• Published 16th Dec 2011
  • 38,155 Views, 604 Comments

Daylight Burning - Guesswork

The return of an ancient enemy draws the ponies into a deadly spy game.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Diamond Ringer

Chapter 6

The winds were changing. Storm clouds that had been headed out to the coast crept back in over the valley now, slowly blotting out the moon and stars. Rarity felt the rumble of far-away thunder growing ever closer, vibrating up through the wooden floor of the paddy-wagon as they creaked along. The Royal Guard procession was a column of torches bobbing in the night.

Pinkie Pie was still coming out of the hex that Shield Banner had used on her. She was was sullen and uncooperative, practically catatonic, lying on the floor of the cage with her back to them. Rainbow Dash was sporting a split lip and a serious shiner, but the worst wound was to her pride.

"I still can't believe he left us," said the pegasus, pounding one cyan hoof into the other.

"I already told you," Rarity said, "I was the one who decided Luna's horn was the highest priority. You can't blame Spike, I asked him to leave us behind."

"If he had just helped me," said Dash, "instead of running away like a little filly, we could have gotten that horn and all escaped!"

"Rainbow, you know that's not true," said the white unicorn. "The fight was over, and we had lost. We would have been captured either way."

"Well, I guess we'll never find out now, will we?" said Rainbow Dash. "Since you made that decision for all of us. You want to be the leader, Miss Bossy? Then fine: I blame you, Rarity. Thank you so much for landing us in this cage, on the way to our executions. Hey, at least we'll have the honor of being the first ponies put to death in a millennium. That's something, right?"

Rarity gave Dash an icy look, and she held it for a long time. Finally, she said: "I am sorry you feel that way, Rainbow. I really am." She lifted herself onto her hooves and made her way to the front of the cage. "Yoo-hoooo? Pardon me?" she called out to the closest guard.

He ignored her, glancing at the sky. A light rain had begun to fall and soon the road would be a river of mud.

"Yoo-hoo," said Rarity again. "I need to talk to somepony, please. It's about the Princess."

The guard met her eye, then huffed and approached. "What is it?"

She leaned close. "Princess Luna is still alive."

"Rarity!" shouted Rainbow Dash from the rear of the cage.

Rarity glanced over her shoulder as Dash leaped to her hooves. "Let me out please, I can tell you where to find her, where to find all of them. Twilight, Spike, and the other two, Fluttershy and Applejack. That's their names. I can tell you everything you need to know. We were all going to meet up at the--"

"No!" Rainbow Dash cried and charged across the short space to slam into her. Both ponies hit the floor, Rarity's chin bouncing against the wooden planks so hard she was lucky not to bite off her tongue. Her ears were ringing and she felt Dash's weight pressing down on her. The guard raced to get the cage unlocked.

"What are you doing?!" Dash screamed at her.

"What I should have done to begin with!" Rarity screamed back. "I don't want to be a traitor to the Princess anymore! All these things that Twilight and Spike told us were lies! You're a fool to believe them, Rainbow Dash! They did that to the Princess! They tricked us and made us follow their story. The Nightmare is dead, don't you see?"

"Horseradish!!" Dash yelled. "That's horseradish!! Twilight and Spike are our best frien--wuhhhh..." Her sentence cut off abruptly as a brilliant bolt of orange unicorn magic sliced between the cage bars and clubbed her in the stomach. Dash keeled over and gasped for air, rolling in agony.

"There will be no fighting in my prisoner transport, thank you very much," said Shield Banner, walking up. "Now what is going on here?"

"This unicorn says she wants to turn state's evidence," said the guard.

Shield Banner snorted. "Is that so?" He turned to Rarity. "You? You want to help us catch your friends?"

"Yes, sir, but they're not my friends."

"I don't believe you."

"Please, sir," said Rarity. "You saw what just happened. You saw what my so-called accomplices think of me. It's the truth, I can tell you everything."

"So? Tell me."

