• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,431 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 1 Chapter 6: Temple Sleepover

Chapter 6: Temple Sleepover

The Temple of Airjitzu, former home of the infamous Master Yang creator of lost Technique called Airjitzu. It's walls were a beautiful ruby red, with black roof tops resembling somewhat of an eastern temple, A statue of the temple's former master rested in front of the building in his honor and before that a bridge going over a river connected two other parts of temple, with a store house of the right side of it and a blacksmith hut on the left side. The temple had several different trees surrounding it a few pines, willows and oaks scattered around it. However the most unique thing about this temple was that it stood atop a floating island and down below it the humble town of Ponyville rested peaceful as it remained in the sky.

Though the master may have passed on many years ago, the Temple was kept in good condition by it's new owners who were now flying in with their new allies on the backs of their dragons. Once the Ninja got close enough to the island the hopped off their dragons with each of the Mane 7 their were carrying, with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow holding on to their respective younger sibling, before the dragons disappeared into thin air, "Whoa! Where they go?" Rainbow gasped as she set Scootaloo down,

"The Elemental dragons are tied to our minds and powers as soon as we don't need anymore they disappear until we summon them again, helps to take up less room." Kai explained. They all then turned to the temple before them, taking in its beauty, "Gee, it been awhile since we've been here huh guys?" Kai asked his friends as they all agreed.

What is this place?" Fluttershy asked.

"This is the Temple of Airjitzu our most recent home apart from Master Wu's Monastery, The Destiny's Bounty and the Samurai X Cave." Cole explained, "After a little incident we had on the Day of the Departed we moved here and used it as our base during our fight with the time twins."

"The 'Day of the Departed?'" Sunset asked.

"Story for another time."

"Well in any case I think we can all agree that's place is absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity squealed looking over the Temple, "The exterior! The design! The Color! It all simply divine! Who is the designer?"

"Master Kodokuna Yang, Master of every martial art known to man and creator of his own 'Airjitzu'. And who passed away a couple years ago." Cole answered.

"Air-what-zoo?" Rainbow asked scratching her head as the Ninja chuckled, "Airjitzu. It technique that allows a master to temporarily move through the air." Lloyd explained earning a chorus of 'Oh's' from the girls.

"Although you probably don't get the first time, so it's better you call by it better name 'Cyclonedo.'" Jay put in but immediately from his friends he got a...


Jay jolted back from they're yells. "Aw man! Why hasn't that caught on yet!" He complained, crossing his arms and scowling.

"Because Jay this martial art is sacred and forgotten," Nya explained before she started smiling sinsterly, "And if you do anything to insult it, even changing its name you'll have to answer to the ghost of Master Yang." She then started ghostly moans, slightly scaring Jay and also scaring Fluttershy and CMCs as well.

"G-g-g-ghost?!?" Fluttershy, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stammered and hid behind Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Sunset Respectively.

Sunset sighed, "Come on girls, you there are no such things as ghosts." She reassured them before Cole spoke.

"Actually they're very real. I should know, I was one."

"WHAT!?!?" The girls and Spike shouted.

"Oh, yeah. Guess we forgot that part." Cole remembered, "In fact this temple is what turned me into a ghost."

"WHAT!?!?" They repeated.

"Th-that t-temple turned you int-to a-a, g-g-ghost?" Spike mumbled hiding behind Twilight and gesturing to the temple.

"Well I guess we should explain." Lloyd said before sighed, feeling at little cautious about this adventure, he then sighed, " You, see..." but before he could start...

"After you defeated Master Chen and his Anacondrai army by sending your dad to a realm a ghost, the ghost of your master first student and elemental master of wind escaped and returned for vengeance because he wanted to be the green Ninja and when the golden weapon said that he wasn't and you were he got really mad and went on a mission to find the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master AKA your grandpa but got sent to the cursed realm and then he lured you to the Ninjago museum of history and possessed you to try find the tomb which eventually sent Kai, Jay, Cole and Zaney to hunt down what they needed to find it while Nya trained to become a water ninja and eventually their search brought them here to learn Airjitzu to get up to the Cloudy Kingdom but when they got the scroll they had get out in hurry because the Temple has ancient voodoo magical curse placed on that turns anyone who stays in it before sunrise into a ghost for really, really long time and Cole couldn't get out in time and the curse turned him into ghost!" Pinkie said in one big breath before sporting a big toothy grin.

