• Published 5th Jan 2020
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My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 1 Chapter 4: The True Story

Chapter 4: The True Story

In the throne room of Canterlot everyone was watching the story of the birth of the realm being projected in the cloud Discord conjured up. The Ninja and the Mane 7 watched in awe as a man in a straw hat holding a sword and an alicorn woman wearing a crown stood next to each other.

"Long before time had a name this world was created by the First Spinjitzu Master..." Celestia Began gesturing to the man before Lloyd interrupted her.

"With all due respect, your majesty we've heard the story over a hundred times already." He said.

"But you've only heard how the land itself was created not how life was." Celestia replies, surprising the younger people before continuing. "While the lands, seas and sky of this realm were created by the First Spinjitzu Master, the plant, animal and sentient life was created by Mistress Aurora, The Master of Magic." She gestured to the Alicorn woman.

"The Master of Magic?" Twilight gasped, surprised that the woman's element was the same as her's.

"One of the original Elemental Masters?" Nya asked and the girls turned to her.

"Wait, you mean there were Elemental Masters before you guys?" Rainbow inquired.

"Yup there power passed onto their children, then them to theirs and then to us." Cole explained.

"So this Aurora was one of them?" Lloyd asked.

"Not just one of them my nephew, The 'first' of the elemental master." Master Wu clarified. Earning a shocked look from the younger people.

"The 'First'?!" They exclaimed as Wu nodded and continued the story.

"As the First Elemental Master, Aurora had the ability to use multiple elements to create all kinds of plants and animals to fill this realm with life." He explained as the projection of Aurora showed her using her powers to create trees, flowers and animals, as the First Spinjitzu Master created Mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, fields and many other places and habitats, "Then one day, they combined they're powers to create special kind of water called 'Chi', that when ingested by an animal causes them to undergo a special evolution, making them smarter, faster, stronger while still holding on to their primal instincts." The projection showed the two masters creating blue mystical water and then showed different animals drinking it, changing them into human-like beings. Among them were humans who evolved from apes and monkeys, Equines (That's what I'm calling humanized ponies in my fanfic as a whole) who evolved from horses, Unicorns and Pegasi and other creatures, one the Ninja immediately recognized.

"Hold on. Is that a...Serpentine?!" Cole asked while pointing at a snake that gained human like arms.

"Indeed it is Master Cole," Luna confirmed taking over the story, "While most of the creatures stayed pure to their primal animal states and large majority changed and evolved into the creatures of this present time from both of our worlds eventually spreading that evolution to other realms but the two masters agreed to let those realms find their own balance and focused on protecting the world they created and the balance between light and darkness, but to do so they passed on their knowledge and element powers to others and had them pass them to others creating the race of the Elemental Masters." She told as the Projection showed the FSM and Aurora passing the power of the elements to others humans, equines and other creatures.

"The teachings of the Elements and Spinjitzu was passed from person to person and the balance remained even and the people of our realm stood together united as friends for many years," Celestia continued, The younger people watched in awe as the element master projections show them teaching the elemental ways to others but soon the cloud turned to darkish purple and show project of what looked like man with long hair and a scar on his, "Unfortunately there was one Elemental Master who as old as the original masters, didn't want a world in perfect balance and unity, he wanted power and prove he was the best, He called himself, 'Lordin'. and he would change our world forever." The projection of Lordin then laughed evilly as his eyes glowed red and purple. A red and purple that felt fearfully familiar to the Ninja, almost as if they seen it before.

"Wait, wait, wait. So some evil Elemental Master called Lordin is the reason Ninjago and Equestria became two separate realms? But how?" Jay asked.

"Yeah how could just one guy cause a realm to split in two?" Sunset added as the other nodded in agreement.

Master Wu sighed and paced in-front of them, "as a single spark is all it takes to light a fire, a single person is all it takes to created disaster," He then turned back to the Story cloud and as it show Lordin stealing some kind of blueprints, from the FSM, "In his quest for power Lordin stole blueprints for a unique type of armor from, my father. Armor that could amplify an elemental master's powers."

