• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 1,201 Views, 68 Comments

The Boy and the Bug - Mr B

A Hearth's Warming story about a family taking in a young changeling, and their struggle with the chaos that ensues.

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CH 3 - Piccafilly Circus

Two Years Before The Storm

Shellac took a deep breath as he strode down the hive’s hallways, mindful of the adults whizzing by to and fro in every direction. Accompanying him was a large armoured changeling currently flicking through several different tablets. All of them no doubt about him and his academic achievements. Shell didn’t know his name but knew he was the Overseer for the Warrior Caste, the Hive’s military wing.

And if the direction they were walking in was an indicator of anything, today he’d be meeting her highness in person. He let out his breath, careful to control his pulse while still in transit. Meeting their ruler meant he had to keep his emotions in check. He didn’t know exactly what the meeting would entail but all it would take are a few simple words and he’d be living down here for the rest of his life.

“Breathe in, count to ten, breathe out, just as Miss Tibia said.”

They reached a set of comparatively huge ornately decorated double doors with emerald green accents and stone door knockers, which his companion used a couple times before announcing their presence. Shortly thereafter the Overseer turned to Shellac with a smile. “Ready to meet your queen, little one?” He winked.

Shell didn’t reply, choosing instead to save his breath for what was about to come. With a heavy push the two made it past the doors and Shellac felt himself freeze.

The queen’s quarters were lavishly decorated with many pieces of furniture, sculpted from a mixture of changeling resin and stone. The double bed with it’s curtained canopy looked more like a hole ridden blanket that draped over it’s frame, the various chairs and desks had lovingly crafted engravings despite hardened drops of resin still visible on their legs, and there was even some decorative wall art, like a coat of arms that hung on the back wall.

But the centrepiece of the whole room laid with its formally lone occupant. The dark queen towered over him three times over and then some, her face sending a chill up his spine as their eyes met. She did well to guard her emotions through Shellac’s natural senses, but with his classes still fresh in his head, he saw how her delicate smile told of a confidence that boarded on arrogance. Yet there was also a hint of motherly praise twisted in and Shellac’s instincts started sending him mixed messages. He wasn’t sure whether to be excited or frightened of her, but he sure did feel uneasy.

Probably intentional come to think of it.”

“So this is the little prodigy I’ve heard so much about?” Queen Chrysalis coed, causing Shell to almost jump.

The Overseer bowed and Shellac followed suit, he then levitated over the tablets for her to examine, which she took and brushed over with a gentle hoof. Shellac stood ramrod straight and continued his breathing exercises as it was about one of the only things keeping his nerves in check from her sheer presence.

Like seriously, she’s tall! Can other changelings get that big or only Queens?”

After a minute or two of deafening silence the queen turned back to the Overseer. “And you're sure these are accurate, Fang?”

“Absolutely your highness, I went over them myself and checked with Overseer Tibia.” The now named Fang raised his head to meet his queen’s eyes.

Chrysalis’s smile grew as she looked back at them, beginning to walk around and circle the two like a shark. Her voice slow and calming like Tibia’s but with a hidden menace or hunger Shellac couldn’t describe.

“Proficiency with Ponish, advanced literature mimicry and writing skills, knowledge of healing magic. My, my, Shellac, you're quite a fast learner.” She bowed her head and leaned in to meet him at eye level, he could feel her breath against his face, her mane smelled of damp wood. “What’s your secret hmm?”

Shellac slowly turned to meet her piercing gaze, her bright, even beautiful emerald eyes. In the span of a second he asked himself so many questions, what should he say? How should he say it? Should he lie about his plans? Then it hit him. “The best kind of lies are the ones that merge with the truth.” He forced a smile.


The two locked eyes a for a moment longer but it may as well have been forever to Shellac as the trepidation of whether or not she bought it was left hanging in the air. Then he heard a light chirp from the back of the queen’s throat, then a reverberation from her vocal cords that ascended into a fit of laughter, his smile no longer forced as the queen rose back to her full height.

“And a sense of humour to boot!” She chuckled. “You're going to get far, my little nymph.”

“I’m not your little nymph.” Shell thought, but kept his face stiff.

“Your highness?” The Overseer spoke out, now drawing her attention and giving Shell time to relax.

“Yes, Fang?”

“I’d like to nominate Shellac for infiltration training in preparation for the…”Operation” as a scout.”

Chrysalis' smile seemed to falter at that and the air of the room suddenly changed rather noticeably. Shell knew the hostility wasn’t on him but still didn’t like her change in demeanour.

“You realise the depth of what you have just asked, correct?”

“Yes, but Shellac has demonstrated exceptional talent among his peers and has virtually no history of disobeying orders from any of the Overseers. We’d need robust information if we’re going to pull it off. If the guards are on alert for whatever reason they’d be looking for adults, who would suspect a child?”

Chrysalis huffed, a frown now present and her eyes darting between both Fang and Shellac.

Infiltration training? Scout? Guards?! Am I about to become a spy?!” Shell couldn’t deny that while it sounded dangerous, it also sounded really cool and he half imagined himself in a suit with a mask going around stealing briefcases full of super secret documents…or something like that anyway.

Chrysalis though was less enthusiastic, weighing her options carefully. Shellac couldn’t know for sure what was going through her head but he could make an educated guess. The queen then lowered her head back down to once more reach eye level. “Shellac, how’s your pony disguise?”

Lavender flames erupted from his hooves and rapidly climbed up the rest of his body, burning away to reveal a furred coat of royal purple contrasted with a two-toned mane blonde mane. A pair of feathered wings unfolded from his back as he switched from Vespid to Ponish.

