• Published 10th Jan 2020
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The Equestrian Spider - Kronos11111

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Chapter Three

It's been three days since we've began training. We got to the point where we can maintain Ten even in our sleep. Their bodies were no longer just bones anymore and had some muscles. I think it's time we move on to Zetsu and Ren. Zetsu shouldn't take long since it's just closing the aura nodes. Ren is going be different, I'm thinking of having them work on it while we go search for more members. I learned from Chrysalis that we're in the Everfree forest. I walked outside and gathered the three of them.

"I have a few things to say before we begin. First, we're going to be working of two principals today. Zetsu is very simple and shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Then we're going to the the castle of the two sisters. I have a feeling we'll find someone I want to join us. Alright?" They all nodded in agreement.

Cozy asked me, "Who are we going to go look for?"

"Nightmare Moon, from there she could, hopefully, lead us to Daybreaker. I'll explain the rest of the plan from there. Right now we're going to learn how to use Zetsu." I activated my Zetsu, my aura stoped flowing and the cold feeling came back.

"While Ten allows a user to keep aura from leaking away from their body, Zetsu stops the flow of aura from their body altogether. By closing all of their Aura Nodes, the user is able to halt all outflow of their aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. Shutting off the nodes in their eyes prevents the user from being able to see aura, but, since they are no longer surrounded by their own aura, they become more sensitive to the aura of others.

"This technique is thus doubly useful when tracking another person, as not only it will make it easier to follow them, it will also prevent other users of Nen from noticing their pursuer. However, there are other ways to perceive a person hiding with Zetsu: aside from the five senses being effective, particularly perceptive individuals are capable of detecting the gaze of another person, although they might not manage to discern the position and number of onlookers.

"Furthermore, if Zetsu is utilized within a certain range from a Nen user, that Nen user might notice their presence disappearing, especially if the Zetsu user's aura is powerful. Despite the technique not affecting vision directly, activating Zetsu in front of someone else will give them the impression the user has turned transparent.

"Zetsu can also be used to relieve fatigue, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within. However, for the same reason it can be dangerous due to it leaving the body defenseless against any aura attack. Even a weak attack enhanced with Nen could do massive damage. Since even the thin protection offered by Ten is gone, a Zetsu user is particularly susceptible also to hostile emotional attacks, resulting in their mind becoming as vulnerable as their body.

"Now, try using Zetsu yourself." The three of them closed their eyes. Chrysalis was able to close her nodes almost instantly. Cozy and Tirek took a few seconds but got it non the less. They shivered slightly, "Feels weird, I know. Next we're going to learn Ren."

I activated my Ren, the aura was a few inches away from my body, "Ren focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said aura. One can train their Ren to extend its duration and increase the amount of aura at their disposal. It is said it takes one month to prolong one's Ren outside of combat by 10 minutes.

"If Ten is considered purely defensive, Ren can be regarded as its offensive counterpart, although it also grants the user vastly enhanced defensive abilities. With the right timing, Ten can be used to contain the aura produced with Ren.

"By tingeing one's Ren with hostility, a Nen user can exert what is colloquially referred to as 'bloodlust'. A prolonged emission of malicious Ren can induce uncontrollable dread in those who cannot use Nen, paralysis and if contrasted without Ten, even death. On the other hand, a neutral Ren can rarely be felt by non-users. Since Ren is a show of power, it can also intimidate other Nen users, as it offers an approximate measure of the user's raw strength.

"In most cases, Ren reflects the user's hostility without their control, and it can even leave faint traces in the environment after the Nen user has left the scene. Now I want you to try." I deactivated my Ren, sweating slightly.

The three's auras were small, barely bigger than their Ten. After only a few seconds Chrysalis stopped, completely out of breath. Cozy lastest a little longer but stopped as well. Tirek surprised me however, he managed to keep up his Ren for thirty minutes before having to stop.

I began clapping, "That's very impressive Tirek. Your the first person I know who can last that long from the very start."

"Thank you." He crossed his arms.

"Now then, before we had out into the forest I need to know something." I looked over to Chrysalis, "Is it possible to use your magic to make a tattoo?"

"Yes, by putting the magic just under the skin one can make a tattoo. Why do you ask?"

"I want us all to get a tattoo to signify we're members of the Phantom Troupe." They rose a brow, "When we start making a name for ourselves people will start claiming that they're one of us. By getting a tattoo it shows that we are the real members and bring us closer together as a group." They looked down in thought.

"I suppose that makes sense." Tirek stated in a low voice.

Chrysalis asked, "What will the tattoo be?"

"It will be a twelve legged spider with our corresponding number inside of it." I tapped my left forearm, "I want mine here with the number zero in it." She put her hand on my arm. I could feel her magic go through my arm. She pulled away and the spider was there. I chose my forearm because I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and it would show to others.

"Everyone pick a number between 1 through 12. You can put the tattoo wherever you want." Chrysalis started giving out tattoos. Cozy's was the number 8 on her shoulder blade. Tirek's was the number 12 on his stomach. Chrysalis' was the number 5 on her right thigh. Hers was white so it would show against her black chitin.

"Who here knows where the castle is?" Cozy raised her hand, "Everyone use Zetsu, I don't want to get into trouble on the way there." Everyone activated Zetsu and we began walking into the forest.

'I'm going to miss this area. But we must all move on at some point.' The walk was slightly boring. We saw some birds and small animals but nothing to exciting.

We made it to the castle. It was in ruins and the wood was rotting. I took the lead and walked into a tower off to the side. While we were walking up the stairs collapsed and I started to fall. Tirek grabbed my hand just in time and pulled me back up. I nodded my head in thanks.

