• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 1,224 Views, 68 Comments

The Boy and the Bug - Mr B

A Hearth's Warming story about a family taking in a young changeling, and their struggle with the chaos that ensues.

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CH 13 - Hearth's Warming

Three Hours After The Storm

Several hours ago a storm had blown through Canterlot, kicking up debris and filling the streets with a thick layer of snow. However, as the citizens of the city awoke they cared little for the inconveniences outside.

Instead, calm had descended upon the historic town and life continued as normal, with many attending family gatherings as per the yearly festivities.

But for two young colts, a different kind of day awaited them.

Pale light broke through the living room curtains and into Raining’s eyes causing him to stir. Soon he awoke to the quiet chirping of Shellac nestled above him under the covers. His heart fluttered but his attention was quickly drawn to his surroundings.

“Sun’s up already? What time is it?”

He peered around to the grandfather clock, reading fifteen minutes to ten and sending his weary eyes wide. “Oh dang really? I guess we were up for a while huh? Thought Mum would’ve woke us up by now.”

Looking down, he gently poked and prodded Shellac until he too began to wake up, grumbling to himself. “Hey Shell, happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“Hmmph, Five more minutes.”

“You have five seconds.”

Shellac opened a single eye to look at him. “Until what?”

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as Raining waited for his timer to expire, when Shell failed to follow his horn lit up and the two were teleported into the air above the opposite couch. Raining laughed as they crashed onto the cushions while Shell held his head with both hooves, trying to calm his sudden nausea.

“Aaggh Raining!”

“Woke you up didn’t it?”

“Do that again and I’ll glue your hooves together.”

“Fair enough!”

Raining climbed out of bed and set to work building up the fireplace while Shellac slowly climbed out of bed, still wobbly from his rude awakening. “Could you wake Mum up please? I’ll get this going while you're at it.”

“Sure, okay.” Shellac mumbled, still only half awake.

So far, not a good start to the fabled day, and if Shell had to guess, it was going to be one of those days. The ones where you really should’ve just stayed in bed, he felt like he could’ve used another hour or two but he pressed on and dragged himself upstairs.

Marching over to Gleaming’s room he knocked on the door waiting for a response.

No answer…

The nymph sighed and knocked again, met with similar results.

“She’s probably as tired as I am, I’ll go inside.”

He reached for the doorknob and with the enthusiasm of a zombie creaked the door open. “Miss Gleaming?” He called out, before peeking inside.

Instead of a sleeping mare however, Shell found an empty bed and quiet room. Confusion and worry sparking within. “Wait, where’d she go?”

He called out again and entered the room, checking inside the wardrobe, under the bed, even behind the chest of draws! But found no sign of the golden pegasus.

“Raining’s not going to like this.”

With a hint of nervousness he made his way back to Raining empty hooved, when the colt turned his attention and saw him alone his smile faltered a little.

“Hey, where’s Mum?”

“She’s…not here.”

“What do you mean?” Any excitement Raining had immediately faded and replaced with concern.

“I checked the bedroom and it was empty! I think we’re alone.”

“We’re home alone?” Raining blinked twice but otherwise kept a semi-confused grin, before turning to sudden naive panic. “Quick, make traps!” The colt leapt forward and would’ve dashed away to some unknown part of the house were it not for Shell extending his leg out, causing him to trip and faceplant.

Raining remained in place as Shell stood over him, lowering his head to meet him. “Lead, what are you doing now?”

“Uhm…I read this comic once, about a kid and-” Shell jabbed a hoof over his mouth to stop him from talking, giving the sheepish colt a smile.

“You goober.”

Shellac then trotted over beside the sparkling tree as Raining got to his hooves, looking over many of the presents with anticipation.

“When do we start opening presents?”

Raining adjusted his mane as he joined the nymph’s side. “I don’t know Shell, it feels…kind of wrong to open them? Without Mum and Dad?”

The other’s expression faltered as he turned to the presents. “Huh…now that you say it…where is Gleaming even?”

As if on cue the two heard the front door open and turned to see not just one figure, but several outside their living room window obscured by the curtains. They waited and watched in shock before the sound of the second door having being unlocked woke Raining from the trance. “Shellac quick! Disguise!”

Shell turned to him with a solemn expression before his ears dropped to their sides. “I…don’t think it’ll matter…Raining.”

“What do you mean? Anypony could be about to walk in!”

“Nah…I don’t think it's just anypony.” He said, before walking over to the centre of the room. Between the events of the night prior, to Gleaming’s absence and now this, It didn’t take much for him to connect the dots.

