• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 3,488 Views, 261 Comments

Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Chapter 15: Course Clear

“Kyria, can we talk after you finish playing?”

Mirage could see her sister blink in surprise, from where she was sitting, levitating pony dolls with Chrysalis and Mirage’s changeling dolls. Honestly, if it was any other circumstance, Mirage would laugh because Kyria was sitting amongst a bunch of blocks that were arranged in a sort of castle. They were “play infiltrating” the alicorn sister’s castle in the Everfree.

“Of course. I’ll be back Chrysalis, Alternia.”

“Okay!” said Alternia, though, Chrysalis looked rather disappointed.

Trotting to Mirage’s room, Kyria frowned as Mirage locked the door and put a spell on that from the silence that filled the room, seemed to be a noise-cancelling spell.

“Okay. First of all, we need a plan for if things go sideways, and second of all, I need to check if you know how to use dad’s gun.”

Kyria nodded, but also found herself frowning at her sister. “Uh… how are we going to shoot anything?”

That brought a chuckle from Mirage. “I don’t think we can actually do some shooting without some hard questions being asked, but I just want to make sure you know your basic gun safety and know how to shoot and reload. That, and I need to make sure the weapons are clean.”

“Oh, yeah… it’s been a while since I’ve shot a weapon.” She levitated the weapon out, making sure it was pointing down.

“A while?” asked Mirage with a smirk, as she held the gun with her magic and checked the safety.

“Uh… honestly about a year?”

“Well then little sister, first off, this is your safety…”

Kyria listened intently as Mirage went through the procedures, and explained the characteristics of her father’s revolver, which was an Equestria Detective Special typically employed by law enforcement. Mirage then promptly disassembled the revolver and started to clean it and examine the condition of Kyria’s .38 calibre ammunition.

“Mirage, you really do think we’ll be using our guns, don’t you?” Kyria asked.

The changeling gave the trigger mechanism of the now reassembled revolver—pointed at a wall—a pull, and the hammer made a sharp click as she did so. “I hope we don’t, but we honestly might. If this is a closed time-loop, Chamelia didn’t tell our mother and aunts about this incident for something other than the fact that we were involved. I mean, you would think this incident would be a very useful way to demonstrate counter-infiltration tactics, particularly against a queen, but it seems she spoke nothing of it to them.”

“You… huh, that’s a good point. What… when should we use them then?” Kyria asked.

Mirage, after flicking the safety on, loaded the revolver and gave it back to Kyria, who put it back in her peytral. “That’s what I want to talk to you about… Because I’m not entirely sure either.” The older princess pursed her lips. “We… we don’t know if we are in a closed-time loop like the one Twilight set herself up in by accident all those years ago. Or if we cast a spell like the one Starlight tried to do.”

Kyria nodded. “Right, because depending on that our priorities change… if it was a closed time loop we don’t need to worry so much, but if it was an open time loop, then we need to make doubly sure that what we do now doesn’t affect the timestream.” A thoughtful, but determined look spread across Kyria’s features. “I think we need to prioritize protecting mom and our aunts over everything else.”

There was a sudden worry that Kyria could feel from her sister after she said that, “Mirage?”

“I… I’m not so sure about that.”

The younger sister stared at the elder and for the first time, disgust flared in her. “What! But-”

“Kyria, we’re also part of Equestria’s future. If this is a closed time loop and we die before our family can get us back, mom and our aunts will still be alive and we’ll-”

“A closed time loop doesn’t necessarily mean that and what if it is an open one?” Kyria demanded heatedly.

“I… I don’t know.” Mirage’s shoulders slumped and Kyria blinked as she sensed the helplessness that her sister felt. “I don’t know what might happen if I need to choose between you and mom, Kyria,” she whispered. “Every battle I’ve fought, the ones I loved were relatively safe in their airships, or far away from the frontline. If the queen infiltrator puts me in that position...”

The thought of having to choose whether to save her sister or her mother sent a shiver up Kyria’s spine.

“That’s exactly why I wanted to make a plan,” said Mirage. “You and I aren’t going to be fighting in the front lines of this battle. We’re guarding mom and our aunts from that queen infiltrator and we need to think of a way so that we never have to choose.”

