• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 3,482 Views, 261 Comments

Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Author's Note

So, this is to be for the moment, my last long MLP fanfiction, as I am focusing more on original writing and real life commitments. I’ll finish/add to my other outstanding projects (Samudra’s Journal, and the Side Stories) and will probably will hang around on the site. I definitely will attend and speak at the writing panel of my local pony convention, the Vanhoover Pony Expo (in Vancouver, Canada lol). Maybe when I am more financially secure and we still have some conventions going… I’ll head to Everfree NW? We’ll see.

Still, I consider this story my last harrah and a wedding gift to my friend Firimil, who came up with the designs for Mirage and Kyria, Alternia’s daughters and has supported me in other writing projects for the past few years.

I would also like to thank Zervziel as always for his support and help with this story and others in this series. Aside from being a good critic and idea guy (particularly in Equestria’s Changeling Queen), he’s written a lovely chapter for this story as well.

Moreover, I would not have been able to bring this to fruition without my two pre-readers. They include Wanderer D, who as of now (March 2020) a long time supporter of my work, and really needs your help because he's run into some sudden financial straits. Please send him your love, or money, either helps.

Tarbtano was also invaluable in helping me edit and bounce ideas off of. He's... working on something in his massive kaiju crossover "The Bridge" that... let's say fans of this series will enjoy. Go to his story for the Godzilla though, because dayum that story has some amazing kaiju fights, and art. It's just really good writing.

As a note, this story was also a test of some new writing techniques I picked up in some of my original work, and the first time I’ve finished a MLP fimfic before publishing it online. I’ve forced myself to use more dialogue and less exposition, and finish the story first before publishing. Some of you have said I should have actually used more exposition... which I'd say--- fair enough because it came out sparse than I expected. Still, while I won’t say this is my magnum opus, but I think it’s a fine, perhaps even the best ending to the Alternia saga I could have written at this time.

Which of course, leads me to you, my longtime fans. I hope you enjoyed this extended epilogue of sorts to the Alternia saga. Above all else, I hope the drama, the thrills and the action in this story provided an excellent escape from the troubles and stresses of real life. I don’t profess to be a great writer, or a particularly talented one, but I’d like to think that the one thing I’m good at is making sure my readers can connect with my world and characters and live with them for a little while. Thanks for all your support and comments through my MLP fimfiction writing career. I wish you the best.


P.S. March 6, 2022
Hey all, if you're interested, I just published my first original work!

Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.

Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and not to hurt every day. When her class is transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight invading monsters and defeat an evil monster king, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, she will return to the home she escaped.

Trauma, however, is not so easily lost. Despite her newfound magic and her teacher’s support Frances is dogged by her parents’ abuse and its scars, both physical and invisible. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.

If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.

Check it out if you're interested!

Comments ( 34 )

Unfortunately no. I'm thinking of a one shot where an older Sarar talks to Mirage and Kyria, but the appropriate aide hasn't come up yet :P

I didn't know Tarb had helped with this! Nice!

Me neither.
Thanks for the fanfic series.

Well I haven’t finished the story yet but what I have to say you’ve done a great job on this story, and I hope any other stories you write and just as good or even better!

Thank you so much for this saga, it was a joy to read. I wish you the best of luck on your authoring and don’t be afraid to tell us here if you get a book published.

Bravo, bravo! Thank you, for this wonderful ending to this riveting saga. While it will be a little sad that we'll likely see no more writs of pony tales from you, I wish you nothing but the best in all your future endeavors!

Thank you very much! That being said, it's not NO more, but less. Also, I fully intend on serializing my original fiction. There will be an announcement in a few days/week I suspect. I just want to build up enough of a backlog.

I fully intend on letting you all know about my original projects. Thanks for your support!

Thanks. I do quite like the ending to this. It's... very touching IMO.

You're very welcome!

He's a great dude.

Oh you flatter XD

It kinda feels like a goodbye I'm not ready to do. I'll support you no matter what but if I'm honest I'm kinda sad that there'll be less pony tales. Oh well I guess it's always nice having you around in any capacity.

P.S. I wish I had more time with you but irl stuff kept me from being active in this site or the Internet.