The Ninja (except Zane who just looked surprised) slacked jawed at the pink Terran, as she managed to guess their journey in the temple perfectly. Rainbow just scratched her head and spoke, "Yeah, so how accurate was she?"

Kai was the first to snap out of it, shaking his head, "Uh she hit the bullseye." He said still a little stunned.

"How did you know all that?!" Nya exclaimed at the pink girl.

"Just a hunch." Pinkie shrugged.

"A hunch?! You figured that all out on nothing but a HUNCH?!" Jay shouted getting in Pinkie face who just kept smiling.

"Uh-huh." She nodded and Jay groaned and collapsed to the ground. Twilight just giggled and walked up them, "I know it's sound crazy but when it comes to Pinkie things aren't always impossible." as she looked at her wide smiling friend.

After slapping some sense back into himself Cole continued, "Uh well, yes it is all true, the curse on the temple does turn anyone within its walls into ghosts but it didn't always have this curse," he explained, walking over to the statue of Master Yang and placing a hand on the pedestal, "Master Yang was once a like Master Wu, wise and strict but also kind and patience, he trained to master all of the martial arts even creating his own, but in truth his greatest fear was being forgotten when his students became afraid of him because of his strictness and thus wouldn't remember him as a good master or remembered at all for that matter,"

"Jeez, I get that. I couldn't stand it if everyone forgot about me and my awesome flying skills." Rainbow sympathized as the other rolled their eyes. Cole faked a cough regaining their attention.

"Anyways, so when Master Yang fears started to get the better of him, he sought out the Yin Blade; an ancient artifact infused with dark magic that was said to grant whoever used eternal life. He believe that if he could master this weapon he could never die, and if he could never die than nobody would ever forget about him." He continued.

"I'm guessin' his plan didn't exactly pan out the way he wanted?" Applejack questioned as Cole shook his head, "Nope after some practice he used the Yin Blade on himself but unfortunately it didn't give precisely what he wanted, the Yin Blade did make him eternal but as a ghost, cursing him, his temple and his students. So eventually he lost and used the power of the Yin Blade to enslave his students and anyone else who wandered into the temple so they would never leave the temple or forget about him."

The girls and Spikes gasped, "Oh no." Fluttershy said.

"That's horrible!" Rarity said as she held Sweetie Belle securely.

"Yeah nobody should be treated like that." Rainbow added as Scootaloo nodded.

"But if the temple was cursed how did change back." Twilight asked before Cole sighed.

"Well you see on the Day of the Departed, we were checking out the Ninjago museum of history, I found the Yin Blade encased in Clearstone completely impenetrable, but as I did I noticed I was starting to fade and worst part is that 'some people' couldn't even tell that they were missing someone." He said, pointing the last part while glaring at the other ninja who looked at him rather sheepishly.

"Uh, heh-heh, yeah sorry about that dude." Jay said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sorry." Kai added.

"I supposed we got a little too distracted by the hall of Villainy we didn't noticed you fading." Zane reasoned.

"Besides what we did was only half as bad as what you did Mr. I'm gonna steal an ancient cursed artifact from the museum so I can get even with a ghost." Nya said sharply at Cole as he started rubbing his head.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Applejack exclaimed, looking at Cole who looked very nervous.

"You stole...from a Museum?!" Spike said.

"Cool!" Scootaloo beamed.

"More like downright stupid! Where do you get off thinking stealing from a museum is a good idea?!" Sunset demanded before Rainbow flew next her with a sly expression, "The same place 'you' get off thinking stealing a crown from Canterlot Castle is a good idea." she snarked as Sunset eyes widened and blushed in embarrassment as equestrian chuckled and the Ninja gawked at her as she sighed.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up, did I hear right? you stole from the Castle in Canterlot? Why?" Kai asked before Sunset raised her hand. "Story for another time. For now let's focus on the fact that Blacky here stole from a museum."

Cole chuckled sheepishly, "Looking back on it, that probably wasn't the best idea I ever had."

"YA THINK?!?!?!" The Ninja shouted in unison, causing Cole to jump back in shock.