“Hi! I’m Thunder Chaser, wanna be friends?” He tried to say as disarmingly as possible, even adding a twinkle to his eye. Chrysalis let out a deep throated cackle one would’ve expected from a witch as she bought a hoof up to her eyes.

“Oh my sweet, you even have their mannerisms! There is however just one problem.” She then used the hoof she’d bought up to point towards “Thunder’s flank. “Ponies your age typically have cutie marks, a magical image displaying their unique talents. While it isn’t unheard of for some foals not to have them at this point, a lack of one would draw more attention.”

Thunder craned his neck around and saw they were bare.

“If you're ever going to go above the surface you must think of one.”

Thunder started thinking, what was he good at? Learning was one thing so he drew up the image of a spell scroll and graduation cap only for the image to be erased from his rear moments later. “No no, I don’t like that, it has to be something I like or it won’t be convincing.”

Next he thought of an image of a purple honeycomb off the idea of him being unique but quickly scrapped that too. “Too changeling, needs to be something pony.”

After that it was spellcasting but he remembered his disguise didn’t have a horn. He could swap them out if he wanted but he liked the thought of fly- Bingo! Flying! He cheered. An image of a speeding bird gliding around a whirling tornado appeared on his flank and he smiled and felt content before returning to the queen’s gaze.

“And what’s that meant to represent?” She asked.

“Flying! I like flying so I thought it would be convincing.”

Chrysalis squinted and examined it with a scrutinising eye. “Hmm, you have good instinct but that sounds a little too generic, the tornado at least fits your name.”

“Do you need something more specific?” Thunder asked, already pondering what he could try.

“If you wouldn’t mind.” She added.

Thunder puffed his cheek as he put his imaginary thinking cap on and thankfully it didn’t take long for the natural evolution of his new identity to kick in. “What about flying through bad weather? Like tornados and stuff? You know, storm chasing!”

Fang seemed to like the suggestion. “We can arrange harsh weather flight training.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Do that, and make sure he knows how to heal himself should he suffer any serious injuries.”

“Done, I assume that’s a yes then?”

Chrysalis turned back to Thunder. “That depends, Shellac? Would you be willing to join the ranks of the Hunter Caste under Overseer Fang? I’m going to warn you, the next two years of your life will not be easy should you agree.”

“Like they ever were.” Thunder thought, he then shed his disguise and turned to Overseer Fang. He bore no smile like Chrysalis did moments ago or words of comfort. He knew very well what this would likely entail, a couple years of deep study and hard work. But he’d spent the past half decade doing exactly that and now finally had the chance to prove himself capable of living outside.

This is it, all the lessons, all the bullying, the work, the names, I’ll be the best changeling this hive’s seen and then I’m out of here!”

“Oh course your highness! I’ll be a great spy!” He cheered. Chrysalis returned an affectionate smile and patted his head, a little irritating but he was able to keep up his act.

“Then I congratulate you Shellac, I can tell you have a bright future ahead of you…”

Four Days Before The Storm

Thunder Chaser stuck close to the group, having to squint his eyes on several occasions as he wasn’t used to the bright sunlight, not helped by the snow on the ground. For much of the walk he chose instead to fly or rather, hover above them as they trotted through the populated streets.

They’d been walking for the better part of half an hour now, even after a taxi carriage ride there was still some leg work to be done. It would’ve been fifteen if the group didn’t have to slow down to compensate for Copper Casing’s limp, but that gave them plenty of time to discuss things.

“So you’ve never been to Piccafilly Circus?” Raining craned his head up to meet the purple pegasus above. “Haven’t you been here since, like, Nightmare Night? At least?”

“Canterlot’s a big place, what else would you expect from a thousand plus year old city?”

“Okayfairenough, but still! You’ve never even heard of the place?” Raining flailed a hoof in the air for dramatic effect.

“I never had a reason to go there, is it an actual circus?” Thunder smiled.

“It’s more of a shopping district deary.” Gleaming added.

Copper Casing then pushed himself forward, briefly wincing when he used his bad leg but keeping up. “Yea, but it’s the best one in Equestria, only ones that come close are a couple in Manhatten and Las Pegasus. Got to see em while on leave.”

“You’ve been to both of Equestria’s coasts?!” Thunder exclaimed, imagining the sights of such locations.

“Yep! Granted it was over the course of a few years but you tend to get thrown all over the place when you're in Canterlot’s Thirty-First Infantry. A few Diamidian Bandits buy muskets from Griffonia and think they can have some fun robbing trains? Next thing ya know the local mayor throws a hissy fit and calls for backup because the local garrison are all reservists from Manhatten that spend all day drinking.” Copper paused to catch a breath from his rant, letting out a soft chuckle at its absurdity. “I’m well travelled, let’s put it that way.”

“And yet you always return to me.” Gleaming smiled. Copper followed suit and gave her a light bump on the shoulder.

“Cool! Can you tell me more places you’ve been to?” Thunder barely contained his giddy excitement.

“Maybe after shopping Thunder, It’s a long story.”

“Dear, with you it's always a long story.”

“Pfft, at least the ones that aren’t boring.”

“Are you sure about that dad? The one about the bunk bed seems like a real favourite of yours.”

Copper cracked a grin and looked down at his son. “Well that’s because it’s funny, most of them you're probably not old enough to understand. I’ll get to them eventually though.”

The mood seemed to improve quickly as they continued on, Thunder still taking in the sights of all that was around him.

“So what’s it like there? I’ve never been shopping before.”