"Whoa, sounds handy." Spike commented.

"Unfortunately for him the FSM never finished the blue prints where the armor knew when to stop amplifying the master powers," Luna continued, "But Lordin didn't care about this fact and he planned to construct an armor that not only increased his powers but also combined the powers of other elements."

"Which ones?" Sunset inquired.

"...All except for Creation, Magic and Time." Luna Answered as they all gasped.

"Wait a sec, so you're saying this guy had the elemental powers of not only us but also the powers of the elemental masters we met during the Tournament of Elements?!" Kai exclaimed but princess Celestia shook her head, "Not exactly, The combining of all those elements would take a long time to complete however Lordin knew that by then the FSM, Aurora and the other elemental master would discover his armor. So he needed to distract them."

The scene changed to Lordin impersonating different beings or controlling them to commit crimes against each other, he continued telling the story, "In order to do by himself time to complete his armor Lordin used his power to mind control and impersonate others to cause the people of the realm to turn against each other." The cloud soon showed equines, humans, serpentine and many other creatures fighting and arguing. The Ninja, Mane 7, Spike, CMCs, Shining Armor, Flash and Cadance watch in shock as the people who were once the best of friends became the worst of enemies, while Wu, Celestia, Luna, Misako and Discord watched with grim looks.

"Because of Lordin's influence war broke out, each kind of people trying to eliminate the others and take full control of the realm and prove who was the superior species. Even the First Spinjitzu Master, Mistress Aurora and the other Elemental got involved either trying to stop the war or taking part in it. And so began the Great War. " Wu added as the younger people watched in horror as the army projections fought against each others' warriors , and the FSM, Aurora and the Elemental Master got involved as well. While Fluttershy covered her eyes to avoid seeing the horror. Twilight then remembered something and spoke.

"Wait, I remember reading about the Great War but it mentions nothing about Humans, Serpentine, Elemental Masters or Lordin." Celestia than Spoke, “Because it was to keep the knowledge of the two realms secret. So the true events of the great war were covered up by the leaders at the time to protect the generations after from learning this.”

"But all the war brought was death, destruction and waste of time, energy and resources just as Lordin intended. Near the climax of the Great War Lordin had completed his Armor he called The ‘Ultimarmor’.” Luna said as the cloud showed Lordin pulling a set of armor that’s design looked strangely familiar to the Ninja.

“But when he put on the Armor, it’s power turned his ambition and selfishness into pure evil and as his mind was warped his body followed, turning him into a being you my pupils know all to well,” The Ninja gasped as they watch Lordin place the armor on himself and turn into an enemy they were all too familiar with,

"What in the...?" Jay muttered.

"Is that?!" Nya gasped, her eyes widening.

"No way!" Kai added.

"How can it be?" Zane inquired.

"Lordin is..?" Cole trailed off.

"The Overlord?!" Lloyd exclaimed, as they saw Lordin turn into the evil spirit complete with blackish skin, sharp teeth, completely Purple eyes, a helmet and an evil, raspy laugh echoed throughout the room from the projection.

“Wait the Overlord? As in the Evil Spirit and original essences of evil itself you fought during your first battle with Lord Garmadon and during the New Ninjago City incident?” Twilight asked as Lloyd glanced annoyedly at her when she mentioned his father. Celestia noticed this but decided to answer Twilight's question first.

“The very same I’m afraid. And unfortunately by the time FSM and Aurora discovered what he had done it was already too late.” Celestia answered, as it showed the two masters watch in horror as the Overlord used his powers to create an army of monsters.

Once the creatures had exhausted enough, He unleashed a horde of monsters and creatures born of darkness and destruction that brought the people of the realm to their knees. one of these monsters you Ninja may find familiar." Celestia added as The Ninja and Mane 7 and the others watched as a projection of Overlord leading an army of stone warriors, batmen, golems, basilisks and many other monsters wiped out humans, equines and every other kind creature by the dozens, Fluttershy and Cadance, covered their eyes at the carnage being shown while Sweetie Belle and Applebloom held onto their older siblings for comfort.