"Anyways, I was just so angry and bitter at Yang for turning me into a ghost that I just wasn't thinking straight, so yeah I did take the Yin Blade after Master Yang said I needed to 'Close the Circle' in a painting of him I saw, but in my anger I accidentally unleashed the ghosts of some of our old villains that possessed the mannequins in the hall of Villainy that distracted the others while Master Yang tried to open the rift of return and return to life by combining the power of Yin Blade with the Yin Yang Eclipse." Cole went on.

"'Yin Yang' Eclipse? I've never heard about that phenomenon?" Twilight said looking through her Astronomy Book.

"I wouldn't be surprised. The Yin-Yang Eclipse is an extreme rare eclipse that only happens in Ninjago every 3,721 years." Zane explained. "It's said that the Yin-Blade could open the rift of return, bring any depart soul back to mortality."

"Luckily I manage to escape Yang's students, and stop Yang's plan by destroying the Yin-Blade freeing them of his control and allowing to cross the rift and returned to life. I even helped Yang realized he would be remembered as great master by creating Airjitzu, and as a way to say thanks Yang helped me become human again." Cole finished.

"Wow." the girls and Spike said. "But what happened to Master Yang?" Fluttershy asked.

"Eh, after the curse broke, he got up and skedaddled, at least that's what we think." Jay said, before turning nervously to the Earth ninja, "He is gone, right?"

"You never know..." Cole said almost singsongy, as he turned to the temple he saw a greyish green, glowing man with a long black beard standing by the window, he wore a silver straw hat, a white shirt and black pants. He smiled and nodded to Cole as he winked back at him.

"Uh, Cole?" Cole was snapped out his musing and looked back and see everyone looking at him oddly, "What were you looking at?" Lloyd asked raising a brow.

Cole then looked back at the window and saw the ghostly man had disappeared but he just smiled, "Nothing," he simply said, leaving the others greatly confused, "Anyways now that we're here, what's the next step green machine," he asked the green Ninja, getting back to business.

Lloyd rubbed his chin in thought for a moment before turning the Equestrians first then to the temple. A small smile then appeared on his face as he turned completely to his friends and allies, "Well, since it pretty late and you all seem so interested in the temple I say we all sleep in the temple for tonight." He suggested.

"Huh?" The Equestrian gasped

"Seriously?!" The Ninja exclaimed.

"Seriously I think good rest here in the temple might help us get know each other better, and besides I think we're all bit too tired to go back to each of your homes." Lloyd reasoned and then turned to the girls, "So what ya say?"

"So your saying we should all have a mix gender slumber party inside an ancient, possibly still haunted temple?" Rainbow said skeptically before grinning and crossing her arms, "I'm game."

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Sweetie Belle said in worry.

"Uh, yeah I don't think I wanna wake up as a ghost in mornin'." Applebloom added.

"Hey. Like we said the curse on the temple is broken and we've been sleeping in this temple for months and nothings happened to us." Lloyd said gesturing to him and his friends.

"And don't worry Sweetie Belle, we'll all be in the temple together. It'll be just like when we were little?" Rarity said, kneeling down and side hugging Sweetie.

"Besides, it's not like it's the first time we've had a sleep away from the barn, remember sugarcube?" Applejack added, reminding Applebloom the times they slept at their aunt's and uncle's places.

"Plus, it would be pretty cool to see what a temple from another realm is like." Spike noted.

"And your sure it's safe?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"Positive." Cole said.

"Then I guess, it's alright then." Scootaloo said, 'Just please no ghost stories.' she prayed in her mind.

"Well, how about it Twilight, up for one big sleepover?" Sunset asked the alicorn girl.

"Oh sure, let's all take a good night sleep inside a temple that turns anyone who stays in it before sunrise into ghosts just because people we just met say it safe." Twilight said skepticism as the Ninja slightly glared at her.

"Aw come on Twilight! It been ages since we had a sleepover!" Spike complained.

"Sorry Spike, but I think it be better if you, me and Sunset slept in our cozy, not cursed oak tree library." Twilight said turning from the others until Lloyd got an idea.

"The temple has a library too, filled with books and scrolls that have knowledge and wisdom from another realm within them." He said with a sly expression and as soon he finished a purple blur zoomed past him and straight into the building. Twilight head popped out the door with eyes gleaming, "Sunset you and the girls go and get your things for the sleepover, Spike you and I are gonna check out the library! Eeeeheee!!!" she Squealed and zoomed back into the temple, looking for the library as everyone outside chuckled at Twilight nerdtastic personality.

