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The Sound of Loneliness

Now, what do you get when one person gets both increadibly unlucky and lucky at the same time? A fanfic writer, apparently.



Years have passed since Princess Luna returned home, but the younger sister always believed her mistakes were not entirely in the past. There was one more wound in need of mending: her most loyal subjects, bat-winged ponies, who pledged themselves to Nightmare Moon's cause and were paying the price to this day. Celestia condemned the idea of inviting Nightmare Moon's followers to the homes of her subjects; but Luna had to try, she couldn't watch those who pledged their lives to her being forced to hide, being hated by everyone. Luna gathered a team and began to sway the public opinion, as always, there was an opposition; and then, an old friend offered her support. How could she say no, especially to someone she knew so well?

Editing in progress by Love And What Came After.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 145 )

Wow, you nailed Nightmare Moon's personality!!! I can't wait to see more of this!!!!

She isn’t a despot you say she it.

Random question--is this supposed to be "she isn't a despot as you say she is"? The sentence is a little confusing. :twilightsheepish:

Yes. A screw up right there. Faceplaming in here quite a bit. Thanks.

Fantastic intro! I'm not sure where this will go, but I'm really enjoying it so far.

Oooh......this is getting even better......
I love the dynamic between Nightmare and Luna. Wonder what will happen with Twilight.....
This is extremely interesting, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

The interaction with Luna and Nightmare Moon was great!

Is she going to speak to Twilight while Luna is sleeping? Is the conversation not going to be a pretty one?

Before I read this, I must know: Why would Luna want anything with Nightmare Moon? Shouldn't she hate her?

Nice start will be looking forward to this

Is luna kinda like jackal and Mr hide with nmm

I love this will be keeping track of it

Ooh this is getting super interesting.....
Nightmare Moon really has control over everything. I can definitely see her to be the kind of pony to track every tiny thing in her kingdom.....

I am almost 100% sure, that this fic is set in inspired by EaW (Equestria at War - mod for HoI 4). Industrualization, Civil War, Alicorn Twi, Thestral discrimination. Also more benevolent Nightmare, as in one of focus trees.
But good fic, I will follow.

Good guess. I admit it is based on EAW heavily. It's very much about war, but not about the war EAW has. This war is both very similar and different.

Oh no Fluttershy! I bet she went into hiding because she was scared.........
The plot only thickens! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Why didn't you respond to my comment?

I am intreged you did tremendous on this can't wait for more

Because answering questions concerning the plot down in the comments may harm others' experience. Also, try finding an answer yourself. Literature is not like visual arts, we do not simply look down through it like it's a picture, we also need to dwell on it. This is what we do to get the complete experience. To provoke thought is its main purpose.

EDIT: But I suppose since people continue asking that wouldn't stand.

i cant wait so see what happens next you are doing great on this i'm enjoying it

Focus, let’s use Vapor Form,

Princess Luna used Vapor Form!
It's not very effective....... (sorry to ruin the moment but I couldn't help it.....)

““I am sorry!” Luna cried out. “Why am I so useless?! How can I help any of my ponies if I can’t even help myself?!”

This really hit home.....I feel like this on a regular basis.
Great chapter, as usual! Can't wait to see what happens next...........

Huh............Shadow has an excellent point. Twilight has no reason to hate NMM the way she does......

Ooooooh no. Here we go......
(And the whole time NMM's not even THERE. Hoo boy.)
Okay, I can NOT wait to see what happens next. :raritydespair:

I can't wait to see what happens next also how are they using guns unicorns can use magic but how do earthponies and Pegasus use them

That's a really good question you've got there. How do they use anything, really? Apparently stuff just sticks to their hooves, I don't see how earth ponies can use tools any other way.

We finally meet fluttershy nice chapter

Aaaw, this was so sweet! I really love this take on NMM--and Fluttershy is so sweet and cute. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Yay! An update!

