• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 4,499 Views, 48 Comments

The Equestrian Spider - Kronos11111

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Chapter One

I was walking around my local convention center. It was my city's yearly Anime-Con. I decided to go cheap and just wear some of my actual clothes, calling it a costume. When asked how I showed them a custom made Hunter's License that says my name in that language they use in Hunter x Hunter. As I was walking around I saw a deck of cards that looked really cool.

I walked up to the stand, "How much for the deck of cards?" The man dressed like the resident evil merchant turned to me.

"Those will be $20. If I may ask, are you in costume?"

I handed him the money, "kind of yeah," I put the deck in my pocket and pulled out my license, "I'm Julien Wood, Pro Hunter."

He chuckled, "How is your Nen training coming along?"

"Not too bad. I may be a fast learner but no where near the level of Gon or Killua. I'm still training in the basics and haven't even done water divination yet even though I've been training for a few months." I put away my license.

"Well, I hope your training will be good enough." Before I could question him I blacked out.


Waking up I looked around. I was I the middle of the forest, the trees blocking most of the sunlight. I stood up and check myself. Nothing seemed to be missing. I have my phone, license, wallet, and the new cards I bought.

'Stay calm Julien, this is what all that survival training was for.' I took a deep breath and checked my phone. Just like I thought, there was no bars. I took out my cards and shuffled them. 'If its a club I'll go west, heart south, diamond east, and a spade north.' I flipped over the top card to reveal a queen of clubs, 'West it is then.' I looked up at the sun and check the time. It was 11:36 a.m. so I went in the opposite direction of the sun. The forest was peaceful, birds were chirping and a few squirrels gathering nuts. Entering a small clearing I found a small river. Inside were plenty of fish swimming up stream. not to far off were some berry bushes and small saplings. A few large rocks lined the edge of the river.

Looking up the sun showed it was going to be nightfall soon. I quickly gathered some large sticks and lined them up against one of the rocks. After stacking the sticks to build a sort of wall I gathered some dead leaves and placed it on top of the lean-to, forming a layer of insulation. I took some shrubs, leaving the roots in the ground, and used them to make some padding inside. I continued to grab more sticks and dead leaves to make a fire later on. after that was done I found a sturdy branch. Picking up a sharp rock I began to sharpen it into a makeshift spear. The sun was close to setting so I started up the fire. While that was going I took off my shoes and socks; making my way over to the river I rolled up my pant legs and stepped in the water. The fish moved away from where I was and out of reach from the spear. I took a deep breath and readied my spear.

Suddenly, my chest felt cold and my blood like ice, 'What the hell! Push it out!' A blast of white energy enveloped my body. Surprised I stumbled over and fell into the river. Sitting up I looked at my body and arms. They were covered in a explosive white aura. I began to feel tired and my eyes drooped a bit, 'This must be Ren. That means the other was Zetsu then. I cant keep this up much longer, I need to contain it with Ten.' I focused on stopping the aura from escaping and keeping it around my body. The aura slowly began to retract and surround my body, 'Gon was right, it is like standing in a warm viscous fluid.'

I stood up, readied my spear, and activated Zetsu. I ignored the weird feeling and waited patiently. The fish slowly started moving closer. When they got within range I decided to wait a little bit longer. There was a big fish that could feed me tonight by itself but was just out of reach. The fish started to get really close, brushing up against my legs at times. The big fish got within a good distance, I stabbed the spear through the fish. I pulled off the fish and tossed it to the shore.

Walking over to the shore and grabbing the sharp rock, I gutted and deboned it. I took a small stick and stabbed it through the fish, then I pushed the end of it into the ground, the fish learning to the fire. While that was cooking I decided to work on my Ten.

I closed my eyes and felt like I was in a warm viscous fluid again. I imagined my aura flowing in and around me like a stream of energy. My chest felt extremely warm, like I accomplished something. At some point my mind started to go blank. I opened my eyes to see that night had fallen some time ago. The fish was done so I reached out to grab it.


I shot up and reactivated my ten. Turning to the noise I saw the weirdest sight. An anthro Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek. Their clothing was in shambles and look like they haven't eaten in a few days. We simply stared at each other for what felt hours. I lowered my hands and stopped my Ten. I waved them over and motioned them to sit. I took the fish and placed it slightly further away from the fire so it won't keep cooking but still keep warm. I grabbed my spear and walked over to the river.

The moonlight gave enough light to see a few more fish still trying to swim up stream. I entered the stream and activated Zetsu. I heard a few surprised gasps but just ignored them. I gathered three fish and brought them to shore. I gutted, deboned, and leaned them against the fire. While they were cooking I gathered some berries. I separated them into three piles and gave the three their share. I gave Cozy a slightly bigger share then the other two. The fish were done and I handed them to the three. I gave Cozy the larger of the three. I began to eat along with Chrysalis and Tirek. Cozy didn't eat however.

"Is something wrong Miss Cozy Glow?"

She looked up at me with a face of slight disgust, "First, I'm only 16 so just Cozy please. Second, why are you helping us if you know who we are? Third, why do I have more than they do?"

I swallowed what I was eating before replying, "To answer your third question, it's because you are still growing. You need to need more than adults do, especially since you haven't eaten in a while." I took a bite of my fish while the others nodded.

"What about the second question?"

I thought for a moment, 'If these three are here then I think I can assume I'm in Equestria. If that's so then Celestia is here as well, naturally. Damn I hate that mare.'

"I'm the same as you in a way. I don't like Princess Celestia or the magic of friendship." They looked slightly shocked.

"You don't like them either?"

I finished up the fish and threw the stick into the fire, "No. She says she's she brings peace and harmony, and she probably believes that too, but she doesn't. She has only created a divide in order and chaos, bringing the world into a imbalance. Anytime the world tries to fix itself she uses the elements and creates a greater divide. I plan to fix that."

Tirek spoke up, "And how do you plan to do that?"

'Now that I think about it, can I teach Nen to others? If not then there still is magic. I certainly don't want to do this alone. What should I call my team though. WAIT, THAT'S IT!'

"I plan on making a team called the Phantom Troupe. Me included there will be thirteen members. I will be the leader and give orders but that's it. No one person is higher than everybody else, we work as equals." The others rose a brow.

"What if you gave a order that would make it so the others can't protect you and die?"

With no hesitation I answered, "My orders are top priority, but I am not. Even if the head is sacrificed it doesn't matter as long as the spider lives." The others stared at me with wide eyes. They remained silent for a few moments.

Chrysalis asked me, "What will your team do? You didn't really explain that."

"She has made a world filled with to much harmony, so the Phantom Troupe will do the opposite... And wreak havoc. We do what we want, when we want. If we see something we like, we take it." We spent a few moments in silence. I stare at the fire thinking about what I need to do tomorrow.

I was interrupted by Cozy, "Can I join?"

Chrysalis cut in, "May I as well?"

Tirek butted in, "And I as well?"

"Do any of you know how to use Nen?" They looked at me with looks of confusion. "Get some sleep, we are going to have a looong day tomorrow. I'll make you guys a place to sleep tommorow after you begin training." I stood up and walked over to my lean-to. Crawling inside I went straight to sleep. I'm going to need it.