• Published 8th Dec 2019
  • 843 Views, 11 Comments

Wallflower’s Favorite Time of Year - BlackWater

Wallflower goes out for an Eve date with her two girlfriends, Sunset and Twilight. Before they can have the perfect evening, however, they run into some unexpected old friends.

  • ...

A Blue, Purple, And Yellow Holiday

Sunset Shimmer gave a “heh” at the end of her chuckle. “Good to see you, Trix. Got any ‘magical’ drinks?”

“Or is it just you?” Twilight added with a saucy grin.

While Trixie’s air of superiority deflated into a blush and stammer, Sunset raised a brow at her girlfriend.

“Didn’t realize you were that thirsty, babe,” the redhead chuckled for an entirely different reason this time.

“It’s because you’re such a bad influence,” Wallflower practically whispered in return.

Sunset raised her hands in defense but still turned to Trixie to give a proper response. “One water and two of the special holiday teas, Trix. Maybe we can hang out sometime when you aren’t busy. I did mean it was good to see you.”

“O-of course!” Trixie noted it down as she composed herself again. Before leaving to put in the orders, she twirled in her heavy-looking uniform dress to add. “I will have to check my schedule. I’m very busy this time of year!”

After she had gone out of sight, Wallflower gazed into her hot cocoa she had managed to keep a hold of. “She’s using ‘I’ more often...”

“Ugh,” Twilight groaned as they walked out of the restaurant seating area two hours later. “I think I ate too much.”

“I told you to take it easy on the dessert,” Wallflower frowned, rubbing Twilight’s back soothingly as they walked.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. Her boots click-clacked against the marble, breaking only occasionally into the mixed sound of crowds, music, and their own conversation. “Pancake Sundae Supreme even sounds heavy. Honestly, Trixie had a point. It didn’t belong in the ‘light dessert’ menu.”

“I get the feeling we’re going to see her again today,” Wallflower looked to her redheaded lover.

Sunset shrugged in return. “I don’t know but it’s Trixie so she just might manage it. Ever since the three of us started dating, she’s been kind of distant. But I worry sometimes she doesn’t have any other friends.”

“Oh?” Twilight groaned, taking any opportunity she could to shift her mind from her stone-heavy stomach.

“We actually ran into each other last week,” Sunset replied, taking Wallflower’s hand in hers when the girl quietly held it out towards her. “We had a short chat and she put on a show when I asked her what her plans for the holidays were. I guess it bothered me a bit. I know what it feels like to be alone like that. Not just for the holidays, I mean.”

Wallflower’s hand tightened in Sunset’s grip, but it was Twilight who spoke for her. “We all do.”

“Guess that means we’re all lucky,” Sunset reached out and grabbed Twilight’s hand in her free one. “And we should share the warmth whenever we can.”

The look of ease that Twilight gave back swiftly devolved into one of sickness.

“Seriously, Twi,” Sunset frowned. “We can go home if you’re feeling that bad.”

“I told you I’m fine,” she shook her head. “Besides, next time we go out, all of this will be taken down. I want to enjoy the ambiance.”

“As long as I’m not paying for these ten-dollar words you keep tossing out,” Sunset kidded in return.

“Ambiance has eight letters, Sunset,” Twilight retorted and pushed up her glasses. “You used to be my rival in grades. What happened?”

“She learned how to make you feel better,” Wallflower commented back with a shy smile.

Indeed, Twilight’s pained expression was gone for the moment her mind had switched to numbers.

While they had talked, they had walked across the plaza center and approached a series of shops that catered to a variety of interests. Some relevant to them and some not. All decorated in the holiday theme. A few of them dramatically so.

One of the shops had what looked to be a recently painted sign. Neon and Vinyl’s Music: Local, exotic, and popular. It indicated that it sold to nearly every sensibility. Bold but they knew it to be true.

“I can’t believe she got him to put her name up there,” Twilight remarked as they entered. Purposefully avoiding the roped off line that led through the store’s other door. “Her music just keeps going up doesn’t it?”

Wallflower kept watching the roped line as they walked in. The air did change a bit once they were inside the store, as it was both warmer and noisier. The overhead speakers were playing some rock/dubstep mix of holiday tunes but was actually challenged in its chaotic vibe by the rush of voices clamoring over whoever was giving away their signatures for the new release signature line. Wallflower was left in awe of the amount of people waiting for whatever band the store was currently featuring.

