• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 3,116 Views, 145 Comments

Imperial Affairs - The Sound of Loneliness

The war is over, Equestria is at peace once more. But what peace it can hope for with Nightmare Moon now on its throne? Well, perphaps she would prove to be much different than anypony belived.

  • ...

Epilogue: Daybreak

The stained glass windows in the throne room always were an inspired idea, Nightmare Moon believed. More than an element of decor, it was a reminder. A reminder of deeds past and the empty slots for the deeds still to follow.
Artists always have a way of noticing subtle things in life: the facial expression, body language, even the eye shape, Nightmare Moon always marvelled at how the artists managed to so accurately portray her using something as crude as irregularly shaped glass pieces. The eyes of the black mare looking down at her from the windows indeed were her own, or they had been.

“Your Majesty,” Nightmare Moon shifted her eye at her visitor, Celestia formally bowed to her.

“Your Highness,” Nightmare Moon returned the courtesy.

"She came," Luna asserted.

“The moment of truth is upon us.”

“Are you sure? There is no controlling her after this.” Nightmare Moon had to suppress the reflex to think again. No, not this time. She might change her mind if she thinks a single more moment in this. It had to be done.

“I ran out of other options. She is the only one who can help, my only chance now. For all of our sakes, I hope she deserves the love you all give her even at this point. Promise to be quiet for a while.”

“Of course. Not a word.”

“Shall we drop the act, “Your Majesty”? We are far too old for these games,” Celestia broke the silence. Nightmare Moon returned to staring at the window.

“Yes,” she sighed. “No point playing pretend any longer.” Celestia raised her brow, the change in attitude was far too big to miss.

“What did you do to my sister?” Celestia asked straight.


“She hated you. What did you do?” Celestia didn’t back down. Nightmare Moon closed her eyes, quivers running down her body.

“Celestia, I promise, I did nothing to her. The only thing I ever did to her is tried to silence her, so she would let me work.
I can’t hurt her, nor that I would. I don’t imagine living without her now. She may cry a bit too much and she isn’t useful in ruling the land, but...she is the only one around who can be trusted. Until recently, maybe.”

“What are you saying?”

“Celestia, our past was never smooth. I tore your sister away from you. Your ponies died in our War. I sent you to spend years of your life on the moon. But perhaps the time has come for us to end our feud. I wish no harm to you, Luna or any other pony. What say you? Shall we now leave our bloody trail behind and give Twilight’s Magic of Friendship a chance?”

Celestia wasn’t quite convinced yet, her look was as suspicious as ever. She waited for more. So be it. Nightmare Moon sighed, if she had to lay bare before Celestia to broker her way out, then this is what she would do.

“Waiting for my motives? I understand, we can never trust anyone unless we know everything about them, can we?” Nightmare Moon gestured Celestia to follow her and led her to a different window, the one depicting King Sombra's downfall,
“Do you remember the King, Celestia? He is my nearest comparison, it seems. Some of our ponies followed because they believed in me, or more accurately in Luna, but others did because they feared the alternative.”

“The natural state of things.” Nightmare Moon nodded.

“Rainbow Dash, as foolish and bullheaded as she is, nonetheless has every reason to fight me. No matter how much I try to hide it, I will remain a tyrant. And the natural response to tyranny is rebellion.
It cannot possibly succeed, but ponies will continue trying nonetheless.
Rebels are a threat to everyone, so I have to put them down, this makes more ponies angry and the circle starts again.”

“You are no longer content with rolling heads and starving down your enemies in the dungeon?” Celestia sharply asked. “I remember you searching for an opportunity to exercise your power.”

“Celestia, what would you do if you could have everything?” Nightmare Moon asked and looked back at the King.

“This a bit too personal question, don’t you think?” But Nightmare Moon wasn’t listening.

“Power is pointless, Celestia. Sombra had all the power he could dream of. A nation that couldn’t resist him, an army spreading to the horizon, a circle of mages that could shatter the world at his whim and as much prosperity as he could possibly want.”
Nightmare Moon gave a single chuckle,
“Do you remember how miserable he was when you found him? Didn’t it seem like defeating him was a little too easy?
He lost because he chose to, Celestia. He found no point in further conquests, they offered him nothing. He found no point in living, so he hoped he could die with dignity. You should have indulged him. Forcing him to continue living after losing everything is nothing but cruelty.”

Nightmare Moon turned around to Celestia, but gave her a moment to process.