"Heh, nicely done Lloyd Garmadon." Sunset complimented, "If there's one thing Twilight can't resisted it's a good book."

"Thank you."

"But then again, to Twilight there's no such thing as a bad book." Spike joked as everyone laughed.

"Alright. Kai, Jay, Cole, you three take the girls back down to the village and get them their things while Nya, Zane and I will stay here with Spike, and Twilight, and get everything ready." Lloyd planned out.

"Got it!" Everyone chorused.

With that the Masters of Fire, Earth and Lightning, summoned their dragons, The Mane 6 and the CMCs hopped on with them and they took off down to Ponyville. Spike and the three remaining Ninja watched as they landed near a clearing.

"Well boys, we better get inside and get the temple ready for the sleepover, preferably before Twilight messes up or whole Library." Nya joked as Lloyd, Zane and Spike laughed while walking into the temple.

The three dragons landed and disappeared as the Kai, Jay, Cole and the girls all split up and headed out their homes to get everything they needed for the sleepover. Unknown to them was that as they head into town they were being watched by the same mysterious hooded boy who was spying on them during their fight at Canterlot. He watched as the heroes disappearing into the two from his table at local resturant, "So the Ninja's temple is now floating over the Elements of Harmony's village eh?" He asked himself, before chuckling darkly, "Well that just makes my job here easier, once Hunter and the other get here and launch the attack everything will fall into place and this Realm will be ours!" He smiled evilly.

"Um, sir?" He stopped smiling and looked to see a Terran waiter standing nect to him, "Who were you talking to?" The boy cleared his throat and changed his tone to a more humble one, "My apologies friend, I sometimes talk to self when I wait but in any case I would like the Raspberry wine and a Carrot and onion sandwich, if that's not any trouble?" He asked as the waiter nodded and wrote it down.

"Of course sir. But tell me if I may be so bold, your not from around here are you?"

"No I'm not. I once lived in Canterlot studying magic at the school for gifted unicorns," The boy then sneered under his hood, "Until my teacher turned her back on me, so I left and intended to increase my magic on my own, which has now brought me here, to the hometown of the element of Magic herself."

"Oh yes, Princess Twilight and her friends have done some extraordinary things since the Summer Sun Celebration, and intresting enough she too went to the school for gifted unicorns and was also the personal student of Princess Celestia herself." The Waiter noted.

"Really?" The boy pretended to sound interested.

"Indeed, and it's thanks to those five amazing girls she has surpassed the expectations of anyone could ever imagine," he then frown slightly, "Inspite of a little predicament that happened during the Canterlot Wedding some months ago." That caught the boy's attention.

"The Royal wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armor? From what I heard they are Princess Twilight's brother and sister-in law, correct?"

"Indeed they are, but according to rumors, when Twilight Sparkle suspected that Princess Cadence was Queen Chrysalis, Shining Armor, her friends and even Princess Celestia refused to believe her until she brought the real Cadence to the initial wedding." The waiter explained.

"I see." The boy then internally smirked. 'Betrayed by her friends, teacher and own brother, eh? Now that's information I can use. He thought already forming a plan.

"Well, I supposed I've wasted enough of your time young man, Allow me fetch your order mister," The waiter then turned and left but then trailed off and turned his head back to the boy, "Oh yes, I beileve you haven't told me What your name is?"

The boy smirked and as then a red aura covered the hem of his hood and pulled it off revealing he had pale skin, aquatic green eyes, a pale red unicorn horn and wil blood red hair with the front of it framed over his forehead. He turned to the waiter and said, "Call me Crimson Shard."

"Well mister Shard, I shall return with your food momentarily."

Once the waiter was gone Crimson looked out and saw the Ninja and the girls carrying, bags and other things back to the clearing while Rarity had Cole carry a whole lot of Baggage. The three Ninja then summoned their dragons and the girls loaded their luggage onto them, Rarity's had to be placed onto the earth dragon for it was much stronger than the other two. As the heroes hopped onto the three dragons, they took to the skies and headed to the floating island. Crimson continued to watch with an dark grin on his face 'Enjoy yourselves while you can my friends.' He said mentally, 'because when you and I cross paths, your peaceful way of life is gonna come to shocking and painful end.' the waiter than brought his meal and munched on it, deciding to eat first before making his move.