I love the universe you set up here and I'm sad to see it go (or at least slow down). All I can say is good luck and have fun with whatever you do next. I'll be here untill the site dies... or turns to 95% porn...

Ups and downs. So long since i guessed the Twist in Alternia book 1 and I did some minor proofing. Has it truly been that long? Tsk. Time has flown.

Best luck to you.:twilightsmile:

This was a delightful end to the Alternia-verse. There were perils, but more importantly triumphs. Separations, but reunions. Battles, but peace.

A family I have grown to love dearly, given the chance to heal and put old regrets to rest.

Thank you for writing and sharing their story.

You're welcome :D Feel free to check out my original story linked in the notes for more fun and angst and drama XD

I read the first 3 chapters and a bit of the 4th and dislike the story, though I really liked the first 2 stories in the series. There is almost nothing connecting this story to the prequel. The main characters in this story either weren't born yet at the end of the previous story, or were only mentioned briefly, and there is basically no continuation of the previous storyline due to time travel shenanigans. I liked how the previous story continued from the first one, with some old and some new characters, as well as continuing the storyline itself, but this one is just so different as it's only technically a sequel, while in spirit it's a completely different story with different characters in a different time.

In addition, the beginning chapters skip ahead so much that half the characters are completely unknown. I was expecting to see the aftermath of the battle against the Old God, the new deal between Aquestria and Equestria, whatever arms race with the griffons might happen, what Luna did in Aquestria, etc. Instead I got a random time travel story that's only loosely connected to the previous one.

Continuing from my last comment, there were so many unresolved minor storylines from the previous story that could have been used for a sequel, or spinoff. Did Tethys manage to fix the kelpies' curse? What about the Venecians who had to leave their home and start a new life in Equestria? What about the families in the hostage exchange/cultural exchange? I would be very interested in seeing one of those storylines continue.

A much lighter read than the previous story, but still had a very good emotional core with Kyria and Mirage meeting their grandparents, and the end where Chamellia and Faerce come to the future to see how their family is doing so well.

Honestly I think you should’ve gone with the thing covering seasons 3-7. Decimal already explained why.

Like... I could have but that would have been a HUGE investment of time and attention which at this point I don't quite have in MLP. Am I still a brony and do I read fanfic? Oh hell yes. Do I write it? Nope.

Most of that was actually answered in Books 2 and beginning of book 3 but... well unfortunately I can see why you missed it, the parts that I covered those questions were quite dense.

Also, yes it would have been nice to cover Seasons 3-7 in detail, I just don't have the investment in the fandom as I once did as I really really want to get to original writing because well, I can't publish with MLP fanfics.

DO I read? Oh yes, but I think I'm not ready to return to fanfics for a good long time. There's a number of projects I have right now on my plate, including my first original self-published novel.

Very nice story. Though I have to say I was pretty surprised by how it ended- I'd been fully expecting Mirage and Kyria to not have a way back, with time travel not being attempted again given how much the first portal went wrong, and instead the two of them having to spend a millennium somewhere out of the way and avoiding other changelings so as to not disrupt the timeline.

The whole "getting a portal back" just felt like a really abrupt ending. Nice and happy, sure, but missed out on so much possibility that the hidden changelings could have got up to.

The paradoxicalness of it was kind hard to figure out which was why I went with the portal opens XD

Indeed it'd have been a challenge
Only way of doing it would have been for them to change names, start up hives as far away as possible, and probably disguise themselves too just in case.

I know I'm late to the party, but man.... What a notion.

I'm pondering whether or not Chamelia knew it was a time-loop, and if so, a closed one at that. If she did know, obviously she realised from reading between the lines that she wasn't going to die a natural death. If that's the case, she knew what was coming was inevitable, but it seems logical that there had to have been (many?) moments where she came close to death, thinking "is this is? Is this the moment?".

It's even worse if she didn't know it was a closed time-loop. How many times would she have had to make a choice not to sacrifice herself, not to act on the possibility that because she didn't act she was changing the future with unknown consequences.

If the first is true, she must have felt such a relief (amongst a lot of other things), knowing that the waiting, the endless waiting on the moment when the hammer would fall was finally over. She would know that whatever happened, both her daughters would be fine eventually.