“We, tyrants, all have a similar fate. It doesn’t matter if we are successful or not, one day we will be gone, having accomplished nothing. Our former subjects will work tirelessly to erase our every hoofprint and forget about our existence. Our end is always the same: alone, broken and forgotten.”

Celestia patiently waited for continuation.

“Celestia, I don’t want it to end like this,” Nightmare Moon gave it straight, having trouble to hold a dignified posture. “Celestia, teach me your way. I already tried everything I knew.”

“Teach you? So this is what you released me for. Well, perhaps this is not so surprising after all,” Celestia said, having closed the case.

“Celestia, I... I can’t keep going like this!” Nightmare Moon’s even voice broke. “This is a torture! Do you have any idea how it feels to wake up with the thought of your own infirmity?!”
Nightmare Moon pointed her hoof at the next window, depicting Twilight Sparkle, “Celestia, I am not blind or stupid! Simply looking at her hurts! It's like dying from hunger and being forced to sit on a feast but not allowed to have anything!
I learned what makes them so strong and I learned how to beat them. But when I did so, I discovered how pitiful and hollow my gains were!
Celestia, I no longer see any purpose to continue this...existence! I did my best to hide it from everyone, even Luna knew nothing! But I can't any longer! The mask shatters! Celestia, I am breaking down! I can't focus anymore, no scheme can bring joy! I only feel pain, like a disease it slowly paralyzes me, moving this body gets harder with each day! The only sooth I have left is your sister and those crumbs I manage to get from anyone who offers!”

Mute Celestia stared in shock as her ancient enemy dissolved into sobbing and quivering wreck before her very eyes.

“I am not naive enough to think I can be like them! But I can no longer return to my ways, a life like that is not worth living! Not after seeing how beautiful it could’ve been.
I cannot go back, but maybe I can still have a measure of solace! I can still help to protect and nurture what they are trying to build! Celestia, please! I’ll beg if I have to! Help me! You are the only who can!”

Nightmare Moon sank down on the floor. Celestia couldn’t believe this, quivering, pathetic, creature was the one who defeated her. Luna was correct, this turned out to be nothing less than amazing. Oh sister, what have you gotten yourself into?

“I am impressed, Celestia,” the familiar, pompous voice sounded in her head. “You completely broke my sister’s will without even being here. I must admit, your way really works. Seeing her stretched out before you like this, begging for your mercy, makes losing to you a lot less embarrassing.” Celestia ignored the compliment, “So, will you now wipe this unworthy tear puddle out of your way and take back what’s yours?”

“Quiet, I will do no such thing.”

“But...why? You know I am right. I told you killing Luna and my good-for-nothing sister will spare you and your ponies of great trouble. You didn’t listen, and your mistake came to bite you in your sweet plot. The only reason we are even here is because my sister turned out to be far too soft. She will come back to bite you again. Leaving to her own devices is a mistake, Celestia.”

Nightmare Moon cried again,
“Celestia! What do I have to say for you to believe me? I can't take this much longer! Please! I will do anything to end it!”

“Yes, you are absolutely right,” Celestia agreed with the fiery fiend in her head.

Celestia took a deep breath, collecting every last scrapple of determination she could muster. She needed all her will to force her body to do what was needed now. Taking another breath, Celestia lunged forward, grasping the mare and pulling her closer to herself. Nightmare Moon quivered with her entire body, but Celestia held her firmly.

“Thank you...” she whispered. “I will repay you one day.”

“Shhh… Quiet now.” Daybreaker wearily sighed.

“Celestia, what are you doing?”


“You know she is your enemy, right?”

“Do I not destroy my enemies by making them my friends?”

“You are up for a disappointment,” Daybreaker said for the last.

“You will be alright now,” Celestia promised to the quieted down enemy in her hooves.

Author's Note:

Dear Reader,
Allow me to have a single more moment of your attention. Do not worry, I will keep this once. Consider this a very late preface the thing above, totally fine to skip, thanks in advance.

First of all, I wish to thank you for sticking around for as long as you did. How many was that now? Some 15 chapters, damn, it grew out of control. Anyhow, pulling through the entire thing is one hell of a commitment around the net and surely is the best meaningful compliment you could have given me. Especially considering how amateurish the whole thing really was. I may know very damn well what I am writing about, but that still doesn't lessen the importance of practical experience. Which I have little.