"Luna is alive. They're transporting her body in an apple wagon to a secret location. Twilight and Spike lied to me and forced me to do what they wanted. They sent us into the swamp to look for Luna's broken horn, so that they could steal its magic and use it against Celestia."

Shield Banner arched an eyebrow. "Go on."

"I know where they will be, I know everything they said and did tonight. I'll sign anything you want, testify to anything. Just, let me out of this cage, please. I'm afraid of what she'll do when she wakes up. And if I was a bit more comfortable, I'm sure I could remember more details." Her eyes wavered with tears as she gave Shield Banner her most trustworthy, most beleaguered, most vulnerable expression. She stopped short of the pouty lips, though. Pouty lips would have been too much, she thought to herself. Good choice, Rarity.

Shield Banner considered her as he marched along behind the wagon. Thunder rolled in the not-so-distant sky.

At last, the Guard Captain turned to his clerk. "We're coming up on Acorn Outpost, why don't you tell the stallions to graze and we'll take a ten minute break. Let this unicorn out of the cage immediately."

"Thank you!" said Rarity, "oh, thank you, thank you for believing me."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," said Shield Banner. "If I find out you're lying, I can promise you only the worst possible outcome."

"That sounds more than fair," said Rarity with relief. Dash stared up at her accusingly from the ground, her eyes teary from pain. Rarity looked away.

The guard opened the cage and escorted the beautiful unicorn to the ground. Her shackles stayed on.

* * *

"Y'all don't understand, we're trying to save her life!" said Applejack.

"It seems you could be doing a better job of it," said the Night Guard leader in low tones, his gold eyes staring from the darkness.

Applejack snorted. "Maybe we could help her if y'all would just get out of our way and stop actin' like a bunch a' bone-headed Nightmare Night rejects!"

White fangs flashed in the darkness, and one of the pegasi emitted a low growl.

"Excuse me," said Fluttershy suddenly. "Hello?" Everypony turned to look at her, and she cowered a little. "Hi, um, I'm Fluttershy, and I'm the physician assistant who's been in charge of Princess Luna's care tonight. I've done everything I can to stabilize her, but she is very gravely injured. If we don't get her into the medical wing right now, she will die. Arrest us afterward if you must, but please, we need your help."

The dark pegasi regarded her with their strange eyes.

"Well?" said Applejack in frustration. "Do y'all want to be responsible for her death or what?"

"Applejack!" admonished Fluttershy softly. She faced the looming shadows. "Please, we all want the same thing here. Luna is running out of time."

The Night Guard leader looked back over his shoulder. "Purple Heart, take a look for yourself."

"Yeah, no problem," said one of the soldiers with a no-nonsense Manehattanite accent. He gave a mighty flap of his membranous wings, gliding out of the darkness and over Fluttershy's head, landing on the apple-cart without making a sound.

"Please, be very careful with her," said Fluttershy.

"It's okay," said the dark pegasus, giving her the hint of a reassuring smile. "I've been a medic for a long, long time." He gently inspected the princess's various wounds, then placed his ear against Luna's torso.

He doesn't even need a stethoscope, thought Fluttershy.

After another tense minute, Purple Heart looked up. "Honestly," he said, "I'm amazed she's survived this long. Without her horn, she's as mortal as these two." He wagged his chin at Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Alright," said the Night Guard leader. "Show us the way, then. And you, cowpony. Mind your manners."

Applejack glowered back at him, but that was all.

They'd barely taken ten steps, however, when there was a brilliant burst of purple magic in the entrance hall. A powerful shock-wave smashed into them, picking the ponies up and scattering them like leaves on the wind. Fluttershy collided with the side of the apple-cart, squashing a wing painfully and cutting her cheek open. Applejack tumbled off into the darkness as her lantern bounced along the ground and went out.

Fluttershy struggled to get her bearings as the dust settled. It was pitch-black and the pounding of her own heart was deafening. Magical light sputtered near the middle of the entrance hall, cutting through the dark with its strobing, purple glow. Fluttershy could make out the silhouette of a familiar unicorn, struggling to get up. Twilight! You made it! You're alive!