And to top it all off, rising from the ground at Overgar side was a purple and black, hook tailed and hooded serpent that looked greatly familiar to the Ninja.

"Is that..?" Kai asked before Jay took over.

"The Great Devourer?!" he exclaimed, as the Mane 6 gasped while Spike, CMCs, Sunset, Flash, Shining Armor and Cadance just looked in confusion. "the Great what-now?" Spike and Scootaloo.

"A giant, colossal, monster snake that gets bigger the more it eats and the bigger it gets the hungrier it gets and well, I think you can see the pattern." Jay explained to them as they're eyes widened. "Yeah sounds unbelievable but why does the Great Devourer the cloud thing look different than what we faced back in Ninjago City?" He asked gesturing to the monster snake projection.

"The answer Master Walker, is that the creature you see is not the one you Ninja battle in your city but in fact it's predecessor; The Great Destroyer. Unlike the Great Devourer the Destroyer grew the more it destroyed" Princess Luna answered, looking grimly at the Snake projection as it roared to the skies. The Ninja looked in surprise as they didn't know the Great Devourer had a predecessor, Zane then turned to Wu, "Did you know about this Sensei?" he asked.

"I'd hoped if I kept the secret, that foul beast would not be spoken again," The old master answered, as they're eyes returned to the projection, “With the great Destroyer and army of monster, The Overlord would have laid waste to the whole realm but My father and Aurora would not allow that to happen, so they went to confront they’re former friend personally and with some help.” The projection then shows the FSM and Aurora preparing to fight the Overlord and standing beside them were projections of six other Elemental Masters. Four of them were each holding one of the four Golden Weapons. The red held the Sword of Fire. The black one held Scythe of Quakes, The white one held the Shurikens of Ice and the blue one held Nunchucks of Lightning. The other two, the cyan and purple ones stood at their sides.

“Those must be the original Elemental Masters of Fire, Ice, Earth and Lightning.” Cole guessed before looking at the other two, “But who are those two.” he asked.

“They are the Elemental Masters of Water and Wind,” The Ninja looked amazed as Nya looked to the Original Water Master while Lloyd looked at the Wind Master and remembered the current Master of Wind.

Morro.’ he thought.

Then standing next to Aurora were five other equines each wearing a necklace with a gem in it, while she wore a familiar looking crown with a gem shaped like a six point star which gave the Equestrians an idea of what they were.

“Celestia are those...The Elements of Harmony?” She gasped and Celestia nodded, “Mistress Aurora created the Elements of Harmony?!” she exclaimed.

“Indeed she did. She created them to aid defeating threats to the realm but only as a last resort. And this was definitely a last resort situation,” She answered as the 13 masters fought against the Overlord, “Their battle was Earth shattering causing the balance to shift back and forth but before long The Overlord grew weak enough to where the masters were able to combine their powers with the Elements of Harmony and the Golden Weapons to shatter his armor and banish him. " The Masters then released a rainbow beam at The evil lord destroying his armor and sending him screaming into the ether.

"Alright, take that ya creep!" Rainbow cheered as Kai, Spike and Scootaloo joined in.

"Yes it was a great victory but this victory came at a heavy price," Wu spoke grimly, as the younger people looked at him with confusion before they notice that in the project the land started to shake violently while storms blew, tornado spiraled and volcanoes became unstable, "Before he was defeated The Overlord used the last of his power to upset the balance causing the realm to destroy itself from the inside out!"

"The Land was soon overrun with natural disasters, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, thunder storms, Volcanoes and Tsunamis. In order to stop this devastation The FSM and Aurora had no choice but to use all of their power to split the realm in two so that over time the scars from their battle with the Overlord would heal. And order to spilt a realm they needed help from a certain artifact." The Projection then showed the two masters' eyes glowing white as their powers combined with a certain blue crystal.