“Piccafilly Circus has this massive mall!” Raining jumped up in joy towards Thunder, “There’s restaurants, book stores, toy shops, the whole thing! And there are these lights that they use to make the place look enchanted, kinda like the ones mom uses, but they float!”

“Ahh, taking a kid who’s never went shopping before to Piccafilly Circus, careful honey, you might spoil him.”

Gleaming lightly rapped her husband on the shoulder. “It’s not spoiling, it’s making an impression.”

Thunder looked towards them with a mixture of excitement and confusion, rubbing the back of his head as he hovered above them. “Spoil? But I’m not food, I can't go bad.”

“Oh no deary! It’s an expression we use.”

“We use it to describe kids who always want to have it their way, I want this, I want that, want want want, never a please or thank you.”

“Oh I get it now! Back um…home, everything was divided up because we never had an excess of…well anything really, so nopony ever got the chance to behave that way.”

“Rationing?! Well that explains-” Copper stopped himself short, the fact he was in public briefly slipping his mind. “…Alot.”

“You won’t have to do that here Thunder, we always have plenty of stuff!” Raining again pranced into the air, completely oblivious to the darker implications of what was said.

That innocence seemed contagious as Thunder now felt tingles of electricity flow through his limbs as his imagination ran wild with giddiness.

“Yes but try not to go overboard dear, your father’s savings only stretch so far.”

“Sustaining combat injuries defending your home town comes with a few benefits.” He smiled.

The family then turned a corner and Thunder could sense the excitement in the air, Gleaming and Copper were able to keep it muted but Raining radiated like a campfire on a cold day. The street was densely packed with ponies, far too many to allow any kind of carriage to pass. Not that it seemed to have been made for them anyway.

Thunder was bombarded by all manner of sights, sounds and scents. The street was flanked by rows and rows of well decorated shops, bearing countless fancy and odd sounding names. The Red Robin Restaurant, the Game Station Toy Shop, a book store named Twilight’s Choice, and then there were street vendors with stalls and tents selling anything from fruits to fabrics. The sweet scent of cinnamon and freshly fried donuts was almost hypnotic to the young pegasus, and for a moment he wanted to ask if they could stop for some, but the dense crowds redrew his focus.

This wasn’t even the main attraction as at the top of the street stood a monolithic structure of glass and stone with bright illusionary lights that made the images on the glass panes come to life. A pony of each race coming together to share gifts before opening them up, putting together a large sign that boldly read, Piccafilly Circus!

There were so many ponies walking through its front doors that they’d been wedged open for the occasion, and large braziers with iron cages had been mounted on steel bases inside, likely to help keep the building warm. There was even a large balcony on the floor just above with doors many Pegasi were using as a secondary main entrance.

Thunder suddenly felt very happy he’d picked to be a Pegasus as Raining and Copper had to wade through the herd while keeping a tight formation, as Gleaming cut a path through the thick crowds. Thunder became Raining’s beacon as he couldn’t see past the adult ponies that obscured his vision, merely holding close to his mother so as to not get lost in the equine ocean.

When they did finally get through the doors, he could already see what they meant as more illusionary magic had been used on the walls to animate engraved figures and bring life where they would’ve been none. Stone statues with nonspecific features smiled and waved at passers by, not just ponies but other races too, like Bat Ponies, Zebras, Griffons, even Diamond Dogs oddly enough. It was very weird to be waving back at a living statue confined to a stone wall, but Thunder put on a show and smiled nonetheless.

“You ponies really go all out, huh?”

Raining looked up at him, practically bouncing up and down as the two locked eyes. “Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet! This is just the entrance hallway!”

“W-What?!” Thunder looked forward and sure enough he could see more at the end of the hallway where it led out into the main body of the building. In what felt like no time at all he flew out into what he could’ve considered a whole new realm.

The ceiling was several stories above them and consisted of a giant skylight that stretched the length of the cavernous mall. Bridges connected both sides of the interior with elevators and escalators, each ferrying ponies between floors, and somehow, they’d even managed to replicate the gentle snowfall from outside, only without the wind chill.

The snowflakes practically twinkled like little stars, and the dim, but not dark, lighting made them perfectly stand out without leading into the realm of distraction. More living murals danced and sang everywhere there was room. It didn’t matter if it was the walls of elevator shafts,, the ceilings under bridges, animated graphics even greeted guests and customers that passed through door frames.

Carols and gentle music played from distant speakers provided background noise and the shops inside blew the others out the water. Many of the larger ones were multi-stor,y with extravagant entrances and seasonal decorations. Even for Thunder it was excessively ponish, borderline sensory overload. He hadn’t even realised Raining and his family quietly laughing behind him, or that he’d allowed his jaw to go slack and his limbs to go limp.

He was woken up from his wonder when Gleaming tapped his shoulder, having taken flight herself. “Enjoying the view dear?”

“Uh huh…” He meekly nodded.

Gleaming giggled and turned towards the others. “So where to go first?”

Thunder was rediscovering his lost sweet tooth. They’d just walked out of a bakery and he had to fight himself not to tear apart the paper bag of freshly made cookies that hung from his mouth. There were so many options couldn’t decide. How could he when they were selling sweet bread made with ice cream and honey? Instead he took a suggestion from Raining and opted for something more conventional to start out with. Didn’t want to get too crazy just yet.

He found a nearby bench to sit down on whilst the rest of the family left to join him and once they did he looked to Gleaming for confirmation, a simple nod was all he needed before the bag was nearly torn to shreds. Thunder managed to avoid spilling its contents all over himself but couldn’t stop a large tear from splitting down its middle in his haste.