Now, the last thing. If I may, I also wish to ask for a favour. You see, I am a strong believer in the importance of thinking about all the things we read; be it a newspaper, a philosophy book... or a fic somewhere around the site. I will not tell you how, when and what you should think. I am merely asking you to share the thoughts you have drawn (if you don't mind sharing those, of course). Tell me everything. Who do you root for? Who has more things going for them and who's utterly wrong? Maybe you can find some convoluted meaning? The most fascinating thing about literature is that the author themselves can be ignorant to some of the meaning their own creation has.

With this said, I dare not to slow you down any more. I say my goodbyes and express hopes on meeting you again, sometime.

Comments ( 63 )

Well, i like this story, but i feel that she incomplite. i hope see epilogue or another story.
What i like: NM and Luna.Their relationships.
What i dont like: pony warfare, but this is key for story drama.
Gl in next story.
Sorry for bad English.

I would have to agree, the plot is incomplete. But I feel there is no other way I could go about it, for I ran out of my subject. War, one way or another, is the fabric of the story and it can only go so far without getting very ugly. Finishing it where it is now simply won't do, therefore I would have to finish it next time. But that would have to be something completely different.

i loved reading this i cant think of anything to say but im glad i read this and it was a blast this is going in the favorites

Dang. Really wish I could've hugged NMM by the end. :fluttercry:
I really, really loved this story! You're writing style is very melodic and fun to read. I hope to see more from you in the future! :heart:

Melodic even? Weird. Personally, I consider my own writing to be bland. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with English as their native language. I've been studying for 15 years, but I cannot compare to the westerners.
Actually, while writing these, I've encountered a severe problem of not knowing enough words; as embarrassing as it is. I had to almost literally pile up every dictionary I had next to me while working. I am a trained philologist specialized in translation and I still don't know enough.
Mind if I ask what lines did you enjoy this much?
Regardless, I must say that such aт appraisal seems bizarre to me, but it's flattering still. Thank you.

tbh i probably would have killed nmm

If you're going to talk to me like that, then why should I read any of your stories?

Comment posted by The Sound of Loneliness deleted Mar 17th, 2020


The Authors response was reasonable and intelligent. They wrote and I quote.

Because answering questions concerning the plot down in the comments may harm others' experience. Also, try finding an answer yourself. Literature is not like visual arts, we do not simply look down through it like it's a picture, we also need to dwell on it. This is what we do to get the complete experience. To provoke thought is its main purpose.

And the Author is right, When I read a story, I see something slightly different than when you read a story. The moral of the story for you may be "Friendship and sacrifice is important, even if your hurt. " While I may see the same story as having the moral of "Stupidity is painful." When an author refuses to dissect his work, its a good thing. While some authors here don't think past "Pull my finger and fart jokes," some really try to get the reader to think. Sounds like this one writes with similar goals to me.

I read the above response and see nothing crude or nasty in it. Its a reasonable response to a thinking person.

Personally if a reader told me they wouldn't read my story before I answer a question. I would ignore that reader. That isn't the audience that I write for.

The Monk
“I mean, you just seem to walk in random directions most of the time. How do you ever get to where you're going?" "Oh, that's easy," said Candy with a smile, ”I just make the place I end up, the place I wanted to be all along." There was an extended moment of silence. ”That... that's absolutely brilliant," -Trick Question

This is really well done. I like how you make Nightmare both reasonable and somewhat likable. A well written villain is multidimensional, and this can be difficult to write. You wrote a somewhat deep character that really comes across as believable. Between that and the thought that you put into the plot and pacing, this turned out to be a well executed story.

While not the best Nightmare Moon story, its very well done and it is a highly recommended read. Looking forward to listening to the sequel.

Keep up the good work

The Monk
“Because we killed all of the monsters we ever ran into, save for ourselves and Death. What better way to respect death than to give it the form of the only monster we could never kill?" - WhatMustIDo

It took many months of scrupulous work, doing it in any other way would do enough honor to neither the art or the reader. I am greatly honored to have readers who would care enough to think about what I did. I would not dare to insult my readers by not allowing an opportunity, of course.
I bow in gratitude for your graceful praise and only hope that you would find the other part just as likeable despite its having a different... way of handling things. Hopefully, you would find my editor's handiwork an improvement. I made a great effort in finding exactly the person to suit my needs.

We have greatly enjoyed thy novel!

As thee had requested, we shall share our thoughts. We have loved our Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon from the very beginning. Their situation makes them extremely empathetic. Is it not common that any of thee had been jealous of thy friend or sibling? Is it not relatable that any of thy friends/siblings get more credit, even if thee did more work or had been equal? In this we side with the Moon.