If the second is true... Holy moly. If that's true, she finally made a choice (perhaps semi-subconsciously) , and it was an irreversible choice. Either she picked the one all important moment correctly, or she picked one of an unknown number of wrong moments. And she would never know which, yet she still found the strength to not show any of that doubt to her daughters in her final moments, only love.

The same goes for Facere of course, but we didn't live that final moment with him like we did with Chamelia.

This whole final story gives so much more depth to what was already a pretty darn good scene. Next to that, I really don't care about how "epic" or not the story concluded. That's a bombshell enough on it's own.

And there's Atracina. I'm not sure how much we were told about her, besides that she fought a war, a few names of changelings she killed and what happened at the Gorge. I will have to reread all three books again (which I was going to do anyway, and many times over, I'm a re-reader and this trilogy is to good not to revisit every now and then) with the knowledge I know have, but I feel there is a lot of untold story there. Which is no criticism of any kind by the way, there is nothing wrong with leaving some things untold if you do it right. But from the final words between her and Chamelia it definitely seems to be a "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" kinda deal (which we also see with Samudra and Chrysalis). Combine that with her obviously genuine love for Ragnar and Ragnar's (and Sarar's) own backstory and you just know that there is another tragic backstory there.

Even if that story never gets told, it shows a continuous circle of tragedy, distrust, betrayal and kin-slaying, pretty much always in the name of "the hive", or "the future of our kind" etc. that seems to be part of the Changeling fate. Which makes the future and Alternia's accomplishments even more meaningful, because it looks like she finally broke the cycle. And Chamelia and Facere caught a glimpse of that, which even adds more meaning to Chemalia's death scene. She knows that this has happened before, but because of her daughter(s) it might be one of the last times it happens.

All this to say, this story does and adds so much for/to the other two books, I'm impressed. What a joy all these stories have been to read.

Seiche, the kelpie warrior, took them off in their fight I think

Excellent! This story played to your strengths of world-building, and the small character-driven moments / drama. My only complaint was it didn't focus on Alternia, but obviously that's not the story you were here to tell; I just really like seeing more about the version of "Notlestia" you created.

Overall what a wonderful conclusion to one of the best changeling stories on the site. I really hope you revisit this series again, but until then good luck with your original fantasy novel!

I know i'm late to reading your comment Derp.

So... second theory is true.

The premise of this story was I wanted Alternia's children to meet Chamelia. I really liked Mirage and Kyria but they were characters in my head. I could do a sequel that just continued Alternia's story but it.. wouldn't have been an epilogue/final chapter to the series. THe only way I could think of doing their stories justice was introducing them to Chamelia... which had problems.

First and primary being, how do I justify this? The loop has to be closed. Chamelia has to know to some degree something bad happened to her.

So what I did was i played into this and made it an objective of the story an already beloved character, Chamelia, even more beloved. Make what got ppl hooked onto the series even better. Play into the tragedy.. and well, most of the story basically wrote itself after I decided to semi-consciously go that direction.

Regarding your theory here:
Even if that story never gets told, it shows a continuous circle of tragedy, distrust, betrayal and kin-slaying, pretty much always in the name of "the hive", or "the future of our kind" etc. that seems to be part of the Changeling fate. Which makes the future and Alternia's accomplishments even more meaningful, because it looks like she finally broke the cycle. And Chamelia and Facere caught a glimpse of that, which even adds more meaning to Chemalia's death scene. She knows that this has happened before, but because of her daughter(s) it might be one of the last times it happens.

I never actually thought of it that way when writing the story but i definitely wish I did XD

No clue what you mean so I guess no XD

ive like the Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress batter as i read a lot of changeling fic of the first one has ow most the same story tilling lol with the canterlot wedding scenario lol and i love the second one batter because i love adding on to story like lore and pulse romance and adventurous lol and controversy stories lol it give off real scenario that why i love it more pluse adding journal of the forgot her name sorry lol of the there story was icing on the cake to understand and her intention was amazing to it lol wish i read that one frist before i read the second story lol

anyhoof thing you for righting them and if ya ever come to everfree i love to buy your books and get it sigh lol

ps sorry for grammar lol

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