Shellac braced himself for whoever he was about to face, excitement turned to anxiety and a certain dread loomed over him. He’d been running from this forever and now he’d had enough, he wasn’t going to run anymore.

If only he could stay and celebrate…

The familiar form of Gleaming Gold walked into the doorway, her eyes sunken and tired with wobbly limbs barely keeping balance. She was an utter wreck, a shadow of her former self. The two could only hazard a guess as to what had brought on such a state but it couldn’t have been anything nice.

“Hey…kids…” She weakly greeted.

“Hi Mum! Is everything okay?” Raining said slowly.

Gleaming’s mouth opened and closed several times before she seemingly gave up and stood to the side, her head hung with shame and tears welling in her eyes as more ponies came into the room. The gilded garbs of the city guard strode inside all glaring at Shellac as they entered.

To their credit they didn’t level their weapons or made any move to arrest him, simply surround him until his back may as well have been against a wall. Raining watched with horror as the group cut him off from his supposed brother.

Shell could feel their eyes upon him, each pair a weight upon his back threatening to break his spine. It's funny, the night prior he was on top of the world. He’d beat the bad guy after giving it his all, and yet, never before had he felt so powerless, so confined with nowhere to go.

The last pony to walk inside however didn’t at all look like the rest. It was an earth pony with a pale, peach coat and with a silvery peppercorn mane, wearing a regal jacket of deep blue and royal red. Everything about him screamed important, from his well tailored attire to the guards surrounding him all the way down to very way he walked. He hadn’t spoken a word but Shellac could already tell he was a pony of significance.

One of the guards next to him began preparing some kind of spell as his horn lit up with light, but the regal pony turned to him and shook his head. The guard cancelled casting immediately and looked at him in shock, as if to say “Are you sure?” But the pony turned back to Shellac and pressed forward, leaning down a little with a slight smile. When he spoke he did so softly and with an accent that Shell recognised as the kind Canterlot’s top brass typically employed, the likes you’d only hear from a noble.

“Good morning, my name is Nut Cracker, what’s yours?”


“Do you have any other names?” He slowly spoke.

Old instincts kicked in and Shell hesitated, but reasoned there was little reason trying to hide anything anymore. “Thunder Chaser…just that one.”

“How old are you?”


“Are you aware why we are here?”

From the sidelines, Raining craned his head trying to get a sight of the situation, crying out before Shell could reply. “Please don’t take him away, Shell’s not a bad changeling!”

“Raining!” Gleaming blurted.

“No no, let the boy speak.” With a simple nod to a couple of guards, they opened a gap from which a surprised Raining nearly stumbled through.

“Wow, was not expecting that to work, uhmm…” Raining glanced between everypony, “Okay, ever since I met Shellac, he’s only ever been nice to me. He hasn’t said anything bad or tried draining my love or any of the bad changeling stuff I hear so much about. We went to the carnival together, had cotton candy, and when I got hurt he helped me! Shellac’s not a bad changeling, please let him stay!”

Raining practically jumped at the statement as Nut Cracked listened with a smile. Gleaming meanwhile winced so hard she could’ve pulled a muscle, her hoof unconsciously drifting to her chest area out of ghost pain.

So when the noble suddenly turned to her, she felt a weight under his gaze. “Do you attest to this Miss Gold?”

Gleaming moved her mouth, trying to get the proper arrangement of words out only to fail each attempt, in the end she simply nodded.

Shellac watched and witnessed how he was performing himself, between the questions, Lead and Gold. This wasn’t some typical meeting for the count, this was an interrogation. Maybe Nut Cracker won’t be so bad to him? Regardless, he only had moments to prepare himself as the count turned back to him.

“Shellac, may I see what “Thunder Chaser” looks like?”

The nymph again hesitated, feeling backed into a corner looking at the circle of guards around him at exchanging their own glances and glares. He didn’t want to give up his only disguise, he could work on a new one but that would need a new personality and…

He sighed in defeat, allowing the purple flames of his magic to slowly burn and envelop him. Chiten turned to coat, his frills flowed out into a springy mane and when it was all said and done, he looked up at the count with a hint of fatality in his eye.

Count Nut Cracker meanwhile seemed more awestruck and curious, Shell could even sense such. But he could only guess what was going through the noble’s head in that moment, even a couple of the guards behind him seemed surprised but he didn’t know why.

He wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.