The smell of fresh, buttery smooth, cookie dough made him salivate as Raining, whom he swore was intentionally slow, levitated the other three cookies out to share with his parents before himself. Thunder dove into the bag and ripped out the last one, eager to scarf it down before something took it away. It was euphoric for the young pegasus as the sugary snack melted in his mouth.

Once the last few crumbs slipped down his throat he leaned backwards and savoured the aftertaste. If he was undisguised, he would’ve chirped away like a happy little bee. But as even the aftertaste took its leave he felt himself begin to crave more as he came down from his dopamine high.

“Can we go back for more?”

The other three turned to him with mouthfuls of food. Copper forced a swallow and was the first to break the news. “Sorry kid but this is a treat, we’re having lunch later and we don’t need you ruining your appetite.”

“But I’m always hungry.” Thunder’s ears dropped down as did his expression.

Raining rotated his head slightly as he finished a mouthful. “Always? As in, always, always?” He asked and Thunder slowly nodded. “...Well that’s not concerning at all.”

Gleaming and Copper both turned to each other wide eyed with worry as a brief shock shot through their systems. Copper was quick to recover and continue. “Well again, we’re having lunch later, besides I’m sure the Piccafilly toy store will get your mind off things.”

“Oh you’ll love the place Thunder! It’s massive!”

“Everything here is, you could probably fit half the…ponies, from where I live in here and have room to spare! I’m not sure how you could keep surprising me.”

“You'd be surprised.” Raining smirked, defiant of Thunder’s claim. “Come on! Let’s go there now!” He pleaded to his parents, who couldn’t help but share in his infectious smile.

“Alright son but don’t get carried away, remember what your mother said?”

“Yea ,yea, we’re not made of bits.”

“Hey, don't be rude, Lead.” Copper glared, causing the foal to shrink under his gaze.

“Sorry dad.”

Soon after the family was on the move again, weaving through crowds like thread through a needle. Thunder and Gleaming didn’t have to deal with the elevators and escalators like Copper and Lead did, but instead had to navigate the aerial space above. They weren’t the only pegasi about. and Hearth’s Warming was right around the corner, so there were as many last minute shoppers doing their bit to buy out what they needed.

The two touched down in front of a large set of dark oak doors, polished to a shine with a ghostly illusionary projection of a light brown colt welcoming them inside. The sign above proudly displays Twinkle’s Toy Chest! With an accompanying graphic. Thunder waved at the younger looking projection with a grin. “Hello!”

Gleaming gave a chuckle as patted Thunder’s shoulder. “How cute, If only he could see what his father made.”

Thunder paused and looked up at her. “Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“If I remembered the story correctly, the store was founded out of one toy maker's desire to help his sickly child. The colt passed away tragically but the stallion never stopped. That was roughly seventy years ago.Princess Celestia was so moved she sponsored the store herself.”

Thunder’s eyes widened as he looked back at the ghostly colt, still smiling and waving as much as he had when they first arrived. A new wave of emotion rose from his chest and he suddenly felt for the poor foal. He almost wanted to reach out and hug him, but he knew he’d just phase right through. It didn’t however stop him from walking up to the ghost and giving it a grim smile. “Sorry to hear about that, tell you dad I said thanks!”

Another little laugh left Gleaming as she drew Thunder away with her wing towards the door. With a hoof, she pushed the door open to reveal a gigantic room bathed in a deep golden glow. Thunder once again braced himself for sensory overload as he was let inside. The store would have well been classed as its own section of the mall on its size alone! It was four stories high with numerous shelves, displays, toy racks and even had play areas with soft padding.

Even now Thunder still found himself amazed at the size of the things these ponies built.

The middle of the store was largely open with a secondary walkway ring surrounding a Hearth’s Warming tree that made the one he’d seen back at the house look like a toothpick by comparison. It rose high enough that its large, glittering star could touch the dome shaped ceiling. Said ring connected a few bridges to and from other sides of the store where more merchandise was held, checkouts included.


Miniature trains drove along tracks suspended in the air pulling little cars around with them that a few young pegasi played with. A group of said pegasi were also playing around with some kind of hoofball that didn’t drop nearly as quickly towards the ground as its professional counterpart. Kids were adding and taking away decorations from the tree, playing around with some of the thousands of toys on offer, or were socialising amongst themselves.

Tap Tap

Thunder’s heart fluttered with wonder, the bright lights twinkling in his eyes as he took in the sights and sounds. “Is this what she wanted to take? For us to have maybe?”


His train of thought was cut short when he turned and met eyes with Gleaming Gold again who pointed a wing over the railing. Thunder walked over and saw through the wooden fences the figures of Raining Lead and Copper Case waving at them from the bottom story. Thunder waved back then saw a brief but bright flash of light come from Raining’s horn, a moment later he’d vanished.

“Huh?” Thunder looked to Gleaming. “Where’d Raining go?”

“Right behind you.”

“YIPE!” Thunder jumped several hooves into the air and hovered in place twisting around with his hooves defensively raised, only to see Raining sitting there in a fit of laughter. “Oh that was great! You should’ve seen your face!” He cried, wiping away a tear.

“W-Wait?...How did you?...”

“Raining knows teleportation magic, and enjoys using it for the occasional prank.”

“I can teleport!” Raining stated with a big grin on his face.

Another brief flash from his horn and Raining had once again disappeared, now onto the walkway ring seated above them. “Mareco!”

Raining again flashed from one location to another this time on top of a stack of shelves. “Pono!”

One last flash, he’d reappeared in the same spot as when he was sitting down. “Bravo!”