In the Lobby of the Airjitzu temple, there were chairs and book shelves up against the walls while the fireplace was emitting wonderful, toasty air while a picture of Master Yang hanged above it and finally there were colored sleeping bags laid across the carpeted floor while the Ninja, Mane 7, CMCs and Spike had changed into their pjamas and sat together at the fire place telling stories about their many adventures.

Currently they were discussing about the Grand Galloping Gala and the supposedly 'Best night Ever'. As they concluded to the part where the Mane 6 had run out of the ball room and straight into Donut Joe's shop, everyone was laughing.

"HAHAHA! Wow! That sounds like the worst night ever!" Cole laughed nearly falling off his chair.

"IT WAS!" The Mane 6 said in unison and started laughing again.

"But as it turned out, just hanging out with each other at Donut Joe's at the end did make it the best night!" Twilight said while holding a book she found in the library with her magic while she held Spike who sat in-between her legs.

"That and the fact that we made Princess Celestia's night by making the Gala a big mess and making it the most exciting gala she'd ever seen!" Pinkie added lying on her belly.

"A Pony polka, Blueblood covered in cake and Animals from the garden running wild in the ballroom?!" Sunset said before falling on her back laughing and kicking the air while clutching her sides, "That sound like the best night ever to me! Makes me wish I was there too. Though I probably just punch that Blueblood in the nose for how he treated you Rarity." She noted sitting back up and pointing to the Fasionista.

"Make that double for me." Nya said, sitting crossed legged next to Rarity.

Rarity sighed as her sister slept next to her, "Yes I'm afraid Blueblood wasn't the kinda man I thought him to be but I'm sure I'll find my knight in shining armor someday and have my happily ever after! Just you wait!" she declared while standing up dramatically as Kai deadpanned at her while leaning on his palms.

"Is she always this dramatic?" he whispered to Rainbow sitting next to him with Scootaloo sleeping on her lap.

"Dude, I could tell you stories."

"I heard that!" Rarity retorted as everyone laughed again. "Man, and thought my first date with Nya was bad!" Jay sitting left to his girlfriend.

"Well probably would've gone better if you didn't prick yourself on the Fangpyre fang." Cole smirked.

"What can I say? I was excited and I was paying attention!" Jay argued, "Besides where were you three when me Nya were about to crash?"

"Chilling out. Thanks to Zane's bad aim." Kai said, glancing at said Nindroid who sat in a meditative stance looking sheepish.

"I'm sorry, I supposed I got a bit to caught up moment to pay attention to aiming systems." Zane apologized as Fluttershy patted his back and hugging he bunny.

"I'm sure you were Zane. But at least Jay managed to find his True Potential and rescue Nya." She said.

"Which reminds me," Applejack said while placing Applebloom down so she wouldn't wake up. "What is this True Potential thing anyways?"

"True Potential is when an Elemental master unlocks his or hers power's fullest abilities but can only be achieved when what ever fear or weakness that is holding them back is overcome," Lloyd said standing up, "I unlocked mine when I accepted I had to do my duty to protect Ninjago even if meant facing my father or the ultimate evil."

"Now that's what I call brave!" Rainbow said pumping a fist.

"And as you all know mine came when Nya kissed me." Jay said only for to knock the back side of his head. "OW!"

"You goofball! You unlocked your true potential when you stopped pretending to be somebody else. All that kiss did was cure you of the Fangpyre venom.'And leaving a bad scaly taste in my mouth.'" Nya said while mentally stating the last part before turning to the group. "Mine was found when I learned to stop thinking about failing and just keep trying to find a new way to reach success?"

"I discovered my true potential after accepting what I was and learned that the no matter how diffrent I was, my brothers would always be there for me, just I will always be there from them and those who can't protect themselves." Zane said as the other Ninja smiled at him.

"Aww." The girls cooed.

"I found mine when I managed to reconnect with my dad and make him proud for who I truly was." Cole said smiling looking at a picture of him, Kai, Jay, Zane and his dad took after the annual Ninjago talent show.

"He must'a been the proudest pop in all of Ninjago to have you as his son." Applejack said punching his arm. Cole just chuckled and shrugged it off.

"And finally mine kicked in when I had to accept that just because it wasn't my destiny to be Green Ninja didn't mean I wasn't destined for glory." Kai said smiling at Lloyd who smiled back, grateful he saved him from the volcano.