“So this is Thunder Chaser?”

Thunder nodded.

Nut Cracked pulled out a small notebook from a coat pocket and flipped through its pages before settling on one specifically. “Purple coat, mohawk mane, pegasus, early tens. My, my, Shellac, you are a phantom aren’t you?”

“W-what do you mean?”

The noble smiled before putting away his book and locking eyes. “Let’s just say, you caused quite a commotion, there’s been a general notice to look for you ever since you blew the whistle on Cantermore Public Orphanage.”

“Wait that was you?!” Gleaming cried, before shrinking back down as Nut Cracker laughed and turned to her.

“Shellac here provided a great service to our community. When I heard a lone colt was responsible for bringing the corruption and neglect at the orphanage to light, I wanted to thank him myself. But much to my dismay, he’d already ran off by that point, and none of the guards could pick him up again.”

Thunder sheepishly grinned, feeling a tingle of pride come back with the memories.

“I had my suspicions, so when I was informed a purple changeling had been taken in, but slipped out, and of the situation surrounding this family, I simply had to see it for myself. Now then…”

The noble stallion once again faced Thunder with a smile and an air of anticipation. “Shellac, do you promise to stay loyal to this family and all they call friends?”

“Y-yes! Yes I do!” He hastily nodded. In the background he could almost taste the change in the air around Raining, his hope and excitement spiking as though he was being teased with the promise of Spell-Tag. Gleaming meanwhile kept her calm, if fatal demeanour before she to was faced by Nut Cracker.

“Miss Gold, do you promise to take care of this young colt as though he was your own?”

Her eyes widened and she starred in near shock, being too slow to see the writing on the wall and nervously curling a hoof through her mane. At most managing a smile followed by a whisper of a “Yes.”

“Then by the great power of the home office, consider this my Hearth’s Warming Gift.” Count Nut Cracker then pulled out a set of papers and presented them to Gleaming, who upon reading felt her jaw drop and her eyes somehow widen even further.

When the count pulled out a pen she struggled to will herself to sign it owing to her loose jaw. But slowly and surely she managed to pull it off with tears in her eyes.

Raining joined up beside Thunder as they curiously watched. “Mum, is everything okay?”

Gleaming gave the pen back and turned to them with a smile, a warm, genuine smile the likes of which Thunder hadn’t seen since she’d kissed him goodnight all those days ago. Indeed it looked like colour had just returned to the pegasus where it was previously absent.

“Everything’s going to be just fine deary.”

Thunder tilted his head. “What makes you say that?”

Nut Cracker turned around to show off the papers held in his mouth. The two colts began reading and similar to Gleaming, they both had varying levels of shock.

“I’m being adopted?!” Thunder cried.

“Ha! Told you! I told you they wouldn’t take you away!” Raining began prancing around the circle (much to the amusement of the guards) as he cheered to himself.

“Shellac’s staying with uhh-us, Shellac’s staying with uhh-us!”

“Calm down Raining, you're embarrassing me!” Gleaming chuckled, only for Thunder to but in. “Hey Lead, keep going!”

Gleaming sighed as Nut Cracker put the form away and left the room, turning back to them with his content grin. “Well it's nice to see a happy conclusion to this tale. I’ll be taking my leave but don’t forget Thunder, I’ll be watching your career with great interest.”

With that, the count and his escort left the room and headed outside one by one, careful to avoid the giddy unicorn bouncing around the room.

Once empty, Thunder laid back into one of the couches ready to melt as though he’d had another encounter with Copper Casing. It was a good kind of tired though and he felt a flutter in his chest, an invisible weight off his back he wasn’t aware of before and a wave of relief washed over him as he rested.

“It's over…it's actually over. No more scavenging, dumpster diving, hiding from guards. I’m actually…”
Slowly his eyes drift up to Gleaming and the still bouncing Lead, his smile growing as he saw them.

“Actually having a family…”

Gleaming trotted over and set down next to him, reaching a hoof around his shoulder and bringing him close. Her affection was sweet and tender, like finely made honey, going so far as to include her wing in the embrace like she’d done when they first met. The two locked eyes as Thunder looked up, trying to hold back another river.

“Is this real? Is this really real?” He asked.

“As real as everything else deary, you're with us now.” She solemnly smiled.

The dam broke and Thunder’s eyes began welling with tears of joy before leaning his head forward into Gleaming’s chest, returning the hug himself. Without skipping a beat Gleaming took him in and reached her other wing around, almost totally enveloping him in her presence like an angel in gold.