"The Realm Crystal." The Ninja gasped as they watch the realm split into Equestria and Ninjago.

"Yes. Thanks to that the realms were separated, each unaware of the other's existence but this feat came at price and that was the immortality of the FSM and the life of Mistress Aurora," Celestia said solemnly as they watched the FSM shrivel into an old man and Aurora disappearing into sparkles. Discord snapped his fingers and the projection

"Oh man." Flash and Kai muttered.

"That's the saddest story I ever heard!" Pinkie cried.

"So that's why he died." Lloyd said to uncle and mom who nodded, the latter holding the former's hand, clearly reliving those events.

"But still that doesn't explain how you three know each other." Sunset asked Wu and the Royal sisters who nodded.

"Somehow or another Luna and I ended up in Ninjago but were soon found by the First Spinjitzu Master and raised by him as if we were his own, and he trained us in the ways of Ninjutsu as his pupils that is how we came to know his two sons: Wu and Garmadon." Celestia explained as the Ninja's jaws dropped.

Kai was the first to snap out of it, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!" He exclaimed waving his arms, "You two were students of the first Spinjitzu Master!"

Luna and Celestia nodded in reply as the Ninja, Mane 7, CMCs, Cadence, Shining Armor, Flash and Spike were completely surprised. Then Twilight said in shock, "But if you were his students! Does that mean you know how to use…"

Celestia smiled at her former student, "That's right Twilight Luna and I know how to do Spinjitzu. Just like Wu and the ninja. Observe." Then she and Luna spun around and used Spinjitzu. Celestia's tornado was a combination of Green, pink, and blue with gold sparks, While Luna's was dark blue, purple and black with silver sparks.

The youngers watched in awe while Misako, Discord and Wu watched with small smiles as the royal sisters stopped spinning and stood before them.

"Wow." They simply said as the princesses and Wu chuckled, Princess Celestia stepped forward, "I must say it's an honor to finally the protectors of the Ninjago half of our Realm. and I hope you will continue to do so even now that the two realms have merged into one." She said as The Ninja smiled with pride.

"Of course we will your highnesses." Lloyd said bowing respect.

"Not that we can't handle anything that come for the realm anyways." Kai boasted crossing his arms.

"Actually he's right, We've already dealt with plenty over lives as Ninja." Nya added.

"Indeed we have made many allies during our adventures and have faced many a great enemy during them." Zane spoke.

"Skeletons, Serpentine, Stone Warriors, Nindroids, Anacondrai Wannabes, Ghosts, Pirates, Time travelers, Biker gangs, Dragon Hunters, Oni and even the Overlord himself, Twice!" Cole said surprising the royal sister as they didn't they had defeated the ultimate evil more than once.

"That's right if they can't stop us, Nothing can." Jay announced at the Ninja then did a six way high five. The princesses smiled in amusement at their confidence. But then Rainbow dropped, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Like we're gonna let you Ninja have all the fun. If you're all gonna fight off any evils out there then so are we." She said landing next to her friends and pulling them to her.

"Wait what?" Kai said in confusion.

"I guess what I'm saying is that we wanna help you guys out with protecting this place because this is our home too ya know?" She clarified as her friends looked to her in shock.

"But, you girl don't know how to fight like us. You don't even how to you Spinjitzu." Cole said.

"Well then you guy are just gonna have to teach us, besides we can't just sit around on our tails knowing our home is endanger. Plus who would want the chance to be a super awesome ninja?!" Rainbow reasoned pumping her fists.

"Well it is a nice line of work." Jay admitted as his teammate glared at him. "What? It is."

"Ooh-ooh-ooh! I want to be Ninja too, it could be fun to learn that Spin-Twist-su! " Pinkie piped up before spinning around like a top.

"Spinjitzu." Nya corrected.

"If it means protecting my family from some low down dirty varmints, then count me in y'all." Applejack added holding Applebloom closely.