Thunder landed in front of him with astonishment and a hint of envy. “Awe, that's so cool! I wish I could teleport.”

“Raining doesn’t know many spells but his dad helps him practice what he does know.”

Thunder’s eyes widened at the implication. “Wait, so if your dad taught you how to teleport, does that mean-”


Thunder once again jumped in shock, almost into Raining’s arms at Copper’s sudden appearance behind him and he groaned in frustration. “Oh come on! I wanna be able to teleport!”

“Teleportation can be a tricky spell to manage, there’s a lot of variables involved and it’s easy to screw up if you can’t focus or get jumped. Familiarity with where you're going is a must so I wouldn’t try it in bad weather.” Copper addressed. “I still wanna get my steps in though.” He gestured towards his leg.

“Anyway, let’s get shopping!” Raining cheered. Thunder picked himself up and smiled as the two then set off into the depths of the magical store prancing about giddy as a filly. And there were so many options, model construction sets, colouring and art supplies, miniature trains, cheaply made figurines with over or undersaturated colours, and more plush toys than the eye could see. Thunder couldn’t help but madly cackle when he found a changeling dress from the costume aisle.

They went on exploring the store, waltzing into the magical section, where many small toys were in some way shape or form, powered or used magic. There was a magic pen that when you wrote words or shapes in the air, those words floated for a time. A gag cooking ingredient that could turn whoever ate the affected food partially invisible, an enchanted hoofball that was compatible for airborne sports, the list went on.

There were so many Thunder was having trouble deciding. “Hey Lead?” He asked, “Can you help me?”

“Sure Thunder, what’s up?”

“I don’t know what I want, none of these really stick out to me.”

“Well, uh…what do you like doing?”

Thunder paused for a moment, he rubbed the back of his head as he drew blanks on an answer. Months of memories replayed themselves in a matter of seconds as he searched for clues, yet returned very little.

“I guess I’ve been so focused on keeping myself safe I hadn’t really had time to think about that.”

“Give it a moment, it’ll come.” He assured him.

“What do I like doing?” Thunder looked over his shoulder towards his wings and he remembered the feeling of having them first come in as a young nymph. The freedom he had to explore in any direction he chose felt invigorating. Then when he became a Pegasi. he had the whole of Canterlot to himself, the rush of air upon his face, the vertigo of all the aerial tricks he did, the answer quickly came.

“I like flying!” He remembered.

A target now found, he began scanning the shelves for something of that nature and a box with a small mechanical bird drew his attention, a demonstration set was located nearby so he went to that first. The bird bore a resemblance to an owl and was around the size of its real counterpart, but consisted of several colourful, wooden plates with metal supports. Its wings were more comparable to a bat in how they operated, with cloth being used for the mainsails. In the toy’s back was a large windup key that could be hoof cranked.

Eager to see what would happen, Thunder quickly set out about turning the crank.

With each turn he could hear a cacophony of clicks from inside the artificial owl, the moment he let it go it sprang to life, jumping into the air where its wings unfolded and began flapping. “Cooooool!” Thunder turned to the demonstration stand where a set of instructions were printed on.

The Incredible Mechanical Owl!
Wind the hoof crank on the back of your new avian friend and watch him soar!
Can do various tricks! Simply ask and it’ll perform, no training required!
Easy to repair! One cast of Mending and it’ll be good as new!

“Huh, okay then.” Thunder looked back at the owl still hovering above him and drew a hoof to his chin. “Do a flip!”

Sure enough the bird obeyed and summersalted through the air.

“Spin!” It twirled in place with a surprising amount of grace.

Thunder then dug into his coat pockets and pulled out the crumbled up remains of the cookie bag. “Catch!” With a wing he hurled the paper ball into the air and as commanded the clockwork construct opened up a pair of blunt metal talons and caught the piece of rubbish before it hit the ground.

Thunder was practically jumping for joy as he craned his head around- “I’ve found it! Hey Lead!” -only to see Raining wasn’t there anymore. His expression diminished as he looked around him. “Raining?”

Thunder heard a sudden smack of something hitting the owl, he spun around and saw a small, if not tiny wooden bolt with a rubber head laying on the ground.



Thunder raised his head upwards just in time to see Raining standing atop a shelving unit, holding a toy crossbow with his magic, aiming it straight at him. He fired but Thunder was quick and strafed to the side where the bolt harmlessly hit the ground, he looked back at him with a confident grin.

Oh it’s on.”

Raining had already racked the crossbow’s string back by the time Thunder flared his wings, he saw that a box full of bolts was attached to the bottom of the weapon, but before he had time to examine any further, another shot forced him to move. This time pouncing into the vertical surface of a nearby shelf and leaping towards Raining, dodging the bolt in the process.

There was a brief flash as Thunder flew right through where he was expecting to impact him, instead only finding thin air.

Damn it Raining!” He internally cursed as he lept right over and almost crashed into the next aisle. Managing to stabilise himself just short, he flew upwards hoping to get a better lay of the land and find Raining before he was ambushed. There were a lot of other ponies though, it would’ve been like finding a needle in a haystack! Thankfully the needle wasn’t quiet…


Thunder twisted his body sideways as a bolt barely missed his leg. He danced around and spotted Raining waving at him with the crossbow held high. Thunder dashed forward, but made sure to zig-zag his pattern to prevent being sho,t and his efforts flew true as Raining’s next two bolts wizzed right by him. But like before he teleported mere seconds before impact. Thunder flew upwards again and groaned in frustration, this little unicorn was proving quite slippery.

He scanned the surrounding area like before but the glowy orange lights were not helping. Raining’s coat made him naturally blend in!

