Alright Pinkie," said Applejack in grim tones. "Just like how we planned."

"It's time to kick plot and chew bubble gum," said Pinkie. "And I'm all out of gum." She buckled her green army helmet under her chin as the first explosions began to sound.

* * *


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