"The Sun claimed to be thy sanctuary, yet shunned those who needed her more. The Moon picked up those who had been burnt and scarred by her sister, and nursed thee back to health. The Sun offers burning light, while the Moon offers gentle rays. The Sun offers lies, while the Moon offers truth. The Sun ignores the needy, but the Moon raises thee up."
- To be used in my future fanfics

We have greatly enjoyed thy story and hope thee finds pleasure in our efforts for formality!

Our greatest gratitude,
Dabria Alicornae

The lady honors me with her flattering appraisal.

I finally got around to reading this and I want to share my thoughts. I love how you wrote the dual personality between Luna and Nightmare Moon it made for some interesting dialogue. Also I love Nightmare Moon's how Nightmare Moon changes from a scheming villain to an actual character with flaws, who also tries to do something good, altho in a very controlling way.

Finally I love how you wrote about the differences between Nightmare Moon and Celestia, it really made me think about what a dictatorship is. Personally I think that the difference between Celestia and Nightmare Moon is that while they are both tyrants (in the sense that they aren't elected or democratically accountable). Celestia is far less controlling than Nightmare Moon who really controles everything her subjects do. Also I feel that Celestia seems to think more about what is good for Equestria and not just herself (the treatment of batponies being a big exception because in that case she is more guided by her own hatred towards Nightmare Moon) whereas Nightmare Moon is more guided by what is good for herself and her position as head of state.

Overall I really loved reading this story and I can't wait to read the next one, especially now that Daybreaker is introduced to the story.

You honor me with your warm word.
Indeed, tyranny is such a disgustingly broad term. There are so-so many ways to oppress., it is almost an art form even. Tyranny always reflects its tyrant, just like a drawing would reflect its artist. Nightmare Moon is a proponent of the most elegant way. Her means of oppression make use of the very same impulses and initiative her subjects used to express while being free. Instead of fighting the independent spirit, she puts it at her service. The trap is so elaborate that her victims do not even know they are being oppressed, for their Empress does not declare prohibitions, she is all too happy to allow her subjects to do whatever their heart desires. The only thing she does to them is subtly offering them a nudge in the correct direction and then her subjects put her soft and invisible chains on their own.
But there's still one more question left: what is better, to be obeyed... or to be loved?

I hope the sequel would prove to your liking just as much, even considering it is unfinished and will remain so for a while. But it takes a while to dismantle a system so cautiously tuned to resist dismantling.

Oh I know. I was just saying you were channeling some of that deserved hate.

It's not about hate. Hate is a very fleeting thing, it quickly burns out being replaced by cold disdain and unwavering determination. What I portray here is not hate, it is disdain.

Smart and well thought out, as all stories should be.

In this case, it seems I have something to intrigue you with.
While this is designed to be its own piece, it is meant to be a very long and elaborate prologue, if you will. All to set up the board for the sequel, even though it tackles a completely different thing.

Yes, I see that often in stories, and unlike others, you aren't rushing through it nor prolonging it. It has an enjoyable pace for the plotline and concept it has, and give the readers time to think before it reaches the next major concept.

Ah, finally finished. Although, you could say finished is the wrong word, as there is a sequel that I very much look forward to. Well written, Sound, well written indeed.

Ah, thank you for such a flattering verdict. May the sequel earn the same honors, even with how different it is from the original. If this one is designed to carry across a selected few points, the sequel is grander and has very little to do with the original set of ideas. Practically speaking, it is about a completely different matter.

Nothing said comes undeserved. Looking forward to reading through and helping you out with the sequel!

So Daybreaker has appeared... Oh dear :applejackconfused:

I liked the story! The dynamic between Luna and NMM was nice. It always felt like she didn’t get a fair shake in the show itself and that there was more to Luna/NMM’s problems than the show revealed. Their shared past and NMM/Luna working together on the same problems resolved that nicely in this story. Their diary scene was great for that especially.