Raining had even stopped bouncing around to appreciate the moment, having nabbed a glass of fruit juice from the kitchen and now watching from behind the table.

Thunder mumbled his thanks between breaths and every time Gold simply squeezed him a little more, trying to savour the emotions just as much as her freshly adopted son. But as the minutes dragged on Thunder’s well dried up and chose to rest against her, not wanting the comforting safety she bought him to end.

Seeing his chance, Raining trotted on over and looked between the two, before to the tree with its myriad of decorations and more importantly to Raining, were its presents seated underneath. Gleaming spared a glance and quickly took notice.

“Yes Raining, you can open a few now.” She chuckled.

Yet as the colt switched his attention to and fro, he hesitated. He’d been waiting all year for this but…it didn’t feel right somehow, something was missing. Slowly, his smile briefly faltered as he took a sip from his drink and turned back to her.

“I don’t know Mum, It doesn’t feel right celebrating without Dad, can we go see him?”

Gleaming’s heart skipped a beat as she nervously looked between the two. “Uhmm…”

“Mum, Lance told me what happened and I’ve already gotten over it, I just want to see him.”

Thunder smirked as he looked up at her. “Yeah, he got over it In the most rational way possible.” The pegasus then turned to look at Raining with a knowing grin. “Didn’t you?”

Raining’s mind flashed back to his enraged attack on Lance, how his magic turned red with rage and in that moment, thought about doing many things to Lance his mother wouldn’t approve of.


“So I take it, he's at the hospital?” Thunder looked back to Gleaming, who despite having the dread of the reveal off her back still grimaced as she gathered herself.

“Well…yes, he’s in the intensive care unit and last I read he’s unresponsive. He’s had surgery but the doctors say it's too early to tell how he’ll recover, it could go either way.”

Raining winced as he took in the new information, never realising just how bad it was until now. But while he was struck with some of the same stress that had plagued Gleaming, Thunder’s ears perked up in interest.

“Hey, remember when I healed Raining? I might not be able to heal Casing like I did with him, but I can at least help.”

“I-I don’t know deary,” Gleaming rifled through her mane with a hoof. “If magic couldn’t heal Copper’s leg because of bone damage, then I don’t know what you’ll do to him, you might just make it worse.”

“You're forgetting something, I’m using a changeling healing spell, not a pony spell. We have hard chitin for skin in some areas and that can get cracked or fractured too. Let me at least try!”

Gleaming wanted to argue, yet, a part of her was hoping that it would work. And that one bit of hope ultimately won out.

“Okay, we can go visit, but I don’t want you taking any risks. We’ve only just adopted you and I don’t want to break what goodwill we have. If you can’t, you can’t, okay dear?”

“Okay Mom.” Gleaming’s eyes shot open and she blushed. “Your forgetting I can say that now, aren’t you?”

The mare’s only response was to awkwardly stare at him, half amused, half embarrassed. “I’d heard about the struggles of being a single mother, but wow I didn’t expect them to kick in so fast.”

“Then I guess we’re going to go help Dad? Hooray!” Raining shook a hoof in the air. “To the hospital!”

Thunder’s stomach then audibly grumbled and everyone collectively realised how much they’d neglected themselves. “Can we have breakfast first?”

“To the kitchen!”

Of all the places for Copper to go, Canterlot Royal Hospital was probably one of the best in Equestria.

It was this massive, towering stone and steel building, tall enough to kiss the clouds. with several of the upper floors having large balconies for aerial ambulances drawn by pegasi. It was where technology and magic were used in equal measure, with a healthy dose of alchemy. Like a melting pot of different practices with many staff members being zebras, griffons or in some rare cases, diamond dogs.

The inside was packed with patients waiting for their turn, various staff power walking through the door and after, some with clipboards in hoof or towing gurneys behind them.

Yet despite all of that, the air was remarkably calm for Equestria’s biggest hospital. Whether it was down to professionalism, the morning grind, Hearth’s Warming charm, or some combination of the three was anyone’s guess.

It was a mercifully short wait for the family as they were allowed entry and escorted to the area Copper was being kept. Gleaming had picked up some flowers which now dangled from her saddlebags as they trotted down the halls, while Raining and Thunder took in the sights around them, which, aside from the occasional decoration, wasn’t much.

They entered a ward where both sides of the room were compartmentalised by an array of medical curtains. Lending some level of privacy and quiet to the bed bound patients despite the subtle beeps of the machinery around them. The smell of stale air wafting into their nostrils made them take note of the total lack of windows or natural lighting the ward possessed.