One hoof on her chest, Kyria took a deep breath, and nodded. “I agree, and I think I have an idea.”

Kyria and Mirage—back in their drone disguise—Sarar and Thera quietly watched the changelings prepare the front door of the Everfree Hive. Or to be more correct, they were preparing the siege entrance.

Essentially, Chamelia and Thera’s changelings had sealed all but two of the hidden entrances to the hive, to be used as sally ports. As for the main entrance to the hive, the changelings hadn’t set up fortifications for it, as much as they had started to prepare a fairly extensive existing fortification.

Mirage and Kyria was fairly shocked by this because this structure hadn’t survived to the present. Outside of the main tunnel entrance, the changelings had somehow assembled a wooden fort from prefabricated parts and changeling goo to stick it together. It featured a wooden palisade the height of three changelings, interspersed with towers with arrow slits. The palisade even featured a walkway and merlons. The palisade even had a iron-wrapped wooden gate that could be lifted by pulleys and counterweights.

“Why fight outside? Wouldn’t it be easier to just stay in the caves?” wondered Kyria.

Thera answered this question with an understanding smile. “Fighting in caves is brutal, and frankly it would negate the numbers advantage we have. We’ll keep forces in the caves of course, but it would be better for us to meet them on the surface. The fort can provide us with supporting fire and a place to treat our wounded.”

Mirage hmmed. “Since Ragnar and the queen she’s working with, have only up to a thousand changelings, we need to anticipate that she might have some trick or contingency to deal with our numbers and fortifications. Can we call on any other changeling queens for support?”

“I’ve asked Hatshepsut for reinforcements, but it will take her ten days to arrive. Chamelia is close behind, though,” said Thera. She took a deep breath. “If that is all, then we should get a good night’s sleep. They’re likely going to attack tomorrow.”

“One last thing… I’m a bit concerned about your plan to ensure that your grandmother’s children are safe,” said Sarar. She fixed Mirage and Kyria with a narrow-eyed look. “In the worst case scenario… you two will be the most in danger. And we can’t even send you reinforcements.”

“We can’t waste time identifying friendlies if the infiltrator makes an attempt, Sarar,” said Mirage. If they had the recipe to her aunt Belladonna’s new potion, which revealed changelings on contact, then they would actually use it, but Mirage and Kyria only knew the ingredient list vaguely.

“You are sure two squads are enough?” Thera asked.

“The nursery doesn’t have enough room for more than that.” Kyria forced a smile on her features. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

The crystals buzzed and the group focused on them as Chamelia made a mental link with them.

I am making best speed, but I can’t reach them until afternoon tomorrow, and my troops and I are going to be exhausted. They all could feel Chamelia heaving in a deep breath. I’m sorry, I… I wish I was there with you.

Grandmother, don’t worry, we are going to be fine. Said Kyria.

Please, stay safe, all of you. Mirage, Kyria, can we talk for a moment in your room after this?

Mirage and Kyria glanced at each other. Their grandmother seemed worried, but nothing that would indicate why she wanted to talk to them in private. Of course, said Mirage.

Once in the room, Mirage and Kyria reconnected to Chamelia who immediately asked, Are you absolutely sure you never heard about this in the future?

I’m afraid not, Grandmother, said Mirage.

Chamelia’s thoughts were emanating an increasingly desperate tension. You are not withholding it because of some worry about changing the future?

Kyria sighed. No. We really don’t know. We wish we could tell you.

I hate your plan. You both are going to be in incredible danger!

The frustration and alarm in Chamelia’s thoughts startled the sisters, who were only calmed by the fact they could sense the love behind it.

Grandma- said Kyria.

Kin of my kin should not be trying to confront such a dangerous enemy! You should be… spending time learning about our history, playing with your mother and aunts… Although Chamelia made no sound, the sisters could practically hear her grimace. Great Creator curse this Ragnar and her associate.

Mirage took a deep breath. Grandmother, if worst comes to worst, we have no intention of dying. We will use whatever tools necessary to survive.

You promise? Chamelia demanded.

Yes, said the two, simultaneously.

Love you, Grandma. Thought Kyria.

Love you too, Kyria, Mirage.