"While fighting isn't really my type of exercise being a lady of fashion," Rarity began fixing her hair as the other rolled they're eyes before she grew a determined look and held Sweetie Belle closely, "But for my friends and dear baby sister I will endure such a trial of being a ninja." She announced while Sweetie blushed at the affection from her big sisters.

"Oh, I don't know if I want to do this. I don't really like to fight." Fluttershy said in doubt and fear.

"There's more to being a ninja than just knowing how to fight." Zane said.

"It's also about being wise and resourceful enough in knowing when to fight who or to not to fight." Wu added.

"We even know fighting style where you can fight without fighting." Lloyd mentioned.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked, as they nodded.

"Wait a minute 'Fight without fighting'? Scootaloo repeated while scratching her head, "How does that even make sense?"

Kai leaned down to her, "Trust me we didn't get it the first time either." He assured her.

Fluttershy meanwhile grew more confident. "Well, I guess I can do that. And I'll do it to help protect all of my little animals friends as well." Discord then wrapped her in a one armed hug, "An excellent choice made by an equally excellent female, my dear." He said, while Fluttershy giggled and blushed.

The Ninja and Wu just looked in confusion before Wu turned to the royal sister and pointed to the timid Pegasus and the Master of Chaos silently asking if the two of them were a couple. Celestia nodded while Luna rolled her eyes as an answer. "Hmm, he really has changed." Wu muttered looking bewildered at Discord.

"Well I've made more than enough mistakes before I came back, I'm going to take ever chance I get to prove that I am a better person." Sunset said while Looking at her adoptive mother and Celestia smiled warmly at her and Flash standing next to her gave a side hug.

"Wait what'ya mean by 'Mistakes'?" Jay asked as Sunset looked at little nervous.

"Um, I'll explain later." She answered as all eyes fell on Twilight.

"How about it, Twilight? Interested in becoming one of us?" Lloyd asked before Shining stepped forward.

Now hold on there, I'm not just letting my sister join your Ninja club just like," He stated before turning to his sister, "Twilight the life of warrior is not easy as people make it look. I don't want you getting hurt or worse,"

"Now Shining, I agree that being a ninja will bring a wave of new troubles and dangers for Twilight but with what she and her friends have faced over the years I know she's up to the task," Cadence reasoned with her husband before turning to Twilight, "That is if you want to do this Twilight."

Twilight looked a little concerned about this choice knowing she had to help in protecting her home from those who could harm to it. But she also question whether or not she could make it out as warrior, "Well, I'm not sure if I'll be as good a Ninja as you guys are." she said in doubt looking at the Ninja. Celestia saw this and walked towards her student and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Twilight, it won't matter whether or not if you can be as good as warrior compared the Ninja, for what matters is you will fighting together. Meaning they'll be there for you as you'll be there for them." Celestia explained.

"Yeah besides we Ninja have a motto," Kai said standing tall with pride "'As iron sharpens iron,"

"'Brother sharpens brother!'" Lloyd finished.

"And the same goes for sister!" Nya added but the equestrian looked confused at what they meant. "Uh what does mean exactly?" Applebloom asked.

"It means that we help make each other stronger with every adventure and battle we come across." Cole explained.

"Oh." The Equestrian replied before everyone turned to Twilight. Twilight smiled from her mentor's words of wisdom, and the encouragement from Cadence, and so she answered, "Then I want to learn be a Ninja too." Everyone cheered at Twilight choice, while she glanced toward Lloyd with a suspicious glare. 'Plus it means I can find out exactly what it is your hiding Lloyd Garmadon. she thought as she leered at the green Ninja.

"Ooh, this is going to be the perfect opportunity for me to design new combat wear for us. I can even borrow inspiration from your Gi's." Rarity Exclaimed eagerly, gesturing to the Ninja's outfits as her friends chuckles at the Fashionista's love for clothes.

"Pth, yeah good luck getting me into one those suits." Rainbow said crossing her.