But something was wrong. The unicorn was moving strangely, like her rear legs weren't working. She dragged herself frantically along the floor. She's trying to get away from something, Fluttershy realized. The pegasus moved her gaze thirty paces behind Twilight and her blood ran cold.

Nightmare Sun clambered to her hooves. She threw out her enormous white wings in fury. "Twilight Sparkle!" she roared. The sunlight poured from the mighty alicorn in torrents. Her horn was a brilliant, glowing lance. With a single leap, Nightmare Sun cleared the hundred paces from her to Twilight and slammed down right in the purple unicorn's path, shattering the tiles.

"You're quite the pony," said Nightmare Sun. "It's clear that I keep underestimating you. Let's put an end to that vicious cycle right now." She condescendingly knocked Twilight's Element of Magic crown off with her hoof, sending the golden artifact clattering and skidding across the tiles. Invisible chains yanked Twilight into the air, and a ray of sunlight focused into a cutting beam that carved along Twilight's shoulder. The unicorn let out a scream. Fluttershy caught a whiff of burning flesh. "Now, tell me where Spike is," commanded the Nightmare. "Or you are in for a very great deal of suffering before I kill... you...?" She trailed off as she became aware of a galloping sound growing louder and louder.

Applejack leaped out of the darkness and smashed her full, muscled weight into the alicorn with a bone-crunching tackle. All three ponies went tumbling out across the tile floor, legs every which way, spinning and sliding. The cowpony recovered from the impact first, scrambling to her hooves and throwing herself onto the rising alicorn, bashing the Nightmare's head against the floor. The two grappled desperately, almost crushing Twilight in the process.

Without even realizing what she was doing, Fluttershy leaped into the air and flew at maximum speed towards the injured unicorn. Her rational mind might have protested this plan, but it wasn't making the decisions now. Maternal instinct was.

Fluttershy watched Applejack sink her teeth into the Nightmare's cheek, rending the flesh with a savage scream. The Nightmare roared in pain and bashed a hoof into the bandages on Applejack's neck, causing the cowpony to let go with a shout as dark red soaked through the gauze. The two combatants tore into each other, snarling and biting and striking with abandon, fur and blood flying in all directions. Somehow Applejack managed to keep her hat on through all of this.

Fluttershy landed right behind Twilight, threw her forelegs around the purple unicorn's chest, and pulled backwards with the strength of abject terror. Flapping her wings madly, she made slow progress. Twilight was small for a mare, but her rear end was dead weight. It took more than twenty heart-pounding seconds for Fluttershy to drag the wounded unicorn under the stairs.

Luna!! she suddenly remembered, and turned toward the cart, but it was empty. Luna was gone. The Night Guard took her... and left?? Right when they were needed most??

"Only a stupid earth pony would attack an alicorn with her bare hooves!" laughed the Nightmare, on top now and pinning the cowpony's forelegs to the floor. "There is a reason why your race has always been on the bottom of the pile. Let me demonstrate why you are the subject and I am the princess." Her horn charged up to deliver a killing blow.

"You ain't no princess a' mine!" shouted Applejack, and she reeled back and slammed her forehead against the Nightmare's muzzle with a loud crunch. The alicorn's grip slackened. She choked and gasped, blood pouring from her nose. Applejack took the chance to get her rear hooves up between their bodies and kicked as hard as she could, sending the Nightmare careening backwards across the science hall and smashing down into a glass display case.

Twilight, barely conscious, grabbed at Fluttershy's foreleg. "Dampeners..." she said. Her shoulder was a maze of angry red burn-lines.

"Shh, Twilight," said Fluttershy, examining the unicorn for additional injuries, "don't try to talk. Just lie still." She grabbed a packet of sulfa powder from her bag and prepared a bandage. Angel Bunny bounded over, carrying her stethoscope in his mouth, his tiny eyebrows furrowed in determination. "Thanks, Angel."

"Dampeners," said Twilight, a little stronger this time. "Fluttershy, you have to collect the magic dampeners... we teleported with them, but they scattered... tie them together... use them on... Nightmare..."