Following the nurse they scanned the curtains ahead for any sign of Copper’s name, nervously anticipating what condition they’d find Raining’s father in. Was bound up within a full body cast strung up in the air like an action figure? Was he covered in stitches like some home repaired stuffed toy? Heck, did he still even have all of his limbs?

Thunder could take a guess and had his own worries, but they paled in comparison to Raining and furthermore Gleaming. The air around them was thick enough to be used as cement, totally drowning out any other emotion he could’ve sensed within the ward.

Before long the nurse stopped just outside one of the units and gestured towards its curtain. “Here he is, we’ve done all we could on short notice, but I’m afraid he’s still unresponsive. There’s a chance he may be aware but unable to respond.”

Gleaming turned to the nurse with a slight smile contrasted by her sunken eyes. “Thank you, we won’t be more than an hour.”

The nurse nodded and left as the trio headed in and saw with their own eyes what had become of dear Copper.

All four of his limbs were held in thick medical casts strung up by supports. His barrel and backside were covered by a bedsheet, leaving the attention to his head, which was held in place by a neck brace. On the side, a machine was rigged to his body alongside an IV drip, steadily reminding them that his battered heart still beat.

The three stood there humbled by the sight. Thunder glanced between Gleaming and Raining to gauge their reactions and was met with trepidation and empathetic sadness. “Dad…” Raining squeaked.

The colt trotted forward and climbed up onto a seat next to the bed where he could talk to his still father. Hoping that if nothing else he could bring himself some comfort. “Hey dad, it's me Raining. Happy Hearth’s Warming! Even if you can’t hear me right now.”

He grimaced and looked towards the other two, Gleaming gave him an encouraging smile while Thunder simply watched, walking around to the otherside of the bed.

“So…some stuff happened and now we’ve adopted Thunder. A noble dropped by this morning, he knew about him and we talked for a while and he says he can stay!” He forced a smile.

Yet despite Raining’s enthusiasm, he was only met with more quiet air, broken up by the mechanical beeping from behind Thunder. Sighing to himself, he continued.

“After you left, Thunder told us he knew about some special healing magic only he knew. It took all night but by morning we were as right as rain again! I know you didn’t really like him when you met but he wants to help.” Raining extended a hoof and placed it on the bed. “I know it might be scary, but please, trust him.”

He looked over to Thunder with a faint smile the pegasus knew was forced before nodding. Thunder in turn looked to Gleaming who peeked just outside the curtain to confirm no disturbance before going back and nodding herself, wearing no smile as her anxiety culminated into a paralysed statue of a mare.

She watched as Thunder shed his wings in exchange for a horn and shortly after, arcane swirls danced around it before trailing into Copper’s body. Raining saw colour quickly return to his father’s face but it took several minutes of slow, careful work for Thunder’s magic to do its job. All throughout Raining examined other parts of Copper’s body (that he could see) for any visible signs of improvement or decline.

They could hear his heart rate climb and drop to the rhythm of the machine in sync with his breathing, his chest rising and falling like a set of bellows. For the moment it seemed everything was going well, which was a good sign.

Gleaming checked outside and rechecked only half a minute later, she knew even the expedited version of the spell would take time, but her nerves were reaching a breaking point. She felt at any moment somepony could walk in on them and ruin the whole thing.

Worse still was the possibility of it failing and making her husband’s situation worse. Sadly, she couldn’t stop it now, so her only option was to let the spell run its course, hoping Thunder was as well versed in it as he’d claimed.

A full ten minutes ticked by before Thunder’s lavender light finally died down, swapping back to his usual pair of wings and returning to his chair, woosy from the expenditure.

Raining worriedly looked around, scanning for any sign of improvement but finding none. His smile doing little to calm his nerves.

“Di-did it work?” Thunder asked, silently hoping for a miracle.

Raining shrugged as Gleaming crept closer. “Not sure, hold on.” The colt cleared his throat and raised his voice slightly. “Hey dad? There was an accident and your models were broken.”

Copper’s eyes suddenly shot open and while the neck brace did hinder him, he tried to turn towards Raining with a glare powerful enough to melt steel.

“Just kidding.” His smile was no longer forced.

Thunder tried to stifle a barrage of chuckles as he facehooved, while Gleaming also tried to hide her growing grin with a hoof.

“Don’t scare me like that Raining,” Copper groaned, his voice low and grading like sandpaper. “You’ll give me a heart attack.”