Nya then said to cyan pegasus with a smirk, "Well I'm not one for getting all frou-frou either Dash. But if you want be a ninja your gonna have to get use to it. At least be greatful we're making you wear a ball gown when we're kicking bad guy butt." Rainbow then glared at the water ninja as everyone laughed at Nya's joke while Luna and Celestia chuckled at the thought the pegasus mare fighting evil while wearing a dress. All laughed except Lloyd who walked away a bit from the group when a not so pleasent thought came to him. Celestia noticed this and turned to Luna, "Lulu, do you think you could have the keep the other occupied While I have a little talk with Lloyd" she whispered.

Luna nodded and Celestia spoke to others "Excuse me everyone but I am needed else where?" They all nodded to the Sun princess and moved out of the way as she walked to the door. But before she left she turned to Lloyd and placed a hand on his shoulder "Lloyd, would you coming with me? I wish to speak with you alone." Lloyd looked in confusion before nodding while Twilight was shocked that her teacher wanted to talk to him over her and glared at the green ninja while the others weren't looking as she watch the two walked out of the door with jealousy.

"Wonder what that was about?" Jay asked.

Once they were out of the throne room Celestia guided Lloyd to her bedroom the two sat down and Celestia turned to stood the green ninja and asked him, "Is there something troubling you Lloyd?" Lloyd looked back at the princess of the sun and said to her with a small frown, "It's nothing your highness, it's just… well… I was just thinking about..." he trailed off unable to tell what he was thinking about.

Celestia could easily tell what was on Lloyd's mind right: his father, Garmadon. Then the white alicorn said to the green ninja hero with her face baring slight sorrow, "About your father?"

Lloyd looked at Celestia and said to her with shock, surprised how easily she guessed. "How did you know?"

"Before you arrived Wu had informed me and Luna what had transpired in Ninjago before it merged with Equestria," Celestia explained before looking down with saddness, "Including what happened to Garmadon, so I assume your still hurting from those events." Lloyd then looked away.

"Yeah I do," he answered before he realized something, "Wait you know him?"

Celestia nodded and replied to Lloyd's question as she began reliving in old story, "Yes I do. Back when we were around your age, he was still a good man, as well as a very close friend of mine. In fact we even went as far as to consider ourselves brother and sister to each other when Luna and I were training under your grandfather. He helped me through my training and taught me abilities I never knew I had. Even helping reach my destiny to be a princess when me Luna found a way back to Equestria. I wanted to repay him for his kindness in the future but I never got the chance." Celestia frowned and looked down. Lloyd knew her change in facial expression was because of his father's banishment to the underworld.

"Right my father's Banishment and his transfromation to Evil." Lloyd answered as Celestia nodded.

"Eventually Wu and your mother told me what happened to him after Luna and returned from the moon. It's still so hard for me to believe that a single small snake's venom would turn someone that kind and gentle as him into a dark lord and caused him to be banished to the forsaken Underworld. I was overjoyed when I learned he was cured from the devourer's bite but soon after sacrificing his life to stop Master Chen and his Anacondrai imposers from conquering Ninjago and now I learn that he has been brought back to life into a being of pure evil by someone who toyed with your emotions." She said the last part with disgust and then surprised him by giving him a warm hug, "I'm truly sorry for what happened to him and for the torment Harumi had put you through."

Lloyd's eyes watered as he hugged the princess and let out a few tears he kept in since that horrible night he was deceived by the Quiet one and nearly lost everything he loved to a man he loved more than anything else. Eventually the two broke the hug and Celestia wiping a few tears herself placed her hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "feeling any better?" she asked and Lloyd managed to make a sad smile and nodded.

"Yeah, thank you princess, I just..." He hesitated for a minute, "I just feel like I lost him all over again." He sniffled as Celestia wiped away his tears, "You saved him once, you can do it again and though he does not show it he does still care about you does he not?" Celestia asked, smiling.