Think, think, think, he has to get more bolts at some point and he can’t teleport forever or he’ll get exhausted.”

Thunder saw the clockwork owl and had an idea, he flew back to where they began the fight and cried to the construct. “Hey! Help me find a yellow unicorn with a crossbow!” He cried, the owl gave a hoot as response and raced into the air with him. Thunder followed in right behind him and quickly spotted Raining picking up one of the bolts he’d missed prior, not missing a beat he dived in after him!

“Teleportation can be a tricky spell to manage, there’s a lot of variables involved and it’s easy to screw up if you can’t focus or get jumped.”


Raining twisted his head in shock and jumped out of the way as Thunder nearly bodied him, instead closing his wings and rolling onto the ground. He scrambled to his hooves as Raining raised his bow and fired…

Only for nothing to spring from the toy weapon.

Thunder saw the magazine was empty and while Raining had a bolt held in his grip, he’d have to pull the sling back again. “Gotcha!” Thunder yelled.

Raining looked at the bolt and smirked. “Not exactly Thunder, see my cutie mark?”

“Uh, yea? A target with a bunch of holes in it, so what?”

“Wanna know what my special talent is?” A swirl of yellow magic then flowed from his horn and twisted around the bolt, making it glow even brighter in his grip. its head then pointed towards Thunder like a snake ready to strike. “Shooting!”

Thunder went wide eyed as the bolt shot forward and he jumped into the air just in time as it wizzed inches under his legs, instead hitting the owl he’d bought with him with such a force that it was sent tumbling to the ground with a soft clang.

“Good luck, I never miss!”

Thunder zoomed around an isle with his wings at full mast, now trying to gain distance from Raining. Try as he might, he couldn't dodge something that fast. His next best option was to try ambushing Raining before he could send out more bolts, but before he could reach the other, at end of the isle the brass coated unicorn appeared at the end he’d just flew from with another bolt at the ready.

With a burst of magic it shot forward and Thunder heard his cue to duck. The bolt gave him a close haircut as it slammed against the head of a colt wearing a toy guard helmet. He turned around wondering what happened when Thunder ascended and dived into another aisle before taking a moment to catch his breath. He could already hear Raining rushing towards his position, flying upwards was a no go; it was too exposed but the Hearth’s Warming tree gave him an idea…

Raining nearly broke into a full gallop as he twisted his head and checked every aisle he ran past for any sign of the purple pegasus, having already picked up and enchanted another golden bolt. He briskly began to slow down at the lack of any visual. He looked up at one of the walkways and focused his magic, a brief flash later and he had a bird’s eye view of the store yet still saw no sign of him.

Okay so he’s not airborne, ground level maybe?”

Another flash and he was in the plush toys aisle, prowling like a hunter searching his quarry he raised his crossbow and loaded his bolt, pacing himself to avoid burning his lungs out. As expected, it was kinda hard to see with all the adults dotted around the place and occasionally he had to weave around a group of other kids but he didn’t slow down.

One shot, just need to get a line of sight.”

He looked all around and saw nothing, until he came upon a clearing near the well decorated tree in the centre of the store. Not far from him, he saw Thunder, hiding behind a few stacked gift boxes. He carefully raised his crossbow and fired, a golden bolt shot forth and slammed against-

A large purple buckball with a wig on…

“Huh?” It took him a few seconds but Raining quickly registered what just happened, when he heard movement from above his heart sank.


There was no escape, Thunder crashed into Raining and the two spun around in a big ball bouncing off the store’s coloured carpets. Narrowly avoiding other ponies and eventually slamming into a nearby soft play with pillows of all shapes and sizes scattered about.

Their heads popped out the puffy mass, tiny golden bolts spinning around Raining’s head while Thunder’s pupils rolled around like washing in a tumble dryer. “Did I win?” Raining asked before burying his head into the plush pile.

Off in the distance Gleaming and Copper watched on from afar, smiling and laughing as the two of them played.

Gleaming’s saddlebags now laid with a hefty weight upon her back as both Raining’s new repeating crossbow and Thunder’s Mechanical Owl were safely stored inside. Turns out having an impromptu game of tag with crossbow bolts works up an appetite so now they were looking for a place to eat.

“What did I say? You’ll forget all about it.” Copper exclaimed. Raining and Thunder had left the store with a few scraps but nothing they could complain about, and more importantly no damage to the store itself. Although neither of them liked the looks the store staff had given them afterwards.

“So where to dear?”

“I’d like to avoid the food court if possible, fast food's the last thing these little rascals need.” Copper then playfully noogied his son and messed up his mane as he groaned in protest. “But there’s plenty of local places, we’ll find somewhere in no time.”

Thunder smiled as he hovered above them safely out of the stallion’s reach as they continued to travel through the mall. Living murals danced with colour and life joined by thousands of tiny white stars gently falling all around them. They weaved through the herds of other shoppers, their hooves echoing off polished marble tiles. As they continued, they passed by many shops again selling all manner of goods like clothes, candy, kitchen and cleaning supplies, they really had it all here.

There were a few fancy restaurants and dining establishments dotted about, but between Copper’s desire to avoid junk food, the steep prices attached to most of them and the lack of interest Raining had for foreign flavours, (like Diamidian Hotdogs, Griffonian seafood or Zebrican spiced curries) it was becoming quite tricky to find a place that met those demands.

Until Gleaming spotted a bright colourful sign that distinguished itself not for being loud and proud, but for being cosy and warm. Cocoa Cavalcade's Cafe.

She pointed a hoof in its direction and waved to the others. “I think I found a place!”