"What are you talking about?" She followed the unicorn's pointing hoof, and now she could see them. Small crystal orbs, which had apparently fallen out of thin air along with Twilight and the Nightmare. They had rolled everywhere, to all corners of the room.

"There are six," said Twilight. "Her magic is... weak now, but not for long..." And then she was unconscious again.

Be brave, Fluttershy ordered herself. Move fast, don't get seen; you can do this! But oh, Celestia, I'm not a brave pony. I'm just not.

* * *

"Have a seat anywhere," said Shield Banner, motioning around the dank garrison commander's office.

Rarity shuffled in, her typical grace hampered by the iron chains around her ankles. She looked around the grimy space, trying not to let her disdain show. This was no time for ladylike pleasantries--she had to seem supremely grateful, no matter what. She chose a spot on a dusty mat in front of the garrison commander's desk and sat down daintily. The predawn had grown freezing cold, and they were both wet and muddy from the rain.

"So," said Shield Banner, settling in behind the desk. "Tell me why you shouldn't hang with the rest of the traitors."

"Because I was coerced," said Rarity. "Twilight and I grew apart a long time ago, mainly due to her...ah... strange ambitions. It's been a relationship of convenience for years. I accompanied all of them tonight just to do some networking, you know, for my business. But as you can see, Twilight and Spike had other ideas."

Shield Banner frowned. "You mean to tell me they've been planning this for years, and you never came to us about it?"

"It was just talk! Twilight was dissatisfied with the way Canterlot had been run since Luna had returned. She said that a democratic republic would make for a more responsive and fair government, and that only a revolution could bring about one of those."

Shield Banner snorted. "A democracy? Maybe if she wanted the government to be deadlocked and ineffectual."

"That's what I said! But I never, ever, for one second thought it would come to this, or else I would have turned the traitor in years ago. I never thought she was serious. I ask you, who would? This is Equestria, not some dark adventure novella. Nothing like that has happened in centuries!"

"Indeed," said Shield Banner. "Please continue."

Rarity expounded further on the tale, feverishly recounting how Twilight and Spike had threatened her with torture or even death if she went to the authorities, how they forced her to use her magic to locate the horn. "And then she told me, 'The guards will never believe you, so if we fail, you'll go down for it just like us...'" Rarity broke off to sob into her hoof. Shield Banner sighed and handed her a tissue. "Thank you, thank you," she said, sniffling. "Twilight told me, 'Help us, and when I'm in charge, we'll make you a hero. Otherwise, you'll end up in a shallow grave, and maybe, just maybe, we'll kill you first.' Oh, it was horrible! Horrible!"

"Well," rumbled Shield Banner. "You did the right thing, in the end."

"I know," sobbed Rarity. "I just wish I'd had the courage to do it sooner."

"That would have been preferrable, yes," said Shield Banner. "Still, the fact that Luna is alive is a stroke of luck I wasn't expecting. It just begs the question of: why?" He looked up at Rarity. "Why would the conspirators want to fake Luna's death?"

So many competing lies... "I have no idea," she said.

"Alright," said Shield Banner, "let's back up. The conspirators are Pinkemena Diane Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon...am I missing anypony?"

"Two, actually. Applejack and Fluttershy were tasked with moving the princess."

Shield Banner leaned forward. "Did you just say Fluttershy?"


"Yellow pegasus? Pink mane?"

"That's the one, yes."

Shield Banner's face grew very tight. He sat back slowly. "Fluttershy," he muttered to himself, grinding his teeth. His eyes burned with sudden, intense fury. "Well," he said in a dark tone, "how about that. She kept me away from the castle with the oldest trick in the book..."

"Did I say something wrong?" asked Rarity, genuinely frightened by this unexpected reaction.

Shield Banner cleared his throat, and his face became inscrutable once again. "No, in fact it all makes sense now. It makes too much sense." He was quiet for a moment. Then he asked: "Where is the meetup point?"