The criticism I have is that it felt like there was a tonal shift or big change in character partway through the story but I can’t figure out where... The first half and the second half felt a bit disconnected when I was reading through the story. Sorry, that probably isn’t very helpful. ^^;

I see what you mean. I noticed the drift half-way through myself and it's partially intended. The moment when it shifts is right after NMM gets crushed by the crumbling archway. What happens is that NMM gets taught a lesson about being careless. NMM lets herself to relax for a single moment and gets reminded that people like her do not get to. What really pushes NMM to change is Luna warning her exactly about this happening. Now NMM genuinely likes Luna, but she doesn't treat her like an equal. To MMM, Luna is someone she can talk to in her otherwise quiet lonely life, but Luna doesn't have a vote on anything that happens. NMM's general way of looking at things is that she doesn't need anyone but everyone needs her, and NMM gets demonstrated that she is not infallible. She let herself loose and made a mistake that almost killed her, Fate proved to her that she still needs other people and the point is repeated several times over. In the second part, NMM constantly gets helped by other characters, further demonstrating to her how much she really needs others. Without Fluttershy, she would be dead, without her Shadow, she would be on the Moon again. Without Celestia and the mane 6, she wouldn't even know miserable she really is. This is a very character-driven story. The world quite literally doesn't spin without NMM. If she changes, everything else does too.

Now, this is the intended part. There's also the unintentional drift emerging from the human factor. Long-term creative projects tend to morph as time passed. Anything we make always reflects us, the people that made it, and people change. Inspirations come and go, the views change, events in our life can easily change the very way we think. It happens in every long-term story to some degree, the way it feels changes as you read it.

Now then, I thank you for your generally warm reception and the critique.

8/10 very good story you've written here.

Alright then, I'll just read something else.

Do you think it is a bad thing to think that about her?

Why it is not for me to tell you such things. Literature is a form of art and art can be interpreted differently by different people. In fact, it takes great mastery to minimize the possible interpretation to be more or less what the author wants the reader to see.
I am merely telling you that you are playing in her hooves.

That I am "playing into her hooves", implies that it is a bad thing. I would argue that that same argument can be applied to anybody who should follow or believe in any Alicorn-tier ruler. There is scarcely ever a right or a wrong in politics, only what wins. Perhaps she is being manipulative; but one can only pretend to be good for so long before they either snap or become the mask they were wearing. So what if she started out the enemy, so what if her intentions are selfish in nature. She is the victor and ruler by right of conquest, as long as the people are provided for (intentionally or not). Who's to say that's a bad thing.

That is true. But this is not what I am referring to. Nightmare Moon takes good care of her subjects, at least those who are loyal to her, but she also takes away their freedom. Not the freedom to own property, or the freedom of movement. She takes away the one that matters. The freedom to choose. They cannot even choose the side they are on, she chooses that for them aswell.
If you do not care for truth or justice, both are extremely subjective and almost meaningless, I have to agree; Nightmare Moon is indeed a great leader. She is intelligent, almost supernaturally capable, powerful and benevolent even to her enemies. The price for her services, however, is your freedom.

What precisely do you mean "freedom to choose" could you elaborate? Equestria uses a monarchy system. there are no elected officials beyond the local level of government. If you mean choose a side then, well, they did during the war that put NMM in power.

Freedom to choose their belief, their side, their way of life, to choose anything about their lives. Since the war, it is Nightmare Moon who allows them to make choices and can easily take that right away. Watch Rarity, she is Nightmare's complete puppet and doesn't even notice it. Rarity thinks that she serves her on her own accord because Luna needs her help. In truth, however, she only there so that the Elements cannot be used against Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon genuinely likes her, but it doesn't stop her from controlling Rarity down to her very thoughts, she was never in control of anything in her life since Nightmare Moon's return. Notice how Rarity struggles to talk and even think not using the protocol cliches. To control language is to control thoughts, as language is used to formulate the thoughts. If Rarity doesn't have the words to frame rebellious thoughts in, she quite literally cannot think about rebelling. On top of that, she is so submerged in her intentionally packed daily routine that she doesn't have the time to question why she is required to talk like that.
Under Nightmare Moon any freedom at all is an illusion. The only freedoms you have is the ones Nightmare Moon allows you to have.

I give you: The Monarchy System
or a dictatorship but really there's not much difference

There is no: THE "Monarchy System." There are types, they wary significantly by how much power does a monarch have. There are constitutional monarchies, like in the United Kingdom; electoral monarchies, subnational monarchies, sub-constitutional monarchies and, as in our case, absolute monarchies. A state being monarchy in on itself means almost nothing.
Celestia's, as I hope is obvious, wasn't the same type.