The family followed and soon got a better look at the main entrance, where a large pair of glass pane doors with a push handle, waited for them. The frame was made of chocolate brown wood, as was the rest of the cafe’s front. The windows let them see inside and they saw it was decently populated. but there was still plenty of room for them. Its walls and furniture were a mixture of dark oak woods contrasted with lighter chocolate tinted creams. A large dark brown menu was attached to the inside of the door advertising the options and for the most part it ticked every box.

“Reasonably priced, no junk food despite the theme, and it seems like a family owned place. What do you say kids?”

“Sure thing, I’m not picky.” Thunder looked at Raining, who was examining the menu with a lower lip pout.

After a minute he smiled and Copper held a breath. “Let me guess, grilled cheese sandw-”

“Grilled cheese sandwich!” Raining threw a hoof into the air, Copper face-hooved but did so trying to suppress a chuckle. Gleaming held the door open for them as they entered and found the atmosphere quite relaxing. The main floor had several tables and chairs with cushy seats, where a few other families had sat down for their meals.

Unlike many of the other shops there weren’t any fancy illusionary magic tricks at play, no bright neon lights, no ghostly colts or weird living statues. It was a simple cafe with a very chocolate inspired aesthetic.

They found a place to sit and soon a unicorn stallion with a caramel coat and black apron greeted them, notebook and pen levitating beside him. He quickly took their orders and disappeared behind a kitchen door while a light purple, pegasus mare sat behind the counter with several mixing machines stacked up behind her.

“So flying huh?” Raining asked. Thunder shifted in his seat trying to get his wings into a comfortable position.

“Well yeah, you asked me what I enjoy doing the most, and I think it’s flying.” He smiled, lightly fluttering his wings with emphasis.

“Must’ve started pretty young, typical pegasi only start really flying above the age of five. and even then, vertigo messes with anything fancy, but you were ducking and diving all over the place.” Copper said from his side of the table.

Thunder felt a little pride creep in from the stallion’s praise and so he took the complement and basked in it while he could before replying. “Back home, everypony can fly so there’s doorways everywhere. Up, down, left, right, and it can be quite cramped, you kinda get used to living upside down so special awareness is a must.”

“Maybe I should start writing all this down, could really help my friends in the future.” The family all then turned to Copper with a look. The kind that told him that was not something that needed to or should have been said.

“What? I’ve got friends who might be interested is all!”

“Deary, that’s the last thing Thunder needs to hear right now. We’re here to have fun, not take notes.”

“Fine fine, have it your way.” He groaned.

While that did help Thunder’s nerves, it also woke up his senses and he couldn’t help but feel he was being watched. He had a decent view of the surrounding cafe from where he was sitting and began scanning the room. His gaze fell upon a pair of pegasi on the opposite side of the room, a snow white colt with a grey plaid scarf and a light pink filly with a two-tone braided mane of white and purple. The moment he looked at them they broke eye contact at once.

Thunder kept staring, they weren’t talking despite directly facing one another but after a moment they spun around on their stools towards the counter where the waitress gave them a pair of milkshakes.

Okay…that’s kind of weird.” Thunder thought to himself. He wanted to brush it off as a random oddity but something told him otherwise. “Can I use the restroom?”

“Sure, but don’t take too long dear, the food will be arriving soon.” Thunder nodded and flew from his seat onto the polished wood floor where he made his way to the little colt’s room, which had a few stalls, some sinks and mirrors, pretty much exactly what he was expecting. The apple-scented soap was a pleasant surprise though.

Thunder waited for a moment and sure enough he heard a pair of hoofsteps pass through the door, the colt and filly. Thunder read their emotions expecting some indication of hostility or suspicion but instead he was met with concern as they approached. He didn’t even need his senses to see as much of their expressions said everything.

“Uh hey! Uhm…” The colt half-heartily waved a hoof. “I’m going to assume you're new around here.”

“What do you two want? And why is she in the colt’s room?” Thunder pointed to the filly. When she spoke she did so with confidence that didn’t tread towards arrogance and she smiled along the way. “My parents own the place, I can go wherever I want.”

“Right, so I’m Crossroads and she’s Sweet Fizz. That colt you were with, are you aware who he is?”

“Yes? Why wouldn’t I?” Thunder felt his sense of concern grow a bit with his confusion.

“Well uh, do you also know who…”follows” him?”

“Follows him? Okay, can we just get straight to the point here?”

The duo then spoke at once. “Do you know about Moonlit Lance?”

Thunder took a step back from the sudden question but bounced back just as quickly. “Yes I know, Raining mentioned him already. Some big earth pony who bullies him, he gave me a quick rundown of what he did before winter break.”

Both looked at each other and grimaced. Crossroads turning to and addressing Thunder with a worry wiped face. “Okay, well do you know that by being with him, you're also putting yourself at risk too?”

Finally things were starting to make sense. “Wait…your saying “Lance” doesn’t just go after Raining?”

“He might single him out, sure, but he’ll also target anypony who tries to help him. Usually even worse when he does that because he wants to make an example.”

Thunder squinted his eyes, after hearing what he did to Raining it was hard for him to imagine how Lance could do worse. Besides, he’s been living on Canterlot’s streets for months now. He’d dealt with hunger, pain, cold and even before that, he had to deal with years inside the hive. The last two of which proved especially gruelling but he reckoned could beat a single earth pony if it came down to it. “Why don’t you give me one then?” He shot back.