Lloyd nodded and smiled back to the white alicorn, "Yeah, he came to help us when the Oni invaded Ninjago. And he took the old photo of me and him, we took after we defeated the Overlord the first time." Lloyd then stood back up with a confident smile on his face, "And your right I know that one day some how some way the man I once called father will return," His smile then faltered. Celestia was quick to follow this facial expression change.

"But?" She asked.

Lloyd sighed, "But after learning from Mistaké That I'm part Oni like my dad, uncle and Grandfather I've been worried that deep down I'm just like him and I don't mean in the good way," He joked before frowning and gripping his arms. Celestia just smiled and place a hand his shoulder, "Lloyd you are nothing like that side of your father, I should know I insured that fact." She encouraged him before he looked to her in confusion.

"What do you mean your highness?" He asked, Celestia held up a hand.

"Please just call me 'Celestia' Lloyd. And to answer your question have you ever wonder why the Great Devourer's venom never infected you like it did your father?" She asked him as Lloyd thought about. "Acutally yeah I've wondered to this day why I didn't have the venom in me when I was born while my dad was infected by it."

A few seconds of silence came for a bit until Celestia broke the silence saying to Lloyd, "Well you weren't told this by your uncle or your mother to keep our world a secret, but when you were born you did have a bit of the devourer's venom in you. I knew that the venom would eventually consume you like it did to your father so I decided to intervened by using What little bit of Elements of Harmony's Magic I had left in me to neutralize the venom inside of you." She explained as Lloyd looked at the Sun princess in awe now knowing she saved him from his father fate of become evil.

"You saved me?" Lloyd asked still in shock. Celestia nodded and continued.

"I knew that your father never wanted you follow down the dark path that he went down, for you have the chance to be a good man that he never had. when he became the dark lord." Celestia then smiled, "But I also wanted to finally repay his kindness for helping me by giving him the peace of knowing his son would share his terrible fate.

Lloyd looked down remembering what his father said to him while his friends and uncle went after the fang blade,"Every boy has a choice to grow up to be whoever they want to be. But I never had that choice. Because I was bitten, evil runs through my veins. But you still have a choice. " His father knew that thanks to Celestia, he had the chance to be a truly great man, to be the man he could be. He then smiled and hugged Celestia "Thank you for saving me Celestia, I'm glad I got the chance to be a better person."

Celestia smiled hugged the boy she saw as a small baby grow into a handsome young man. she than spoke, "You're welcome Lloyd and from what your uncle has told me I am proud of the man you've grown into." Lloyd then blushed at the praise she gave, "And I know there's still some good inside of Garmadon somewhere deep inside him and I'm sure one day the man you once called father will return."

They then broke and Lloyd smiled, "Thanks Celestia, I know there has to be to get to my dad but," He then remembered Harumi and frowned, "There are other times where I wished thing could've gone better with me and Harumi. I tried to forget about her move on but she just keep coming back to my thoughts." He groans plants his face in his hands.

Celestia rolls her eyes playfully, 'Like father like son.' She thought as she remember how Garmadon struggled with his relationship with Misako. She than patted the green ninja's back and offered some words of encouragements, "The first crush is always the hardest to move on from but I think you might want to talk to my niece about this sort or problem of yours." Lloyd then lifted his head and turned to her.

"Your niece?" He asked confusion.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or Cadence as she likes to call herself." She clarifed, "She's the Princess of Love, Ruler of the crystal empire as well Shining Armor wife and Twilight's Sister in law." Lloyd then grimaced at the mention of Twilight's name.

"Oh great, I hope she more opened minded then her sister," Lloyd said Celestia looked confused before Lloyd explained how Twilight was going on about how she and her friends could trust him because of his Father and how he started all this mess by opening the Serpentine tombs. Celestia was surprised that Twilight would judge someone especially Lloyd because of their family and turned to the green ninja, "I'm sorry about Twilight I promise I'll talk to her about changing her view on you and your father."