"Appleloosa," said Rarity. "They're taking the princess to Appleloosa."

"Well, they won't get far," said Shield Banner. He stood up suddenly. Rarity shrunk back, but the Guard Captain was only heading over to the door. He called for his clerk, and when the young stallion ran up, Shield Banner whispered orders to him.

Meanwhile, Rarity's telekinetic threads swept into Shield Banner's saddlebag and seized the tiny brass key that she had detected with her treasure sense. The inhibitor ring around Rarity's horn was supposed to prevent this sort of thing, of course, but the seamstress didn't find it too hard to work around. She spent her days threading needles, after all.

Make a fool of me, will you, she thought as she lifted the key from the pack and sent it darting through the air toward her. Lock me up in chains and throw me into that disgusting wagon and make me sit on this dirty floor will you... She seethed with anger. Beat up Rainbow, torture Pinkie Pie, threaten us all with execution... She tucked the key into her hair, right behind her ear. Just you wait, you boor, you pig. It is on, now.

"Water?" said Shield Banner coming back.

"Thank you," she said with relief and appreciation, accepting the waterskin from the Guard Captain. "You are truly a gentlecolt among stallions. But I fear what will happen if Twilight finds out I turned on her... She'll want to kill me... or worse..."

"You've got nothing to worry about now," said Shield Banner. "This thing keeps getting weirder and weirder, but we'll unravel it soon enough. And when we do, those responsible will be punished so severely that nopony will ever try this again."

Rarity started to cry with relief. "Thank goodness we have ponies like you to protect us."

* * *

Nightmare Sun screamed in fury as she blasted her way out from underneath the massive pile of glass. She flapped her enormous white wings and rose into the air, broken shards falling from her like droplets of water. "Pathetic little earth pony, I recognize you now," she snarled. "You wielded one of the Elements the night I returned from the moon, didn't you?"

"I woulda' thought you'd remember me sooner," said Applejack from her hiding place behind a stone pillar, "considering how badly we beat the stuffin' outta' you."

"Sorry, but all you meat-bags look the same to me," spat the Nightmare. Liquid fire roared in helices along the alicorn's skin. The light from her horn was blinding. She lifted a hoof to her cheek and pressed the torn flesh back together. After a second, it was like the wound had never existed. "What a shame, really, that you won't be around to watch me turn Equestria into my own personal stockyard. It's going to be just fantastic, just marvelous. But I guess some ponies are more trouble than they're worth."

A tiny spot of flame appeared at the alabaster tip of her horn, growing and burning hotter and hotter. It doubled in size, tripling, again and again until a molten boulder of magma roiled in space above the alicorn. With a powerful crack of magic, Nightmare Sun sent the lava ball spinning directly at the cowpony.

Applejack scrambled to her hooves, diving out of the way as the massive fireball melted through stone like butter. The cowpony leaped up onto a marble planter, then flung herself at a chandelier, swinging on the light-fixture as the lava sphere roared beneath her. Daring Do, eat your heart out!

But the boiling boulder swerved upwards to chase her. Nightmare Sun was controlling it with her monstrous telekinesis. The magma plowed through the floor directly below Applejack, sending the cowpony tumbling head over hooves into a pile of stacked-up chairs and desks.

Applejack squeezed out from under the furniture and tried to make a run for it, but the lava orb had split into three smaller spheres now, and began to circle around her, their orbits moving to cut off any route of escape. She feinted left and right, but the lava just continued to circle in, closer and closer. Smoke began rising from the edge of her cowpony hat. She smelled burnt hair. The air was so hot it was agony to breathe.

Shoot, she thought, casting about for an escape that just wasn't there. I guess... I guess this is it. Well, I gave it my all, didn't I?

Apple Bloom and Big Mac. The harvest was going to be tough without her help, but those two were Apples to the core. They'd make it. Sorry I couldn't stick around longer to grow old with you, guys. I have to go see Ma and Pa now.

The heat grew so intense that Applejack swore she could feel the exact moment she began to cook in her skin.

* * *


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