Rarity looked at the document, Empress' hoofwriting gave away her anger:
On the night of 16th, your formation will receive two new special-purpose platoons. Commanded by Second Lieutenant Stormbreaker and Second Lieutenant Rainbow Dash. Your orders are to deploy them alongside regular units following Day Black and use them for assaulting Changeling units in mildly fortified areas. Under no circumstance, you are to allow their separation.
Under no circumstance, you are allowed to keep them away from active combat for the duration longer than 3 days a week.
Lieutenant Rainbow Dash’s unit must not suffer extensive losses and to be given the freedom to operate within their designated combat area as she sees fit.
Failure to comply with any described orders will result in immediate demotion and further harsh prosecution.”

A tear dropped on the letter, blurring the tidiness.

What exactly happened here? I'm a little confused.

Actually, thinking about it now, this part may be a bit too heavy on references. Well, for starters, the 101st Division is a direct reference to historical US Airborne 101st "Screamin' Eagles". A very distinguished and famed unit still existing to this day. On Sunday, September 17th, 1944, they, as a part of 1st Allied Airborne Army, became a part of Operation Market Garden, which was a move to seize several strategic bridges in the Netherlands behind Wermacht lines to further develop the success of Operation Overlord. That's a little shout-out towards everyone who managed to stay awake on their history lessons.

As for the plot, well, essentially NMM kinda tries to get rid of troublesome subjects by sending them to a place where they will have somebody else to shoot at. And the former Guard Captain is coming along RD and AJ as a punishment for failing to guard the palace properly. The downside of the plan is that infantry tends to die a lot, meaning a lot of precautions are necessary to prevent the deaths of Empress' precious element bearers.

I feel so sorry for NNM now...............
Quick question--do you mind if I promote this story on my blog? I really, really love this fic, and I would love to see it have more likes and more readers. Do you mind?

I don't. I allow you, my readers, to decide if my work is worthy of anyone else seeing it. If you believe I did good enough for you to now want to promote it, then I bow to you in gratitude.

I'm injoying this but wasn't twilight suppoed to find a way to bring back celestia I'm a little confused loving it though

Great chapter as usual! Can't wait for the next one.....*chews fingernails nervously*

A touching reunion nice work

Stick around for an hour or two, you are up for another one tonight.

Well, i like this story, but i feel that she incomplite. i hope see epilogue or another story.
What i like: NM and Luna.Their relationships.
What i dont like: pony warfare, but this is key for story drama.
Gl in next story.
Sorry for bad English.

I would have to agree, the plot is incomplete. But I feel there is no other way I could go about it, for I ran out of my subject. War, one way or another, is the fabric of the story and it can only go so far without getting very ugly. Finishing it where it is now simply won't do, therefore I would have to finish it next time. But that would have to be something completely different.

i loved reading this i cant think of anything to say but im glad i read this and it was a blast this is going in the favorites

For some reason, I really, really, really love the description of NMM as a "silver-tongued demon".
This was a very touching reunion. I'm glad the sisters are together again.

Dang. Really wish I could've hugged NMM by the end. :fluttercry:
I really, really loved this story! You're writing style is very melodic and fun to read. I hope to see more from you in the future! :heart:

Melodic even? Weird. Personally, I consider my own writing to be bland. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with English as their native language. I've been studying for 15 years, but I cannot compare to the westerners.
Actually, while writing these, I've encountered a severe problem of not knowing enough words; as embarrassing as it is. I had to almost literally pile up every dictionary I had next to me while working. I am a trained philologist specialized in translation and I still don't know enough.
Mind if I ask what lines did you enjoy this much?
Regardless, I must say that such aт appraisal seems bizarre to me, but it's flattering still. Thank you.

tbh i probably would have killed nmm

If you're going to talk to me like that, then why should I read any of your stories?

Comment posted by The Sound of Loneliness deleted Mar 17th, 2020


The Authors response was reasonable and intelligent. They wrote and I quote.

Because answering questions concerning the plot down in the comments may harm others' experience. Also, try finding an answer yourself. Literature is not like visual arts, we do not simply look down through it like it's a picture, we also need to dwell on it. This is what we do to get the complete experience. To provoke thought is its main purpose.