"Hey don't let it get you down Hotshot, we all thought we be the Green Ninja." Cole ressured him as Jay and Zane nodded. "But at least didn't try on the Gi when Master Wu had his back turned." He smirked as Kai groaned and buried his face in his hands while everyone else laughed.

"Huh, so that's where that hair smell came from." Lloyd put in.

"Just don't tell Sensei. Okay? Please." Kai pleaded.

"Our lips are sealed." Pinkie said before yawning, "Wow it's getting pretty late, I guess we better-" She then fell fast asleep snoring as everyone chuckled and yawned as well.

"Well I think it's time we all got our beauty sleep. Goodnight Darlings." Rarity said before putting on her eye covers and falling asleep too.

"I guess your right, I got the fire." Nya yawned and shot a small water bullet at the fireplace putting in out instantly before lying on her back on closing her eyes, "Night everyone."

"G'night/Night/Goodnight." Everyone said before they all sank into their sleeping bags. Before he closed his eyes Cole looked at the portarit of Yang as he heard a faint whisper, "Goodnight Cole."

He smiled and whispered, "Night Yang." and fell asleep too.

While laying down Lloyd thought about the earlier conversation on they’re way here about their old friend, Ultra and with Celestia about his father. He had to admit that he really missed that Dragon and he hoped to see him again someday and also had hope that one day he true father would return to him. He looked out the window, into the night sky and whispered,

"Goodnight Ultra. Wherever you are." He smiled and pulled out a picture of his father in his normal form. "And goodnight to you too Dad." He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Meanwhile in the First Realm the first of all realms and homerealm of the dragons and oni, sleeping in a cave on a mountain was a large white dragon with a black underbelly with orange magma like markings on its chest. It had huge white wings with three orange claws on each with two green spikes on top of them, It's tail had white and green spines on it. Its back feet had three claws while its front ones had three with another claw sticking out the side resembling a thumb, making it look like a hand. However the most unique thing about this dragon was that it had four head each one with its own horns and coloring the first one on the left side had long, yellow horns, a black beard and red markings, the second left one had black short, stubby horns and a yellow horn on it's noses and carved rock on it chin resembling a goatee, the first one on the right had to long smooth yellow horns on it head, two that combined into one on it's nose and yellow markings on it face and the second one from the right had two long blue ice like horns and blue markings. This Dragon was in fact Lloyd's old dragon pet Ultra.

Ultra was snoozing and snoring sound asleep, when it heard something,

"Goodnight Ultra. Wherever you are."

Ultra’s four heads perked up as it recognized the voice of his old master. He then lumbered outside the cave and stared off into the night sky and remembered the adventures he, Lloyd and the Ninja went on before he returned home and noticed the old saddle it used to wear when serving the Green Ninja. While he did enjoy his freedom he missed his old master and his friends and would’ve loved to go on more adventures with them. All four head then bore determined expressions before turning back to the entrance of the cave and released a fourfold roar.

He than spread his wings and after a few flaps he took to the skies. He looked back at his mountain home one last time before he starting spinning opening a vortex and flying through it, and headed back to the Ninja.

Author's Note:

Well There you have it folks the Epilogue for the first Volume has Come but don't you worry, this is hardly the end because in the next Chapter things pick up a notch.

So in this chapter the Ninja return to the temple of Airjitzu because I never liked how they just moved back to the monastery after it was just rebuilt. I like to think they just have as an extra home just incase something happens.

And we've just been introduced to my first OC character in this Story Crimson Shard. And as you guessed he's not as nice a guy as he makes himself sound. What sort of plan could he be stringing together, well don't worry we'll be seeing him and that plan in the next Volume so don't you worry.

And Surprise!!! the returning friend was in fact the Ultra Dragon! I never liked how Lego just made him die like that so I decided to give him another chance to shine in my story but he and the Ninja won't reunite right away not until a few chapters later.

Next time as Luna, Wu, Misako, Cadance and Shining Armor disscuss with Celestia about her battle with Garmadon, and how the future of their new world will be affected and hopefully coming up with a name for their new realm (type in the comments what you think the new realm should be called) while Garmadon reunites with some old friend of his.

That's all Coming up in the prologue of the 2nd Volume: The Rise and Fall of Twilight.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.


and Also Happy Halloween everyone! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!🎃