“I mean,” Raining rolled his eyes to the side, “This is the best place for that to happen.”

Copper again groaned but with a smile. “Honey help, I’m being bullied.”

Gleaming couldn’t contain herself any longer and let out some light laughter, joining up beside Raining. “Good to see your sense of humour is still intact.”

“Wish I could say the same for my pride, that colt did me a number.”

The mare laughed again and bent down before giving him a kiss on the cheek, the affection like a sweet chocolate treat to Thunder’s senses.

“Well, if it’ll make your pride feel any better, it was actually a carrage that put you here.” Gleaming said with a smirk, which seemed to perk up Copper a bit.

“Hey dad?” Raining interrupted. “How much of that did you hear? Before you woke up.”

“Every word,” He smiled, “Every word Raining.” Copper then turned towards Thunder as best he could, trying to get himself comfortable despite his total lack of mobility.

“Hey Thunder? Thanks, for everything.”

The colt didn’t know why but the way he’d said it suddenly made him feel weak in the knees and sent a flutter through his chest. Was this what it was like to have fatherly praise? All his life he’d only known overseers and caretakers but this, this was different.

It almost brought a tear to his eye as he edged closer to the bed, careful to avoid poking at any of the wiring or castes cropping over the sheets. “Your welcome…”

There was a long moment of silence before Gleaming dug around her saddlebags, pulling out a small, velvet wrapped present with a bow on top.

“Here, the kids insisted you be the first to open anything today.”

Copper’s smile only widened as he took the present within his magic grasp, his horn thankfully still intact and fully functional. The first few attempts were met with it falling onto his chest as he re-learned how to use it, but he managed it on the third try and carefully unwrapped it.

Inside was a small box of stallion’s body shampoo.

“Thanks honey.” Copper said through gritted teeth.

Thunder suddenly sensed his anticipation melt into mild frustration and tilted his head in confusion. “What’s wrong Copper? Isn’t being gifted something good?”

“You’ll understand when you're older Thunder, trust me…”

Before he could press further, Raining also began digging through his pockets, having remembered something important. “Oh! Hey Dad, I think you lost this after the crash.” He then produced his long but not so lost copper plated pendant, which prompted Copper to widely smile in delight, enough to make Gleaming’s prior kiss seem mild by comparison.

“Wa-hey! Thanks Raining! Thought I’d lost that.” Copper then lifted it and placed it on the bedside table beside the shampoo bottle.

“No probs dad! We also kicked Lance’s butt and the guards are dealing with him.”

Copper let out a deep sigh of relief and leaned back into his bed. “About blooming time, I’m…so sorry you’ve had to deal with him for so long son. I honestly didn’t know how bad he was.”

Raining’s smile only grew as he quietly grinned at him in vindication.

“There are probably so many things he could say, but knows he’d never stop.” Thunder thought.

“It’s fine! Besides, we have Thunder now! He can help me make friends!”

“Heh, I’m sure he can Lead, I’m sure he can.”

Gleaming hunched over before giving him another kiss on the cheek. “We should get going, but I’m glad you're feeling better now dear. I’ll be sure to keep your presents tucked away until you're ready for them.”

“Thank’s hon.”

“Bye Dad! Get well soon!”

“Yeah same here, I’d love to try modelling when you're better!”

Copper giggled as he looked back to the pegasus. “Oh would you now? Well give it a few months and we’ll see.”

With that, the three cleared the room and went to the nurse waiting outside before being taken back to the entrance.

As they walked though Thunder felt something. No longer did he feel alone anymore, nor cold or scared. He’d braved the storm and now saw fit to reap its rewards. This was the beginning of a new life for him, this much he knew.

He breathed in the cold winter air of the outside but it wasn’t biting. Instead there was a calmness to his being he couldn’t describe, like a wave of gentle coldness washing over him, welcoming him to this new reality. Where before he was surrounded by monoliths of stone, glass and steel. Now at least, he finally felt welcome, that he could live here.

No more hives, no more overseers of changelings. No more streetside dumpster diving or hiding from guards. Canterlot for sure would become his new home, not just somewhere he lived.

There was still one question to be asked.

“So do you know what love tastes like?”

“I…still don’t know.”

“Damn it!"

Author's Note:

Just the epilogue chapter left and I gotta say it's been a ride. This story took a lot of energy and as I sit here and type this, I can only hope you're having as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

I wish I had the energy to write more here but I woke up far too early today.