I was specifically referring to an absolute monarchy (like what Celestia had) but I am aware of how general my statement was

Celestia's monarchy clearly isn't absolute. It could've been if she wanted to, but she would never do that to her little ponies. If they really wanted to, they could have told Celestia to resign and she likely would have. This is not possible for absolutists.

Not likely but not impossible. An absolute monarch can do pretty much whatever they want. If they care about the peoples opinion so much that they would bend to their will so be it, but only because they choose to. It should also be noted that Celestia effectively has in infinite amount of time and could just take the throne back later if she wanted. Like you said, she may not choose to act like one but that doesn't mean that she isn't one. She never lies, just twists and withholds the truth as it suits her needs.

I concede this one. However, Celestia doesn't force or even coerces anyone into serving her. That's the difference. Celestia is a legitimate monarch while Nightmare Moon is a usurper and has to force others to give her what they previously were giving willingly to Celestia.

I agree that I have never seen Celestia coerce anyone for anything; but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened, just that it hasn't been observed. I do however disagree with calling NMM a usurper of the thrown in this fic. Was there not a civil war? Did ponies not fight for their beliefs? And did she not fight with them? You even say that, as fare as the thestrals are concerned, there is no difference between Luna and NMM. Does that not validate her title and claim to the throne in the eyes of her subjects?

Firstly, thestrals are a minority. A tiny one at that. Secondly, it truly does not matter how much she worked for her position, she isn't a lawful heir and that makes her a usurper. She even hijacks Luna's identity to make herself passable, this is more or less the reason why anyone at all supported her, everyone thought she's Luna. Lastly, if I am to be totally frank, Nightmare Moon quietly despises thestrals. Note that there isn't a single one thestral on her staff and only one ever mentioned being in her Guard. She talks about them, but only when it is useful for her and avoids them entirely when it isn't. It is only mentioned once here, but thestrals are rather backward and religious. If the reader to be very attentive they might spot that fanaticism is not the kind of loyalty Nightmare Moon wants. She makes one exception for Shadow Crest, but only because she is a changeling and doesn't know any other way. Nightmare Moon wants her subjects to love her for what she is for them, not because of superstition. She sees thestrals as her personal failure, a regrettable mistake.

What i think is someone needs to be pro-active about eventualities and set up radio communication, libraries, hot tubs and other fancy things in the moon for the future.

All sides should now be in agreement that being send there should not be about mindless loneliness.

Ah, this story is still one of my favs after rereading it a year later.

I suppose it is the best-executed one of the two. After this one, I slipped. My through approach seemed less and less feasible as time went on until I abandoned planning entirely, now I simply think about what the defining features of the story must be, where it starts and ends and then go from there. It is rather embarrassing how far I have fallen.

I will admit that I've fallen a little behind on reading Imperial Foreclosure over these past few months. However, I still enjoy your stories. I want to reread them to remember what went on, before rereading the third one from the start.

To my eyes you haven't fallen at all. You clearly created an engaging story that many people have enjoyed. In fact, your story was one of the ones that encouraged me to start writing myself.

That is a weird one. If asked, honestly, I would have to say that I don't recommend my own story. I am hoping to finish it until Spring and then move on to other things, hopefully, to do better as well. It is... well, there is a lot wrong with it, to put it mildly. I should have stopped and now it would simply be unfinished business if I did. I think I do have an idea of what to do so that it won't be a complete disaster. Provided the power situation in my city will permit me to work.

On a less sombre note: I do thank you for your high praise. That would be the most valuable compliment any artist can ever hear. It means quite a bit.

Well, despite your misgivings, I'll look forward to reading it.

Also, I hope you remain safe and warm this winter. It must be hard with everything going on over there.

It is not so bad, although I am an outlier. I am one of those people who didn't lie to themselves about what was coming. I prepared in advance, I got some money together and prepared psychologically. I am calm and safe as one can be in these times, I am even enjoying this. A man only can do something truly meaningful once or twice in his lifetime. Sadly, the army does not need me, but I suppose there is glory to be found watching over one's family too. Even if it is not as obvious as martial is. It feels like the world finely slides into its proper place. Evil is named evil and gets purged as evil should. Heroes are recognized and revered. Honour is valued again for the first time in decades while underhanded politics is rightfully scorned. The only thing that still feels off is the lack of justice, or at least vengeance since justice is something that rarely gets carried out in general. The perpetrators will get off without punishment, as they usually do in this kind of situation. ZSU will extract a certain toll in blood, but that is barely a drop of what we are owed after centuries of stories much like the ones you read in news.

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