Lloyd nodded and got up, "Thanks I better go and catch we the others, we gotta start training Twilight and her friends so they can be ready for whatever this world throws at us," He then walked over to the doors but turned to the princess, "Celestia aren't you coming too?" He asked but Celestia merely shook her head.

"No I have other, Business to attend to at the moment. You go on ahead." Lloyd nodded and walked out of the room. Celestia then sighed and then without even turning her head she spoke to a third person hiding in the shadows, "You can come out now...."

Then stepping out of the shadows was a Man with jet black skin and four arms two just above his waist and two at his shoulders, and wearing a dark purple tattered cap with two parts of falling over his shoulders and black armor with silver lining. He wore boots, arm guards, shoulder pads and a chest plate but on the chest piece there a hole revealing part of his chest and purple blood oozing out of it. On his head he wore a black samurai like helmet with a U-shaped ring resting at the front and his face had silver face paint like marking on it, grey eyebrows, sharp teeth shined in the light as he smirked and his blood red eyes and yellow irises looked at the princess of the sun who still had her head turned away from him. Celestia knew that she was in the presences of the very person she was talking about with Lloyd. The man she once loved like a brother, now one of the most dangerous people in the realm, The Emperor of Darkness himself, Wu's older brother, Misako's husband and Lloyd's father: Lord Garmadon.

Garmadon then chuckled and walked over to the sun princess, "How long did know I was there Tia?" He asked innocently as he watched Celestia stand up. "Long enough to knoq that you heard our entire conversation but regardless of that I know you didn't just come here for a friendly hello, now did you?"

Garmadon smirked and pointed his finger to her, "While I am grateful for all you've done for my son Tia, you and I have a score to settle." He then pulled out a black Staff with spiked spear head, "And I attend to settle today." Celestia merely looked at the Dark Lord and engulfed them both in a bright golden light and Teleported them out of her room.

The two soon appeared in a small clearing in the woods, Garmadon the took notice that Celestia had changed her dress to a white and gold set of armor with diamond cut amethysts on her knees, wrists and neck collar. She also held a golden spear with the head shaped like the sun and positioned herself with it for battle, "This area is completely devoid of any villages or settlements for miles. Here we can fight freely without the risk of someone getting hurt," Celestia Explained as She Garmadon started to circle each other, "So shall we finish what we started all so long ago? I've been waiting many a year for this chance...big brother."

"Really?" Garmadon chuckles as gripped his staff tightly, "It hasn't felt that long to me...little sister." The two then stopped circling and glared at one another. The Sun slowly beginning to set and as the wind whipped around them Celestia merely said three words.

"This. Ends. Now."

Author's Note:

There you have it folks the forth chapter of My Little Ninjago and boy was it big.

As you called tell I decided to give the Overlord a much deeper history into how he became who is as well as real name. And also I felt I should explain how the Life in Equinjago (And yes that's what I'm calling the new realm so deal with it) was created when the elements of creation only created the land and seas not actually living things. Then I thought with the Magic of Equestria creating life was possible and who better then an Elemental master of Magic as the first Elemental Master.

And here's a challenge for you who do think could be the direct decedents of Aurora. Also as you might of guess I changed the history of Elements of Harmony but I'll go into much bigger detail later on in the story. Now with Mane 7 become Ninja I figured with them becoming I felt it was appropriate for them to learn Spinjitzu unlike in other Ninjago/MLP crossovers I've seen. Tell me in the Comments what you think their Spinjitzu tornadoes would look like.

Also I'm pretty sure your all wondering why I decided to make Celestia closer to Garmadon than Luna. Well I figured since their both the elder siblings and since oppsites attract one another they could work. Also their bond as brother and Sister figures will improve in the story though from the looks from it a big brawl is coming up between them.

Next time while The Ninja, Mane 7 and their friends head down to Ponyville, share some stories and experience Dragon riding along the way, a clash between the Lord of Darkness and the Princess of the Sun will go underway.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.