We made it into the room the elements of harmony defeated Nightmare Moon. I looked around the room and shouted, "NIGHTMARE MOON! I KNOW YOUR HERE SO COME ON OUT!"

Nightmare Moon walked out from behind a pillar. Her ten was still and filled with malice, "How did you know I was here... Whatever it is you are."

I shrugged, "Honestly I didn't. After the elements blasted you I didn't have any idea if you were even alive or not. If you were then it was just barely. You'd have to stay here in order to regain your strength. It's the safest. Nobody ever comes here. Also I'm a human."

"You're smart hooman. But why are you here?"

"It's human not hooman, and I'm making a group know as the Phantom Troupe. I want you to be apart of it."

She rose a brow, "Why would I want to do that?"

"What if I told you that you could get revenge on Luna and Celestia?"

She crossed her arms, "I'm listening."

"Join me and you can wreak havoc across Equestria. You never have to work alone and be supported by the rest of us. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Indeed it does. What's the catch?"

"I'd knew you know. I need two things. You have to help us find more members for the Troupe and I need to know where Daybreaker is."

"You know about Daybreaker? You must be more prepared then I thought. She still stuck in the others body. If you wish to get her then you have to get close and say Daybreaker's name."

'That simple huh? Nothing never is, she's probably withholding info. Not much I can do though.'

"Thank you, now I ask you pick a number between 1 through 11, except five or eight."

"I pick seven. Why ask me such a trivial question?" I nodded to Chrysalis she began walking over to Nightmare Moon.

"Each member has a tattoo of a twelve legged spider somewhere of their choosing on their body. It signifies that you're a member." She chose to have it on her collar bone. Her was also white as to show against her black fur.

"Who is Daybreaker?" Tirek asked me.

"To over simply it, Daybreaker is Celestia's version of Nightmare Moon. Unlike that one," I pointed to Nightmare, "Daybreaker never escaped." He nodded in understanding.

"Now then, it's time to tell everybody the rules of the Troupe." They all turned to me, "Rule number one, My orders are your top priority, but I am not your top priority. Even if it means sacrificing me you are to follow my orders." They all nodded, albeit hesitantly.

"Rule number two, you are to never prioritize the individual over the group. I don't care how well you bonded with them the spider as whole comes first." They nodded with even more hesitation.

"Rule number Three, you are never to go out alone. You must be with at least one other partner at all times." The nodded to that one almost instantly.

"Finally Rule number four, there is to be no infighting within the spider. If a clash of opinions can not be solved through discussion then it must be settled with a coin toss." They all nodded.

"Good, those are the rules to the Phantom Troupe. This is also where we are splitting up." Everyone looked confused, "I want Nightmare Moon, Tirek, and Cozy Glow to travel Equestria and find three mares I'm looking for. They are Trixie Lunamoon, Starlight Glimmer, And Tempest Shadow. Me and Chrysalis will head to Canterlot and get Daybreaker."

They three got together and Chrysalis walked over to me, "Why do you want me to go with you?"

"You're a changeling, unlike them you can fit in much better than anybody else. We're going to need that in Canterlot. I'll meet up with you at the entrance, I need to talk to those three." She nodded and left.

I walked over to them, "The three mares I mentioned are all unicorns. Starlight Glimmer is in a town near the outskirts of Equestria. Tempest Shadow is most likely with the Storm King. Trixie is more difficult however, she's a traveling shows woman. After you find them bring them back here, willing or otherwise. Afterwards get in contact with me and I'll come straight here."

I began to walk away, "Oh, and Cozy." She looked at me, "Teach Nightmare Moon how to use Zetsu and Ren." She nodded and I left. I met up with Chrysalis and we made our way to Ponyville. The walk was very uneventful. We made it to the edge of the forest. Chrysalis turned into a generic pony. Green fur and red hair.

"When we go in there I want you to use Zetsu. While all the attention is on me you will pickpocket everyone you can. When we make it to the train station we'll count how much we got."

"Alright, but what if the elements of harmony are there?"

"We'll deal with it when it happens. Also when in towns and cities call me Gowther. I don't want anyone learning my name." I walked out the forest with Chrysalis not to far behind. People stared at me the entire time. One unicorn mare was bouncing around all excited after seeing me. The walk to the train station took about an hour.

Chrysalis walked up to me, "I managed to get about 500 bits." She held up a small bag nearly filled to the brim. I took a look inside and saw small gold coin. As we were about to enter the station I noticed a art store right next to it.

I pulled out 50 bits and handed them to her, "Buy the tickets for us, I'm going to get something really quickly." I entered the store and looked around. Paints, brushes, and any art supply you need can be found here. I picked up a bottle of white and black paint. Looking over them there was a 'Instant dry guaranteed'. I grabbed two brushes, a thin one for detail and a slight wider one for larger areas.

It took a little bit to get the cashier to ring me up but I got them. I walked into the station and sat down next to Chrysalis.

"The train will be here in thirty minutes." I took out my hunters license. Uncorking the white paint I took the larger brush and painted the back of it. Tapping it the paint was already dry. I uncorked the black paint and used the thin brush to paint a outline of a twelve legged spider. I then took the larger brush and filled in the rest of the spider. I put away the brushes and paint. I looked at my handy work.


I felt a random urge and started to use Shu, infusing my Nen into the license.


I brought the license close, "I am Gowther, should you need our help, you can always call on the spider." I tossed it off the the side and a portal opened up, swallowing the token.

"What was that?" Chrysalis asked me.

"I don't know," I looked forward as our train arrived, "I don't know."