Sunset noticed and explained. “Vinyl said that they like to always have a group here. They’ve got enough room to handle a permanent signature booth but I imagine its popularity goes up and down depending on who’s being featured. She didn’t mention who their holiday slot was though. Apparently it’s some band popular enough for people to wait for hours on Eve. Can’t imagine-”

Twilight’s hand was suddenly batting at Sunset’s side, forcing the girl’s focus to switch from her cute girlfriend to her other cute girlfriend. She didn’t understand though because in spite of Twilight’s shocked expression, Sunset had only seen a blue tail of hair disappear through one of the many tall aisles of records.

“What is it?”

“I’m certain that was...”

Wallflower raised a brow. She hadn’t seen whoever Twilight had and wasn’t sure if she would recognize them even if she had. Unless they had been from CHS. But due to the band competition from back them, there were too many candidates for her to take a guess. “At least it’s warmer in here,” Wallflower finally smiled and began unwrapping her scarf after she removed her gloves.

Twilight was now moving ahead in a hurried fashion. For whatever reason, she seemed intent now on confirming who she saw. Sunset followed in less of a hurry, letting go of Wallflower’s hand. More of a mild curiosity as to who could have ignited Twilight’s interest so much. It was not as if they had something particular to look for in the shop anyways.

Though, they were likely to pick up Vinyl’s new single if it was still in stock. As they passed one of the bigger end-aisle displays, Sunset looked. They were already sold out.

“Wait up,” Wallflower called as another group of shoppers crowded in from a side-aisle.

Sunset had to stop and reverse a couple steps to prevent her less crowd-aggressive girlfriend from getting shouldered. The move to bodily protect her, however, was either overly protective or overly effective. As it caused the invading group to single-file by them with plenty of room to spare, leaving Sunset appearing as if she was starting to romantically embrace the girl in the middle of the store. Center stage.

“Ah,” Sunset commented simply when she noticed how it turned out.

“Uh,” Wallflower stuttered then placed a warm hand on Sunset’s chest. She was gratefully regardless. “Thanks.”

“Heh,” was the simply reply. Sunset almost turned around to continue on but had a better idea. She turned so they could walk forward together, wrapping an arm over Wallflower’s shoulder while doing so. “That’s better. Wouldn’t want that to happen again.”

“Cozier too,” Wallflower blushed back and leaned in.

They turned down the pop rock section to follow where Twilight had taken off to. But before they did, Sunset had caught Vinyl in her peripheral vision, standing behind the counter and giving her a thumbs up. Sunset forced back a moan at having been caught by her old classmate while attempting to be suave. The expression Vinyl had been giving was clear even though the girl still wore her famous glasses. Sunset was going to hear about this from Octavia when the New Year’s party came up.

“Gah!” Twilight’s combination gasp and cry of surprise interrupted Sunset’s thoughts. Taking them off both the upcoming ribbing and the gardender pressed against her side in the aisle.

The glasses-wearing genius was at the end of this aisle, looking diagonally away at where the signature booth was likely placed (judging from the visible roped line that was past her and headed in the same direction). Sunset muttered a “well” as a question as they approached, still not knowing what the big deal was. Twilight’s face was growing pale, however. Was it really that shock-

Sunset stopped dead as well once she and Wallflower had cleared enough of the end-aisle to see.

The band booth set up for the special new release in-person signatures was even larger than usual. Holiday decorations for the line and booth nearly spilled into side aisles. It might have been said that Neon and Vinyl had decked it out far too much if it weren’t for the hype that was charged up along the line. The energy here might as well have been a concert all on its own. Maybe Vinyl should have charged admission.

Two parts hype, one part nervous excitement, and another part seasonal cheer.

That’s what it looked like.

And that was very confusing.

Because at the end of that line, behind the booth, were three girls that didn’t bring to mind any images of seasonal cheer in Sunset’s mind. Or apparently Twilight’s either.

A long-haired blue beauty was bouncing about behind the table, dressed in a red and white partially-fluffy suit that covered most of her except for the shoulders and a fair amount of the top of her generous chest. She was unsuccessfully trying to get a certain purple-haired twin-tailed girl to wear the same kind of red cap that was currently on her own head. In spite of the clearly unhappy defense that Purple Hair was putting up to avoid the cursed hat, Blue Hair was giggling and even playing off the crowd’s cheer’s to do it.

“Aria Claus! Aria Claus!” they cheered, clearing wanting it.

“Please give me coal in my stocking, Aria Claus!” some fangirl in the line squealed out. Her whole face was blushing.

The third girl behind the booth with the poofy yellow hair was wearing a more rocker-style outfit, though the heavy jacket she had on was still colored in red and white. Unlike the other two girls of the band, she was staring right back at Sunset.

With a devilish grin, the leader of the band called out to her.

“Happy holidays, Sunset Shimmer!” Adagio smirked.