And the Author is right, When I read a story, I see something slightly different than when you read a story. The moral of the story for you may be "Friendship and sacrifice is important, even if your hurt. " While I may see the same story as having the moral of "Stupidity is painful." When an author refuses to dissect his work, its a good thing. While some authors here don't think past "Pull my finger and fart jokes," some really try to get the reader to think. Sounds like this one writes with similar goals to me.

I read the above response and see nothing crude or nasty in it. Its a reasonable response to a thinking person.

Personally if a reader told me they wouldn't read my story before I answer a question. I would ignore that reader. That isn't the audience that I write for.

The Monk
“I mean, you just seem to walk in random directions most of the time. How do you ever get to where you're going?" "Oh, that's easy," said Candy with a smile, ”I just make the place I end up, the place I wanted to be all along." There was an extended moment of silence. ”That... that's absolutely brilliant," -Trick Question

This is really well done. I like how you make Nightmare both reasonable and somewhat likable. A well written villain is multidimensional, and this can be difficult to write. You wrote a somewhat deep character that really comes across as believable. Between that and the thought that you put into the plot and pacing, this turned out to be a well executed story.

While not the best Nightmare Moon story, its very well done and it is a highly recommended read. Looking forward to listening to the sequel.

Keep up the good work

The Monk
“Because we killed all of the monsters we ever ran into, save for ourselves and Death. What better way to respect death than to give it the form of the only monster we could never kill?" - WhatMustIDo

It took many months of scrupulous work, doing it in any other way would do enough honor to neither the art or the reader. I am greatly honored to have readers who would care enough to think about what I did. I would not dare to insult my readers by not allowing an opportunity, of course.
I bow in gratitude for your graceful praise and only hope that you would find the other part just as likeable despite its having a different... way of handling things. Hopefully, you would find my editor's handiwork an improvement. I made a great effort in finding exactly the person to suit my needs.

They should have listened to Rarity. They could have been informed that luna was still inside. They should at least have some common sense. After all, they were the ones who brought Luna back. They should know killing Nightmare Moon means killing Luna, killing Luna means facing Celestia's wrath.

And anyway, why rebell against NMM if all she did was help the kingdom?

Ah, but this is the whole question here. What is the real meaning of tyranny? Is it hanging people on the streets? Is the USA tyrannical, then? Perhaps, tyranny means extorting the people of their possessions? Maybe forcing them to toil?
Or maybe, it is something less physical and material? Generally, what does freedom really mean? To be free to walk around? To buy things? Well, China is a place of blossoming freedom then.
Perhaps freedom is the ability to make choices? To be in control of your own destiny? Now, this sounds more close to the truth. Just how much choice does Rarity have in anything she does? She willingly serves the very pony who killed thousands of her people, including some of her friends. Nightmare Moon has complete and total control over her. Every single thing Rarity did, except for following her to the hive, was to Nightmare Moon's benefit. Nightmare Moon only lets her know the information she wants Rarity to spread, or the things that would make Rarity to act in a way the Empress wants her to act. Nightmare Moon knows exactly what makes Rarity tick and she uses it to her benefit, Rarity is her puppet. Better yet, a puppet that believes in her own choices, when in truth she never had a choice regarding anything in her life since the second she allowed Nightmare Moon to coax her into serving her.

But Rarity isn't the worst example, she, at least, doesn't realise the total extent of control NMM has over her. Cloudy Dawn does. Cloudy has many years of experience following down the invisible strings that bind everything in a nation. The Minister is painfully aware of the chocking grasp NMM has on her subjects and realises that she can do nothing to stop her and the mere attempt is only going to benefit Nightmare Moon further. She can only cope with the new reality.
In this reality, everyone serves Nightmare Moon's purpose, whether they want it or not. If someone knows something, it is because She allowed it. If someone does something, it is because the deed furthers Her purpose. Her subjects can never know if their mailmare is their friend, or an unwitting Imperial agent. They cannot be sure even of their own allegiance any longer. Everything was already decided for them.
Nightmare Moon indeed only does what is good for her kingdom, because she IS the kingdom.

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