Crossroads gulped, he could feel his nerves growing cold. “Okay…listen, I know how you feel. Fizz did to, but you need to understand-”

“Give me an example.” Thunder stomped his hoof, Crossroads sighed and nodded to Sweet Fizz who then stepped forward and pulled the collar of her coat away from her neck. There was a patch of skin on her collarbone where fur had failed to regrow, a scar.

Thunder had to do a double check to confirm what he was seeing, once, twice, thrice. But his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him and the mare indeed had a scar below her neck. “He’d hit a mare?” He meekly asked.

Sweet’s tone slowed down as the confidence she started out with was no longer present. “He…threw a rock at me. Normally something like that isn’t bad, but this is an Earth Pony we’re talking about, and a big one too. Lance could’ve knocked me out if he’d hit my head.”

Thunder shook his head, racked with denial at the filly’s claim. “No way, no way he’d get away with something like that! You had to have told somepony, your parents would’ve seen that!” He exclaimed. But Sweet’s response was quick and to the point, like she’d had to tell the tale a hundred times already.

“Teachers thought I was exaggerating and that I’d slipped while playing. Mom and dad asked the school but an incident report was never made, so I couldn’t prove Lance had done anything. Nopony else was brave enough to rat him out.”

Thunder’s jaw went slack and his mind went blank as the words from earlier in the day repeated themselves in his head. “You make ponies sound like jerks.”

In the absence of a reply Crossroads stepped in. “Look, you might think you can take him and protect your new friend, you might think because you took some martial arts lessons or practised with your dad who was an ex-guard or whatever, that you can take on Lance. But you have to trust us, you can’t, and you're putting yourself in danger being around him! I tried and I was left blind for a week!”

Thunder felt a wash of cold run up his spine and into his wings. This earth pony was beginning to sound less like your typical middle school bully and more like a psycho kid with an obsession. He could even taste the bitter fear radiating from the two pegasi, especially Crossroads. But Thunder wasn’t about to just abandon his new friend or run from his family over some unhinged maniac. “It'd be cruel of me.

With newfound determination he composed himself. “I’m not giving up on Raining, I might’ve only known him for a little bit, but he’s been the best friend I’ve ever had and his parents are the nicest, kindest ponies I’ve met. Lance can go suck an icicle before I’d ever turn tail and run.”

Both stared at him in awe, wide eyed at Thunder’s repost. Crossroads fidgeted around with his scarf before trying to reply but Sweet Fizz beat him to the punch. Instead of another grim tone however she was relaxed, heartfelt even and forced a smile.

“You’ve got a big heart, new pony. I hope you're able to help him better than we could.”

Crossroads fumbled on his words briefly. Having to reconfigure what he was about to say at the last moment but he at least shared Sweet’s sincerity. “Yeah, yeah, just…be careful okay? And good luck to you.” He likewise forced a grim smile as the two parted ways allowing Thunder exit.

Thunder took his que and walked right by them positively glowing with confidence, but before he left the restroom entirely he felt he was forgetting something…”What was it?”

“I need to wash my hooves!” Thunder raced back inside briefly and hit the tap and drenched his hooves in a mixture of soapy water before he dried them off under some kind of hot air machine, then he dashed back to rejoin the family.

Crossroads and Sweet Fizz looked back even after he left. Fizz cracked a smile that quickly turned to high pitched laughter which led the colt to follow suit. “Those two are going to get along just fine!” Fizz giggled.

“Yeah, if he survives.”

Thunder waltzed away from the restroom and sat back down in his original spot having to readjust his seat again to accommodate his wings. Gleaming was reading a sewing book whilst Raining and Copper were playing that twenty one card game. When Thunder did get comfy, Raining spoke out while keeping his eyes glued to the cards.

“So what was that about?” He asked.

“Uh…” Thunder paused for a moment, looking between Copper and Gleaming. In a moment he had to fight the urge to make a quick white lie. Instinct almost had him but he reasoned with himself he didn’t have to unless it was necessary. He didn’t like the odds of being caught in front of Raining’s father. “They were just telling me about…Lance.”

Suddenly the other three ponies raised their heads and gave him the look. The one that told him that was not the answer they were looking for and Thunder felt himself shrink under their collective glares. “I-I’m being honest!”

Copper raised a hoof, taking the stance of authority in the moment with his voice firm yet fair. “Look Thunder, we’re on holiday now. All you need to know is we’ve had a few problems with him in the past, but that’s all gone now. Me and Raining’s mother have arranged to send him to a different school sometime after the new year so nopony is ever going to see him again. I don’t want to hear anymore about him or anything he did, okay?”

“O-Okay!” Thunder nodded, silently grateful to bury the issue.

“Good.” Copper then looked towards the counter where the caramel unicorn began walking towards them with several plates full of food held above him. “Right on time, our food’s ready.”

The waiter levitated several plates full of sides, sauce dips and drinks onto the table. Copper collected his card deck before any of it was crushed under the ceramic tide and when the magical glow dissipated Thunder’s eye glittered.

Raining had a grilled cheese sandwich with coleslaw and salad sides, a little metal pot full of potato fries and a soda. Gleaming had gone for a bowl of seasoned stew with bread and a milkshake while Copper had settled for another grilled sandwich like his son. Thunder however had picked an apple crumble: A small pie with a deliciously gooey inside topped with thousands of backed crumbs. He was momentarily confused why it was called an apple crumble if it wasn’t falling apart but shrugged and tucked in.

Between last night’s soup, breakfast, the cookie and now this. He was really starting to regain his sense of physical flavour, a fact he couldn’t be happier about.

Author's Note:

Fun fact! The illustration and visuals for the toy shop were inspired by Duncan's Toy Chest from Home Alone 2!